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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

Weyne wendme ende keld chaw satlegn satsenabetegn latmeles hedk🥺 Koy eshi enes yalante man alegn mnew endezi chekenkbgn😣 Yoni ante eko neh ye betachn mebrat,ye sakachn dmket😢 Gn antem chekenkbn koy gn endet aschaleh uffffffffffff wendme wste eyarere nw tekatelkulh eko❤️‍🔥 Ante sathon egna nen yemotnew eyesak new yegedelken🤥eshi eyalkegn new gud yeserahegn😔alewlsh blehegn new eskemechereshaw latmeles yehedkew😞 Yoniye endet biye mehedken lmen yemren nw aktognal kahunu eyanafekegn nw semotlh wendme tenesana lk ende drow tekotagn🤬lk ende droachn enechawet yasalefkewn ngeregnmn endaskefah ngeregn ante eko gena lij neh le mot aldereskm yoniye tenesana weshet new almotkum belegn🤕yoniye tekatelkulh eko yalante aydelem betu mengedum aydemkm😓emetalew blehegn nbr eko mnew kereh ee yoni melselgna motk bilugnm ene alamnm etebkhalew🤧yoniye aderahn endatkerbgn eshi🤒demo betam ewedhalew💔💔💔 Ke erebashua ehth🥺🥺🥺
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
ወለጋ ሼር ይደረግ‼️  በምስራቅ ወለጋ ዞን በአንገር ጉትን ከተማ በአሁኑ ሰዓት አስቸኳይ የመንግሥት ድጋፍን ትሻለች። የኢትዮጵያ ቴሌኮሙኒኬሽን ኔቶርክ በማጥፋት የኦነግ ሸኔ ሐይል ግልጽ ወረራ ለመፈጸም በመዘጋጀት ላይ በመሆኑ መንግስት አስቸኳይ መፍትሔ ያስፈልጋል ሲሉ ኗሪዎቹ ገልጸዋል። @Liyu_Mereja @Liyu_Mereja
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
People Leave Because It’S Easier To Walk Away Than To Fight For What They Really Want.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
I got hurt one time. Pretty badly. And even though my outsides got better, my insides never did.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
People Who Hide Their Pain👀 Usually Cares The Most🥺✨ Isn't It?
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
You're the only one who treats everyone nicely but get treated like shit.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Sometimes I wonder who's gonna sit on my grave and talk to me for hours
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
The person who has the biggest impact in our lives stays for the shortest time.😔
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
I'm so sorry for coming into your life, I know I ruined it🥀
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
°•No one notices your tears, no one notices your sadness, no one notices your pain, but they all notice your mistakes...•°🙂🥀✨
Hammasini ko'rsatish...