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*This software company is called Rask AI, and its founder is Maria Chmir. It can translate the Chinese spoken in the video into 60 foreign languages, not only still using your voice, but also changing the lip shape. Currently accepting paid services. It’s terrible that technology has advanced to this point. Someone who has never said this can also make it look like he really said it. I can’t believe anything I see in the video in the future.* *这家软件公司叫Rask AI,创始人是Maria Chmir。 它可以将视频中所说的中文翻译成60种外语,不仅仍然使用你的声音,还可以改变唇形。 目前接受付费服务。 科技竟然发展到这个地步,真是太可怕了。 从来没有说过这句话的人也可以让他看起来像是真的说过这句话。 我无法相信将来我在视频中看到的任何东西。*
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Preacher died and talked to God, but, it wasn't what he expected! Worth listening and pondering!
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How safe are digital IDs? With increasingly sophisticated Generative AI and super chips coming out from the big 3 and now China, its going to require cyber security on steroids.
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10.21 MB
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*Register for this bilingual Zoom seminar here*: *在此注册参加此次双语 Zoom 研讨会*: *Speaker: Dr. Rev. David Instone-Brewer 大卫-因斯通-布鲁尔牧师博士* *Topic: What is Biblical Divorce and Remarriage?* *主题: 什么是符合圣经的离婚和再婚?* *Is divorce for abuse biblical? 因虐待而离婚符合圣经吗?* *Is remarriage after abandonment or abuse biblical? 被遗弃或受虐待后再婚符合圣经吗?* *Is being the active initiator of divorce biblical? 主动提出离婚符合圣经吗?* Rev Dr David Instone-Brewer was the Senior Research Fellow in Rabbinics and the New Testament at Tyndale House, Cambridge for 26 years having been a Baptist minister in the UK. In retirement, he continues to write, work on the NIV translation committee, and run Previous publications include Techniques and Assumptions in Jewish Exegesis Before 70 C.E. (Mohr, 1992), Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible (Eerdmans, 2002), Divorce and Remarriage in the Church (Paternoster, 2003) and Traditions of the Rabbis from the Era of the New Testament (Eerdmans, 2004). 大卫-因斯通-布鲁尔牧师博士 (Rev Dr David Instone-Brewer)曾在英国浸信会担任牧师,在剑桥丁道尔出版社担任拉比学和新约高级研究员长达 26 年。退休后,他继续写作,在 New International Version 翻译委员会工作,并运营 网站。曾出版的著作包括《公元前 70 年前犹太注释的技巧与假设》(暂译)(Mohr,1992 年)、《圣经中的离婚与再婚》(暂译)(Eerdmans,2002 年)、《教会中的离婚与再婚》(暂译)(Paternoster,2003 年)和《新约时代的拉比传统》(暂译)(Eerdmans,2004 年)。
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What is Biblical Divorce and Remarriage?By Rev Dr David Instone-Brewer 什么是符合圣经的离婚和再婚?大卫-因斯通-布鲁尔牧师博士

ACTS Agapetos Christian Training and Services will be hosting a talk featuring Rev Dr David Instone-Brewer. 爱培 爱加倍多基督教培训和服务 将举办一场由大卫-因斯通-布鲁尔牧师博士主讲的讲座。 Topic : What is Biblical Divorce and Remarriage? 主题 : 什么是符合圣经的离婚和再婚? Date : 14 Dec 2023 (Thursday) 日期 : 12月 14日 2023 (星期四) Time : 8PM - 10PM (1/2 Hours) 时间 : 晚上8点至10点 (1至2小时) Location : Zoom 地点 : Zoom Discussion : 1/2 Hour (10PM - 10.30PM) 讨论时段 : 半小时 (晚上10点到10点半) Language : English and Mandarin 语言 : 英文和中文 Organizer : ACTS Agapetos Christian Training and Services 主办 : 爱培 爱加倍多基督教培训和服务 Contact Person: +6018-2657173 Ps Lilian Yap (WhatsApp and Regular Line) 联络人:+6018-2657173 叶传道 Topics Covered : Is divorce for abuse biblical? Is remarriage after abandonment or abuse biblical? Is being the active initiator of divorce biblical? 主题涵盖 : 因虐待而离婚符合圣经吗? 被遗弃或受虐待后再婚符合圣经吗? 主动提出离婚符合圣经吗?

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He transforms the texts from being a series of mystifying, incomprehensible, and apparently random teachings into a coherent whole that makes Biblically and pastorally sense. He in no way minimizes the seriousness of divorce (in fact he affirms that every possible thing should be done to preserve a marriage)but he outlines a pastoral approach that makes sense. For me, the most astonishing thing was the understanding that in the Old Testament, a certificate of divorce was an explicit statement that the person is no longer married and is free to remarry (and indeed in that culture, remarriage would have been expected by the community). ~ Dr. Helen Riley, Clinical Psychologist with over 20 years of experience working in the National Health Service (NHS)of England. (Free Online Version) (Printed Version)
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*书评* *Divorce and Remarriage in the Church: Biblical Solutions for Pastoral Realities* by Rev. Dr. David Instone-Brewer "大卫-因斯通-布鲁尔(David Instone-Brewer)是当今研究第一世纪犹太教及其与《新约圣经》关系的最重要学者之一。在这本书中,他将自己的学术专长与教牧关怀融为一体;他以严谨的学识和基督徒的同情心解答了大多数最棘手的问题。他在这一主题上富有说服力的作品已经产生了深远的影响"。 ~ 克雷格-基纳(Craig S. Keener),阿斯伯里神学院新约教授 (Craig S. Keener, Professor of New Testament, at Asbury Theological Seminary) "戴维-因斯通-布鲁尔博士从古代文献中汲取新的见解,深入而又引人入胜地探讨了这一适时的话题。他以学者的头脑和牧师的心灵写作。神职人员、辅导员和教会理事会应该阅读本书,然后深思熟虑地思考他关于离婚和再婚的圣经观点的结论。正在思考婚姻、离婚和再婚问题的人也应该读一读这本书,因为它既带来了希望,也提出了挑战。 ~ 阿斯伯里神学院咨询学教授弗吉尼亚-托德-霍尔曼 (Virginia Todd Holeman, Professor of Counseling, Asbury Theological Seminary) "本书以学术研究为基础,为牧师、辅导员和普通人提供了圣经中关于离婚和再婚有连贯式的讲解。本书的宝贵之处在于它可以分几个层次来阅读--明辨的读者会欣赏书中大量的证据,从而得出自己的结论;而对'底线'感兴趣的读者会发现作者总结的离婚和再婚原则非常有用。书中的总结章节提出了一些有用的建议和问题,尤其适合小组讨论。我期待在我的家庭事工博士班上使用这本最优秀的书"。 ~ 富勒神学院社会学与家庭发展教授杰克-巴尔斯维克 Jack Balswick, Professor of Sociology and Family Development, Fuller Theological Seminary "这绝对是我读过的关于离婚和再婚这一争议性话题的最好、最有说服力的著作。 Instone-Brewer 博士从拉比文献、死海古卷和其他古代文献中收集证据,证明《圣经》允许(不是'命令',而是'允许')以通奸(或任何形式的性不道德)、疏于照顾或虐待为由离婚。疏于照顾照包括遗弃、不提供食物、不提衣物或夫妻之爱。作者在论述具体的真实案例时也非常实用,很有帮助。我强烈推荐这部作品"。 ~ NIV 圣经翻译委员会前秘书 Kenneth L. Barker 博士 Dr. Kenneth L. Barker, former secretary of the NIV Committee for Bible Translation "大卫-因斯通-布鲁尔(David Instone-Brewer)对圣经以及圣经的文字和文化背景了如指掌,不亚于当今世界上任何一位圣经学者。他将这种学术研究与牧师对人的爱心和对教会的委身结合在一起。在这一强大的组合中,他写出了一本有权威性的--也许是最有权威性的--论述当今教会生活中离婚和再婚问题的著作。本书的风格简洁明快、通俗易懂,这是本书的一大优点。很明显,这是一位牧师写给普通人看的。但在这种平易近人的风格之下,是坚如磐石的学术研究。我认为,《教会中的离婚与再婚》在未来几年将成为学者和牧师不可或缺的资料,并有望改革成千上万教会的做法。我对这本书表示最崇高的敬意"。 ~ 联合大学格雷夫斯道德哲学教授、《正确对待婚姻》一书作者戴维-P-古希 Jack Balswick, Professor of Sociology and Family Development, Fuller Theological Seminary "下次我再就离婚和再婚问题进行教学或辅导时,我就会直接去找这本书。 它不仅使圣经经文清晰明了,而且使如何教导这些经文也变得清晰明了。 ~ 戴夫-汉森,俄亥俄州辛辛那提市肯伍德浸信会 Dave Hansen, Kenwood Baptist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio 本书对《新约圣经》中关于婚姻和离婚的教导的来龙去脉以及《旧约圣经》中处理离婚的基本原则进行了深入浅出的学术阐述。他将这些经文从一系列神秘莫测、难以理解、看似在不同时候随机的教导转变为一个有连贯的整体,使其在圣经系统教导和牧牧应用方面具有意义。他丝毫没有贬低离婚的严重性(事实上,他肯定大家应该尽一切可能维护婚姻),但他也概述了一种有道理的教牧方法。对我来说,最令人吃惊的是,我了解到在旧约中,离婚证书是一个明确的声明,即说明当事人不再是夫妻,可以自由地再婚(事实上,在当时的文化中,再婚是社会所一定期待的)。 ~ 海伦-莱利(Helen Riley)博士,临床心理学家,在英国国民健康服务系统(NHS)工作了 20 多年 Dr. Helen Riley, Clinical Psychologist with over 20 years of experience working in the National Health Service (NHS)of England (免费英文网路版本 Free Online Version) (列印版本 Printed Version)
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Divorce and Remarriage in the Church

Divorce and remarriage are major pastoral issues facing every church. Yet when we turn to Scripture for guidance, we often hear conflicting messages about its teachings. David Instone-Brewer shows how the New Testament provides faithful, realistic and wise guidance of crucial importance and practical help for the church today.

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