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Revolutionary Aryanism

Revolutionary Aryanism is a channel where everything involving the revolutionary struggles of the Aryan race will be posted!!! Hail Victory!!!

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"Do not imagine that the jazz band would have created the culture that we have today. All that we see around us has been created by the collaboration of mental labor and physical labor over many millennia. And where do these inventors come from? Is there one significant invention that was made by a Negro? None at all. Even the most primitive work he has done he has borrowed from the White man. Today they train him until he can play a Wagner opera on the piano. That is more a proof of the trainer’s ability than the Negro’s ability. And it is like that with everything. A Negro can certainly clean a light bulb, but he can’t invent it." Adolf Hitler, Schleiz, Thuringia, January 18th, 1927.
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"We recognize the fact that the masses of Whites will never rally around radical politics. White people no longer have the ability to even recognize the enemy, so how could Movement adherents think the masses could ever involve themselves in revolution? The White masses don't recognize their enemies, they don't even care, and they don't have the guts to shed their bourgeois hang-ups." >Strategy For Revolution by Joseph Tommasi.
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🔥 14
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"It will probably be asked: “why not retain and incorporate the blacks into the state and thus save the expense of supplying by importation of white settlers, the vacancies they will leave?” Deep rooted prejudices entertained by the whites; ten thousand recollections, by the blacks, of the injuries they have sustained. The real distinctions which nature has made; and many other circumstances will divide us into parties and produce convulsions which will probably end in the extermination of the one or the other race." >Thomas Jefferson - Notes On The State Of Virgina (page 149).
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🔥 10 4
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".....our socialism is not materialistic or economic. It is based on the now almost obsolete concept of social duty, the idea that no man is an island and that along with rights and privileges we all have duties and obligations to our communities and to the culture and people into which we were born. This idea used to be commonly accepted to the point where no one questioned it; now it has virtually disappeared from our national life." >Our Socialism by Harold A. Covington
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💯 7👍 4🌚 1
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"National Socialism has made the re-establishment of a natural order of life a goal and has given the necessary government recognition to the validity of the laws of nature for man." >SS Race Theory and Mate Selection Guidelines.
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🔥 8
This is a probaganda poster of the Axis invasion of the USSR, it shows many European flags which represent the fact that the Axis invasion of the USSR, was a Pan European Crusade against jewish Bolshevism. This poster shows a valuable lesson which should be common sense to any National Socialist, WE NEED UNITY TO FIGHT THE KIKE, NEVER DISUNITY!!!! Yet in these times this is no longer common sense, but a dream. With the state of modern NS its no wonder why we havent won and cant win. We're too busy fighting each other over petty differences and engaging in outright subversive activity just to spite and defeat others who, at the end of the day, share the same end goal, a White National Socialist utopia. Then whilst we're debating online about whether Hitler was Christian or not, whether Nordics or Southern Europeans are better, whether a particular economic policy will work better than another, etc. Racially alien migrants are flooding White communities raping White children and leftists are taking over the education and political systems. Yet NO ONE is willing to take action because we're too busy with edrama and infighting. We should all be disgusted with ourselves, i know Hitler, Rockwell, Tommasi, and Pierce would be with the current state if National Socialism.
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🔥 11💩 2
This is a probaganda poster of the Axis invasion of the USSR, it shows many European flags which represent the fact that the Axis invasion of the USSR, was a Pan European Crusade against jewish Bolshevism. This poster shows a valuable lesson which should be common sense to any National Socialist, WE NEED UNITY TO FIGHT THE KIKE, NEVER DISUNITY!!!! Yet in these times this is no longer common sense, but a dream. With the state of modern NS its no wonder why we havent won and cant win. We're too busy fighting each other over petty differences and engaging in outright subversive activity just to spite and defeat others who, at the end of the day, share the same end goal, a White National Socialist utopia. Then whilst we're debating online about weather Hitler was Christian or not, weather Nordics or Southern Europeans are better, weather a particular economic policy will work better than another, etc. Racially alien migrants are flooding White communities raping White children and leftists are taking over the education and political systems. Yet NO ONE is willing to take action because we're too busy with edrama and infighting. We should all be disgusted with ourselves, i know Hitler, Rockwell, Tommasi, and Pierce would be with the current state if National Socialism.
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This groups ( and people) are full of Nordicist who calls Slavs, Italians, Greeks, Persians etc as subhumans. They like to mock European heritage ( calling statue of Frey as nigger art) and attack both Christians and Pagans (when confronted ) and causing division in multiple groups. Time to raid them and teach them a lesson. Thanks for sharing and joining our raid. @RaceFirstt @Odinets_the_pale
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NS Heathenry

Showing imagry of ancient symbolism and traditions in the Reich.

🤮 7🤓 3🖕 2🥱 1
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"Our problems today are not "American" problems, "British" problems, "French", "German" or "European" or "African" problems---they are problems of SURVIVAL FOR ALL WHITE MEN." In Hoc Signo Vinces by Commander George Lincoln Rockwell.
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Boshqa reja tanlang

Joriy rejangiz faqat 5 ta kanal uchun analitika imkoniyatini beradi. Ko'proq olish uchun, iltimos, boshqa reja tanlang.