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South Carolinian faced 115 years prison until ATF realized it had the wrong man Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2023, began just like any other workday for Bryan Montiea Wilson, a 33-year-old resident of West Columbia, South Carolina, who had never been in trouble with the law. At 6 a.m., Wilson began his shift at Harsco Rails on West Technology Drive, where he worked as a material processor for the railroad equipment manufacturer. A couple hours later, Wilson's supervisor found him on the facility floor and told him to report to the main office. Inside were two men and a woman, all wearing civilian clothes. They told Wilson they were ATF agents and that they had a warrant for his arrest. They never showed him a badge. Wilson was handcuffed and searched. He did not resist and complied fully with their demands. He told the agents he was diabetic, so they allowed his supervisor to retrieve a Pop-Tart, fruit juice and blood-sugar monitor from his locker. Wilson was walked out of Harsco in handcuffs. All of his coworkers witnessed his arrest. In the parking lot, Wilson saw two more agents searching his car. On the way to the federal courthouse, the agents allowed Wilson to call his brother, who notified his parents of his arrest. At the courthouse, Wilson was booked, fingerprinted and photographed. He was searched a second time; all of his personal property was seized, and he was locked in a holding cell by himself.
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South Carolinian faced 115 years prison until ATF realized it had the wrong man

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How Can a Christian Be a Libertarian? By Laurence M. Vance June 6, 2024 At the recent Libertarian Party national convention, principled libertarians like Michael Rectenwald and Jacob Hornberger were rejected as the Libertarian Party’s presidential nominee in favor of a homosexual, CDC libertarian who defends drag queen story hours, opposes legislation “to limit therapies and care specifically for young people who may be trans or nonbinary,” and thinks that “Lew Rockwell and his work is bigoted tripe.” It took seven rounds of ballots before cultural leftist Chase Oliver received the nomination with 60.6 percent of the vote. “I will continue to bring a hopeful and positive message of liberty to both those who consider themselves libertarian and those who don’t know they are libertarian yet,” said Oliver in his victory speech. War, Christianity, and... Laurence M. Vance Best Price: $8.95 Buy New $9.95 (as of 09:10 UTC - Details) But as Tom Woods has well said, Oliver “will attract zero disaffected right-wingers (and since no disaffected left-wingers are considering the LP, it’s a gratuitous minus with no upside), who will now simply hold their noses and vote for Trump.” And not only will Oliver attract even fewer Christians who can’t stomach Trump, he will further drive away from libertarianism conservative Christians, most of whom are registered Republicans. (Progressive Christians are a lost cause, and would no more identify as a libertarian than they would a conservative.) The appeal of Oliver outside of the Libertarian Party is important, for if the Libertarian Party wants votes, it must get them from not only libertarians, but disgruntled Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. The Libertarian Party and libertarianism are not the same thing. The Libertarian Party is a political party; libertarianism is a political philosophy.
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How Can a Christian Be a Libertarian? - LewRockwell

At the recent Libertarian Party national convention, principled libertarians like Michael Rectenwald and Jacob Hornberger were rejected as the Libertarian Party’s presidential nominee in favor of a homosexual, CDC libertarian who defends drag queen story hours, opposes legislation “to limit therapies and care specifically for young people who may be trans or nonbinary,” and thinks that “Lew Rockwell and his work is bigoted tripe.” It took seven rounds of ballots before cultural leftist Chase Oliver received the nomination with 60.6 percent of the vote. “I will continue to bring a hopeful and positive message of liberty to both those who … Continue reading →

Wikipedia: The Failed Experiment to Democratize Knowledge. “Character Assassinations,” Censorship, an Instrument of Global Corporatism By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null Global Research June 6, 2024 Wikipedia is the largest and most read reference source in the world. Billions rely on it every day for unbiased facts and truthful information. Unfortunately, what they often get are slander and lies. This poses an existential threat to society, because lies and slander corrode the fabric of society and harm all of its citizens, no less than they harm the ones who are lied about and slandered. If Wikipedia were a marginal website with little influence, it could be regarded as harmless, just as you might regard it as harmless to be bumped by a toddler on a tricycle traveling at a snail’s pace – but not if you were run down by a pizza delivery boy on an electric bicycle travelling at 30 mph. Because Wikipedia dwarfs every other reference source on the face of the earth not only in size but in influence, what is at stake is the very pollution of knowledge itself. What shall we do about it? Should Wikipedia be censored to prevent it from publishing lies and slander? Absolutely not. There must be no pre-publication censorship in America, not even for lies and slander. On the other hand, neither should their be immunity from the consequences of deliberately publishing lies and slander, especially if it harms innocent people. That is why we have libel laws. If Encyclopedia Britannica or the New York Times or NBC or Netflix or any other media platform not only published lies about someone, but also refused to correct those lies when given the correct information, they would be faced with a libel suit – which they would almost certainly lose and be forced to pay millions of dollars in fines. So how can Wikipedia get way with committing such brazen abuses of truth? How can Wikipedia deliberately lie about distinguished scientists, physicians and scholars – often ruining their careers – without facing multi-million-dollar libel suits? Because, curiously, Wikipedia is immune from libel suits. Under Section 230 of the Federal Communications Decency Act (CDA) of 1996, Wikipedia is classed as a “service provider,” not a “publisher.” Which means it is protected from liability for articles contributed by its “third-party” authors, whom the law naively presumes to be independent of control by Wikipedia ownership. But that is a legal fiction.
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Wikipedia: The Failed Experiment to Democratize Knowledge. 'Character Assassinations,' Censorship, an Instrument of Global Corporatism - LewRockwell

In this carefully researched article, Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null underscore the inadequacies of Wikipedia as a reliable source of information and knowledge. The free encyclopedia is created, edited and verified by an army of online volunteers whose credibility and integrity are unknowable, even questionable. The supposed separate entries for the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), Global Research ( and its editor-in-chief, Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, have been merged into a single Wikipedia item, which consists of unwarranted smears, unfounded claims and disputable accusations. Such efforts by the largest reference website, consulted by billions of people worldwide, are supportive of the Establishment’s global agenda, which aims to discredit … Continue reading →

Donald Trump’s conviction is nothing more than a ‘thrill kill’ After years of trying — in the words of the judge — “to get the damned rascal in this court,” it was a conviction that many welcomed. But those words were not from Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan, and the conviction was not that of former President Donald Trump. Rather they were from US Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase, at the end of the 18th century, when America embraced political prosecutions to target critics and opponents. The man on trial then was James T. Callender, a muckraking writer critical of President John Adams. For accusing politicians of corruption, Callender was charged with sedition, fined $200 and put in prison. It was one of the many political prosecutions carried out by the Adams administration.
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Donald Trump’s conviction is nothing more than a ‘thrill kill’

After years of trying — in the words of the judge — “to get the damned rascal in this court,” it was a conviction that many welcomed.

The other time a president prosecuted his political opponent In June 1918, near the end of World War I, the Socialist Party of America’s presidential candidate, Eugene Debs, delivered a scathing antiwar speech to a crowd in Canton, Ohio. Debs knew that he had to be careful in how he phrased his remarks, noting ironically that “it is extremely dangerous to exercise the constitutional right of free speech in a country fighting to make democracy safe in the world,” a reference to the Espionage Act that had been signed by President Woodrow Wilson the previous year, which made it a crime to criticize the draft. Though Debs called the idea that America was fighting to make the world safe for democracy “rot” and “humbug,” the word draft appeared nowhere in the speech. Nevertheless, Debs was arrested and charged with 10 counts of sedition. He was eventually found guilty of incitement and obstruction, and he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. (Wilson had a knack for imprisoning his political opponents.) The conviction of Debs, whose sentence was later commuted by President Warren Harding, received attention in 2016 after then-presidential candidate Donald Trump threatened to put political opponent Hillary Clinton “in jail” if he was elected president, citing her use of an unauthorized personal email system while she was secretary of state. “We don’t jail our political foes here like in tin-pot, third-world banana republics or dictatorships,” Chicago Tribune columnist Eric Zorn said.
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The other time a president prosecuted his political opponent - Washington Examiner

Since the conviction of Eugene Debs, American politicians have largely refrained from using the state to target opponents. At least, they had.

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The Lore Lodge You Were Lied To About Killdozer In November 1991, Marvin Heemeyer took a vacation to Grand Lake, Colorado, fell in love, and decided to make it his home. Less than a year later, in April of 1992, he found himself the owner of a muffler shop he never intended to buy. Six months later, he tried to be a good citizen and connect the property to the town sewer system. What followed was a decade of delays, miscommunications and lies which ate away at Marv's business and his hope. In July of 2002, Marv stumbled across an auction ad for a Komatsu D355A bulldozer. Around this time, Marv began to perceive that he - and his bulldozer - were to be the instruments of God's retribution against the corrupt. Two years later, on June 4, 2004, after welding himself inside his heavily modified Komatsu, Marv Heemeyer, a reasonable man, was compelled to do unreasonable things. Welcome back to the Lore Lodge...
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You Were Lied To About Killdozer.mp4249.73 MB
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“It’s Not You, It’s Me!” By Karen Kwiatkowski June 4, 2024 A strange anti-logic is driving Washington today, and it cannot be explained solely by the military industrial complex, late-stage empire, metastasizing corruption or so-called colonial capitalism. We see it in a bifurcated legal system that targets and punishes enemies of the “current” state – but this is not anti-logical. The state, wherever it prevails, predictably protects its actors and players, while fending off competitors. The health of the state is war, and not just war with other countries, but war between gangs competing for “free” state resources, malleable state authority, and rent-seeking advantages. What we deride as “Banana Republics” is actually all states, wherever they exist, to one degree or another. The legal tools chosen and exercised against the Clinton, Bush, Biden/Obama Crime syndicates are not the same as those chosen and exercised against Trump, and those seen as Trump allies. The legal tools exercised against those who assist the state are very different than the ones used against those who expose the state. Lawfare is old news, and well-practiced in the United States, as elsewhere. We see it in the push for overseas and domestic intervention by Washington, an expression of state control over that which it does not own – yet this is also not anti-logical. The state, like any bureaucracy, grows organically, steadily and at times urgently. It correctly senses that any stasis knells weakness and death – so growth is a tier-one mandate. Thus, we see Washington claim the global future and seek to define it. Washington decides which countries or parts of countries will be lackeys, and which will be enemies. Washington decides where it will drop its bombs, where it will manipulate or destroy governments, which people will be murdered en masse, and which people will be subsidized and protected.
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'It’s Not You, It’s Me!' - LewRockwell

A strange anti-logic is driving Washington today, and it cannot be explained solely by the military industrial complex, late-stage empire, metastasizing corruption or so-called colonial capitalism. We see it in a bifurcated legal system that targets and punishes enemies of the “current” state – but this is not anti-logical.  The state, wherever it prevails, predictably protects its actors and players, while fending off competitors.  The health of the state is war, and not just war with other countries, but war between gangs competing for “free” state resources, malleable state authority, and rent-seeking advantages.  What we deride as “Banana Republics” is … Continue reading →

No Honor Among Government Thieves: The Evil of Asset Forfeiture The practice of law enforcement agencies in the United States seizing private property is one of the clearest examples of how much power the government has been permitted to gain. Although the idea of forcibly appropriating the assets of citizens as punishment for violation of the law has been practiced on the North American continent for hundreds of years, for a long time it was only used infrequently and was generally ignored by law enforcement. There were only a handful of timeframes and circumstances when civil asset forfeiture was used with any regularity, such as in enforcement of the British Navigation Acts of the 1600s or of Prohibition laws in the 1920s and early 1930s. The excessive outgrowth of the predatory practice of asset forfeiture as we know it today has been a relatively recent development. The spark that started this wildfire was the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984, part of an appropriations bill signed into law by President Ronald Reagan. This piece of legislation vastly expanded the ability of law enforcement to use asset forfeiture. For example, it authorized courts to issue warrants for property seizure in the same way they would issue search warrants—which is to say, based on probable cause rather than criminal conviction. Citizens could now lose their property without having been found guilty of any crime. It also allowed courts to order the forfeiture of “substitute assets” if the original property deemed to have been associated with a crime was not able to be seized. (See Title III of this Act for a comprehensive list of allowances made for asset forfeiture.)
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No Honor Among Government Thieves: The Evil of Asset Forfeiture

Asset forfeiture is another term for state-sponsored theft. Reform of this pernicious policy is almost impossible because of the incentives set up by governments at all levels.