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New Jersey First Channel

Welcome to New Jersey Audit Channel. We are American Patriot owned and have joined together to Keep America First. Our mission is to educate Patriots on forensic Audits in America and State Election Integrity.

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LIVE: President Trump Unveils his South Carolina Leadership Team in Columbia, SC – 1/28/2023

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, is joined by Governor Henry McMaster, Senator Lindsey Graham, members of the South Carolina congressional delegation and state lawmakers as he unveils his South Carolina Leadership Team. Broadcast is expected to begin at 2:30 PM ET. Tune in starting at 2:30 PM ET

Repost from America First
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LIVE: NHGOP: President Trump's visit to New Hampshire on Saturday, 1/28/23

Saturday, January 28 2023 - 9:30am ET. Concord, NH - New Hampshire Republican State Committee announces former President Donald J. Trump as Keynote Speaker at 2023 Annual Meeting. Chairman Stephen Ste

Repost from America First
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Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Repost from America First
If you’ve been following us then you know how deep the corruption goes. When Trump was talking about our country having cancer he wasn’t lying. Our country is is so corrupt that almost every where you look is compromised. Almost all jobs and industries. People you know are corrupt. People are living all kinds of lives behind closed doors. This is my second life behind closed doors, but I’m doing good. Relationships are not intact because of technology. They’ve desensitized us and taken away humanity to the point where people look at other people as disposable instead of human beings. We are at Stage FOUR cancer. Donald Trump is doing that he can to save our country. We have to help him and we have to tell everyone we know about how deep the corruption is. People are also about to start experiencing mass lay offs. If we don’t tell people now and then this all gets turned inside out, people will be psychologically destroyed. I did this research over a span of 1.5 years and there were times I couldn’t look anymore because it made me so sick to my stomach. Normal people that have no clue what’s going on will have to be snapped out of their reality. It will be like throwing a bucket of ice water on someone. The most humane and helpful things we can all do is tell people what’s going on. Show them the research and connect the dots. I would start by understanding the concept of money laundering and how they do it. They use FEMA disaster relief funds and funnel it through insurance companies and the pentagon. They use insurance companies to wash money. They use non profits to wash money. They use orphanages and charities to wash money. They use churches to wash money. Nothing is safe from this cancer. It’s everywhere. Please do your fellow brothers and sisters a favor and start giving them information in relation to what Trump is putting on TS. I do my best to work that out for you since I understand most of the Comms. Once you see the same names over and over you too will know how this system works. Most importantly, PRAY FIERCELY not only for our nation and the world, but man kind. When all is said and done, we will all be looking for a comforting shoulder to cry on. Please be there for everyone that you can. Even if you fought with them about politics, at the end of the day we are all one race of human beings. We weren’t made to be hateful. LOVE and KINDNESS is what the world needs right now. Of course we are all ready for the flood gates to bust, but please remember you DO NOT just get to stand and watch. You must serve others and be there for them. Just like when Moses parted the Red Sea and everyone helped the children and elderly cross the sea before the Egyptians caught up. You have to put in that gritty work to get everyone back in. I heard a quote the other day. “God did not drag you through the pit and save you for you to not go back in and get more people out” and that is the truth. It’s not about YOU OR ME. It’s not about self. It’s about helping others and guiding them to the comfort of the Lord. You were put on this Earth at this time to be sort of an Earth Angel. To come out of the shadows when Dark comes to Light to comfort and heal those in need. Remember though you have to be effective and move quickly in order to save others. Don’t get wrapped up on one person to the point where you can’t pick up more. It’s time to be Fishers of Men. Start reading over the research channel so you can educate others. Share the research channel with your friends and family even if they don’t have telegram. As always, I love all of you and we are going to WIN BIGGLY.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...

A dive into all of the actors over the decades that have steered our country to what it is today. We’ll continue to add research as we come across new findings.

Repost from America First
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Merry Christmas to all of you AMERICA FIRST PATRIOTS! We love you and cherish you! God bless American and God Bless Donald J. Trump. NEVER FORGET THE REASON FOR THE SEASON. “For unto you a child is born”
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Repost from America First
Don’t forget to browse our research channel. We have tons of research and are busy with life right now. It would take months to go through all of this research, but it will help you understand a lot of what’s going on. AFA loves you always!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...

A dive into all of the actors over the decades that have steered our country to what it is today. We’ll continue to add research as we come across new findings.

Repost from America First
I’m guilty of wanting things to be done and not having patience. I SUCK at patience. Like REALLY suck. BUT, if there’s one thing I’ve learned on this journey, things happen, and then when we reflect later, we can see what’s really going on. Last night I was excited of course for TRUMP to be back, but I want him back NOW. I’ve fought so hard alongside hundreds of thousands of Patriots here on telegram for 1.5 years trying to Save America. I’ve given it my all. I’ve never given up, even when I should have. I was facing the giants alone. BUT, I wasn’t alone. God never left my side and he also showed me I still had admins that I could trust. They helped me. We helped each other. We MADE IT! They tried to drive us crazy and it almost worked. BUT GOD. I had people giving my address out and I have two kids under 6 at home. Ron Watkins sent people to my house because he thought my kids were at school and I had to call the cops. These people were really trying to take me out and I said like any good ol Texan would- “COME AND TAKE IT YOU MOFO”. I’ve never wavered from come and take it. I’ve also never wavered on FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS. God put every single one of us right here FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS. He knew I could take the heat because I’ve been through trials before. He knew it would be the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but he knew I could do it. It was never about me. In a TINY capacity, I identify with Trump on a VERY SMALL scale. I was trying to save every State in the Union and I neglected my own. I couldn’t keep everyone afloat and I finally had to tell everyone that if they cared about their state, then STEP UP. This is our issue. We also look to someone else to fix and provide. We become complacent and we put our trust in MAN not God. I trust God and he never used ONE MAN to change the entire world WITHOUT people to help. Even JESUS had disciples. There is ONE KING. He does not live here. BUT HE IS HERE ALWAYS. He is the ALL SEEING EYE. No satellite compares to his vision. You have got to stand up RIGHT NOW and take your country back. You have to organize with your communities and start holding people accountable locally. Lawsuits. File them. This is the time where we fight and FINISH. We have to finish for our children and the generations to come. I started this journey for my children, and I’m not stopping now. Last night was a check mate. There’s more POWER in things that were unsaid, than said. Learn that everything serves a purpose and DJT is a STABLE GENIUS and he has a team of the best of the best Patriots. I know because they came to me and saved me and readied me for war. He confirmed that last night when he said WE WANT OUR CARTERS. He check mated all these telegram shit heads that tried to ruin us. If you want to SAVE AMERICA, get off telegram and start taking your country back PEACEFULLY. Trust GOD. He will never ever forsake us. Ever.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Repost from America First
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This is for Texas, but other states should amend this with their TRUMP TRUSTED elected officials.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Repost from America First
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🔴 WATCH LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Holds Save America Rally in Sioux City, IA - 11/3/22

Thursday, November 3, 2022: Join the RSBN broadcast crew LIVE from Sioux City, IA for all day coverage of President Donald J. Trump's SAVE AMERICA rally. LIVE Coverage begins at 1:00 PM ET. This rally

Repost from America First
Don’t forget to follow the research channel! I don’t post as much as I was, but there’s TONS of info on there. It all needs to be seen.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...

A dive into all of the actors over the decades that have steered our country to what it is today. We’ll continue to add research as we come across new findings.