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In The Flux

关于文化、艺术与技术的信息流 A place of radical sharing on art, culture and technology 投稿&联系 @flowfeedbackBot 经常技术控,忍不住会时评,日常好奇心,文化观察员,吐槽苦手,综合解闷方案。 会的太杂了,真不好意思。 艺术我爱之深,恨之切 #不是新闻 #Whisper #Haiku

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Azure AI Speech launches Personal Voice in preview

Today at Ignite 2023 conference, Microsoft is taking customization one step further with its new 'Personal Voice' feature. This innovation is.. Anna's Archive收购了一批独特的750万/350TB中文非虚构图书,比Library Genesis还要大。我们愿意为LLM公司提供独家早期访问权限,以换取高质量的OCR和文本提取。
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Anna's Archive收购了一批独特的750万/350TB中文非虚构图书,比Library Genesis还要大。我们愿意为LLM公司提供独家早期访问权限,以换取高质量的OCR和文本提取。

🎉 2 谢烨,作为主语的谢烨,不作为顾城附属的谢烨
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🔥 4 Foundations for Social Change 和 University of British Columbia进行了一项研究,直接给50位无家可归者7500加元,看看他们会怎么使用这些钱。结果发现: 1. 与大家想象的不同,无家可归者并不一定会乱花钱,受试者更多把钱用到了日常生活所需。有了这笔钱,他们也更快地搬进了稳定居所,并存到了来年需要的钱。(说什么穷人会乱花钱的背后,其实就是认为穷人穷是他们自己的责任,其实就是在推卸社会的责任。) 2. 直接给这些无家可归者发钱,实际上反而节省了社会针对这些人所要支付的福利支出,平均每人可以节省8277加元。(直接给钱经常被批评是无效的,但实际可能并非如此。) 3. 研究团队准备扩大实验的范围,看看这些结论是否仍然有效。
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A Canadian study gave $7,500 to homeless people. Here’s how they spent it.

The results show the power of cash transfers to reduce homelessness.

👍 3
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诚意向各位推荐钢琴家 Alice Sara Ott,怎么说呢,有点迷上了
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Alice Sara Ott: Tiny Desk Concert

Tom Huizenga | July 14, 2023 When Alice Sara Ott walked into our Tiny Desk office space she was fascinated by all the knickknacks and doodads musicians have left on the shelves over the years. She immediately got to work, folding an origami swan, which would be her own contribution. But first, it was given pride of place atop our trusty Yamaha upright — a talisman of good things to come. “Music is timeless,” the 34-year-old German-born pianist told the audience. And to prove it she served up nearly 200-year-old music by Chopin mixed with a contemporary work that looks back in time by the Canadian composer, pianist and genre-buster Chilly Gonzales. “If we perceive music as old, dusty and elite, or if it feels modern, relevant and inclusive to us, depends so much on the context,” Ott added. Chopin, whose cycle of Opus 28 Preludes dominate the set list, still sounds remarkably relevant today. Ott opens with a hurricane of passionate anguish in the Prelude No. 24 in D minor. She stabs at the music’s final inky black notes, like pounding nails in a coffin. What follows couldn’t be more contrary: the Prelude No. 7 in A major Ott describes as charming and innocent, like a “fragment of a memory.” Gonzales’ own Prelude in C sharp minor has Bach in the rearview mirror and yet looks out ahead toward ambient music and minimalism. Without pause, Chopin’s famous “Raindrop” Prelude, with those insistent, nervous droplets, caps off a concert by a thoughtful pianist willing to inject a full measure of emotion into music that demands it. SET LIST Chopin: Prelude Op. 28, No. 24 Chopin: Prelude Op. 28, No. 7 Chilly Gonzales: Prelude in C-Sharp Major Chopin: Prelude Op. 28, No. 15 “Raindrop” MUSICIANS Alice Sara Ott: piano TINY DESK TEAM Producer: Tom Huizenga Director/Editor: Kara Frame Audio Engineer: Neil Tevault Creative Director: Bob Boilen Series Producer: Bobby Carter Videographers: Kara Frame, Sofia Seidel Audio Assistant: Jay Czys Production Assistant: Alanté Serene Photographer: Elizabeth Gillis Tiny Desk Team: Suraya Mohamed, Josh Rogosin, Maia Stern, Joshua Bryant, Hazel Cills, Ashley Pointer VP, Visuals and Music: Keith Jenkins Senior VP, Programming: Anya Grundmann #tinydesk #nprmusic #alicesaraott

2👍 1
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image_2023-08-19_01-47-58.png2.76 KB 不要在一昧地追求要写得像「母语者」了,实际上,写作能力和掌握一门语言的能力既相关又并非完全相同,我们也许需要多看看非母语写作者们的故事,以借此去蔽。
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Stop with the “native speaker” writing “advice” (opinion)

Stop telling students to have their essays checked by a native English speaker, Kino Zhao writes.

Boshqa reja tanlang

Joriy rejangiz faqat 5 ta kanal uchun analitika imkoniyatini beradi. Ko'proq olish uchun, iltimos, boshqa reja tanlang.