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NotMafia Official

Just a young mind kid who love to code. -- @CodingLogs

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Ma'lumot yo'q30 kunlar

Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

Obunachilar o'sish tezligi

Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

This is an API for unluac. It's made for (GG); If you don't know what is it. then just run it and play with it otherwise don't bother. the Key expire after a day. do you want a key? because 1 week Key = $3 1 month Key = 5$ 1 year Key = 10$ DM : @BBBB4 (NotMafia)
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
unluac-API.lua0.01 KB
url = ''; local function tohex( str ) return (str:gsub( '.', function( c ) return string.format( '%02X', string.byte( c ) ) end )) end script = 'do print(\'hello, world\') end' script = string.dump( load( script ), true ) -- dumped. c = gg.makeRequest( url, nil, 'ver=new&data=' .. tohex( script ) ) if not c or c.code ~= 200 then return gg.toast( 'can\'t connect to server' ) end -- -- --data after decoding binary. print(c["content"]) This is an 'unluac'-API for Game Guardian. keys are ('data' & 'ver') data need to be in hex ! ver is the version of the unluac. there are two versions. ("old", "new"). in default it's "old". It's helpful for "one click dec scripts". note the api might expire or delete it self. and Made by NotMafia ;D
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
A reverse tool for Obfuscated "Lasm" files, it does not target a specific obfuscation. it targets and tries to undo most files as possible. Features? it can dump each function and rewrite's it inside the original file. Many others. Common questions why its slow on "GG"? its slow cause "GG" uses java language and many other operators that slows down the memory, use "AndLua" much faster cause it uses C language much faster in seconds instead hours. Why does it repeat codes? this issue is still under maintence and no plan to solve it in future coming. Why does it not work? if it does not then make sure you select a .lasm file instead of A binary. and clean the extra spaces. is it copyright claimed ? No, you can freely take it and change everything. its open source tool made by a young mind Developer and remember ! we will never gonna give you up and let you down !
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
#NeverGonnaGiveYouUp.lua0.14 KB
-- @MentionsAllBot A bot that can mention all users in a Supergroup. add the bot to you're group and enjoy spam tagging all the users. :)
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
I wasted my time trying to make A reverse dumper. It dumps the functions that can be reversed. sometimes works, sometimes Not. it dump them into files. check the path's inside output and input before using.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Repost from X Official
who is the best leaker?Anonymous voting
  • Max
  • Asdroids
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0 votes
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Hello, NotAshor, ♱ use /mention to mention all users. Note, it only works on supergroups
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Boshqa reja tanlang

Joriy rejangiz faqat 5 ta kanal uchun analitika imkoniyatini beradi. Ko'proq olish uchun, iltimos, boshqa reja tanlang.