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𝗧hree 𝗠acska, OPEN!!

status = OPEN jam operasional 08.00 wib - 23.00 wib. contact person @threemacskabot help fw ke @joyiierobot channel testi @macskas_archive

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[To all BA mutuals, as well as those who accidentally saw this message. Can you please forward this to your channel? Thank you] PHILOMENA HIRING MALE TALENT ONLY!! 1. The most important thing is to Subscribe to @philocmena. 2. Nawaitu, Nawaitu dan Nawaitu. Jangan lupa bertanggung jawab. tp jangan hanya di awal saja. 3. Tidak dalam masa sibuk ataupun kelas akhir. 4. Tidak suka ghosting sprti mantan, tidak cepu & dapat di percaya. 5. Dapat diajak berdiskusi ataupun ber interaksi sesama talent, tidak kaku humble, friendly & talkactive. 6. Bukan akun clone ataupun mata-mata. 7. Available VN,OTP maupun IC idol & anime issa+++ 8. Berlaku untuk akun CA/BA/FA/PA. Tetapi tidak untuk akun RP. 9. Siap untuk menaati aturan agensi dan harus bisa berbaur sesama talent. 10. Sedang tidak terikat di banyak agensi, max 3 agensi (termasuk philomena) If you are included and can follow the written rules, please fill out the form below: Nama + username : Alasan Join : (selain jobless/ BU) Available for : (vn,otp, ic anime/idol, bilingual, etc) Sudah masuk di berapa agensi: (Sebutkan Jumlahnya dan mention agensinya.) (auto copy) SEND TO @HiringTalentPhilo_bot Jika ada yang mau di tanyakan silahkan Ke @philosopi atau @philoasstbot, Semangat !💘
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
[ dearest my beloved ba mutuals, can you help me forward this message? ] hi everyone! aethernim is back with new image, and new theme and turn out to canelies! canelies will be open start from Mon, 05 July 2021. [ 🥐 ] Providing carrd, icons, wording, and manips! take your note and see you soon!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
promote canelies .mp417.42 MB
[ untuk semua mutual BA ku, boleh minta tolong forward this message to your channel? thank you !♡ ! ] Hallo!! ketemu lagi sama @Puppybies (◕દ◕) kita bakal open lagi lho tanggal 03 Juli 2021 jam 12.00 WIB. Pastinya akan ada katalog baru yang ngga kalah lucu sama yang sebelumnya. Di batch kedua kita, kita bakal adain promo icons💗, setiap icons diatas bakal dapat potongan harga sebesar Rp 2.OOO nih, khusus tanggal 03 Juli aja lho😁, jadi jangan sampai ketinggalan, yuk langsung cek katalog & formatnya di @archivepuppybies abis itu langsung send ke @puppybiesbot 🙆‍♀, eitts sebelumnya jangan lupa cek tnc dulu yaa!! Happy shopping puppies (●’3)♡(ε`●)
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
[ for my mutual BA , or anyone who sees this message , please fw ] @mowchily @mowchily @mowchily @mowchily @mowchily Eyyow ! @mowchily new catalogue pada hari Kamis 1 juli 2021 , @mowchily menyediakan berbagai macam profneeds . Yuk liat liat catalog di bawah ini ✿ Handraw ✿ Shapes ✿ Scenery ✿ Cyber ( icons ganteng ) So what are you waiting for, let's shop at our store, before ordering make it a habit to read TnC and send the format to @coccymelon
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
send form langsung ke @threemacskabot, jngan lupa baca TnC nya dulu
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
[To all our dear BA mutuals, or whoever saw this message, can you please help us to spread this to your channel?] Pleasant day to comrades who stumbled upon this message! Noblesse Palace calling you to join our " FREE RENT FOR 1 DAY " on 2 July 2021 at 20.00 WIB Noblesse palace memanggil para dumangnia untuk membantu kami dalam menilai kinerja calon Monsieur dan Madame di Noblesse Palace. Kami akan memberikan Free Rent selama 1 hari dengan banyak slot yang tersedia Kritik dan Saran yang jujur dapat membantu kami dalam mencari talent dengan kualitas dan intergritas yang tinggi. Jadi, mohon bantuannya untuk @LaaNoblesse yang lebih baik kedepannya. Warm regards, @LaaNoblesse
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
[Dedicated to my kind mutual BA's or anyone, can you help me forward this message to your BA channel? Thanks a bunch! 🩰♡ ] ‎Lipstick is really magical. It holds more than a waxy bit of color - it holds the promise of a brilliant smile ☻, a brilliant day, both literally and figuratively. @Pinkieish providing your needs with passion and affection at affordable prices and guaranteed qualities, and finally i re-opened with a new theme on July at 10.00 WIB. Here provides of services such as listed in the catalog. So what are you waiting for? let's go shopping, fellas! Don't forget to read TNC and send ur best form in here @pinkieish_bot have a wonderful day tele - lings! <33
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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send form langsung ke @threemacskabot, jngan lupa baca TnC nya dulu
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Boshqa reja tanlang

Joriy rejangiz faqat 5 ta kanal uchun analitika imkoniyatini beradi. Ko'proq olish uchun, iltimos, boshqa reja tanlang.