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Deborah Birx confirms efforts to SUPPRESS COVID-19 lab leak theory Former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx has confirmed that there were indeed efforts to suppress the theory that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) may have leaked from a laboratory in China's Wuhan province. "I think early on, people did take very definitive sides and it did divide along party lines. We're still suffering from that four years later," Birx told CNN's Kasie Hunt in an interview. She cited the example of former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Director Dr. Robert Redfield. Early on in the pandemic, Redfield suggested that the virus could have started in a lab. But the media and other health officials dismissed his remarks. "I do think it happened, if you look at what people said about Redfield and how they disparaged him as a scientist because he wanted to bring forward the lab leak potential. I think the reason he felt he needed to bring it forward … was to push against this idea of 'it had to be this way.' Because we didn't know, and we knew we would never know," Birx said. "I mean, we knew that China was not transparent. So we were not going to get an answer. But that shouldn't have held us back 4.5 years later from both ensuring that we protect against lab leaks and we protect that public." Birx also emphasized the reality of lab leaks and advocated for stricter rules and guidelines to prevent future incidents. "We have to put different rules and regulations and guidelines in place to protect the public. We can do that. We've done that before," she said. Fauci denies suppressing COVID-19 lab leak theory Meanwhile, former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony Fauci denied suppressing the lab leak theory during a congressional hearing. He also mentioned the "uncertainty" about the origins of SARS-CoV-2 when he appeared before lawmakers. "We're at a place where we can definitely say we do not know if it was from a lab or zoonotic, from animals," he told members of the House COVID-19 Select Subcommittee. "It's our opportunity to really decide as a global community how we're going to control laboratory experiments in a way that protects the public." Redfield also discussed the ongoing debate over the COVID-19 pandemic's origins in a lengthy interview with Fox News contributor Dr. Marc Siegel. The former CDC director, himself a virologist, pointed out that COVID-19's efficient human-to-human spread contradicted the behavior of earlier coronaviruses – insinuating potential manipulation of the pathogen. "That's not consistent with how other coronaviruses have come into the human species. It does suggest that there's an alternative hypothesis that it went from a bat virus, got into a laboratory where … it was taught and educated. It evolved so that it became a virus that could efficiently transmit human to human," said Redfield. According to the erstwhile CDC head, he does not think it is plausible that the virus jumped from an animal to a human. He also expressed disappointment in what he described as a "lack of openness" within the scientific community to "pursue both hypotheses." Redfield also doubted the integrity of the World Health Organization, which concluded in a joint report with China released in March that a lab leak was "extremely unlikely. He argued the global health body was "too compromised" by Beijing's influence to conduct a truly transparent investigation. "Clearly, they were incapable of compelling China to adhere to the treaty agreements that they have on global health because they didn't do that. Clearly, they allowed China to define the group of scientists that could come and investigate. That's not consistent with their role." Join and share πŸ‘‰@NaturalNewsMedia
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Facebook post suggests jurors LEAKED Trump verdict… judge issues inquiry letter to attorneys A Facebook post has sparked speculations of a mistrial on former President Donald Trump's hush money case conviction of 34 felony charges in Manhattan. The said social media comment implied that jurors were discussing plans to find the ex-president guilty before delivering their verdict. Juan Merchan, the New York judge who was overseeing the trial, sent a letter to the prosecution and defense attorneys about the message. "Today, the Court became aware of a comment that was posted on the Unified Court System's public Facebook page and which I now bring to your attention," the judge opened his correspondence. The user, named Michael Anderson, wrote the post that read: "My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted heart emoji Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!" It sparked confusion on a New York Unified Court System's Facebook page, with analysts asking, "Did one of the jurors discuss the case with others when they were not allowed to?" Meanwhile, Trump supporters could not help but cry a "mistrial" as they called authorities to strike out Trump's conviction from the record. A Trump campaign official said "We're investigating," when asked about Merchan's letter. Trump could appeal how he was charged in the Manhattan hush-money case According to some experts, how Trump was charged in the Manhattan hush money case could be one of the strongest arguments for an appeal. "I'm assuming that the Trump team is going to have a robust appeal with several arguments starting from the pre-trial process, through the trial and possibly the sentencing," Fordham University School of Law professor Cheryl Bader told ABC News. "I think they're going to make any potential argument that they can on appeal." Trump was charged with the crime of falsifying business records and it was considered a misdemeanor. However, prosecutors charged the former president with a felony, arguing he falsified records with the intent to conceal another crime. "I think the statute is at risk of being declared unconstitutional because the statute that charged the former president with the felony does not say what that other crime is that elevates the misdemeanor to a felony," Randy Zelin, a Cornell Law School professor, told the media outlet. Trump could also potentially argue that the charges were unconstitutionally "vague" based on the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. "In a criminal law setting, if a statute is too vague, as to inform the average citizen what actions would cause criminal liability, it would be void, because it's vague and how I would say it applies here would be, it'd be very hard for any attorney before Donald Trump's trial to say that we would know, or be aware of, or could even advise a potential client that federal election laws, which a state prosecutor doesn't have jurisdiction over -- could be used to elevate a misdemeanor, that has passed the statute limitations, into a felony, that is within the statute of limitations," Brian Buckmire, an ABC News legal contributor, said, "It's a little bit vague as to how the prosecutors did that – I can see why they did that – but I think there might be a constitutional argument for void for vagueness there." Join and share πŸ‘‰@NaturalNewsMedia
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Bill Barr: The Trump guilty verdict is unfair to voters

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​​Google API leaks reveal search giant RIGS results for COVID, election to favor hand-picked narratives Someone leaked Google's secret API code this past week, revealing the extent to which the search engine giant is willing to go to censor the truth and rig elections. The secret ranking factors, of which there are about 14,000, provide deep insight into Google's search operations, which up until now have been hidden. Some longtime speculation and assumptions about the API are already being challenged as the leak exposes the ugly truth about Google's censorship schematics. A May 5 email from someone claiming to have access to a significant and verified leak of Google's API documentation wrote that former company employees verified the code as authentic, even though much of it directly conflicts with public statements made by Google employees over the years. For a considerable while, Google denied employing what Great Game India describes as "click-centric user signals," which the leaked API suggests is happening. Google also denies: - Considering subdomains separately in rankings - Creating a "sandbox" for newer websites - Collecting and considering a domain's age When Google publicly denied all this, natural skepticism arose. Now, we have the API leak to verify what many said for years was a spate of lies and deception from the world's most recognized search engine. Chrome is spying on you The source that gained access to the leaked API issued a series of claims, some of which appear extraordinary. We will unpack some of them for you here for your consideration. First off, Google's search team is said to have recognized a need in the company's early years for full clickstream data on a large number of web users, all to improve the company's search engine result quality. Clickstream data, by the way, means a log of every URL visited by a browser. To accommodate this, Google utilized a system called NavBoost, as confirmed by Pandu Nayak, Google's vice president of Search, that gathered data from Google's Toolbar PageRank. When this was not enough, Google eventually unveiled a spy browser called Chrome in 2008. "NavBoost uses the number of searches for a given keyword to identify trending search demand, the number of clicks on a search result ... and long clicks versus short clicks," reported Great Game India. If you use Chrome, Google is also spying on your cookie history and logged-in Chrome data, as well as using pattern detection, also known as "unsquashed" clicks versus "squashed" clicks in the API data, to fight manual and automated click spam. "NavBoost also scores queries for user intent. For example, certain thresholds of attention and clicks on videos or images will trigger video or image features for that query and related, NavBoost-associated queries." Not only does Google examine users' clicks and engagement on searches before the main query but also after, this referred to in the API as a "NavBoost query." "For instance, if many users search for 'Rand Fishkin,' don't find SparkToro, and immediately change their query to 'SparkToro' and click SparkToro. com in the search result, SparkToro. com (and websites mentioning 'SparkToro') will receive a boost in the search results for the 'Rand Fishkin' keyword," Great Game India explained. "NavBoost's data is used at the host level for evaluating a site's overall quality (my anonymous source speculated that this could be what Google and SEOs called 'Panda'). This evaluation can result in a boost or a demotion." Join and share πŸ‘‰@NaturalNewsMedia
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β€‹β€‹πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ» Read the beginning of the article πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ» Currently, the Democrats flood the fake news media with the mantra that Donald J. Trump is attempting to destroy democracy. It must be opposite day every day for the Democrats. The Democrats in Washington DC are currently doing everything they can to destroy freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press, freedom of voting in legitimate elections, all while they try to instigate World War III with Russia. It is unbelievable the lengths to which the Demoncrats go to propagate race wars in America, hatred between straights and gays and utter contempt for anyone who believes in God. It seems as though if you are not atheist, or at least agnostic, you are not allowed to be a liberal these days. That's why we must bring to you this. Top 10 things Democrat politicians are completely guilty of doing that they're accusing Trump of doing 1. Election corruption (CCP-Biden-marked mail-in ballots, Dominion Voting machine flipping, dead people voting, illegal immigrants voting, Democrats voting multiple times in multiple states, etc.) 2. Quid-pro-quo (coercion) of Ukraine 3. Sex Crimes (compare the "dossier" to child trafficking using open borders and war chaos). Also consider the $17 million in taxpayer money paid out to cover up sexual harassment charges against our Congress. 4. Storing classified documents loosely at home or personal office (Biden is guilty and, unlike Trump, never had the authority to be in possession of said documents.) 5. Contesting elections (only Democrats can investigate election corruption) 6. Destroying democracy (dismantling infrastructure, curriculum and the constitution) 7. Propagating riots (think Jan. 6th with cops gas-bombing and killing protesters) 8. Fascism (the real fascists run the nation now, including Obama and Soros) 9. Racism (CRT, gender "fluidity", race-baiting, restitution, BLM, Antifa, etc.) 10. Embezzling (check the Military Industrial Complex and Medical Industrial Complex) Join and share πŸ‘‰@NaturalNewsMedia
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Top 10 things Democrat politicians are GUILTY OF DOING that they’re accusing Trump of doing Most Democrats still think that the Democratic Party is a legitimate political party that represents American's interests, rights ideals, but nothing is further from the truth. The Democratic Party has been taken over by terrorists who are trying their very best, right now, to destroy the Republic, most of its citizens, and annihilate the very constitution that binds everything together. Democrats simply cannot see it, at all. They've been blindsided and brainwashed so completely by their fake news that everything they hear and read that's candy-coated with orange-man-bad theory, well, they just gobble it up like an obese child eating birthday cake for breakfast, lunch, dinner and of course, desert. From 2016 - 2020, fake news ran Trump-Russia-Collusion lie 24/7/365; now Trump is being arrested, convicted and sentenced for questioning 2020 election Pretty much every Democrat politician, fake news producer, news reporter, news anchor, website owner and poser journalist for the Left should be arrested, convicted and sentenced to prison time for challenging the 2016 election, according to their own standards they are using to put Trump away right now. There are thousands and thousands of hours of media coverage proving this, and millions of printed and published "news" stories covering one of the biggest lies ever perpetrated to try to impeach a U.S. President, and it worked. If Trump goes to jail, so should every Democrat politician, lunatic pundit, news anchor, reporter, Antifa member and Black Lives Matter "activist." The Democrats accused Trump of coercing Ukraine while a video circulated of Biden actually doing exactly that with billions in taxpayer funding Yes, as the Democrats accused President Trump of colluding with Ukraine in some kind of impeachable scandal, a video circulated PROVING demented Joe Biden leveraged a billion dollars in aid to Ukraine, threatening to withhold it, if Ukraine's top prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, did not stop pursuing Biden's crackhead son Hunter for corruption. While former VP Dark Brandon oversaw foreign policy in Ukraine, his porno-and-crack-addicted criminal son Hunter served on the board of Burisma Holdings, the biggest gas company in the satellite democracy. In order to save his son's job, reputation and possible jail time, hair-sniffer Joe threatened to hold back on giving Ukraine (Obama's gift of) a billion dollars, unless Shokin backed off. It was all caught on video and went viral, proving yet again that whatever the Democrats accuse Trump of doing, they do themselves. @NaturalNewsMedia πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ» Read more πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»
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β€‹β€‹πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ» Read the beginning of the article πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ» The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit is the federal court of appeals and is headquartered in San Francisco, California. The Ninth Circuit is by far the largest of the 13 U.S. Courts of Appeals, covering a total of nine states and two territories, with 29 active judgeships. They just reversed (misapplied) a precedent set by a old previous case called Jacobson v. Massachusetts, that had to do with smallpox jabs being effective at preventing disease spread. This allowed the medical industrial complex to force-vaccinate Americans based on that theory (without any scientific proof, mind you). Since Covid-19 mRNA "vaccinations" do NOT effectively (or at all) "prevent the spread" of the virus, the court ruled that they cannot be called vaccines anymore. A vaccine is defined by the CDC themselves as β€œa product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease.” The term "vaccination" is defined as β€œthe act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.” Believe or not, Big Pharma never tested the jab to see if it prevents transmission, yet every medical doctor, scientist, fake news pundit and the fake President himself (hair-sniffin' Joe) regurgitated repeatedly the phrase about getting the vaccine so you won't catch (and die) from Covid. Guess what? Vaccines are weapons. Weapons. High court rules mRNA is not a vaccine, and maybe that's because it's actually a biological weapon of mass destruction You may not have heard yet, because the mass media (fake news) industrial complex will never let this be a headline story, or a story at all anywhere, but the man who drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act (BWAA) categorizes mRNA nano-particle injections as WMDs. Oh yes he did. Law Professor Dr. Francis Boyle, a Harvard-trained professor and author of the BWAA has issued an affidavit DECLARING Covid-19 mRNA injections as "biological weapons" and "weapons of mass destruction." So much for discrediting the whistleblower, with those kind of credentials, they'll only discredit their own concocted conspiracy theories even more, about jabs being "safe and effective" and the "holy grail" of medicine. Come to find out, they are one of the most dangerous things a human being's body can be invaded by. Taken over by. Exterminated by. According to the proper classification of Covid "vaccines," they are classified as the following: Biological Weapons 18 USC Β§ 175; Weapons and Firearms Β§ 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023); Federal Crime of Treason 18 USC Β§ 2381; Treason Β§ 876.32 Fla. Stat. (2023); Domestic Terrorism, 18 USC Β§ 2331; Terrorism Β§ 775.30 Fla. Stat. (2023); Murder Β§ 782.04 (1)(a) Fla. Stat. (2023); and Genocide 18 USC Β§1091; Join and share πŸ‘‰@NaturalNewsMedia
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High court rules Covid mRNA jab is NOT A VACCINE, so what is it? Pro-jab zealots love the word "vaccine" because they believe it's the only way for humans to survive the virus-filled planet where anything can kill you at anytime, like polio, measles and the Wuhan virus, a.k.a. Covid-19. Vaccines are said to be the holy grail of medicine and the CDC recommends all children get 70 injections before age 7, and starting on the day of birth (think hepatitis jab here). Now, come to find out, all 270 million Americans who got at least one Covid spiked-prion jab received not only a dirty vaccine, but something that doesn't even qualify for the term "vaccine." So what the heck did they all agree to? There's a twisted, demented experiment going on with 85 percent of all Americans, and it has to do with tricking human cells into creating millions of nanoparticles, forever, that clog the blood, disrupt the CNS and catapult cancer cells. Oops. Sorry about that, says the CDC, FDA, WHO, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, school systems and millions of employers across the nation. It's the vaccine apologist bandwagon, and it comes too little, too late. The Covid jabs are NOT vaccines at all, and a high court has ruled this, because the gene-mutating injections DO NOT meet the medical definition of vaccines, since they DO NOT prevent the spread of the virus. Dirty vaccines contain and create contaminants inside the human body, propagating disease and disorder, instead of creating protection through immunity against it Do you REALLY know what mRNA means? You've heard plenty of false-narratives about it, from when they first rolled out the non-vaccine jabs. Everyone was told they do NOT change your DNA. That was a bold-faced lie. Everyone was told that the spike proteins remain at the site of injection. Lie. Everyone was told they prevent the spread of the virus. Another jab fib. Everyone was also told you can't catch Covid if you get the "vaccines." More bunk. @NaturalNewsMedia πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ» Read more πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»
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CBP agent warns Biden’s immigration executive order will NORMALIZE arrival of 2 million migrants annually A senior Customs and Border Protection (CBP) source has suggested that President Joe Biden's latest executive order will not significantly curb the influx of illegal immigrants at the southern border. Instead, it will only normalize the entry of two million migrants annually. The executive order, titled "A Proclamation on Securing the Border," was signed on June 4. The order, which seeks to address the surging numbers of migrant entries into the United States, stipulates that asylum applications will be denied when the seven-day average of migrant apprehensions at the southwest border exceeds 2,500 per day. However, the CBP source, who spoke anonymously due to a lack of authorization to discuss the matter publicly, argues that this threshold could still allow nearly a million migrant apprehensions per year without limiting asylum eligibility, particularly if cartels or the Mexican government manages border crossings to stay just below this threshold. The CBP source also stated that "lawful pathways" implemented during the Biden administration have already allowed the entry of nearly one million additional "legal" migrants at U.S. ports, who often enter the country unnoticed. These pathways, the source claims, have accustomed U.S. citizens to around 2,400 crossings daily through land ports and airports, with asylum claims not being more rigorously vetted than illegal crossings. Moreover, the source mentioned that the new executive order does not address the 800 to 1,000 migrants evading capture daily. These lawful pathways, strategic illegal crossings under the threshold, and "gotaways" could result in over two million migrants entering the U.S. annually without even facing the order's consequences. "Some of the statements contained within the order are outright lies," the source added. "The order attributes low migrant crossings in 2020 to travel restrictions placed by other countries during the COVID pandemicβ€”that’s a lie. Strong enforcement policies put in place under the previous administration lowered the crossings from previous years in 2020. Under the Trump era Title 42 COVID-19 authority, we removed three million migrants that reached our borders and most countries didn’t care who headed to the United States illegally." Trump's campaign and GOP lawmakers also dismissed the new executive order In February, Senate Republicans voted against a bipartisan border security deal that included most of the provisions Biden passed anyway in his executive order. The deal aimed to invest $20.2 billion in improving border security by providing an additional $6.8 billion to CBP, $7.6 billion to Immigration and Customs Enforcement and $4 billion to Citizenship and Immigration Services. Since then, Biden has been contemplating his next move, which led to the latest executive order. Biden will incorporate some parts of the bipartisan Senate border deal, such as capping asylum requests once encounters reach a certain threshold. The administration also aims to direct migrants to seek asylum at ports of entry via the CBP One app, which schedules around 1,450 appointments daily. Trump's campaign criticized the order, saying it would be ineffective and that Biden could shut down the border with a single executive action if he truly wanted to. Trump has labeled illegal border crossings as an β€œinvasion” and blamed Biden for recent violent crimes by migrants, despite numerous studies showing that immigrants generally commit violent crimes at lower rates than native-born Americans. Even GOP lawmakers largely dismissed the executive order as an election-year maneuver that would do little to change the realities on the ground. "President Biden's Executive Order is nothing more than a desperate political stunt to try and stabilize his plummeting poll numbers," House Republican leaders said. Join and share πŸ‘‰@NaturalNewsMedia
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Sanctuary City Mayor Now Pushing Biden To Do Something About Illegal Aliens

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β€‹β€‹πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ» Read the beginning of the article πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ» While the total amount of these royalty payments is currently being disclosed (right now the total over 15 years is $1.036 billion) many of the details of the transactions remain redacted. The NIH contends that this kickback information is somehow a top-secret national security issue, and the American taxpayers have no right to see how corrupt this agency really is. For these reasons, no one can say with certainty that the NIAID scientists benefited directly from Pfizer, Moderna or Johnson and Johnson. However, Moderna has settled with the NIH and agreed to pay over $400 million to them in a separate deal, so the vaccine companies likely bought great influence at the NIH and NIAID. This is apparent, considering Mr. Anthony Fauci’s forceful, deceptive and totalitarian behavior during the covid-19 scandal. Fauci’s deceptive, totalitarian actions indicate the NIH has been bought and sold Fauci not only quashed any scientific inquiry into the origins of SARS-CoV-2, but he has also stonewalled Congressional inquiry into the unethical money laundering schemes that were carried out through the NIAID. Moreover, he continues to promote the scandalous narrative that COVID-19 vaccines saved millions of lives and were safe and effective. Further inquiry must force the NIH and NIAID officials to become transparent about these royalty payments, to better understand which multinational Big Pharma companies are wielding influence over the U.S. government. Further accountability must ensue, with evidence presented directly to government health officials that the vaccines and the associated mandates were a complete failure that suppressed efficacious treatments, caused further medical problems, and increased iatrogenic error. Issues can be resolved if transparency is enforced. Senator Rand Paul’s Royalty Transparency Act will help unredact secret payments and unwind this network of corporate and foreign influence inside the NIH and NIAID. Government officials and their colleagues who benefited financially from their own policies of subjugation, coercion and obfuscation should be punished to the highest extent of the law. Agencies such as the NIH need to be gutted of their conflicts of interest, and all future royalty payments should be terminated and all past royalties refunded. These powerful outside influences must be investigated. These elaborate, clandestine kickback operations have destroyed scientific integrity in the U.S., have put the scientific method in peril, have discredited public health and destroyed lives in the process. Join and share πŸ‘‰@NaturalNewsMedia
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SCIENTIFIC INTEGRITY DESTROYED: Fauci’s NIAID received $690 Million in kickbacks during his COVID-19 vaccine mandates A bombshell lawsuit has forced the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to release information they kept concealed regarding royalty deals the government health agency made with private industries and foreign bodies. Mr. Anthony Fauci’s flagship agency – the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), was the main beneficiary of these kickbacks. The NIAID received upwards of $690 million in royalties during Fauci’s rollout of COVID-19 vaccine mandates (from 2021 through 2023). NIAID scientists take kickbacks, selling out science While most of Fauci’s vaccine mandates were eventually ruled unlawful by courts across the nation, he and another 260 NIAID scientists were able to pocket a shocking $690 million before Fauci himself fled off into retirement. These were payments made by private pharmaceutical companies that sought to buy influence within the government so they could speed up the authorization and licensing process for their drugs, vaccines and medical innovations. The NIH’s vast network of royalties and government favors has been concealed until recently. OpenTheBooks. com sued to uncover the kickback schemes dating back to September 2009. From September 2009 to October 2021, there were upwards of 56,000 transactions from Big Pharma companies to the NIH and its scientists. The amount pocketed by the government scientists was over $325 million and included kickbacks from vaccine companies paid directly to NIH director Francis Collins and NIAID director Anthony Fauci. This destruction of scientific integrity multiplied during the covid-19 scandal. NIAID scientists took in record kickbacks during a time when specific treatments were being censored, when unlawful mandates were enacted by Anthony Fauci’s Federal Coronavirus Task Force. These record kickbacks took place during a time when specific pharmaceutical interventions were being dictated to hospitals around the country, when vaccine injuries and sudden deaths were disregarded as conspiracy theory. @NaturalNewsMedia πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ» Read more πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»πŸ‘‡πŸ»
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