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🚀 Unlock the Power of Intensity Interval Training at Home! Discover the amazing benefits of Intensity Interval Training (IIT), a workout strategy designed to boost your fitness and health by mimicking the body's natural "fight or flight" response. By tricking your body into thinking it escaped a predator, IIT activates various physiological responses to enhance your well-being. Key Benefits of Intensity Interval Training: - Boosted Metabolism: Engages your metabolism, burning calories even after the workout. - Increased Muscle Efficiency: Enhances the muscle's ability to use oxygen and nutrients. - Improved Cardiovascular Health: Strengthens the heart and improves blood circulation. - Enhanced Fat Loss: Promotes efficient fat burning by tapping into fat stores. - Mental Resilience: Builds mental toughness and endurance. 💡 **How to Do Intensity Interval Training at Home:** 1. Warm-up: 5-10 minutes of light aerobic activity like jogging in place or jumping jacks. 2. High-Intensity Intervals: 20-30 seconds of maximum effort exercises such as sprinting, burpees, or high knees. 3. Low-Intensity Recovery: Follow each high-intensity interval with 60-90 seconds of low-intensity activity like walking or slow jog. 4. Repeat: Cycle through the high and low-intensity intervals for a total of 20-30 minutes. 5. Cool Down: 5-10 minutes of stretching to relax your muscles and lower your heart rate. 📝 Helpful Tips: - Start Slow: If you're new to interval training, start with shorter high-intensity periods and gradually increase. - Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how you feel. If you're too fatigued, take longer rest intervals. - Mix It Up: Keep your workouts interesting by varying exercises and intensity levels. - Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout. Start your journey towards a healthier, stronger you with Intensity Interval Training! 💪
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The Golden You: Exploring Gold in the Human Body This intriguing video delves into the fascinating concept of gold within the human body and its potential benefits: Gold in Humans: Ever wondered if there's gold in you? It turns out, trace amounts of gold are naturally present in our bodies. Potential Benefits: Hypothetically increasing the gold content might enhance certain body functions, potentially improving health, energy, and cellular processes. Scientific Studies: Research suggests that gold nanoparticles can interact with cells in new and beneficial ways, though the exact impacts are still under exploration. Explore the intersection of natural biochemistry and advanced scientific hypotheses about enhancing the human body's natural potential with gold. 🌟🧬🪙 See: Colloidal Gold - be careful, most colloidal gold is made with chemicals and not electrolysis like it should be. Either make it yourself or be patient as we have something in the mix. Colloidal means metal suspended in water - When gold is broken up into nano particles it gets quantum entangled with the H2O (water) thats why you never see it separate and accumulate on the bottom of the glass/bottle. Also they teach arsenic is poison. Could it be a supplement in small doses? More research is needed. This video on Instagram:
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Repost from Disclosure HUB
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🌟 Unlocking Ancient Secrets: Qi Gong and Taoist Energy Manipulation (4 minute mind blower) This enlightening video, explores the ancient practices of Qi Gong and Taoism, focusing on how they allow humans to manipulate the body’s energy: Qi Gong and Taoism: Discover how these age-old practices leverage the body's natural energy pumps. Energy Manipulation: Studies have shown that humans can consciously control and manipulate the energy within their bodies, a skill developed and refined over centuries. Hidden Wisdom: This powerful knowledge about energy control has been kept secret for years, only now coming to light. Dig and Uncover these mysteries and see how science is beginning to validate what practitioners have known for centuries. 🌬✨🧘‍♂️ Video of news paper mystery man: Videos of Mantak Chai teaching how to activate pumps: This video is dedicated to "Tee" — YOU CAN DO IT!!🚀🧬🤓
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🌿 Plants Communicating and Healing: The Story of Chanca Piedra the kidney stone smasher In this fascinating video, we hear how plants seemingly communicate with people under the influence of Ayahuasca, specifically revealing the medicinal properties of Chanca Piedra: Ayahuasca Experience: Exploration of how people under Ayahuasca influence report receiving messages from plants. Chanca Piedra Revelation: The plant Chanca Piedra allegedly communicated its ability to "smash" kidney stones to Ayahuasca users. Mainstream Skepticism: Despite initial disbelief from the medical community, traditional knowledge supported the plant’s use. Scientific Validation: A study eventually confirmed Chanca Piedra's effectiveness in breaking down kidney stones. More details about this groundbreaking study are shared within the video. 🌱🔍🧪 More knowledge at This video on Instagram:
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Repost from Green Mountain Greenery
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🚨 The Hidden Dangers of Yoga Pants! In this revealing video, uncover the troubling truth about the harmful chemicals found in many yoga pants: Absorbent Nature: How yoga pants can absorb and retain dangerous chemicals. PFAS Forever Chemicals: Explanation of PFAS, also known as "forever chemicals," and how they accumulate in the body over a lifetime. Health Risks: The potential long-term health consequences of wearing chemically-laden fabric. Stay informed and protect your health by learning the hidden risks in everyday apparel. 🧘‍♀️🚫🩳 This video on Instagram:
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Steam Distillation of Cannabis: drinking the hydrosol Primary Water-Soluble Compounds in Cannabis Hydrosol Terpenes: Linalool: Known for its floral and lavender scent, it also has anti-anxiety and relaxing properties. Pinene: Contributes a pine-like aroma and has anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator effects. Humulene: Offers anti-inflammatory and appetite-suppressant properties. Cannflavin A and B: Unique to cannabis, these flavonoids possess anti-inflammatory properties, stronger than those of aspirin in certain contexts. Quercetin: A flavonoid with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral effects. Kempferol: Known for its antioxidant activity and potential in reducing cancer risk. Aldehydes: Cinnamaldehyde: Provides a warm, cinnamon-like aroma and has antiseptic properties. Benzaldehyde: Contributes to the characteristic almond scent and has potential antioxidative properties. Phenols: Phenol Derivatives: These compounds generally exhibit antiseptic properties and can help in preserving the hydrosol. Alcohols: Terpinen-4-ol: Known for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, commonly found in tea tree oil as well. Menthone: Found in peppermint, it provides a cooling sensation and can assist with digestive issues. Esters: Linalyl acetate: Known for its calming effects, commonly found in lavender. Acids: Amino Acids: May be present in trace amounts, contributing to the hydrosol’s bioactivity. Applications and Benefits. Skincare: Cannabis hydrosol can be used as a toner or facial mist, helping to soothe and hydrate the skin. Aromatherapy: Due to the presence of terpenes and aldehydes, cannabis hydrosol can be used in aromatherapy for its relaxing and anxiety-reducing effects. Anti-inflammatory: The anti-inflammatory properties of flavonoids make the hydrosol beneficial for conditions like arthritis or skin inflammations. Cleaning Agent: Due to its antimicrobial properties, cannabis hydrosol can be utilized as a natural disinfectant. In a Dark Refrigerator: Cannabis hydrosol can typically last 6 months to 1 year when stored under optimal conditions—dark, cool (around 4°C or 39°F), and in a sealed container. Can preserve it even longer (up to 2 years) by making it 20% alcohol (500ml hydrosol to 133.33ml (95%) Ethanol Alcohol (drinking kind). Suggested Dosages for 150lb Adult: 1-40ml daily (10ml multiple times) (instagram)
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🌱 Hydroponically Grown Food in Schools Discover the future of school nutrition with hydroponically grown food! Implementing hydroponic systems in schools offers numerous benefits for students and the environment. Why Hydroponics? Nutrient-Rich: Produces fresh, healthy vegetables year-round. Educational Tool: Hands-on learning about sustainable farming and science. Environmental Impact: Uses less water and no soil, reducing the ecological footprint. Local and Fresh: On-site growing ensures the freshest produce for school meals. Enhances student health and learning. Promotes sustainability and environmental awareness. Provides fresh, local food with minimal resource usage. 🌿 Empower Future Generations with Sustainable Farming! #Hydroponics #SchoolNutrition #SustainableAgriculture #HealthyEating #GreenSchools
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🌿 Discover the Benefits of Jewelweed! Unlock the natural healing powers of Jewelweed! This vibrant plant, often found near streams and damp areas, is renowned for its soothing properties. Jewelweed is frequently used to relieve skin irritations, especially from poison ivy, and can also help with inflammation and minor injuries. 🌸 Benefits: - Alleviates itching and irritation. - Reduces inflammation and swelling. - Natural remedy for poison ivy and insect bites. Where to Find It: Jewelweed thrives in moist, shaded environments like forests and near water sources. Look for its distinctive orange or yellow flowers and succulent stems. 💧 Nature's Remedy at Your Fingertips! #Jewelweed #NaturalHealing #HerbalRemedies #SkinCare #Nature
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🛏 Sleep Better: Turn Off TV & Black Out Lights at Night For optimal sleep, it's crucial to turn off your TV and eliminate all light sources before going to bed. Health Benefits of Sleeping in Pitch Black: Improved Sleep Quality: Exposure to light can disturb your natural sleep cycle. Studies show that even a small light can reduce sleep quality by 50%. Melatonin Production: Melatonin, the sleep hormone, is best produced in complete darkness. This hormone is essential for regulating your sleep-wake cycles. Reduced Health Risks: Poor sleep linked to light exposure can increase the risk of conditions like obesity, diabetes, and depression. In fact, research indicates that people exposed to light at night have a 20% higher risk of developing such conditions. Statistics: 70% of people exposed to artificial light during sleep report poorer sleep quality. 50% decrease in melatonin production when exposed to light from devices like TVs and phones. 20% higher risk for health issues with continuous nighttime light exposure. Take Action: Turn Off Electronics: Minimize screen time an hour before bed. Black Out Curtains: Use light-blocking curtains to ensure a dark room. No Nightlights: Opt for complete darkness to maximize melatonin production. 🌙 Embrace the Dark, Improve Your Sleep! #SleepBetter #HealthySleep #Melatonin #PitchBlackSleep #GoodNightRest or
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Frankincense (Boswellia Carteri) and DNA Repair🧬 💉🤯 Frankincense, or Boswellia carteri, has been revered for its therapeutic properties across various cultures and religious texts, including the Bible. Its usage dates back thousands of years, cited for its capacity to heal and purify. Interestingly, modern scientific research has begun to uncover that the resin of Frankincense may have properties that contribute to cellular health, including DNA repair. Properties of Frankincense: Anti-inflammatory: Boswellic acids, the active compounds in frankincense, are known for their powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Antioxidant: Frankincense is rich in antioxidants, which help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. DNA Repair: Recent studies suggest that frankincense may contribute to DNA repair mechanisms. The presence of compounds in frankincense can potentially support the body's natural ability to heal and regenerate by: Reducing Oxidative Stress: Antioxidants in frankincense mitigate oxidative stress, which can damage DNA. By reducing such stress, frankincense helps preserve the integrity of genetic material. Anti-inflammatory Effects: Chronic inflammation can lead to DNA damage and subsequently, various diseases. The anti-inflammatory properties of frankincense reduce such risk factors, indirectly supporting DNA repair. In the biblical narrative, particularly in texts like Genesis and the Book of Enoch, it's mentioned that fallen angels (Nephilim) sought to corrupt mankind's DNA. If seen from this perspective, the concept that frankincense—a substance already revered in biblical times—can contribute to restoring and repairing DNA is compelling and symbolic. Purification: Frankincense has traditionally been seen as purifying. In the spiritual sense, using frankincense to "repair" DNA could symbolize the restoration of divine order and purity, aligning humanity closer to what some might interpret as the original creation by God. Spiritual Healing: This idea ties into the broader spiritual and healing properties traditionally ascribed to Frankincense. It represents not just physical, but also metaphysical restoration. A Fascinating Intersection: The intersection of ancient spiritual beliefs and modern scientific findings presents a fascinating scenario. The idea that a substance mentioned in the Bible as sacred and healing could, in fact, have properties that support DNA repair underscores the timeless nature of traditional wisdom, harmonizing with contemporary science. (Instagram link)
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