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𝓢𝓢𝓾𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓸𝓻 ⚡️🏄🏻‍♂️⚡️

We don’t argue with those who disagree with us, we destroy them. -IL Duce

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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

The ADL and the Blue Cheka decide who law enforcement goes after. We all know that and yet, people can’t seem to stop serving themselves up on a silver platter. The enemy uses idiots and creates cults of personality out of them to lure in other idiots. They come on the scene late to the party, mysteriously accumulate thousands of followers and start selling trinkets and you buy them, well, you made your beds now you gotta sleep in them. “If convicted, Miller could face up to 10 years” or maybe he could get a reduction in exchange for his list of clientele. There’s also the possibility that the arrest is a work. This could be ZOG pulling the plug on the “Gypsy Crusader” op and getting Miller out of his undercover charade by using his “arrest” as a cover story. Anyone who isn’t brand new knows about (((Broward County))).
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Imagine buying patches from a gypsy ? U idiots just became targets.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
The idea that whites acting in their own self interest as a collective is somehow a “leftist” behavior, or that racial consciousness is somehow “unamerican” is the biggest pile of liberal dogshit I’ve ever heard. Any so-called “conservatives” who actually believe that should be ridiculed. Ask them what exactly are they conserving if not a future for their posterity, their heritage, culture, language, traditions and way of life? There’s nothing more unamerican than allowing Marxist professors and talking heads to tell you it’s “racist” to not want your people to go extinct, and then repeating their same liberal talking points to Nationalists who are actually trying to stop this country from turning into the Congo. Trump said one thing right, unfortunately it was a day late dollar short, but he said “Republicans are always fighting like boxers with their hands tied behind their back, always trying to be so nice and respectful of everybody, including bad people. We’re gonna have to fight much harder.”
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Me: The system is set up so that the Left thinks collectively and the Right thinks individually, this is why the Left is always winning and the Right never gets anywhere. Unity is strength. Power in numbers you know? Cuckservatives: pfff get a load of this LEFTIST haha. Me: I’m probably a lot more conservative than you, but my point is that the Right goes about it all wrong because they’re atomized individuals. Cuckservatives: Americanism is individualism, you must be a DemonKKKrat. Me: What about the phrase ‘We the People,’ that ring a bell? Those Gamers had a common goal, got together and beat the system at their own game, did they not? Cuckservatives: Those Gamers are Leftwing white supremacist Nazi-Commie Fascists just like you! Admin, ban this Biden supporter from our chat!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Ratio this gay video!!!! Negress tries to discredit the Protocols of Zion by repeating jewish lies. The proctols were never "debunked" and no proof exists that it was created by the Russian Czar's police. THAT'S the conspiracy theory the jews want you to believe.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
The Most Dangerous Conspiracy Theory in the World | Truth Hurts

The internet has been accused of wrecking many things over the years – print media, Blockbuster and privacy, for instance. One thing it definitely hasn’t kil...

Defamation, 2009
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Defamation (2009).mp4386.51 MB
Banned documentary, Jewish Ritual Murder revisited.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Jewish Ritual Murder (the full original banned documentary).mp4137.21 MB
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