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“An officer who will roll over on the oath to his wife will roll over on his oath to the constitution.” - Chase Spears It’s appalling what we celebrate and applaud. To think this is something to be proud of shows where we are. An admiral. The highest echelon of our military is celebrating a man leaving his wife and family to be “his true self.” Your oath means nothing if it’s rooted in emotion.
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“Officials told reporters that Kelly Magsamen’s resignation had nothing to do with the hospitalization scandal in January, which remains under review by the Defense Department inspector general.” What an odd thing to say 😂
1 74711Loading...
NATO always draws up plans. It’d be foolish to ignore how much our leadership has tried to stoke the fires of this war, but I’m not convinced our troops are on the precipice of being on the front lines just because plans are being put together. We are supposed to have a plan for any contingency. That said, feel free to disagree in the comments if you have insight or something I’m missing.
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What is a pride themed proclamation signing?
2 74312Loading...
I personally believe this is the most important topic the military is trying to keep on the down low. The Air Force is not alone in their higher selection rates due to a smaller pool of eligible officers. The Army is losing 05s and 06s at a high rate. They’re begging people to take commands. One of the lies we’ve been told is that the rank and file are getting out because of the many opportunities afforded by the “booming job market,” but this doesn’t add up when you look at career officers who are throwing in the towel as well. Airmen Faced Less Competition for Promotion to Lieutenant Colonel in 2024
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If you needed a laugh… Curious to see if it works. It’ll really be telling if people turn down 200 Gs.
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📥: “Here’s the instruction they’re referencing. People are being booted for “commission of a serious offense” without NJP or Court Martial. Instead it only has to pass the test of “unwanted behavior of any type” from a Commanding Officer or Officer in Charge. There are E-7s with the authority to end a person’s career now There is an E-9 with 27 years in service being retired with a General discharge for allegations that never went to NJP or Court martial. The Chief of Enlisted Personnel Management Separations Branch - Mr. Mike Tollefson actually tells people in CO/XO training classes, “If you want to kick someone out, call me first and I’ll tell you exactly how to document it.” I’ve sat through two different classes where he said that exact thing What’s more slimy than a JAG? A branch of the military without a single OIG office, nor a department has experience in the oversight of a Military Branch.”
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"At some point is there not a court case that enforces the law the military wrote for itself?" Lol. You'd think. Now imagine our frustration when you find out the answer...
3 23625Loading...
I just learned about this. As far as I know, no ships were sunk or even hit. Regard anything of this magnitude with high skepticism. It’s not out of the realm of possibility though. We’re living in volatile times. The estimates for how many ships will be sunk by the Chinese if something kicks off in the Pacific is very high. There could always be an anomaly in the ME as well. Stay frosty.
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Bookmark it. If you can make it, please do. I have no idea why people ask me to speak at things, but I will be. 🤷‍♂️ I’ll make sure what happened in the military gets discussed at length, and you know I won’t sugar coat it.
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“An indictment unsealed Friday alleges that retired Adm. Robert Burke, 62, took part in the scheme from 2020 to 2022, while serving as commander of U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa from 2020 until his retirement in 2022.” 4 star freaking admiral….
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I imagine some heads are rolling on Fort Bragg right now. Live video was posted on the main screen of some really bad stuff at the SWTG change of command ceremony today.
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📥: "At McConnell tonight… supposedly only 2 maintainers were on the jet at the time. They didn’t follow the checklist properly and somehow retracted the nose gear."
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Irony: the Commandant of the Transportation Corps just recorded a podcast detailing the expertise of the Army’s watercraft operations. Timing = Chef’s kiss 🤌 I haven’t listened, nor will I. If you do, let me know if there’s anything good in there.
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Audio of the 911 calls made by the wife of the COL who killed the Chechen on his property was just released. Pay attention to what she says in the second half of this clip.
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SOCSOUTH issued a directive to all 7th SFG personnel in the southcom AO: “- All SOF forces will limit alcohol intake to 2 drinks in a 24hr period. - All SOF forces will NOT allow local civilians in their place of business or their boarding accommodations. - All SOF forces are prohibited in soliciting any form of prostitution in any fashion.  - All SOF forces are restricted to a curfew of 2130 local time in their respective area of operations. - All SOF forces are prohibited against procuring temporary stays in hotels or other boarding accommodations for recreational purposes that do NOT directly support mission requirements.” 7th group being 7th group… #iykyk
3 05125Loading...
“I was forced as a platoon leader to order sinking tugs to beach themselves, much like what is happening now in Gaza. Then, as a licensed master and USMMA grad, I had to defend my orders over and over again to an 06 who didn’t even have so much as a boater safety education card...” When we’re not crippling our military by kicking out all of the experienced war fighters, we’re actively hamstringing the experience we do have and ignoring their expertise. 06 and above commands are far too often helmed by politicians and good ol’ boys who toe the party line, and the failures we’re witnessing are evidence of that.
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Media files
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That’s an 06 👆. Hopefully I’m ok saying that.
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As a former military pediatrician, I find this behavior abhorent and detrimental to the well being of children. The AAP along with the CDC have lost all credibility. These organizations used to be our go-to for advise. Over the past few years, they have shown themselves to be tools of politics and not objective sources of medical information. I gave up my AAP membership a few years ago.
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📥: “This stuff is illegal. My wife and I are both active duty and had a similar issue at Altus AFB with our kids being kicked out of the CDC for not being vaccinated. The Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) helped us out and the decision was reversed by the Wing/CC. I had them keep us anonymous by not releasing the names or base we are at but here is the link to the article on it. If you think it is worthy of sharing please do the same. Thanks for everything you do!”
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“A provider at Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center on Ft Meade has refused to give pediatric care to a service-member’s family for not vaccinating their children. According to the doctor’s notes, they stated the mom “views me as a threat and adversary” and she should explore other options for pediatric care. The family has been given a month to choose an alternative PCM. The family was advised to sign the Declination to Vaccinate form which shows the risks of not vaccinating according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. I’ve spoken to hundreds of military families over the past two years who have told me they were never opposed to vaccines for themselves or their children until the COVID vaccine, and after observing countless numbers of incidents involving COVID vaccinated children with Myocarditis and other conditions, they swore off vaccines altogether. The American Academy of Pediatrics also recommended the COVID shot for children as young as six months of age. Another family on Ft. Meade said there are only two providers at KACC. They are concerned with the care from one of them while being denied care by the other, and their only option, if they get rejected for not vaccinating their children as well, is to drive an hour away to the nearest military hospital to find someone in-network Prime until they can change to Tricare Select in the fall.” How many families does this have the potential to affect? There are fewer and fewer providers every day.
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More accusations of a coverup at Quantico. I’ve spoken to a handful of people stationed there who say they knew about it when it happened because it affected them at the gate, but it seems anyone outside the immediate periphery was unaware for at least two weeks. Also, this isn’t “recon” as some have suggested. You can collect and observe on an installation from outside the walls, and most installations have other means of gaining access that don’t involve going through the gates. You could also wait for a public event and get access the same way the local civilian population does and reduce your risk of being detained at the gate. This looks more like a dry run. Dry runs are used to test the response of security for a specific follow on action. Namely, just to say it, a VBIED, or a car bomb for those who don’t habla GWOT. With the recent revelation by Adm Caudle that we’re ejecting foreign nationals on naval bases 2-3 times per week, and how long our border has been wide open with millions pouring in, to include quite a few who have been captured and identified as being on the terror watch list, the likelihood of an event occurring on a military installation is increasing every day.
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"And the waiting jibs are hoisted, in the old way, As the guns begin to thunder down the line; Hear the silver trumpets calling, in the old way! Over all the silken pennons float and shine - Did you voyage all unspoken, small and lonely? Or with fame, the happy fortune of the few? So you win the Golden Harbour, in the old way, There's the old sea welcome waiting there for you." Burial at sea on the USS Intrepid - November, 1944.
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Today is bittersweet for many of us, but I’m thinking and praying for those of you remembering loved ones and all the homies who aren’t with us today. Much love. 🙏
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“As a nation we have been given the great gift of our men and women in uniform willing to give their lives for the preservation of our freedom and founding principles. Losing a loved one in combat is often what we think of when we are reflecting on the loss of life and remembrance during the Memorial Day activities, but there are many that are sacrificing their lives off the battlefield. Our military is struggling with suicide problem that is having an impact on those that serve or have served.” As a spouse of a retired soldier and someone who was directly impacted by the issues brought up here, Janine has a few thoughts about an issue that usually doesn’t get directly addressed during Memorial Day weekend.
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29 A lot of ugly business goes down in there, but here’s the group chat link connected to the channel if you want to join in the festivities. Someone is leaving us fan mail right now, so it’s a perfect time to join. 🥰
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While we’re on the subject, here’s an update on the Chechen who was shot. The “utilities one” company is what has me the most interested.
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Navy Commander: We’re Seeing More Attempts by Foreign Nationals to Penetrate Bases, ‘Two or Three Times a Week’ Imagine a King at any time in history letting down the drawbridge and allowing anyone, from anywhere, to enter the castle. The only conclusion you could come to is that it’s intentional.
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Haven’t seen a meme that matched my mood this well in months.
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Peter #Daszak has been suspended & is facing disbarment by HHS! Immediate funding cut eliminates his access to taxpayer money, halting his dangerous experiments. Will the house of cards continue to fall or is Peter just a deep state sacrifice to appease the public? #EcoHealthAlliance
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Doc Chambers and I spent 30 minutes talking about the border, the DOJ, DOD, communism and the war currently taking place in our country for our freedom and more. Check it out if you have a few minutes.
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Video unavailableShow in Telegram
“An officer who will roll over on the oath to his wife will roll over on his oath to the constitution.” - Chase Spears It’s appalling what we celebrate and applaud. To think this is something to be proud of shows where we are. An admiral. The highest echelon of our military is celebrating a man leaving his wife and family to be “his true self.” Your oath means nothing if it’s rooted in emotion.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
IMG_3746.MP427.89 MB
🤮 56💯 30🌭 5😱 4🖕 4💔 3👎 2 2🔥 1👏 1
“Officials told reporters that Kelly Magsamen’s resignation had nothing to do with the hospitalization scandal in January, which remains under review by the Defense Department inspector general.” What an odd thing to say 😂
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Defense Secretary Austin's chief of staff steps down

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s chief of staff is stepping down, several months after being criticized for not telling the White House Austin was in the hospital.

🏆 27🤣 22🤔 7🤡 4👏 1
NATO always draws up plans. It’d be foolish to ignore how much our leadership has tried to stoke the fires of this war, but I’m not convinced our troops are on the precipice of being on the front lines just because plans are being put together. We are supposed to have a plan for any contingency. That said, feel free to disagree in the comments if you have insight or something I’m missing.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Revealed: NATO plan to get US troops to the front line to fight Russia

NATO is said to be drawing up contingencies for its plan to send US soldiers into Europe via the Netherlands, allowing the rapid deployment of troops in the event of war

👍 21🤬 14🤔 5
Photo unavailableShow in Telegram
What is a pride themed proclamation signing?
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🤮 63🖕 37💩 5
I personally believe this is the most important topic the military is trying to keep on the down low. The Air Force is not alone in their higher selection rates due to a smaller pool of eligible officers. The Army is losing 05s and 06s at a high rate. They’re begging people to take commands. One of the lies we’ve been told is that the rank and file are getting out because of the many opportunities afforded by the “booming job market,” but this doesn’t add up when you look at career officers who are throwing in the towel as well. Airmen Faced Less Competition for Promotion to Lieutenant Colonel in 2024
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Airmen Faced Less Competition for Promotion to Lieutenant Colonel in 2024

Competition for promotions to lieutenant colonel eased for much of the Air Force in 2024, driven by a smaller pool of majors considered.

💯 45🤣 4 1
Photo unavailableShow in Telegram
If you needed a laugh… Curious to see if it works. It’ll really be telling if people turn down 200 Gs.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🏆 32🖕 27💩 7😁 5 4😱 1🤣 1
📥: “Here’s the instruction they’re referencing. People are being booted for “commission of a serious offense” without NJP or Court Martial. Instead it only has to pass the test of “unwanted behavior of any type” from a Commanding Officer or Officer in Charge. There are E-7s with the authority to end a person’s career now There is an E-9 with 27 years in service being retired with a General discharge for allegations that never went to NJP or Court martial. The Chief of Enlisted Personnel Management Separations Branch - Mr. Mike Tollefson actually tells people in CO/XO training classes, “If you want to kick someone out, call me first and I’ll tell you exactly how to document it.” I’ve sat through two different classes where he said that exact thing What’s more slimy than a JAG? A branch of the military without a single OIG office, nor a department has experience in the oversight of a Military Branch.”
Hammasini ko'rsatish...

🤯 30🤡 15🔥 4 3🤣 1
Video unavailableShow in Telegram
"At some point is there not a court case that enforces the law the military wrote for itself?" Lol. You'd think. Now imagine our frustration when you find out the answer...
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
IMG_3695.MP48.41 MB
👍 37🔥 15 2
I just learned about this. As far as I know, no ships were sunk or even hit. Regard anything of this magnitude with high skepticism. It’s not out of the realm of possibility though. We’re living in volatile times. The estimates for how many ships will be sunk by the Chinese if something kicks off in the Pacific is very high. There could always be an anomaly in the ME as well. Stay frosty.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🤔 25🙏 10 3
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Guardians of Warriors Conference - Children's Health Defense Military Chapter

Jojn the CHD Military Chapter for the Community of Courage, Fellowship, and Empowerment Conference in Orange, VA (Outside of Charlottesville) on August 31, 2024.

👍 12👏 1