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Марксизм и критическая теория (Marxism and critical theory)

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James Scott - Autonomy, Vernaculars and the Invisible Committee 06.13 - Non Institutional Politics 28.07 - Civil War 30.23 - Poaching 35.20 - Land Invasion 49.06 - The Opposition to Vietnam War
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James Scott « Autonomy, Vernaculars and the Invisible Committee »

1ère séance du séminaire du LAIOS et de l'EHESS : L’art de se gouverner. L’anthropologie politique des alternatives et interstices : intervention de James Scott, Université de Yale - 15 janvier 2015 Séminaire coordonné par : Sarah Carton de Grammont (ATER à l’EHESS), Riccardo Ciavolella (chargé de recherche au CNRS), Birgit Müller (chargée de recherche au CNRS)

James C. Scott - A Short Account of the Deep History of State Evasion “Zomia,” the designation invented by Willen van Schendel for the portion of upland Southeast Asia that has, until recently, evaded incorporation into nation states and empires, could metaphorically be extended to other areas of the world that have become zones of state evasion. In his lecture, Scott explores some of these zones in Southeast Asia and elsewhere. Though Zomia is mountainous, wetlands, swamps, marshes, and deltas have also historically served as refugia for state-fleeing populations. Scott examines the principles of geography, subsistence practices, mobility, and social structure that abet both state avoidance and state-prevention.
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A Short Account of the Deep History of State Evasion | James C. Scott

2 or 3 Tigers | Flights from the Empire Sat, Jun 17 & Sun, Jun 18, 2017 James C. Scott: A Short Account of the Deep History of State Evasion Lecture “Zomia,” the designation invented by Willen van Schendel for the portion of upland Southeast Asia that has, until recently, evaded incorporation into nation states and empires, could metaphorically be extended to other areas of the world that have become zones of state evasion. In his lecture, Scott explores some of these zones in Southeast Asia and elsewhere. Though Zomia is mountainous, wetlands, swamps, marshes, and deltas have also historically served as refugia for state-fleeing populations. Scott examines the principles of geography, subsistence practices, mobility, and social structure that abet both state avoidance and state-prevention. Film and production by Ralf Klingelhöfer

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James C. Scott - Decoding Subaltern Politics: Ideology, Disguise, and Resistance in Agrarian Politics James C. Scott has researched and written on subaltern groups, and, in particular, peasants, rebellion, resistance, and agriculture, for over 35 years. Yet much of Scott’s most interesting work on the peasantry and the state, both conceptually and empirically, has never been published in book form. For the first time Decoding Subaltern Politics: Ideology, Disguise, and Resistance in Agrarian Politics, brings together some of his most important work in one volume. The book covers three distinct yet interlinked bodies of work. The first lays out a framework for understanding peasant politics and rebellion, much of which is applicable to rural areas of the contemporary global south. Scott then goes on to develop his arguments regarding everyday forms of peasant resistance using the comparative example of the religious tithe in France and Malaysia, and tracing the forms of resistance that cover their own tracks and avoid direct clashes with authorities. For much of the world’s population, and for most of its history, this sort of politics was far more common than the violent clashes that dominate the history books, and in this book one can examine the anatomy of such resistance in rich comparative detail. Finally, Scott explores how the state’s increasing grip on its population: its identity, land-holding, income, and movements, is a precondition for political hegemony. Crucially, in examining the invention of state-mandated legal identities, especially, the permanent patronym and the vagaries of its imposition on vernacular life, Scott lays bare the micro-processes of state-formation and resistance.
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Anonymous member of Tarnac Solidarity Committee and tarnac nine - The Invisible Committee Returns with "Fuck Off Google" Cybernetics, Anti-Terrorism, and the ongoing case against the Tarnac 10 There will be people who resist adopting and using technology, people who want nothing to do with virtual profiles, online data systems or smart phones. Yet a government might suspect that people who opt out completely have something to hide and thus are more likely to break laws, and as a counterterrorism measure, that government will build the kind of ‘hidden people’ registry we described earlier. If you don’t have any registered social-networking profiles or mobile subscriptions, and on-line references to you are unusually hard to find, you might be considered a candidate for such a registry. You might also be subjected to a strict set of new regulations that includes rigorous airport screening or even travel restrictions
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Anonymous member of Tarnac Solidarity Committee - The Invisible Committee Returns with "Fuck Off Google" (2014) Cybernetics, Anti-Terrorism, and the ongoing case against the Tarnac There will be people who resist adopting and using technology, people who want nothing to do with virtual profiles, online data systems or smart phones. Yet a government might suspect that people who opt out completely have something to hide and thus are more likely to break laws, and as a counterterrorism measure, that government will build the kind of ‘hidden people’ registry we described earlier. If you don’t have any registered social-networking profiles or mobile subscriptions, and on-line references to you are unusually hard to find, you might be considered a candidate for such a registry. You might also be subjected to a strict set of new regulations that includes rigorous airport screening or even travel restrictions.
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Anonymous member of Tarnac Solidarity Committee, tarnac nine: The Invisible Committee Returns with " “There will be people who resist adopting and using technology, people who want nothing to do with virtual profiles, online data systems or smart phones. Yet a government might suspect that people who opt out completely have something to hide and thus are more likely to break laws, and as a counterterrorism measure, that government will build the kind of ‘hidden people’ registry we described earlier. If you don’t have any registered social-networking profiles or mobile subscriptions, and on-line references to you are unusually hard to find, you might be considered a candidate for such a registry. You might also be subjected to a strict set of new regulations that includes rigorous airport screening or even travel restrictions.” Anonymous member of Tarnac Solidarity Committee, tarnac nine Help us caption & translate this video!

Ward Blanton - Paul, Apostle of the Anarchists: The Invisible Committee, Agamben, and Anti-Terror Legislation Ward Blanton discusses the interesting Paulinisms and messianic politics that are found, through the work of Agamben, in those anarchist movements that seem to threaten national/economic entities and irritate their predilection to label all threats as terrorist and destabilizing. Ward Blanton is reader in biblical cultures and European thought at the University of Kent in Canterbury, for which he also teaches in Paris and Rome. He is the author of A Materialism for the Masses: Saint Paul and the Philosophy of Undying Life (Columbia); Displacing Christian Origins: Philosophy, Secularity, and the New Testament (Chicago); and co-editor with Hent de Vries of Paul and the Philosophers (Fordham).
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Paul, Apostle of the Anarchists: The Invisible Committee, Agamben, and Anti-Terror Legislation

Here, Ward Blanton discusses the interesting Paulinisms and messianic politics that are found, through the work of Agamben, in those anarchist movements that seem to threaten national/economic entities and irritate their predilection to label all threats as terrorist and destabilizing. Ward Blanton is reader in biblical cultures and European thought at the University of Kent in Canterbury, for which he also teaches in Paris and Rome. He is the author of A Materialism for the Masses: Saint Paul and the Philosophy of Undying Life (Columbia); Displacing Christian Origins: Philosophy, Secularity, and the New Testament (Chicago); and co-editor with Hent de Vries of Paul and the Philosophers (Fordham).

Oliver Kozlarek - The Critical Humanism of the Frankfurt School as Social Critique This book aims to extract a kind of Critical Humanism from the works of prominent members of the Frankfurt School. Oliver Kozlarek argues that what is compelling about this kind of restitution of humanism is the fact that it sought to be understood not as a conceptual-theoretical construction, but as a practice of critical social and cultural research. This means that it does not orient itself to an ideal image of the human being, but to making inhuman conditions of our current societies visible. It is above all in this sense that humanism is no longer understood in a Humboldtian, educational sense. Rather, it is about using critical social research as a political practice.
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The_Critical_Humanism_of_the_Frankfurt_School_As_Social_Critique.pdf1.65 MB
Nancy Fraser - Legitimation Crisis? On the Political Contradictions of Financialized Capitalism (2014) Numerous phenomena suggest a serious crisis of democracy: for example, declining electoral turnout; the rise of extremist parties; widespread disaffection with the European Union; steep narrowing of real policy differences between competing parties as nearly all rush to placate “the markets”; increased capture of public powers by private interests; growing geopolitical irrationality, reflecting the decline of US hegemony. No wonder, then, that diagnoses of political crisis proliferate: we hear now of “post-democracy,” “de-democratization,” “the crises of democratic capitalism,” and “façade democracy.” Fraser suggests that these phenomena are best understood as expressions, under historically specific contemporary conditions, of a general tendency to political crisis that is intrinsic to capitalist societies. She elaborates this thesis in three steps. First, a general account of “the political contradiction of capitalism,” without reference to particular historical forms. Then, Frasier reconstructs Jürgen Habermas’s 1973 book, Legitimation Crisis, as an account of the form this political contradiction assumed in one specific phase of capitalist society, namely state-managed capitalism. Finally, she argues that democracy’s present travails express capitalism’s political contradiction in its current phase of financialized, globalizing capitalism.
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Nancy Fraser: "Legitimation Crisis? On the Political Contradictions of Financialized Capitalism"

Numerous phenomena suggest a serious crisis of democracy: for example, declining electoral turnout; the rise of extremist parties; widespread disaffection with the European Union; steep narrowing of real policy differences between competing parties as nearly all rush to placate “the markets”; increased capture of public powers by private interests; growing geopolitical irrationality, reflecting the decline of US hegemony. No wonder, then, that diagnoses of political crisis proliferate: we hear now of “post-democracy,” “de-democratization,” “the crises of democratic capitalism,” and “façade democracy.” Fraser suggests that these phenomena are best understood as expressions, under historically specific contemporary conditions, of a general tendency to political crisis that is intrinsic to capitalist societies. She elaborates this thesis in three steps. First, a general account of “the political contradiction of capitalism,” without reference to particular historical forms. Then, Frasier reconstructs Jürgen Habermas’s 1973 book, Legitimation Crisis, as an account of the form this political contradiction assumed in one specific phase of capitalist society, namely state-managed capitalism. Finally, she argues that democracy’s present travails express capitalism’s political contradiction in its current phase of financialized, globalizing capitalism. -- All rights to the words and ideas expressed in this video are retained exclusively by their authors. If you would like to reuse a segment of this video, please contact the Chicago Center for Contemporary Theory to request permission.

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Мягкая посадка генсека Чжао Из книги «Как Китай избежал шоковой терапии» Заняв в 1987 году пост генсека Коммунистической партии Китая, Чжао Цзыян предложил план экономических реформ, которые должны были стабилизировать цены на ключевые товары. О том, как «мягкая посадка» в итоге послужила поводом для критики, а затем ареста чиновника, читайте в отрывке из книги немецкой экономистки Изабеллы М. Вебер.
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Мягкая посадка генсека Чжао

Из книги «Как Китай избежал шоковой терапии»

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