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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته! Warm Welcome to this great channel for: Educating Brothers and sisters worldwide. Make them realize their duties towards Ummah in this aga of fitnah. Jannah is our ultimate goal In Shaa ALLAH!

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The third khalifa of Islam Hazrat Uthman رضی اللہ عنہ Episode 43 Public works under Uthman Public Works - Public works under Umar stood for simplicity and austerity. Consequently he did not believe in any large scale program of public works involving extravagance. Nevertheless as a consequence of the extension of the Muslim rule to distant lands, the undertaking of works of public utility became imperative. As Muslim conquests extended east and west, and more and more persons embraced Islam it became necessary to construct mosques. During the caliphate of Umar, as many as four thousand mosques were constructed. During the caliphate of Umar many new cities were founded. These included Kufa, Basra and Fustat. Umar issued instructions against the construction of double storied houses and palatial buildings. Many buildings were constructed for administrative purposes. Many cantonments were constructed at strategic places. Special stables were provided for cavalry. Under Uthman the people became economically more prosperous, and they invested their money in the construction of buildings. Many new buildings came to be constructed in Madina, and the city expanded considerably. Uthman relaxed the restriction on the construction of large houses. Uthman built a palatial building for himself known as the "Zawar". Many other Companions constructed large buildings. Intensive building activity took place at Kufa, Basra, Damascus, Fustat and other cities. During the caliphate of Uthman as many as five thousand new mosques were constructed. Uthman enlarged, extended, and embellished the Prophet's mosque at Madina. He enlarged and extended the Holy Kaaba as well. With the expansion in army, the cantonments were extended and enlarged. More barracks were constructed for the soldiers. Stables for the cavalry were . Uthman provided separate pastures for State camels. During the caliphate of Uthman, guest houses were provided in main cities. More and more markets were constructed. Uthman appointed Market Officers to look after markets. Umar had placed restriction on the purchase of agricultural lands in conquered territories. Uthman withdrew this restriction. The Arabs purchased lands in conquered territories and exchanged them with lands in Arabia. Big landed estates came to be established in Arabia, Iraq and elsewhere. In Iraq, Egypt and Persia numerous canals were dug which stimulated the process of agricultural development. In the cities, particular attention was directed towards the provision of water supply. In Madina, a number of wells were dug to provide drinking water for the people. The water supply in Makkah was also improved. Water was brought to Kufa and Basra by canals. Heretofore Shuaibia was the port for Makkah. It was inconvenient. Uthman selected Jeddah as the site of the new seaport. Uthman bathed in the sea-water at Jeddah, and said that it was a blessed spot. Other companions also bathed in the sea-water at Jeddah. Uthman prayed for the prosperity of the new seaport. Public treasury in the time of Abu Bakr Pubic Treasury - Public treasury in the time of Abu Bakr In the time of Abu Bakr as well there was no treasury. A separate building was kept aside as treasury, but as all money was distributed immediately on receipt, the treasury generally remained locked up. At the time of the death of Abu Bakr, there was only one dirham in the public treasury.Public treasury during the caliphate of Umar To be continued......
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Speakers are NOT Scholars ⚠️
The presence of intellectuals and passionate speakers are not a substitute for the scholars in the Ummah. Such people are only well-read individuals; they are not scholars with understanding. Therefore, applying the term "scholars" to them is applying a term in other than its proper place. Consideration is given to the facts and not to ascriptions. So many times you will find people that have good speech and incite the masses, yet they do not possess (true) understanding (of the Religion). The thing that exposes these people is when an incident occurs due to which the people need to know the religious ruling for that matter, since (at this time) the speakers and zealots reveal the limitations of their understanding. It is at this point that the role of the scholars comes in. So let us take note of this and give our scholars their rights, acknowledge their status and virtue, and give everyone of them the position they deserve. [Shaykh Salih al Fawzaan (Hafidhahullah), Wujoob at-Tathabbut fil-Akhbaar wa Ihtiraam-il-'Ulamaa: pg. 50]
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Be Like Shaykh Hasan Al Basri: A man said to al-Hasan al-Basri: “Indeed, someone has backbitten you.” He sent a dish of sweet dates to the backbiter saying: “I heard that you have given me your good deeds as a gift, so I want to repay you for it, but please excuse me for I am unable to completely repay you.” تنبيه الغافلين 1/164 I can _almost_ guarantee you the person will think twice before mentioning you again, and if not...........Well MORE good Deeds for YOU. We call that a "Win-Win!"
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Narrated Abu Hurairah رضى الله عنه The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Seven people will be shaded by Allaah under His Shade on the Day (of Resurrection) when there will be no shade except His. They are: • a just ruler; • a young man who has been brought up in the worship of Allaah, (i.e. worships Allaah (Alone) sincerely from his childhood), • a man whose heart is attached to the Masajid [who offers the five compulsory congregational Salãt (prayers) in the mosques]. • Two persons who love each other only for Allaah's sake and they meet and part in Allaah's Cause only; • a man who refuses the call of a charming woman of noble birth for an illegal sexual intercourse with her and says: I am afraid of Allaah; • a person who practices charity so secretly that his left hand does not know what his right hand has given (i.e. nobody knows how much he has given in charity). • a person who remembers Allaah in seclusion and his eyes become flooded with tears." {Sahih al-Bukhari. Hadeeth No. 1423.}
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Naya Islami Saal Shuru Hone Se Pehle Ye 10 Kaam Kare | Qari Sohaib Ahmed Meer Muhammadi | BayansTube
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9.90 MB
Sahih al-Bukhari 7563 Narrated Abu Huraira:
The Prophet (ﷺ) said,
"(There are) two words which are dear to the Beneficent (Allah) and very light (easy) for the tongue (to say), but very heavy in weight in the balance. They are: ''Subhan Allah wa-bi hamdihi'' and ''Subhan Allah Al-`Azim."
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مسلمان گھرانوں کی امتیازی خصوصیت مولانا عبدالستار حفظہ الله* کے بیان سے منتخب شدہ مختصر کلپ
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Video from Mohammad Saalim
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Boshqa reja tanlang

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