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Ice Age Imperium

Let us face ourselves.

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John Barry - The James Bond Theme (From Dr. No ).mp36.72 MB
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All the greatest men are maniacs. They are possessed by a mania which drives them forward towards their goal. The great scientists, the artists, the philosophers, the religious leaders - all maniacs. What else but a blind singleness of purpose could have given focus to their genius, would have kept them in the groove of their purpose? Mania, my dear Mister Bond, is as priceless as genius. Dissipation of energy, fragmentation of vision, loss of momentum, the lack of follow-through - these are the vices of the herd. — Ian Fleming, Dr. No (1958).
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Repost from IMPERIVM
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"Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when that storm comes." ~Alexandre Dumas IMPERIVM
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We spread and share the risk. That’s how it works. And the more of us there are and the stronger we are, the less risk we individually face. ~ It is my duty to be a warrior, to be fit, strong, and defend my people. It is my duty to speak the truth no matter the consequences. I may die, but my blood lives forever. Until the end, this is my oath.
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And as Hitler pointed out, one of the most honorable things is for an individual with defective or dysgenic genes to choose not to reproduce yet still assist in this process of serving the eugenic advancement of the race, rather than becoming a spiteful mutant.
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And as Hitler pointed out, one of the most honorable things is for an individual with defective or dysgenic genes to choose not to reproduce, yet still assist in this process of serving the eugenic advancement of the race rather than becoming a spiteful mutant.
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Repost from The Aryan Path
Beauty is divinity made manifest. We are meant to represent mankind as overcoming, perpetually striving upwards - consciously enhancing our beauty, and that of what we create. It is up to us, we were born to lead, no other people can produce the sort of individuals we can.
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"The human groups to which the European nations and their descendants belong are the most beautiful. One has only to compare the various types of men scattered over the Earth's surface to be convinced of this. From the almost rudimentary face and structure of the Pelagian and the Pecheray to the tall and nobly proportioned figure of Charlemagne, the intelligent regularity of the features of Napoleon, and the imposing majesty that exhales from the royal countenance of Louis XIV, there is a series of gradations; the peoples who are not of White Blood approach Beauty, but do not attain it." Arthur de Gobineau
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