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Quality assurance: all systematic actions necessary to provide adequate confidence that laboratory services will satisfy given medical needs for patient care. Quality control: is a laboratory system for recognizing and correcting the analytical error. Precision: is a close of test results from one to another when a replication is made when a same sample (control) is used. Precision can be within run and across run. Accuracy: is a close of test results from its real value (mean) when a replication is made for a test results. Mean (x): is an average of test results represents a center or a real value (accuracy) of results. Standard deviation (SD): is an average of results variation from one to another around its real value (mean). Standard deviation can be 1SD, 2SD and 3SD. Coefficient variation (CV%): is how close the results (variation) to its mean in percentage. Sensitivity: is an ability of a method to detect an amount of a substance close to zero value. Specificity: is an ability of a method to detect only a substance is being tested. Reliability: is an ability of a method to maintain accuracy, predsion, sensitivity and specificity. Imprecision: is a calculation of mean, SD and CV% to determine a random error of an analytical method. Inaccuracy: is a comparison of two methods, one is a test method (new) another is a comparative method (old) to determine a systematic error of an analytical methods. Trueness: is a close of results average or difference average to a reference value. Bias: is an average difference of a two means between two methods represents a systematic error. Error: is an expression used to define how far the data from its real value like mean, SD and CV\% Systematic error: is an abnormal error of a real value results (accuracy) to be in one side from the mean either positively or negatively in one direction of an analytical measurements. Random error: is an abnormal error of the results variation (precision) to be very far from its mean either positively or negatively of an analytical measurements. Total error: is a sum of a desirable and undesirable results of an inaccuracy (bias) represents a systematic error and a standard deviation or CV% represent a random error between two methods compared with CLIA (clinical laboratory improvement amendments) allowable error. Allowable error: is a desirable of results that can be within an acceptable mean and variation of an analytical method or measurements is compared by CLIA. Allowable total error: is a sum of a desirable bias (systematic error) and standard deviation or CV\% (random error) of a test is defined by CLIA for an analytical method. Correlation coefficient (r): is a measurement how strong a relationship between two variables, it is a number from 0 to 1 Control: is a known of sample concentration is where targeted the areas of medical decision is made, it can be low, normal and high to detect the abnormal error. Lot number: is an small amount made from big amount and given a number. Calibrator: is a known of sample concentration can be used to build a standard curve. Calibration: is an analytical method to build a standard curve to get unknown results (patients or control) which is a correlation between y axis (principle of measurement) and x-axis concentration of a calibrator.
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