
Sizning foydalanuvchi tajribangizni yaxshilash uchun cookie-lardan foydalanamiz. Barchasini qabul qiling», bosing, cookie-lardan foydalanilishiga rozilik bildirishingiz talab qilinadi.


f a w a a s

- q u o t e s c h a n n e l - " c r e a t e d o n : 2 1 S e p t 2 1 " o u r b o t : @fawaasbot " s t a t u s : s l o w p o s t // " h e c t i c + b u s y w e e k " all about you and me .') <3

Ko'proq ko'rsatish
Reklama postlari
Ma'lumot yo'q24 soatlar
+17 kunlar
-430 kunlar

Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

Obunachilar o'sish tezligi

Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

ohh i love how he is updating me first before uploading his story and status 🫶🏻✨ 🍂 ⨾ @fawaasquotes
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
perempuan yang bawah 150 cm jangan keluar rumah nanti kena pijak sapi atau lembu . — 🥡 ⨾ @tweeeters
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🥰 1
he didn't cheat , but didn't care I waited for him all day to talk with him :) 🍂 ⨾ @fawaasquotes
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Hammasini ko'rsatish...

if you think I'll not get tired of you , trust me one day I will 🍂 ⨾ @fawaasquotes
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
our relationship is not private , not secret . or maybe you're just not proud of it 🍂 ⨾ @fawaasquotes
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
sikapmu seakan - akan menyuruh diriku pergi tapi perkataan mu seperti aku penting bagimu :) 🍂 ⨾ @fawaasquotes
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
he is just giving u a really 🤏🏻 bare minimum 🍂 ⨾ @fawaasquotes
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
attachment issue + unstable mood + emotional + overthinking 🍂 ⨾ @fawaasquotes
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
attachment issue hits different >>> 🍂 ⨾ @fawaasquotes
Hammasini ko'rsatish...