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Hammasini ko'rsatish...
hallo moots! maaf menganggu waktunya malam malam, jadi karena ada beberapa kendala sebelumnya untuk channel @holicryn dipindahkan ya moots, jadi untuk channel yang ini bisa di unsubs aja dan move or kalian bisa subscribe ke channel @holicryn yang sekarang. duh sorry banget yaa ngerepotin but serius deh banyak kendala gitu jadinya dipindahin 😪😪 oiya satu lagi, untuk kalian yang mutualan sama holicryn, tolong isi datanya di yaa, biar nanti aku lebih mudah diving nya. thank you moots, maaf ya ganggu malem" maaf juga ngerepotin and good night! 🤍
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
holicryn arsip.

Hello! for all my mutuals from @holicryn please fill in the data here correctly, because it will be listed so it's easy! ୨୧.. ⋆ Username ; ୨୧.. ⋆ Channel BA ; ୨୧.. ⋆ Bot helper ; ୨୧.. ⋆ Link mutual ; send it to the comsect, thank you very much moots! 🎀🌷✨

ga sabar tapi gamau excited..
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
setup udah, wording udah.. tinggal catalog doang trus nunggu debut deh 😻😻
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
EH UDAH 300 JETI AJA @LULULABU (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ congrats cayankk 💞💞
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
.* · lululabu ༝˚⋆

{ for my mutual love, would I ask you all to spread this message to your channel? I'd be very grateful for your help, tencuu very much <3 } when the sun begins to shine in the world and the previously dark sky becomes light, it's time for @lululabu to find new mutuals who will give us good reciprocity as we treat our mutuals. are you interested in being my mutuals? if your answer is yes, i would like you to contact @kethupat and those of you who have been my mutuals before, if there is a problem or want to ask for help, you can contact @pllamingo k? tysm for ur attention everyone <3

Hammasini ko'rsatish...
belom apa apa udah mau rombak lagi
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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