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🇧🇴🦅 There are indications that sections of the Serbian public are waking up to the existential danger to life and health posed by their government’s shady deal with a predatory corporation. 💬 Stephen Karganovic writes 🌐 More analysis 🚀 Subscribe 🌐 Join us on VK
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The Lithium cabal defeated in Bolivia, but winning in Serbia

There are indications that sections of the Serbian public are waking up to the existential danger to life and health posed by their government’s shady deal with a predatory corporation. ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter, and VK.Contact us: [email protected] A famous person (was it Karl Marx?) once remarked that when history repeats itself, the first time it is a tragedy, the second time a farce. Many of Marx’s important predictions may not have come to fruition exactly as he wanted, but on this one he…

🔥 2
🇭🇺🇺🇦 Instead of an improvement in bilateral relations, the recent meeting between Vladimir Zelensky and Viktor Orban only intensified tensions between both countries. The Hungarian Prime Minister’s visit to Kiev appears to have been a kind of ultimatum for the Ukrainian regime to stop its irresponsible actions and accept a peace negotiation. Given Zelensky’s insistence on war, Hungary is expected to take increasingly tough actions to boycott military support for Ukraine within the Western organizations in which it is part (NATO and EU). The reasons why Hungary tries to de-escalate the war are many and go beyond the interest of avoiding a continental war. Orban is a conservative leader who has as one of his main political agendas the defense of Christianity and traditional values – a topic on which he sympathizes with the Russian Federation and is in total disagreement with Ukrainian woke Nazism. In addition to persecuting Russians in the east, the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev also promotes ethnic cleansing against Hungarians in Transcarpathia. 💬 Read more by Lucas Leiroz @lucasleiroz 🌐 More on geopolitics 🚀 Subscribe 🌐 Join us on VK
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Zelensky owes Orban an explanation

In addition to persecuting Russians in the east, the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev also promotes ethnic cleansing against Hungarians in Transcarpathia. ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter, and VK.Contact us: [email protected] You can follow Lucas on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram. Instead of an improvement in bilateral relations, the recent meeting between Vladimir Zelensky and Viktor Orban only intensified tensions between both countries. The Hungarian Prime Minister’s visit to Kiev appears to have been a…

👍 5 1
💢 It is as unthinkable that the Zelenskys, Johnsons, Camerons, Obamas and Clintons should walk away unscathed from Kiev than Hitler, Bormann, Goebbels and the others could have walked away unscathed from Berlin. 💬 Read more by Declan Hayes 🔔 Stay tuned 🚀 Subscribe 🌐 Join us on VK
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Zelensky is out of money, men and options

It is as unthinkable that the Zelenskys, Johnsons, Camerons, Obamas and Clintons should walk away unscathed from Kiev than Hitler, Bormann, Goebbels and the others could have walked away unscathed from Berlin. ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter, and VK.Contact us: [email protected] Russia Today reports that Mad Dog Zelensky is barking his coke-filled head off again. This time, he is demanding ex POTUS Trump come clean on how Trump intends to finish the war between Zelensky’s backers and the Russians NATO…

💯 12👍 5🔥 1
💢 Well, at least one can say that Donald Trump is talking about ending the conflict in Ukraine. The Republican candidate for the United States presidency has lately been calling for the “horrible war” to end. With his trademark brashness, Trump promises American voters that if elected on November 5, he can mediate a peace deal “within 24 hours”. As for Joe Biden, the Democrat White House incumbent, he has repeatedly said he has no intention of seeking a diplomatic settlement, vowing to support the Kiev regime “until the last Ukrainian” in what is a futile war against Russia. This week, the Biden administration pledged another $2.3 billion in military aid to the hopelessly corrupt Zelensky regime to keep fighting NATO’s proxy war. A war that has cost over 500,000 Ukrainian military deaths. Biden is at one with the U.S. and European political establishments in his relentless warmongering. On both sides of the Atlantic, the dominant policy in Washington and Brussels – the U.S.-EU-NATO axis – is simply war, war, war. The militarist money racket and Russophobia are entrenched and incorrigible, overriding any common sense or moral decision-making.
Biden is decrepit and Trump is pathetic. Both are operatives of the deep state who only differ in their foul-mouthed style.
Peace in Ukraine will come when the U.S. imperialist rulers realize that Russia’s terms are the only acceptable option. 💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial 🌐 Read more Editorials 🚀 Subscribe 🌐 Join us on VK
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Trump poses as a peacemaker for Ukraine after stoking the war as U.S. president

Peace in Ukraine will come when the U.S. imperialist rulers realize that Russia’s terms are the only acceptable option. ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter, and VK. Contact us: [email protected] Well, at least one can say that Donald Trump is talking about ending the conflict in Ukraine. The Republican candidate for the United States presidency has lately been calling for the “horrible war” to end. With his trademark brashness, Trump promises American voters that if elected on November 5, he can mediate…

👍 10🙏 3💯 2👏 1
🗽 Donald Trump seems to have hit on a winning plan for returning to the White House – by convincing voters he is the candidate to prevent World War Three. Trump is slamming Democrat rival Joe Biden for fueling the conflict by recklessly supplying U.S. weapons that are provoking Russia and risking the start of World War Three. That’s true enough. 💬 Finian Cunningham writes that the Donald’s “trump card” for peace in Ukraine is another worthless deuce 🤥 ☁️ Read exclusive analysis 🚀 Subscribe 🌐 Join us on VK
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Is stopping World War Three the Donald’s ‘trump card’ for winning the White House?

The Donald’s “trump card” for peace in Ukraine is another worthless deuce, Finian Cunningham writes. ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter, and VK.Contact us: [email protected] Donald Trump seems to have hit on a winning plan for returning to the White House – by convincing voters he is the candidate to prevent World War Three. The Republican candidate is lately pitching the importance of ending “the horrible war” in Ukraine to prevent the United States from sliding toward a nuclear conflagration with Russia.…

👍 16
🇺🇸 The first 2024 U.S. Presidential debate between incumbent Joe Biden and challenger Donald Trump was, in itself, somewhat uneventful. It was the aftermath which gave us the big surprise which now dominates headlines across the country – Democrats want Joe Biden to drop out. The uneventfulness of the debate itself runs contrary to the current buzz in the corporate-owned legacy media, but it is an important truth to remember as we try to parse out what indeed is the strategy of the American political elite for Election Day come November. Besides the hilarious exchange between a mumbling bumbling Biden and an uber-confident Trump over declared height and golf handicaps, both candidates performed as we had expected. And therein lies the rub. 💬 Read more by Joaquin Flores @NewResistance 💡 Click for more politics 🚀 Subscribe 🌐 Join us on VK
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The Emperor has no mind: The scripted “overthrow” of Biden

You can follow Joaquin as XF on Telegram @NewResistance Both candidates performed as we had expected. And therein lies the rub, Joaquin Flores writes. ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter, and VK.Contact us: [email protected] The first 2024 U.S. Presidential debate between incumbent Joe Biden and challenger Donald Trump was, in itself, somewhat uneventful. It was the aftermath which gave us the big surprise which now dominates headlines across the country – Democrats want Joe Biden to drop out. The uneventfulness…

💯 17👍 3❤‍🔥 1 1
🇷🇺🇰🇵🇨🇳 The recent mutual military aid agreement signed between the Russian Federation and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (#NorthKorea) is part of a wider context regarding Moscow’s promise to expand its military support for counter-hegemonic countries committed to creation of a multipolar world. The project to deliver weapons to the enemies of the US and #NATO – previously proposed by the most patriotic sectors of the Russian State and now adopted by the Kremlin’s high ranks – can be seen as the first step towards the creation of a kind of “multipolar military pact ”, strengthening emerging powers in the fight against the Atlantic axis. The proliferation of collective defense agreements promoted by Moscow makes it clear that the Russian Federation is creating a kind of multipolar Eurasian pact to counter NATO 🛡️ 💬 Lucas Leiroz writes @lucasleiroz 🌐 More on geopolitics 🚀 Subscribe 🌐 Join us on VK
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Eurasia against NATO: Russia leads the creation of the Multipolar Military Pact

The proliferation of collective defense agreements promoted by Moscow makes it clear that the Russian Federation is creating a kind of multipolar Eurasian pact to counter NATO. ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter, and VK.Contact us: [email protected] You can follow Lucas on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram. The recent mutual military aid agreement signed between the Russian Federation and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) is part of a wider context regarding Moscow’s promise to expand…

👏 15👍 4🤔 1
🇮🇱🇵🇸 While the world watches the genocide in #Gaza, there is another war on the Palestinian people in the Occupied West Bank. The plan to steal the West Bank is fully supported by Netanyahu, and forms a basis for the current right-wing Jewish extremist coalition keeping Netanyahu in power, and out of jail. 💬 Read more Steven Sahiounie 🇵🇸 More on Gaza 🚀 Subscribe 🌐 Join us on VK
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Israeli plan to prevent a Palestinian state

The plan to steal the West Bank is fully supported by Netanyahu, and forms a basis for the current right-wing Jewish extremist coalition keeping Netanyahu in power, and out of jail. ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter, and VK.Contact us: [email protected] While the world watches the genocide in Gaza, there is another war on the Palestinian people in the Occupied West Bank. On June 9, the New York Times (NYT) reported that Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich outlined, in a speech to Jewish extremists…

🤬 29💯 2
🇷🇺🇰🇵🇻🇳 Is not President Putin’s purpose in visiting North Korea and Vietnam now clear in the context of the Eurasian security architecture project? 💬 Alastair Crooke writes 🔔 Read exclusive analysis 🚀 Subscribe 🌐 Join us on VK
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The West – indubitably – has lost Russia, and is losing Eurasia too

Is not President Putin’s purpose in visiting North Korea and Vietnam now clear in the context of the Eurasian security architecture project? ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter, and VK.Contact us: [email protected] There perhaps was a momentary shrugging-off of slumber in Washington this week as they read the account of Sergei Lavrov’s démarche to the U.S. Ambassador in Moscow: Russia was telling the U.S. – “We are no longer at peace”! Not just ‘no longer at peace’, Russia was holding the U.S. responsible for…

👍 19👏 4💯 2
🇪🇺 The European Union has aims to crack down on free speech in a move which will be its most draconian yet. The European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, who is almost certain to have a second five-year term, says the internet has given rise to “serious challenges” including ‘disinformation’, forcing the EU to implement laws that stifle free speech. Remarkably, she calls this an “achievement we should be proud of”. However, the stance against so-called disinformation smacks of hypocrisy as, in same period, Brussels and even member states are on a roller coaster ride to completely stamp out Russian media being able to influence Europeans through a new sanctions plan which would have made Joe Stalin proud. Will the crackdown against Russia be extended to European media itself? Brussels’ stance against so-called disinformation smacks of hypocrisy 🌀 💬 Martin Jay writes 🌐 Stay tuned 🚀 Subscribe 🌐 Join us on VK
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Russia reacts to EU media sanctions – but at what cost to European journalists?

Brussels’ stance against so-called disinformation smacks of hypocrisy, Martin Jay writes. ❗️Join us on Telegram, Twitter, and VK.Contact us: [email protected] The European Union has aims to crack down on free speech in a move which will be its most draconian yet. The European Commission president, Ursula von der Leyen, who is almost certain to have a second five-year term, says the internet has given rise to “serious challenges” including ‘disinformation’, forcing the EU to implement laws that stifle…

🤬 24👍 4😱 2💯 2😢 1
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