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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

Post Script: Didn’t think I need to explain this but of course it’s not “All men” in the universe. I meant the Percentage of men who have these kind of beliefs(which is A lot.)
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Men only cheer for women's rights and liberation if it benefits them. Example: They only talk about equality when there is a discussion about 50-50 or war. Talk about sharing domestic chores and suddenly, it’s not a man’s responsibility to cook and clean. Talk about equal time spent with their own children and parenting and suddenly it’s a woman’s responsibility to take care of the kids. Talk about abortion, and suddenly, "She's a whore. She should've never had sex if she didn't want to get pregnant. The father has a right to the fetus currently growing inside the woman's body." But ask them to take responsibility for that said fetus and suddenly they’re gone…never to be seen. Adding to the number of single mothers or Married-Single mothers:) Talk about salary gaps, and suddenly it's, "Go back to the kitchen. Women weren't born to work." Talk about safety issues and the fact that women would choose a wild bear over a man in the forest, and suddenly it's, "Who's gonna save you from a dangerous situation? Who's gonna save you?" Sir... save us from who? Other women? The only danger to women in the whole world... is men. Oh, not all men... you're right. 98% of them. Because we’re not the ones doing the raping and the catcalling and the assault and the blackmail and the stalking and the beatings and the killings. "Oh, women are too emotional," and yet you're the ones punching the wall/TV whenever your football team isn't winning. You're the ones resorting to violence when things don't go your way or someone says something that hurts your ego. Name one woman who wasn't harassed/sexually assaulted/groped/raped/catcalled/stalked... NAME ONE WOMAN. To all the girls of today who want to be mothers of tomorrow, Don’t be like your mothers and grandmothers. Don’t have a child with an irresponsible man at all (Believe me when I say being single is far superior than being in an abusive relationship where you’re the one doing everything and it’s still not enough.) when you do decide to have a child, RAISE them right! You raise daughters but give birth to sons and that is why we’re in this situation right now. Be better than the previous generation. Do better. #Raise_awareness #Be_the_difference
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Honestly, at this point, I judge anyone who was waiting impatiently for the summer or was nagging about rainy, cold weather. Here you go, you freaks... sweat and get sunburnt and enjoy the mosquito bites^_^
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Paris at night by Konstantin Korovin
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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جوری که من اینو با صدای خودش خوندم :) Mood^_^
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“Your boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you cheer. Every breath I take without your permission raises my self-esteem.” -Rick and Morty
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
اینهارو امروز خوندم و برام جدید بود. گفتم شما هم بخونید.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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وقتی خود واقعیمون سرکوب میشه. *کتاب رهایی از محرومیت هیجانی دوران کودکی.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Repost from Sorcière
طرحواره یا همون ترامای «محرومیت هیجانی» یعنی اغلب دچار حس تنهایی، غمگینی و افسردگی می‌شی ولی معمولاً نمی‌دونی چرا این حس رو داری. با وجود این که اغلب این احساسات درونی اذیتت می‌کنه، ممکنه انتظار نداشته باشی که مورد محبت قرار بگیری، یا کسی درک و حمایتت کنه. - #طرحواره ، محرومیت هیجانی
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
#طرحواره_محرومیت_هیجانی ✅ طرحواره محرومیت هیجانی چیست؟ 🌱 افرادی که طرحواره محرومیت هیجانی دارند در اکثر مواقع احساس تنهایی، بی‌پناهی و محرومیت می‌کنند. آنها احساس می‌کنند که برای هیچکس در این دنیا مهم نمی‌باشند. 🌱 آنها احساس می‌کنند که حتی نزدیکترین افراد زندگی‌شان نیز پاسخگوی نیازهای عاطفی آنها نیستند. آنها باور دارند که هیچکس نگران زندگی و حال آنها نیست. 🌱 آنها همواره احساس درک نشدن می‌کنند. نیازهایشان را به کسی نمی‌گویند، زیرا باور دارند نیازهای عاطفی و روانی‌شان برای کسی مهم نمی‌باشد. آنها باور دارند که حتی اگر نیازهای خود را بگویند نیز کسی به آنها توجهی نمی‌کند. 🌱 از سویی دیگر آنها احساس پوچی و بی‌معنایی می‌کنند. نمی‌دانند از دیگران و از دنیا چه می‌خواهند. @growth_path
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