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Joel Davis

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Developments like this make me think of Mein Kampf, I believe it’s somewhere in the Nation and Race chapter, Hitler describes the process from beginning to end of how Jewish control develops in a host-nation. There’s various stages of expanding influence (change education to suit their agenda, corrupt the youth, destroy religion, buy media agencies, lobby ranking cops, judges, politicians etc) but according to Hitler the final goal is the “open admission” of total control over a host-nation by Jewish elements. He suggests that eventually and finally, everybody will know and understand that Jewish people hold all of the wealth and power in their society and the Jewish community will just admit it and expect to be recognised as the ruling class or “Blood-tyrants” as Hitler puts it. This is all speculative of course, but on a social-political level it does ‘feel’ as though we’re in a preliminary period preceding that final revelation of a “central despot” –detailed in that book they tell everybody not to read.
I told you so
2 51410Loading...
The Reform Party are cucked in their own right, throwing their own candidates under the bus under the pressure of "racist remark" scandals whipped up by the mainstream media showed serious weakness. But at the end of the day they ran on cutting legal immigration to net zero and deporting all illegal immigrants, their official policies if implemented would have reversed demographic decline and made Britain 4% Whiter. Pretty much every White Tory voter if asked would tell you they support these policies, yet they voted Tory anyway. Democracy is so fucking retarded.
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Reform ran an objectively masterful viral online campaign, too bad boomers were all watching TV and reading newspapers like good little goys Media habits determine voting habits, thank God mainstream media dies with the boomers
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The key takeaway from the Tories getting more votes than Reform despite installing a brown PM, flooding Britain with historic levels of immigrants and running the worst campaign from a mainstream political party in living memory is that politics can't be fixed until the boomers die off
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Should be a good show tonight, there's quite a lot to talk about - we'll go LIVE at 8:30 AEST Rumble Odysee Cozy Send a superchat on entropy
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Media files
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holy shit lol
4 86625Loading...
Proper geezer telling it like it is 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
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We ratioed neocon journalist earlier today, how about we ratio the leader of the Greens too boys - juice me 🧃🧃🧃
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New opinion by @joeldavisx on the rise of anti-immigration populism and the spectre of White identity fuelling it: Follow: @NoticerNews
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🧃this actually, this Sky News buttgoy deserves a ratio
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Muslims are breaking away from the mainstream Left to start their own party. Excellent development. White Australians need to learn that everyone else is going to play the identity politics game, and therefore so do we. Also Labor deserve it, they sold out the White working class to import brown voters. Karma. Identity politics will continue to replace ideology politics across the West. White identity politics is inevitable.
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Media files
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Nothing determines politics more than race. If you aren't racist, you don't understand politics.
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These comments from "extremism expert" "Dr" Joshua Roose about me in the recent article on us in the Australian are quite the compliment. My online activity is so prolific it seems he can't comprehend how I manage to work a full time job in tandem. Mogged by the Anglo work ethic I guess ⚡️
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Continuing on with this interview of Ziblatt I'm quoting from.. "There was a major discovery made in the course of the 19th century, which was the invention of political parties. When conservatives embrace this invention and have access to party organization and party professionals and on-the-ground grassroots organizing that they controlled, then they knew they could concede democracy without conceding power. They could win elections. When, on the other hand, they didn’t have access to these organizations, when they resisted coherent party organization, then they were left stranded and naked. In the countries where parties developed earliest, they could absorb [grassroots] groups and channel them in ways that didn’t threaten democracy. [That] took place in Britain. In Germany, in Spain, in Portugal, in Italy, where old-regime elites didn’t develop party organization early, [then] when grassroots mobilization took place, beginning in the 1890s in Europe, they were victims of this mobilization—they had no instruments in place to mobilize and channel these forces." So the conservative party was always a way for the elite to adapt to democracy and maintain rule and regime stability in spite of it. This is why conservatives cuck on everything because they exist to defend a power structure from being liquidated by the progressive agenda, not to fight the progressive agenda itself. And the way conservatives defend elite interests in a stable regime and power structure is by preventing people like us from mobilizing a grassroots movement to fight the progressive agenda. Strategically therefore it stands to reason that conservative parties are our #1 enemy and destroying them should be our #1 objective.
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The Jewish political scientist Daniel Ziblatt cannot be studied enough by our guys. His thesis is that it is the strength of conservative parties to bind right-wing forces to the regime underneath elitist control which is vital to the stability of liberal democracy, the greatest threat to which is the organization of populist-authoritarian forces on the Right. Of course I can't help but notice the implicit assumption that the Right cannot be allowed to actually have grassroots organization because that would be "undemocratic" - for our judeo-liberal ruling class only the Left is allowed to have democracy. "Ziblatt documents how conservative parties have repeatedly struggled to confront radical right-wing forces that pose challenges to democracy. And he articulates a theory for how all this contributed to the breakdown of democracy in 20th-century Germany and the blossoming of democracy in 19th-century Britain. Where conservatives in Western Europe have developed strong party organizations—maintaining control over the selection of candidates, the financing of campaigns, and the mobilization of grassroots activists—democracy has historically tended to be more stable." In the book being discussed, Conservative Parties and the Birth of Democracy, a hard comparative distinction is drawn between conservatives in Britain and Germany during the 19th and early 20th Century. The basic thesis is that in the UK conservatives adapted to "democracy" whereas in Germany they didn't and this was one of the fundamental reasons why they ended up on such different political trajectories. "There were these intervening years in the middle of the 1920s where you had relative stability [in the Weimar Republic] and these were also the years where the successor to the Conservative Party was doing well electorally. In 1928, they had a big electoral loss. There was a grassroots rebellion of the far-right who thought that the party leadership had been making too many concessions to the democratic order, and the party was taken over by this right-wing media mogul, Alfred Hugenberg, who pushed the party far to the right and began to open the door to the much further right, and sought out alliances with Hitler and the rising Nazi Party. The question becomes: Do these parties on the right ally with the very far right that are explicitly trying to overthrow the democratic system, or do they distance themselves? In this case, they clearly made the wrong choice. Going back to 19th-century Britain there’s a positive case where conservatives played a critical role in helping support democracy. When conservatives in the 1880s signed onto a franchise extension because they thought they could win elections—they helped negotiate the Third Reform Act. And the Conservative Party, because it was a well-organized political party, thrived in the face of democratic changes." The key mechanism for the strength of liberal democracy for Ziblatt is this "well-organized conservative political party" - and what he means by "well-organized" is a conservative party which maintains rigid loyalty to the regime against populist and authoritarian forces on the Right, which basically means a party and media machine controlled by elite financial interests who punch harder to the Right than to the Left. Sound familiar? [cont.]
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I like the gas station meme because it displays the unchangeable state of Natural Law. No matter how much society grows or adapts, the dynamics of the laws of the jungle stay the same. Opportunistic scavengers always seek to ambush the watering holes at night. Prey stay away, but predators are not intimidated by scavengers or parasites. The White man at his best is a predator, in his lane, calm but alert, focused and aware, flourishing.
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What a ghastly entity the asian girl with an aussie accent is..
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Space with Pox Populi will begin in a few minutes
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We will be LIVE at 8:30 (an hour from now), should be a fun show tonight And after the show I will jump on a twitter space with Pox Populi, so keep an eye out for that too ill post a link to it on here after the stream is done Rumble Odysee Cozy
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Live sportsbet odds, Biden is washed Honestly I think ZOG wants a Trump W, they need him to defend Israel and galvanise the Right behind fighting China. Wokeness will be wound back so they can convince patriotic Whites to support the regime at such a sensitive geopolitical moment.
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The only entaining thing I've heard in this debate is them arguing about who's better at golf what a shitshow, our civilization deserves to burn
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Biden is next level senile even by his standards, he's absolutely fried. Trump wins this election easy. The Jews want him in too to help Israel. It's a fucking lock boys. Trump went from being radical and interesting 9 years ago to basically the Platonic form of boomer centrism, which is why he'll win - no longer poses any meaningful threat to the ruling class.
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Just tuned into the US presidential debate and they're arguing over who loves blacks more, literally doing the meme 🤣
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We're going to do the show tomorrow night instead of our usual Thursday night broadcast.
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The purported manifesto of this alleged terrorist that was arrested today in Newcastle clearly states his support for the Liberal Party. Are we going to get a government inquiry into the threat of classical liberal terrorism? Will the state look to ban prominent classical liberals from social media? Obviously not. But imagine if he said he was sympathetic to White Nationalism what the reaction would be! The government is already working on new laws and regulations to censor us, justifying it on the grounds that our "extremism" is a national security threat. Around 6 months ago communists firebombed my friend's house in the middle of the night while his children and pregnant wife were asleep inside, blowing up the car in his driveway. Police have done nothing, they dont even seem to be investigating it. Where's the government inquiry into radical left-wing terrorism? Sure seems to me like the government doesn't actually care about terrorism, they just use the notion of it to justify attacking their political enemies.
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I've seen some discussion of entryism after an article was written about the based zoomer running Nigel Farage's TikTok account. I think in this instance we have an example of successful entryism, the guy has gotten himself into a key position and has used that position to push a more radical perspective than what is offered by the Reform Party boomers. Kudos. It's important however to recognise that most entryism stories aren't this successful or interesting. I have spoken to many crypto-prowhite entryists from all over the world working in mainstream conservative/populist politics and media - they all have very little to show for their efforts and their influence has seldom materialised into any publicly discernible manifestation. I don't say this to shit on such people, I understand the constraints and difficulties they are operating within. But it's important to point is this out in order to be realistic about these very constraints and difficulties. Entryists are subject to very harsh penalties if their true beliefs and intentions are exposed, they are therefore always fighting with a hand tied behind their back. This hand can only be untied by radicals operating independently of these constraints culturally and discursively attacking these constraints. The absolute limit of what an entryist can achieve is therefore set by radical actors that operate outside of the establishment. So the idea that entryism can function as a substitution for radical political activity, rather than a compliment, is just plain retarded. Those who advocate entryism need to acknowledge this, lest they delude people into an incorrect theory of politics. Every position of power in politics can be used only within the limits set by the prevailing cultural and ideological conditions. If you violate these conditions you open yourself up to being removed and replaced by someone who obeys these limits. Attacking the limits themselves therefore needs to be our primary strategic focus.
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It's working boys, keep racisting ⚡️⚡️😎
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Will be LIVE with Steve in 15mins^
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I'll be up early at 5am tomorrow Australian Eastern time (8pm UK time) for a special livestream with Steve Laws to discuss the upcoming UK election (which he is himself standing as a candidate in) - see you all then! Rumble Odysee Cozy
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New FriendlyJordies (Australia's most watched political youtuber) video goes surprisingly hard. I find the cunt insufferable usually, but he fucking cooked hard in this one. I mean yeah its unsurprising to see a lefty attack Israel, but he goes straight after the Zionist Lobby with talking points that only White Nationalists were using last year. Even metaironically alluding to the fact that Jews "run the world." He also criticises the censoring of an anti-Israel article (on the grounds of "antisemitism") from an antiwhite libtard on account of her being able to get away with publishing antiwhite libtard articles with impunity. He's still an insufferable faggot, but the 2024 political vibe shift is real.
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I’ve been banned from contacting James Costello who is currently serving 5 years in HMP Manchester for “stirring up racial hatred”. I’ve never spoken to James about politics, we only spoke about family and lighthearted things. I believe I’ve been banned because of my politics as 7 other people have been banned from contacting him, including Mark Collett and David Clews! This is completely unacceptable and is an attempt to cut him off from his friends and other nationalists. I phoned the prison and they said I need to contact their security department by post, so I’ve written them a letter asking them to explain why they’ve banned me and telling them I hadn’t broken any rules and I’d like to appeal the ban. I’m hoping they get back to me soon and I’ll let you know what they say. In the meantime, please consider writing James a letter to let him know we haven’t forgotten about him. I can’t imagine what it must be like knowing you’re serving multiple years behind bars. I know we all have busy lives but it takes 10 minutes to write a quick letter. Remember, James was out week in, week out campaigning for our people. He was such a dedicated activist and I have no doubt he’ll continue to be throughout his life. NAME: James Costello PRISONER NUMBER: A3561FA DATE OF BIRTH: 08.01.1985 ADDRESS: HMP Manchester, 1 Southall Street, Manchester, M60 9AH
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I've seen a few boomers crying about my anti-boomer rant on the show the other day. They called me "entitled" for suggesting that boomers should be helping their children and grandchildren as much as possible financially before they die, rather than viewing their wealth as their personal entitlement and only handing over what's left in their death. First of all, my parents are gen X not boomers so there is nothing personal about this. Second of all, if you are a boomer who is actually helping your children and grandchildren then you wouldn't have cause to be offended because you would realise my general criticism of your self-centered generation doesn't apply to you. But more importantly what I was articulating is a principle that blood is the highest value, and that everything we do in this life should be aimed ultimately at securing a future for our bloodlines. That is the whole fucking point of White Nationalism, if you can't comprehend that then you literally don't comprehend White Nationalism. You are a liberal individualist who deserves NONE of my respect, because you exhibit the exact same attitude that the vast majority of your generation did - which is why you handed over to us a collapsing civilization that we now need to deal with. And hell yes I feel entitled to what my ancestors built, this is also the essence of Nationalism - this is what it's all about. But by the same token I feel that I owe everything to future generations, which is why my life will be devoted to them and when they're my age they won't be glad to see me drop dead to get my shit because I'll already have given them everything I have.
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Keith Woods somehow found a recent picture of Costin Alamariu aka Bronze Age Pervert which makes for a good laugh This clique of fat middle aged e-jews who larp as Nietzschean bodybuilders are a fucking joke
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Ever since Twitter made likes invisible I have noticed that racist memes are going more viral than ever. If you have a friend who is vaguely sympathetic to racism and they don't have a twitter account, you need to get them on there. It's become the internet's biggest radicalisation chamber.
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Repost from Blair Cottrell
Developments like this make me think of Mein Kampf, I believe it’s somewhere in the Nation and Race chapter, Hitler describes the process from beginning to end of how Jewish control develops in a host-nation. There’s various stages of expanding influence (change education to suit their agenda, corrupt the youth, destroy religion, buy media agencies, lobby ranking cops, judges, politicians etc) but according to Hitler the final goal is the “open admission” of total control over a host-nation by Jewish elements. He suggests that eventually and finally, everybody will know and understand that Jewish people hold all of the wealth and power in their society and the Jewish community will just admit it and expect to be recognised as the ruling class or “Blood-tyrants” as Hitler puts it. This is all speculative of course, but on a social-political level it does ‘feel’ as though we’re in a preliminary period preceding that final revelation of a “central despot” –detailed in that book they tell everybody not to read.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
69💯 16👍 8🤮 2 1😢 1
Repost from Nicholas J. Fuentes
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I told you so
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👎 158😁 18🤮 11🤬 7🤨 4🥴 3🌚 3🆒 3 2👍 2 1
The Reform Party are cucked in their own right, throwing their own candidates under the bus under the pressure of "racist remark" scandals whipped up by the mainstream media showed serious weakness. But at the end of the day they ran on cutting legal immigration to net zero and deporting all illegal immigrants, their official policies if implemented would have reversed demographic decline and made Britain 4% Whiter. Pretty much every White Tory voter if asked would tell you they support these policies, yet they voted Tory anyway. Democracy is so fucking retarded.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 300💯 101😭 15👎 5🤮 5🤬 3
Reform ran an objectively masterful viral online campaign, too bad boomers were all watching TV and reading newspapers like good little goys Media habits determine voting habits, thank God mainstream media dies with the boomers
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
👍 241💯 60🎉 13🥴 4 3🤮 2
The key takeaway from the Tories getting more votes than Reform despite installing a brown PM, flooding Britain with historic levels of immigrants and running the worst campaign from a mainstream political party in living memory is that politics can't be fixed until the boomers die off
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
💯 287👍 32😭 20🤣 9
Should be a good show tonight, there's quite a lot to talk about - we'll go LIVE at 8:30 AEST Rumble Odysee Cozy Send a superchat on entropy
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Muslims to create their own party as "extremism experts" cry about us to the media

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👍 88 24🤮 5👎 3🤬 2❤‍🔥 1
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🤣 314😁 22💯 15 8👍 3👎 3🆒 3🤮 2🤨 2 1
Repost from Dissident Thoughts
Photo unavailableShow in Telegram
holy shit lol
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🤣 209🌚 29🤯 10 3😭 3👍 2👎 2🤔 2🤬 2🤮 2🥴 2
Video unavailableShow in Telegram
Proper geezer telling it like it is 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
1.06 MB
🤣 390😎 45 24👍 17🫡 6🔥 4😱 1
We ratioed neocon journalist earlier today, how about we ratio the leader of the Greens too boys - juice me 🧃🧃🧃
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Joel Davis (@joeldavisx) on X

@AdamBandt Turns out Australians don't like being flooded with Indians mate Maybe instead of bitching and moaning about it you could try rationalising it as being good for the environment to cut immigration (turns out it actually is by the way) and get yourself on the right side of history

148👍 7👎 3🤬 2🤮 2
Boshqa reja tanlang

Joriy rejangiz faqat 5 ta kanal uchun analitika imkoniyatini beradi. Ko'proq olish uchun, iltimos, boshqa reja tanlang.