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CRAIG KELLY - Keeping the bastards honest.

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Labor/Liberal UniParty protects the eSafety Commissioner. What a joke. The eSafety Commissar should be sacked for wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars in a hopeless legal case against her former employer that has made Australia an international laughing stock. But the Labor/Liberal UniParty unite to protect her. Then they play the victim card. I’m sorry, but I don‘t remember any heart felt speeches from the UniParty when I was being assaulted in the streets, receiving hundreds of threats, and when political activists trespassed on my family home - because I was trying to protect Australians from being forced to undergo experimental medical interventions.
2 70522Loading...
Australia is going backwards under Albanese & Blackout Bowen With these two clueless fools in charge, pushing the ideological madness of Net Zero, Australia is a deep GDP per capita recession - with 4 back to back quarters of negative growth -1.3% GDP per capita growth over past 12 months represents Australia’s worst economic performance (outside of the pandemic) since the 1990’s recession 30 years ago And to mask over this mess they have created, Albanese is resorting to turbo charging the ponzi migration scheme to create a ‘sugar hit’ to keep GDP from also going backwards. But even with this sugar hit, 🇦🇺overall GDP growth represents our worst economic performance (outside of the pandemic) since the 1990’s recession 30 years ago. And this sugar hit of turbo charging migration only makes things worse in the long term However, things wouldn’t be much better under the weak Liberals as they also have signed up to Net Zero. At the next election, make sure you send a message and vote ONE NATION.
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Albanese and Blackout Bowen are destroying what’s left of Australian manufacturing. These two incompetent bumbling fools have no idea what they doing. The destructive insanity of Net Zero simply means that Australian manufacturers can no longer obtain energy at internationally competitive prices - so one by one they head for the exit. And with their socialist central-planning where the clueless Blackout Bowen "picks winners" and diverts Australia’s limited resources into ideologically driven projects (like $1B trying compete against China building solar panels) things will only get worse. From the Australian Industry group …..… The Australian PMI® (all manufacturing) dropped by 17.3 points further into contraction (-31.1) in May. In trend terms, the indicator has been negative since September 2022.
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THE POVERTY MAKERS Put two bumbling incompetent clowns in charge of energy policy - and what could possibly go wrong ? Yesterday’s national accounts recorded (even with massive levels of migration) that Australian GDP growth is the worst on record since the early 1990s recession outside of the pandemic. And worse, what really counts for the average Australian is GDP per capita, and that’s in negative territory, also the worst on record since the early 1990s recession outside of the pandemic. Albanese & Bowen are making Australians poorer. When are we going to wake up to fact that the destructive insanity of NET ZERO only results in unproductive expenditure that destroys real wealth creation, and creates poverty.
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GDP per capita is collapsing, we are in worst housing crisis in the nation’s history and Albanese is prioritising YOGA INSTRUCTORS to migrate to Australia And as Matt Barrie notes, it’s up to 1,800 yoga instructors per year. Seriously, you couldn’t make this up.
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eSafety Karen drops the case. Musk wins. Complete & utter incompetence. A hopeless case, a malicious prosecution at the taxpayers’ expense. The eSafety Commissar MUST RESIGN and be asked to repay the legal incurred in this hopeless case.
3 48930Loading...
It’s time to drain the Canberra swamp
8 442113Loading...
"You belong in prison, Doctor Fauci"
5 964128Loading...
COULDN’T HE WRITE HIS OWN SPEECHES ? $310,000 p.a for Bill’s Speechwriter ? This is just par for the course for the Canberra swamp Bill would be lucky to average more than one speech a month.… If people working their guts out in small businesses around Australia knew the extent of the excesses of the Canberra Swamp they pay for - they’d be taking to the streets with pitchforks.
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THE FINAL NAIL THE VACCINE FANATICS COFFIN Huge new Oxford study (30,000+ child) finds no benefit from Covid injections for children, but vaccinated children were more likely to need hospitalisation. The study found zero covid benefit for children injected with Covid vaccines in terms of; Ambulance & Emergency Attendance, Covid Hospitalisation, or Death. However, there was a 20% higher rate of all cause unplanned hospitalisations in children after the first injection (73/10,000) compared to vaccine free children (60/10,000) And after a second injection, the combined rates of children that needed hospitalisation that were vaccinated (110/10,000) were higher than the unvaccinated children (101/10,000). The only conclusion from this study is that for children, the Covid vaccines were UNSAFE, INEFFE
15 455534Loading...
🤯🤯TRIGGER WARNING 🤯🤯 If you’ve succumb to the Woke Mind-Virus and have shown symptoms of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) you will find this video highly disturbing.
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Imagine voting Labor your entire life, only to be betrayed in your later years as Albanese turbo charged the Ponzi Migration Scheme causing rents to skyrocket to a level that forced you out of your home and into a caravan park.
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THIS IS BEYOND INSANITY The Ukrainian military — with President Biden’s approval— is now firing US, British & German missiles onto Russian territory Imagine if the Cuban military - with Putin’s approval - was firing Russian & Chinese missiles onto targets inside the USA ? And we have senile President in the White House, controlled by people so desperate to cling to power, who have already risked injecting the world with an experimental genetic agent that had no long term safety data And there’s not a single world leader in the west calling for a ceasefire or some type of peace talks in Ukraine The risk of a miscalculation and a catastrophic escalation is beyond terrifying As RFK states; Pentagon modeling predicts that 90 million Americans will die in the first few minutes of a nuclear war with Russia & 90 million over the next six months. Those are probably underestimates And without being over dramatic, that possibility has to be greater today than at any time since 1963.
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THE SIX‘S HAVE IT" Back in 63 thank goodness the world had a JFK (who didn‘t roll over to the "expert" opinion of his bureaucrats) and not a Morrison. The "institution" that Morrison forget to have respect for, was the institution of the Office of Prime Minister, which is not a rubber stamp for the bureaucrats.
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AUSTRALIAN EXCESS DEATHS UP 11% IN FEB 2024 - BUT THE ABS ARE HIDING THIS FROM THE PUBLIC When the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) have changed the way they report Excess Mortality in a manner which hides the ongoing shocking double digit rates of Excess Mortality in Australia - what other conclusion can one reach other than that the once revered ABS is now just another corrupted Canberra swamp bureaucracy protecting the globalists’ interests.… More in comments ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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END THIS MADNESS : SNOWY 2.0 SHOULD BE ABANDONED The latest detail in Snowy 2.0’s business case only further hi-lights the economic lunacy of this white elephant project, a product of the woke mind virus that will only destroy wealth & energy Any half competent government would pull the pin immediately, cut the losses and abandon the project diverting the capital still yet to wasted into to building several coal fired power stations to help restore Australia’s International competitiveness. Malcolm Turnbull originally costed this project at $2 billion. At the time I was Chairman of the Coalition Backbench Committee on Energy, and although I was denied access to full business case (yet I and all the other backbench Coalition MPs were meant to mindlessly support it) even from the limited numbers I had access to, it took a few minutes to calculate on the back of a drinks coaster that this project didn’t make economic sense, was all about politics, and to keep the renewables scam going More in comments ⬇️
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ONE NATION MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Don’t stand-by and watch our nation be destroyed. Join the fight to save Australia by joining ONE NATION. We need your help to fight back.
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ONE NATION MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Don’t stand-by and watch our nation be destroyed. Join the fight to save Australia by joining ONE NATION. We need your help to fight back.
Tonight‘s Political Forum, Sydney Also updates & discussion on; The WHO‘s Global Pandemic Treaty, $600 million for a PNG Rugby League Team Immigration policy The Soviet style Net Zero Economic AUTHORITY The Housing Crisis Criminals, and Child rapists facing deportation having their visas restored. How did this happen and who is to blame? And more, 7pm start - free admission - all welcome
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If renewables are cheaper - why aren’t the Ukrainians asking for Solar panels ? ALBANESE : "We will continue to support Ukraine for as long as it takes" Liar. Why are you ignoring Ukraine‘s plea for coal ? Or why not, in the alternate, offer to send them solar Panels - after all Blackout Bowen tells everyone they are "cheaper". It’s because as always it’s about the politics. You won’t, because to say YES to their request for coal would make you look like a hypocrite and liar given your are restricting Australians from accessing coal-fired power with your assertions that "renewables" are cheaper. And if you said, NO you’d also look like a hypocrite & liar for claiming we are continuing to support Ukraine. And if you offered them solar panels instead, you look like a complete fool, as you’d be laughed at given the Ukrainians tell say "Thank you, but they are useless". And that would expose you a hypocrite & liar for telling Australians "renewables are cheaper".
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Albanese & Blackout Bowen’s NET ZERO ECONOMY AUTHORITY - Soviet style central planning at its best. What could possibly go wrong having government bureaucrats to replace the free market in directing economic activity ? The problem is that arrogant & ignorant socialists like Blackout actually think they are so smart, that the economy would run more efficiently if they directed all economic activity rather than the market. Net Zero has nothing to do with the environment, it’s all about a socialist power grab.
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Corruption or Incompetence? : Why do our health bureaucrats never mention Vitamin D and continue to push only Big Pharma’s "Booster" injections ? New Study : Peer-reviewed Meta analysis of 19 Randomised Controlled Trials with 2,435 total participants showing significantly lower ICU admission and mechanical ventilation with vitamin D treatment. Results were better for moderate to severe COVID-19 patients, and with multiple dose versus single dose treatment. Length of hospitalization was also significantly lower within the moderate/severe and multiple dose subgroups.
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Labor commits to WHO Global Pandemic Treaty & making it BINDING upon Australia The Labor/Liberal UniParty have confirmed they are going to sell out Australia’s sovereignty, by signing up to WHO‘s Global Pandemic Treaty &give power to unelected globalist bureaucrats controlled by the Communist Chinese & Bill Gates to make BINDING decisions that Australia must follow Australia’s Health Minister Butler confirmed this overnight in a speech at the WHO - and as expected, the Liberals & the ABC have been silent on this today Pauline Hanson, Malcolm Roberts & myself warned before the last that this would happen, and signing up the WHO’s dictates would be BINDING upon 🇦🇺- but we werecalled ‘conspiracy theorists’ Well Mark Butler has now confirmed that we were 100% right We cannot allow Bill Gates & the Chinese puppet, the Ethiopian Marxist Tedros to make decisions about lockdowns & mandatory medical interventions that are binding upon 🇦🇺 Please help us fight to save the nation.
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All One Nation supporters, members & friends are invited to our regular monthly meeting at Guildford Leagues in Sydney’s west. Admission is free. This month we are honoured to have as our guest speaker, Mr Peter Ristevski who was recently awarded the prestigious title of Best Tax Accountant in Australia of 2024… Peter will give an overview and take questions on the recent Federal budget and how how it affects Australian citizens. In addition we’ll have an update on the recently passed Digital ID Bill, the Ute Tax, the WHO’s Global Pandemic Treaty and the outrageous conduct of the eSafety Commission. Councillor Steve Christo will also give an update on his fight to protect children. Guilford Leagues also has a great Bistro, so come early and enjoy dinner before our 7pm start.
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The latest poll just released by Roy Morgan also follows other recent polls finding support for ONE NATION continuing to surge. Due to their methodology, Roy Morgan polls traditionally under-estimate the One Nation vote, recording a lower number for One Nation than election results and other polls. However, the latest Morgan poll has recorded one of its highest ever results for ONE NATION up 0.5% to 6%. This helps to confirm the other recent polls which have all found ONE NATION’S vote increasing to between to 7% and 9%. Other positive news from the Morgan Poll shows the estimated vote for the Labor/Liberal UNIPARTY is down 2% (Labor down 2%, Liberal steady) and "Other Parties" up 0.5% to 5%, the majority of which should hopefully flow to ONE NATION in preferences.
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After the TGA has approved $2 Billion in payments to Big Pharma for ‘covid anti-virals’ Molnupiravir and Paxlovid - Oxford’s study finds them USELESS… Over 1.5 million Australians have been prescribed Molnupiravir and Paxlovid to treat Covid, at a cost of $1,100 a course - and now Oxford’s study (1,060 patient study) finds them useless. This is now test of the TGA, will the TGA pull these experimental drugs from the market, given that Oxford have found them useless and their Now wonder the malfeasants at Oxford delayed release ing this study protecting Big Pharma’s revenue.
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Breaking - Trump commits to never allowing a Central Bank Digital Currency That seals the deal - we all need to be on the Trump train
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There must be a Royal Commission into denying the sick & dying access to Ivermectin There must be a Royal Commission into denying the sick & dying access to life-saving treatments
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Yesterday morning the NSW grid was running on 99% coal. Solar & Wind combined were generating 0,7% Can any of the anti-coal Zealots explain what’s going to keep the lights on nights like that when there’s no wind ? And if you think the answer is "big batteries" - how many would you need and what would be the cost (to the nearest billion)
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Well here’s the apology the Victorian Chief Commissioner should be making I’m sorry for the reign of terror we inflicted upon the state during covid for the people we bashed to the women we choked & wrestled to the ground because they weren’t wearing a mask outside to the old ladies we pushed to the ground & sprayed like bugs with pepper spray to pregnant mums that we terrorized, arresting & handcuffing them in their own homes, for posting details of a protest against Dan Andrews on Facebook for the heads we kicked & stomped with our police boots to those we kneed in the kidneys & to those that we rammed our rifles into their spine to those that we shot in back with rubber bullets as they fled through a public park for the damage that we caused to Australia’s international reputation with scenes of what you’d expect in 3rd world dictatorship for how we destroyed the reputation of, and publics trust of police But most of all, I’m sorry that we never arrested Dan Andrews.
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HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE v. AVIAN INFLUENZA Dr. McCullough writes; Because highly pathogenic avian influenza is so infrequent, there have been no randomized trials or human studies of treatment. Therefore, we must rely on preclinical data with drugs that are already used and proven safe in humans. Yan, et al (2012) studied H5N1 infection in the laboratory and demonstrated that physiological relevant concentrations of chloroquine inhibited viral entry and damage to human cells. Additionally, when given as treatment and not prophylaxis, chloroquine reduced pulmonary alveolar infiltrates and improved survival in mice after a lethal dose of H5N1 from zero to 70%.…
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NUREMBERG 2.0 - WHO SHOULD BE IN THE DOCK ? @P_McCulloughMD lists the individuals from the USA that should be in the dock at Nuremburg 2.0 Here’s my list of those from Australia that should be on the list; TGA - senior management National Covid Evidence Taskfore ATAGI APHRA State and Federal Health Ministers Prime Minister & all State Premiers State & Federal Chief Medical officiers Federal Opposition Leader and Shadow Health Minister The CEO of any company or government department that mandated injections The media that promoted the ‘safe and effective’ lie. The ABS for trying to hide excess deaths
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THE UNI-PARTY Same on Migration Same on Net Zero Same on Digital ID Same on WHO Global Pandemic Treaty Only ONE NATION offers a real difference.
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You can’t trust either Labor or Liberal to cut migration numbers. Clare farcically claims Labor are "cutting migration" Yeah right Clare. You just imported 105,000 people in the month of February alone - the first time ever in Australia history that the monthly total was above 100,000. In fact, the average annual net migration intake for 1991-2004 was around 99,000 per year. Labor imported what used to a years worth of migrants in just the month of Feb alone. Only ONE NATION has been consistent and be trusted to make real cuts migration numbers.
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ASTRAZENECA TRIAL RESULTS : UNSAFE & INEFFECTIVE - No wonder it never received even emergency use authorisation in the USA. Last week when AstraZeneca announced they were withdrawing their Covid vaccine from the market for "commercial reasons" they quietly published their Clinical Trail data showing the long term effects (up to 2 years) after injection. The data shows that AstraZeneca was dangerously unsafe and ineffective - and should have never even been injected into a dog. 1 in 34 people injected 2.9% suffered a Serious Adverse Event (SAE) compared to the placebo group 1.2%. Therefore being injected with AstraZeneca more than doubled a persons risk of suffering a Serious Adverse Event which was defined as either: death, immediately life-threatening, hospitalization, persistent or significant disability or incapacity, congenital abnormality or birth defect, or an important medical event. 1 in 34 doesn’t seem to fit the definition of "rare".
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Media files
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THE UNI-PARTY : 2 wings of the same vulture. Labor/Liberal Uni-Party Same on Net Zero Same on Digital ID Same on WHO Global Pandemic Treaty Same on Turbo Migration Only ONE NATION offers a real alternative. Only ONE NATION can save Australia
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ONE NATION CONTINUES TO STRENGTHEN IN RECENT POST-BUDGET POLLS In a Budget week it’s difficult for the minor parties as all the focus is on the Government and the opposition‘s Budget-in-Reply speech, however; 🟠The Resolve Strategic Poll (conducted Wed to has One Nation up two percent to 7% plus there‘s an addition 2% for UAP who are an unlikely starter at the next election . 🟠The YouGov poll (conducted from last Friday to Budget Day, Tuesday) has ONE NATION on a steady 8%… 🟠Newspoll has ONE NATION steady at 7% All 3 polls have ONE NATION well up on the last election result when it received 5% of the vote. And Poll Blugder is showing ONE NATION with the greatest improvement of all parties in its vote since the last election. 🟠One Nation +2.0% 🔵Coalition +1.7% 🟢Greens + 0.7% 🔴Labor -1.5%
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DAN ANDREWS + ALBANESE + WEAK LIBERALS = As David Llewellyn-Smith writes, I strolled through Melbourne City the other night, & it was shocking for any 🇦🇺 Every doorway had some poor soul curled up in a fetal position. People were literally stepping over bodies to get around Civil & polite Asian students make up the majority of the city population. They are not at fault However, the displacement of rental stock they have triggered has created a high level of aggression that has developed in what was once Australia’s most livable city It wasn’t so much a case of “vibrancy” as it was violence The govt knows the problem as 6 police are standing on every corner. The rumours of assaults are rife. I only just dodged one homeless fellow on a rampage myself, despite a police cordon within spitting distance There are now whole streets in central Melb that one is ill-advised to traverse because of the angry homeless
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SAVE THE DATE - Thursday 30th May All One Nation supporters, members & friends are invited to our regular monthly meeting at Guildford Leagues in Sydney’s west. Admission is free. This month we are honoured to have as our guest speaker, Mr Peter Ristevski who was recently awarded the prestigious title of Best Tax Accountant in Australia of 2024… Peter will give an overview and take questions on the recent Federal budget and how how it affects Australian citizens. In addition we’ll have an update on the recently passed Digital ID Bill, the Ute Tax, the WHO’s Global Pandemic Treaty and the outrageous conduct of the eSafety Commission. Councillor Steve Christo will also give an update on his fight to protect children. Guilford Leagues also has a great Bistro, so come early and enjoy dinner before our 7pm start.
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Labor/Liberal UniParty protects the eSafety Commissioner. What a joke. The eSafety Commissar should be sacked for wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars in a hopeless legal case against her former employer that has made Australia an international laughing stock. But the Labor/Liberal UniParty unite to protect her. Then they play the victim card. I’m sorry, but I don‘t remember any heart felt speeches from the UniParty when I was being assaulted in the streets, receiving hundreds of threats, and when political activists trespassed on my family home - because I was trying to protect Australians from being forced to undergo experimental medical interventions.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
IMG_2954.MOV7.85 MB
👍 112💯 48💩 22🤡 7 6🖕 5🔥 1
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Australia is going backwards under Albanese & Blackout Bowen With these two clueless fools in charge, pushing the ideological madness of Net Zero, Australia is a deep GDP per capita recession - with 4 back to back quarters of negative growth -1.3% GDP per capita growth over past 12 months represents Australia’s worst economic performance (outside of the pandemic) since the 1990’s recession 30 years ago And to mask over this mess they have created, Albanese is resorting to turbo charging the ponzi migration scheme to create a ‘sugar hit’ to keep GDP from also going backwards. But even with this sugar hit, 🇦🇺overall GDP growth represents our worst economic performance (outside of the pandemic) since the 1990’s recession 30 years ago. And this sugar hit of turbo charging migration only makes things worse in the long term However, things wouldn’t be much better under the weak Liberals as they also have signed up to Net Zero. At the next election, make sure you send a message and vote ONE NATION.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
💯 109🖕 37🤬 14💩 10👍 3🤡 3 2🤣 2
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Albanese and Blackout Bowen are destroying what’s left of Australian manufacturing. These two incompetent bumbling fools have no idea what they doing. The destructive insanity of Net Zero simply means that Australian manufacturers can no longer obtain energy at internationally competitive prices - so one by one they head for the exit. And with their socialist central-planning where the clueless Blackout Bowen "picks winners" and diverts Australia’s limited resources into ideologically driven projects (like $1B trying compete against China building solar panels) things will only get worse. From the Australian Industry group ….. The Australian PMI® (all manufacturing) dropped by 17.3 points further into contraction (-31.1) in May. In trend terms, the indicator has been negative since September 2022.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🤬 72👍 34💯 21💩 4😁 2 1
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THE POVERTY MAKERS Put two bumbling incompetent clowns in charge of energy policy - and what could possibly go wrong ? Yesterday’s national accounts recorded (even with massive levels of migration) that Australian GDP growth is the worst on record since the early 1990s recession outside of the pandemic. And worse, what really counts for the average Australian is GDP per capita, and that’s in negative territory, also the worst on record since the early 1990s recession outside of the pandemic. Albanese & Bowen are making Australians poorer. When are we going to wake up to fact that the destructive insanity of NET ZERO only results in unproductive expenditure that destroys real wealth creation, and creates poverty.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🤬 104👍 27👏 3🤣 3 2💩 2💯 1
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GDP per capita is collapsing, we are in worst housing crisis in the nation’s history and Albanese is prioritising YOGA INSTRUCTORS to migrate to Australia And as Matt Barrie notes, it’s up to 1,800 yoga instructors per year. Seriously, you couldn’t make this up.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
🤡 127🤯 51🤬 28💩 18 5🤣 5👎 3🔥 3🤨 3🖕 2🤷‍♂ 1
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eSafety Karen drops the case. Musk wins. Complete & utter incompetence. A hopeless case, a malicious prosecution at the taxpayers’ expense. The eSafety Commissar MUST RESIGN and be asked to repay the legal incurred in this hopeless case.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
💯 200👍 35😁 12🔥 8 7👏 7🤣 5💩 1
Video unavailableShow in Telegram
It’s time to drain the Canberra swamp
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
IMG_2867.MOV27.16 MB
💯 376👍 31💩 19🖕 6🤬 4 2🤡 2👎 1
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"You belong in prison, Doctor Fauci"
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
IMG_2910.MOV31.51 MB
💯 452👍 37 18👏 12🔥 8🖕 1
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COULDN’T HE WRITE HIS OWN SPEECHES ? $310,000 p.a for Bill’s Speechwriter ? This is just par for the course for the Canberra swamp Bill would be lucky to average more than one speech a month. If people working their guts out in small businesses around Australia knew the extent of the excesses of the Canberra Swamp they pay for - they’d be taking to the streets with pitchforks.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
IMG_2883.MOV9.59 MB
👍 166💯 109🤬 77💩 33 10🖕 6🔥 2
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THE FINAL NAIL THE VACCINE FANATICS COFFIN Huge new Oxford study (30,000+ child) finds no benefit from Covid injections for children, but vaccinated children were more likely to need hospitalisation. The study found zero covid benefit for children injected with Covid vaccines in terms of; Ambulance & Emergency Attendance, Covid Hospitalisation, or Death. However, there was a 20% higher rate of all cause unplanned hospitalisations in children after the first injection (73/10,000) compared to vaccine free children (60/10,000) And after a second injection, the combined rates of children that needed hospitalisation that were vaccinated (110/10,000) were higher than the unvaccinated children (101/10,000). The only conclusion from this study is that for children, the Covid vaccines were UNSAFE, INEFFE
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
💯 250 18🤬 14👍 12🔥 11💩 7👎 5👏 2🖕 1