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Repost from LauraAboli
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In conversation with Sean Stone… “Focus on what you can do…and take the first step” Full interview:
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Repost from Cosmic Light Force
Neem Tree, also known as ‘Azadirachta indica’ is a tree native to India. In Sanskrit, neem is arista, which means something that is perfect, imperishable and complete. Not only its leaves, but the tree’s seeds, roots and bark also contain important compounds that have many medicinal and beauty properties. The tree is supposed to denote ‘good health’ in our Ayurveda — which follows the natural ways for treatment and medicine, has been using extracts of neem tree as a key ingredient, for good health and well being. Neem is best known for its anti-aging properties. Due to its antioxidant properties, neem protects the skin from harmful UV rays, pollution and other environmental factors. The vitamins and fatty acids in neem improve and maintain the elasticity of the skin, reduce wrinkles and fine lines. This make you and your skin look rejuvenated and youthful. Neem is also beneficial in fighting against fungal infection. Its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties keep the harmful bacteria and fungi at bay. Neem is incredibly useful to take these days to counter all of today’s toxins. Starseed Fuel Organic Neem👇🏽 20 Health benefits of Neem leaves
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Organic Neem | Starseed Fuel

Organic NeemHigh Potency Vegan Capsules Supports Healthy Immune FunctionHealthy SkinDigestive Support Free from corn, soy, salt, yeast, sugar, wheat, egg, and dairy If you are pregnant, nursing or taking medication, please consult your physician before use. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product is not intended to diagnose, treat, sure or prevent any disease. Cruelty free. Never tested on animals. Made in the United States. Suggested Use: As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule 3 times daily. Storage: Store in a cool dry place. 120 Capsules

Repost from Cosmic Light Force
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Taking good organic supplements will also be very helpful for your body-vessel. Irish Sea Moss & Bladderwrack is amazing for you. Available on ✨👁🙏🏽💜✨ @drue86
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Repost from Awakened_144
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Never lose your sense of humour 😁 as we witness the matrix crumble before our eyes! It’s going to get more insane 🤪these energies ⚡️ are taking no prisoners. Feel the rage 😡 and let it go ✨ Remember it’s a short ride here on planet stupid have fun!🧚🏻‍♀️ Love Mila🧚🏻‍♀️😘❤️🧚🏻‍♀️
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Repost from Cosmic Light Force
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Time does not heal all wounds; it just gives them space to sink into the subconscious, where they will continue to impact your emotions and behaviours. What heals is going inward, connection with source, loving yourself, accepting yourself, listening to your needs, addressing your attachments & emotional history, learning how to let go, and following your intuition. When you have a clear understanding of your own identity, you no longer allow others to dictate or define who you are. Insults, manipulation, lies, projections, and false narratives no longer have power over you, as you carry within you the truth template activating the deep sense of knowing & assurance. Life inevitably brings changes, and sometimes love may be lost in the process. It is important to remember that your worth & value can never be determined by external factors or the opinions of others. As you Ascend you are cultivating inner confidence and relying on your own divine guidance, and you can navigate through these changes with strength & resilience. Your Higher frequencies are your protection from the low vibrational 3D Matrix. Ascending Sovereign souls made a powerful decision to prioritize the internal embodiment of love, harmony & peace. By having made this commitment, ‘you chose’ to not engage in inner conflict or compromise your well-being for the sake of others. You recognize that you have a unique purpose & path, and that it is no longer necessary to conform to societal expectations or be like everyone else. Embracing your individuality, and choosing yourself allows you to cultivate a greater sense of fulfillment & authenticity in life. ~Excerpts - Written by Ascension LightWorkers. TRUST YOU > your Perfect, Exact, Destined, Magical Divine Journey! Continue to RISE. 🙏🏽🤍✨ -TC @drue86
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Repost from Cosmic Light Force
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To embody love and live our lives from a heart centered place, it entails a high degree of stewardship especially when it comes to all of nature and our planet. The more love we embody within ourselves, the more love we have to give to the communities we share this Earth with, and the more we make certain that our home (this planet) is kept in the healthiest state it can be so that we can all thrive. We begin to show the highest level of compassion for all animals, plants and other species of life on this planet. We begin to take a high degree of reverence for nature knowing that it has a sacred balance. We learn to work with it; rather than against it. — Erin M @frequencycodes
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Repost from Cosmic Light Force
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Grand Rising Cosmic Elemenders! How are y’all feeling on our journey through these uncharted waters so far — as we wrap up Level 2023? We’ve been passing through rough waters & storms — which is not quite over just yet. Many are having Ascension symptoms & for some, it’s hitting very intensely. The SUN is literally exploding right now, but this is the best time to absorb it! As for me, I’m not experiencing much Ascension symptoms anymore, but I Am very sensitive to all Energy & I know how activating it is right now. I’m mostly on West Coast time & I’m up at the wee hours of the night — because I’m usually asleep by 8-9pm these days but the Energy wakes me up around this time & writing allows me to transfer the downloads out of from my head. We are also dealing with powerful Light data flowing in from multidimensional quantum realms & consciousness, including our own Higher Souls. Understand that in these days of solar flares, solar winds & astrological shifts that impact humankind in numerous ways — upending the old cycles & patterns that have been in place for millennia, drawing in new & higher forms of experience that our own Higher Souls are also answering to this influx of Higher Light. The messages reach us on a cellular level, which you then download & decode. These inform the various aspects of your Soul Mission that have been ongoing, though unseen by you until this time in your Earth life. Though mainly unseen, you & fellow Light Bearers came in with rare & powerful Earth Missions. The Light-codes we are receiving are specific instructions on the next phase. Be still to get clarity on them. ✨🙏🏽👁🤍✨ @drue86
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Repost from Cosmic Light Force
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Everything that is happening is manifesting as a reflection of the Collective Energy. Many have expressed to me that they want to see or experience certain collective events — the ones we are all expecting right?? Here’s a couple things to consider. Do not wait for an outer physical world event to happen or change for YOU to feel a certain way internally. This is an inverted way of thinking. It is ALWAYS our internal State of Being & its resonating Energy that will manifest the physical matter & experiences accordingly. Many focus on the potential collective events to change their State of Being — without offering their own intentions & actions towards the collective quantum realm. What & how are your intentions & actions, within your personal world, are contributing to the collective greater good? Personal events are much easier to manifest as it requires a much smaller amount of Energy to produce. Collective Events, especially the ones we all hope for that would effects hundreds of millions or billions of Humans, would require extremely large amounts of Energy to manifest into the physical realm — which would require hundreds of millions or billions of Human Energy. For these events to become reality in our current timeline, it would require Humans to be on the same resonating frequency for the same goal. We are getting there. You help by working on yourSELF & your personal quantum realm, which by quantum entanglement, changes EVERYTHING. ✨🙏🏽👁🤍✨ The sun just erupted with its most powerful solar flare in 6 YEARS - and it could spark geomagnetic storms and huge power outages on Earth, scientists warn @drue86
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Repost from Cosmic Light Force
Q is a psyop, med beds are not real, Nesara Gesara is conspiracy, blah, blah, blah… The real psyop is the inversion of language — words & spells. They say ‘seeing is believing’ but the TRUTH is ‘believing is seeing’. Remember they do not want you to believe in a greater GOODNESS because the energetic signature in your Faith & Belief will manifest itself in the physical realm. Another reason why they use fearful, emotional-triggering, clickbait headlines — to get 3D emotional humans all charged up & get them to manifest the very things they DO NOT want. Meanwhile in this new higher timeline reality, BRICS is taking down the old fiat financial system. Tesla Energy Healing machines are advancing in warp-speed. I’ll be introducing some Rife-tech quantum-wave healing machines very soon here too. Then there’s this new QPhone by Quantum Generations — a next generation decentralized infrastructure & quantum technologies, using Space-based communication internet, fintech, mobile & Q-Satellites. They’re also using utilizing Q369 Token & Qubit Tokens too — sounds a lot like Space Force & Starlink-type operations. This is NOT an ad & I have nothing to do with this company. It just sounds a lot like what the rumors have been saying for the longest time. ✨👁✨ Quantum Generations® space-based decentralized QPhone® @drue86
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The Quantum Phone (QPhone™) and Quantum Generations®: Your Ticket to the Future

In this video, we'll show you the amazing Quantum Phone (QPhone™) and Quantum Generations®. This phone is a quantum computer, quantum smartphone, and quantum internet all in one! Quantum computing is a new kind of computing that uses quantum bits, or qubits. This phone is the first to use quantum technology and it's amazing! We'll show you how it works and how you can use it to revolutionize your life. The Quantum Phone (QPhone™) is the next step in technology and you don't want to miss out on this incredible opportunity! Quantum Generations® is developing and deploying its Space-based quantum communications with the Quantum Phone (QPhone™), decentralized Internet, fintech, mobile, and QSAT® Satellites. QG® is the next generation of decentralized infrastructure and quantum technologies in Space that will change everything. Providing a decentralized, incentivized, and self-sustainable quantum mesh network. We are utilizing quantum cryptography, space-based QPhone, and QG networks. For globally decentralized data storage( QG Space Cloud). We are utilizing the Q369 Token and Qubit Token within the Quantum Generation ecosystem to activate products and services such as decentralized communication products, internet, data storage, incentivized platforms, and participation deployment of the QSAT satellites, quantum mesh network products, and services. Subscribe to this channel and keep updated. Our Exclusive Discord Membership is now available and have a chance at winning a TESLA 3 Automobile

#quantum #quantumphone #spacex #aitechnology

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