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The Iconoclast

Official Telegram channel for The Iconoclast.

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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

DEATH TO THE ICONOCLAST! This will be my final video. "The Iconoclast" has been an amazing ride, I'm so proud of what we've done, but for me the time has come to draw a line under it in order to progress in my life. We need a movement full of successful people who have social power, and I don't think I can achieve that while being a content creator in this space. I'm not leaving nationalism, I'll be around, but my role going forwards will not involve being a "public figure" anymore. This has been a difficult decision to make but I believe it is ultimately the correct one. I explain more in the video. All I can say is thank you.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Death To The Iconoclast

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I'm trying to take a break from all of this nonsense but I simply can't resist in spewing some verbal diarrhea your way. The storming of the capital tonight in Washington DC was hilarious as it was tragic. It was tragic because an innocent woman lost her life on the basis of false promises. It was hilarious because if this wasn't real life it would be an iconic scene in a DC comic book. Donald Trump ran a campaign promising to build a border wall, to "lock her up", and to "drain the swamp". None of those campaign promises happened. Even though both the mainstream media and, more importantly, social media giants were against him, he failed to restrict and break up their empires.. he just let them be. So now, as he is on the brink of being tossed out of the White House, thrown in jail, and having his Twitter account banned... why on Earth should anyone be fighting for him? A woman died today fighting for a man who has betrayed everything she and her community members stood for and voted for in 2016. After protesters stormed the senate building, Trump ordered the national guard to intervene and told his supporters to "go home". This is after months of telling them their votes were ignored, and their democratic system was rigged. Stick or twist, Donald. As always, our people have been mislead and deceived. Mainstream politics does not want us. We will never gain any ground by playing this tiresome game. Only by becoming self-determining men and women, who have social and financial capital, can we influence anything happening on a higher level. Spending 9 hours a day on Telegram or YouTube won't do anything. Shouting at fuck-heads on Twitter won't do anything. I'm so sick and tired of this delusion. Politics is theatre.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Did that girl in Washington DC really have to die today? What a fucking mess.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Merry Christmas to all of you! I was considering doing a stream tonight but decided against it for various reasons. Without getting into gory details, I just want to say that FAMILY is the most important thing to me. No, not in a Martin Scorsese/Robert De Niro pop culture-sense (which I love, by the way..) but in a grounded, real life way. This year has been difficult in a lot of ways. "Normies" would point to Covid, but for us I think it's obvious the most concerning issue is the radical deconstruction and rebuilding of our society and daily lives. The "elites" have used this year to advance their agenda, and for the most part, the public have bought into it. I don't want to blackpill the community, but the truth is we can no longer play this game by their rules. "Optics" don't matter anymore. We're called extremists, but the real extremism is being forcefully shoved down our throats by our enemies every single day via the mainstream media, government officials, and "verified" social media commentators. The future is unknown and volatile. But if we keep our mentality focussed towards the only thing that matters, the survival of our people, we can simplify our approach for the years to come. We should NEVER apologise for who we are. We should NEVER appease our critics. We should ALWAYS advocate for our interests as a unique PEOPLE. Merry Christmas. Cherish your loved ones. Prepare for the future.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Donald J. Trump

Sadly, the overwhelming amount of violent crime in our major cities is committed by blacks and hispanics-a tough subject-must be discussed.

Turn off your television. Burn your newspaper. Take off your mask. See your family. Go outside.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Our people cannot possibly survive Turning Point's brand of 'conservatism'. I believe this is why groups like TPUSA exist, i.e., to lead us to our destruction.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
drag.mp49.49 MB
And now Eddie Izzard is a woman apparently... You know what, disconnect your wifi and live your life.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
I ventured onto Twitter tonight for the first time in God knows how long... to call it a cesspit would be an insult to cesspits. It's obvious that anyone with a blue-tick literally has no life outside of the Twitter trending list. These twats have found validation in pushing the mainstream narrative (while framing themselves as revolutionary thinkers), shaming the uneducated plebs for their ignorance (or common sense, as we know it), all in a desperate attempt in giving their own lives a sense of meaning that they otherwise wouldn't have. If I was in charge, Twitter would be banned. Anyone with a blue-tick would be deported to a desert island, and their struggle to survive would be broadcast live for our entertainment.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...