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Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Macy's ends buyout talks with Arkhouse and Brigade after months of negotiations

Arkhouse and Brigade had for months been attempting to buy out the storied retailer.

Hammasini ko'rsatish...
We're buying back into a chipmaker that offers a new reason to own it

After the purchase, the stock will hold a roughly 0.80% weighting in Jim Cramer's Charitable Trust portfolio.

Hammasini ko'rsatish...
This job is 'always' in demand, says IBM exec—it can pay over $100,000 without a degree

Businesses are recruiting project managers to keep up with the rapid advancement of different technologies and adapt to lingering disruptions from the pandemic.

Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Use this formula to advocate for yourself and say 'no' to more work, says author of 'Smart, Not Loud'

In her new book "Smart, Not Loud," Jessica Chen outlines how you can push back against accepting more work, even if you're uncomfortable saying "no."

Hammasini ko'rsatish...
高盛多項指標創歷史新高!Q2營收激增17%,資管規模接近3萬億 作者

Hammasini ko'rsatish...
富國銀行:特斯拉股價恐大跌50% 市場低估了歐美關稅的影響 作者

Hammasini ko'rsatish...
為什麼說美國大選不會阻礙聯儲局降息 作者

Hammasini ko'rsatish...
農夫山泉製造商:公司嚴於律己 致力提供安全的產品

消委會測試市面30款瓶裝水樣本,發現「農夫山泉」與「百歲山」的天然礦泉水樣本,檢出每公升3微克的化學物質溴酸鹽,達到歐盟標準的上限。 消委會提醒,攝入大量溴酸鹽可引致噁心、腹痛和嘔吐等,嚴重或影響腎臟及神經系統,國際癌症研究機構IARC將其中一種溴酸鹽列為或可能令人類致癌物質。 農夫山泉製造商回應消委會表示,公司嚴於律己,致力提供安全的產品。

Hammasini ko'rsatish...
多名議員建議優化公屋租金調整機制 何永賢認為目前機制恰當

立法會房屋事務委員會討論公屋加租建議,多名議員建議優化租金調整機制,包括考慮通脹因素,房屋局局長何永賢強調,現時《房屋條例》已賦權房委會在有需要時向公屋租戶提供租金寬免,認為目前機制恰當。 議員亦關注,加租對非綜援長者住戶造成負擔,何永賢說,長者除了可申請租金援助計劃,亦可考慮遷到較小或偏遠一點的單位,租金會較低。

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