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Warriors for Christ!

Prayer is our GREATEST WEAPON and we vow to use it. Proclaiming God's promises with Glory to God. Living our faith!🙏

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"The heavens praise your wonders, LORD, your faithfulness too, in the assembly of the holy ones. For who in the skies above can compare with the LORD? Who is like the LORD among the heavenly beings? In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared; he is more awesome than all who surround him." Psalm 89:5-7
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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My life has always been like an after school special. I think I set myself up for constant disappointment when I believe otherwise. And how foolish to think that we will never be challenged by the things we experience. I challenge my own children and they are not always in comfort, because I love them and desire them to grow and even flourish from their circumstances and strengthen their reserves. God loves us, so it only makes sense He sees potential in us to take on and conquer different things and make us stronger too. Life is not fair. Life is not perfect, but look how far we've come. We are warriors in His eyes, capable of overcoming a multitude of diversities. Can you imagine our Father has chosen us for these tasks we are currently involved in. I was watching a Dr.Phil podcast the other day which discussed our "confidence" to conquer the things in our path, and how we need some discomfort and "a good mentor" to get us through. Well life has no short of circumstances and Jesus is the best mentor we could ever ask for. I pray that whatever ee are going through, no matter the size of the obstacle that challenges us, we embrace every opportunity for growth, from a Father who loves us so much he died for us. John 3:16 In looking back I see how far I have come, and am thankful for what lies ahead. God orchestrates all of us in such a way one may seemingly have the struggle, but all of us learn from it and find exceeding victory. We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus!! Much love and blessings as we learn to look from His perspective. 🙏💪 Thank you Lord Jesus!!!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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Solomon asked for wisdom and God gave him much more. Lord Jesus give us wisdom in our circumstances, knowing you go before all our battles!
Hammasini ko'rsatish... "So you wives must willingly obey your husbands in everything, just as the Church obeys Christ. And you husbands, show the same kind of love to your wives as Christ showed to the Church when he died for her, to make her holy and clean, washed by baptism and God's Word; so that he could give her to himself as a glorious Church without a single spot or wrinkle or any other blemish, being holy and without a single fault. That is how husbands should treat their wives, loving them as parts of themselves. For since a man and his wife are now one, a man is really doing himself a favor and loving himself when he loves his wife! No one hates his own body but lovingly cares for it, just as Christ cares for his body the Church, of which we are parts. That the husband and wife are one body is proved by the Scripture, which says, "A man must leave his father and mother when he marries so that he can be perfectly joined to his wife, and the two shall be one." I know this is hard to understand, but it is an illustration of the way we are parts of the body of Christ. So again I say, a man must love his wife as a part of himself; and the wife must see to it that she deeply respects her husband—obeying, praising, and honoring him." Ephesians 5:24-33 💪❤
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Sanctus Real - Lead Me (lyrics)

Sanctus Real- Pieces of a Real Heart- Lead Me My fourth worship (attempt) video for my church in Northern Virginia.. May God Bless You Viewer!! -Hispanic Seventh-Day Adventist with English Youth service-

I have come across some of this couples couple's video and had the opportunity to reflect on what is happening now in my life. So many challenges over the past 20 years. It hasn't always been this way. God knows I don't adapt well to change, yet change is inevitable and surrounds us all. I've really been asking God, throughout all I am going through, refine me. And it wasn't long ago I heard a commercial on the local Christian radio that announced 2 things necessary for a man of God to always carry on their person, essential for survival. 1) Duct tape 2) A megaphone Duct tape to keep our mouths shut so we don't become instruments of satan's foolishness in relationships, and a megaphone to announce the good news of forgiveness and freedom in our Saviour Jesus. Timely advice! I love my spouse, and God opened my eyes wide that their addiction was not coming as a personal attack against myself or our children, but rather a handicap, that was necessary to overcome. Our job is never to enable one to abuse themselves or us, but facilitate the fruits of the Spirit of God so that they can unlearn the things that destroy them and essentially free them to see and choose God themselves. They are broken, "handicapped", and if I am to love as Christ loves, he never abandons me in my time of need. My spouse is a believer and struggling with an addiction die to abuse in their past from an ill loved one, and I will embrace this moment to love them deeper! "Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God." Ephesians 5:1-2 Lord continue to hold my tongue and be patient and forgiving to others as you are with me in Jesus name Amen.💪🙏
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Husband with MS and Love Deeper

Wife of a man who was diagnosed with progressive MS. Love is powerful when you start to understand how it works. #multiplesclerosis #woman #lovestory #mswarrior #inspiration #influencer #powerful #lifecoach

My life is unraveling in front of me. I have nothing but God and His amazing grace. My heart is holding on to His promises. A maturity I am gaining in the momentum of being overwhelmed and completely out of control. He knows how much I struggle to relinquish control. How I am learning to see His hands over the situations unfolding and know He is working out all things and carrying His children through. Destruction is rampant. Pain threatens to weaken me and tear me apart, but a peace fills me. A strong desire to learn to love deeper. A real battle rages over those I love and so desperately want to save. But only Christ can lift that veil. And only Christ can grant true freedom. So let your will be done Lord. Let me do it your way. Let me love and display all the fruits of the spirit. Let them see Christ who lives in me and expose the darkness that seeks to rob them of your living water, hope that only you provide, and prosperity you define for those you have called out. It is you who has caused this mouth of mine to stay silent. And it is by your stripes that healing has begun. I am learning not to give fuel to fear, but watch your power be glorified in those I love. The gratitude I have, while painful, I can appreciate the journey we are both on. I am encouraged to be still, knowing when I ask you for help you will love me through these circumstances and strengthen me as I grow. And the glory of your presence will testify to the world that Jesus is Lord. Hallelujah!!!🙏💪
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Photo unavailable I am dealing with my spouse and their addiction to alcohol. It has been a very difficult and exhausting family experience. But our God is much bigger than anything satan will use against us, and we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. I have not been posting as daily as I have in the past. My mind is overwhelmed with what this experience means for the future of our family and my spouse. But then again if you understand the purpose of this channel, it is to raise one up towards God and encourage, hope and build faith and friendships on our walk in righteousness against all the landmines of the enemy planted for us. I have zero interest in entertaining you. Christ won't drag you to heaven and I won't create a false environment to pretend Christianity is anything but a challenge in character and building strength and endurance. I am sharing this clip I found because I find it to be very insightful, perhaps because you are going through an addiction of some kind or someone you love is. When we understand how satan works on our mind, small and incrementally, we can defeat it because of God's promise that we can do all things...THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS US! Satan's tactics never cease, but God's word endures forever and the gates of hel will not prevail against it. So do your best to understand things, and equip yourself in the power of God's word and in faith walk in love and defeat the enemy together. Lord Jesus, the mental gymnastics that the enemy plays on us and our loved ones can feel paralyzing, but you have the power to crush and break the legs of the demons that torture those you love so dearly. In my faith I am choosing to trust your word and understand that we are dealing with these issues because you have a greater plan for ourselves and our loved ones. Please keep me in battle mode, ready to fight on my knees, all while showing unconditional love and grace for those who struggle. I declare victory over my spouse's addiction and a healing and peace. Trusting in your word Jeremiah 29:11. I praise you in this storm Lord and thank you for carrying us through it, with sincerest gratitude in Jesus mighty name Amen. If you know someone who can benefit from this knowledge or needs prayers, reach out. God bless you!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Why People Choose Their Addiction Over Their Family -The Brutally Honest Truth

Why can't they see what they're losing? How can addiction change a person so much? Is this a conscious choice they're making? Will they ever realize what they've done? 🔴 BECOME A MEMBER 👇🏻



💯Understand Who You Truly Are...Incredibly accurate personality tests that light up your life—at home, at work, and in relationships 👉🏻

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