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Fighting Against the False Modernist Church of Vatican II and other evils for the glory of God and the salvation of souls. Being a Real Catholic while the Church is in Eclipse:

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2022moshiachnow +1 (@2022moshiachnow) on X

In 2017 at this event Vladimir ‘defender of Christianity’ Putin referenced Talmud to justify alluding to Ukraine & other former occupied territories as being the eternal foundation of Russia (in other words the Russian Empire) How much more twisted, depraved & warped can one get?

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Due to the new telegram rule where they can use/share your photos and information, which can be used in court cases and litigation against you. Everything you've ever sent becomes public as of today. Even messages that have been deleted. It costs nothing for a simple copy and paste, better safe than sorry: “I do not give telegram or any entities associated with telegram permission to use my pictures, information, messages or posts, both past and future. With this statement, I give notice to telegram it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, or take any other action against me based on this profile and/ or its contents. The content of this profile (and of this forum/channel/group) is private and confidential information. The violation of privacy can be punished by law (UCC 1-308- 11 308-103 and the Rome Statute. TELEGRAM DOES NOT HAVE MY PERMISSION TO SHARE PHOTOS OR MESSAGES.” NOTE: Telegram is now a public entity. All members must send a note like this. If you do not publish a statement at least once it will be tacitly allowing the use of your photos, as well as the information contained in chats.
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Christus resurrexit, alleluja, alleluja! We wish you all a very happy and holy Easter!
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Dulce lignum dulces clavos dulce pondus sustinet
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Ave, Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.
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SAINT PATRICK, BISHOP AND CONFESSOR In the V century the Franks, the Germans and other peoples of the North had not yet received the light of the Gospel and God then raised up “His Confessor and Bishop, to preach His glory to the nations” (Oratio). Patrick, called the Apostle of Ireland, was born in Britannia (Great Britain) around 385, from Calpurnius and Conchéssa who is said to be a relative of St. Martin, Bishop of Tours, and during his childhood he was repeatedly enslaved by the barbarians in Ireland where he learned the local language, Gaelic. From the Irish barbarians employed to feed the flock, since then he gave proof of future sanctity: since he filled his soul with faith and the fear and love of God, he diligently got up before dawn to go, despite it snowing, freezing or raining, to offer his prayers to God; and he used to pray to God a hundred times a day and a hundred times at night.
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Freed for the third time from slavery and entered the ecclesiastical state, he applied himself for a long time to the study of the Holy Scriptures. After having traveled through France, Italy and the islands of the Tyrrhenian Sea with great effort, he was divinely called to the salvation of the Irish, and having the faculty of preaching the Gospel by the blessed Pope Celestine I and consecrated bishop in Rome in 420, he left for Ireland around 432. He carried out his action mainly in Northern Ireland. In this mission it is astonishing how many evils, tribulations, hardships and obstacles this apostolic man had to overcome. But with the help of divine goodness, that land, for the former worshiper of idols, very soon, for the preaching of Patrick, gave such fruits as to be later called the island of the Saints. He regenerated many peoples in sacred baptismal waters; he ordained many bishops and clerics; he gave rules to virgins and widows wishing to live continents. By authority of the Roman Pontiff he established the metropolitan church of Armagh of the whole island, and enriched it with relics of saints brought from Rome. God thus favored him with heavenly visions, the gift of prophecy, and great miracles and portents, that Patrick's fame spread everywhere. In spite of the daily concern of the churches, he never diverted his tireless spirit from prayer. It is said that he used to recite the entire Psalter every day, together with the Canticles and Hymns and two hundred prayers, to worship God on his knees three hundred times a day, and at each canonical hour make the sign of the cross a hundred times. He divided the night into three parts, and the first he employed in reciting a hundred Psalms and making two hundred genuflections; the second he spent in the recitation of the other fifty Psalms, immersed in cold water and with his heart, with his eyes and hands raised to heaven; the third then consecrated it to a light rest on the floor. A great lover of humility, he never ceased to work with his own hands, like the Apostles. Finally, worn out by so many continuous cares for the Church, illustrious in word and deed, reached an extreme old age and comforted with the divine mysteries, he fell asleep in the Lord, and was buried in Down, in Ultonia (Ulster), in the V century of the Christian era (March 17, 461). For the merits of this saint, famous for his austerities, let’s ask God for the grace to perform the penances that he commanded us in this holy time.
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A Calvinist noblewoman was possessed by a demon. She exhibited many classic signs of genuine possession, including replying to questions in whatever language they were asked. The Calvinist ministers were unable to cure her, and so hesitantly approached the local Jesuits. The Jesuit rector replied to them: “Don’t you consider our ceremonies superstitious and our exorcisms meaningless? Why then do you come to us? Is it faith or necessity that brings you? Send your own ministers and your schismatic priests, and see what power they have over the Devil. Then come to us. For it’s only fair that the trial should be considered as a proof of the reality of the two religions.” The Calvinists said their ministers did not have the power to cast out the demons. So the rector agreed they would see the woman. The account continues: “After this, a visit was made by the Catholic authorities to the woman to see if she was really possessed, which they soon confirmed. As soon as the rector sprinkled her with holy water and touched her with a relic of St. Ignatius without her knowing it, she began to writhe and twist her body, saying that a bone of St. Ignatius tormented her. As the rector was even more eager to heal the souls of the Calvinists than the body of the woman, he instructed them to bring the book of Calvin’s ‘Institutes’ or some other book containing their own dogmas and give it to the woman. This was accordingly done, and the Devil began to kiss and caress it with great marks of joy. The rector then took it and hid a picture of St. Ignatius between the pages; then he presented it to her again. The demon drew back, screaming with anger, and would not even touch it. Being compelled to acknowledge what it was he feared, the unclean spirit answered, ‘The picture of St. Ignatius that you have placed there!’ The Calvinists were greatly confounded at this, and one of them said in anger, ‘You Papists have a good understanding with the Devil, so you can do whatever you want with them.’ One of the Jesuit fathers then said, ‘Since this evidence doesn’t satisfy you, let’s try this. I’ll pray to God that if yours is the true faith, the Devil may pass into my body and torment me, but if the Catholic faith is true, he may enter into you for one hour only. Will this satisfy you?’ Not one of them would consent, and all were silent. Then they earnestly begged the rector to assist the poor woman if he could. The rector promised and then went away.” Every time one of the Jesuit brothers came to the woman, “she flew into a passion. However, if a Calvinist presented himself, she called him her dear friend.” The woman was eventually exorcised after the brothers offered fasting and penance for her, the exorcist offered Holy Mass, and administered the rite of exorcism. After the demon went out of her, “right then and there, she solemnly renounced her errors and professed the Catholic faith.” It is one of the great evidences of the Catholic Faith that whenever someone needs help confronting the demonic, they often (not always) have to call a Catholic priest to do it. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, who continues to cast out demons for the conversion of souls through the instrumentality of Your priests! Source: Paul Thigpen (protestant convert), “Saints Who Battled Satan: Seventeen Holy Warriors Who Can Teach You How to Fight the Good Fight and Vanquish Your Ancient Enemy” (TAN Books, 2015), 116-19, which was quoting the words from the following book: Antonio Francesco Mariani, “The Life of St. Ignatius Loyola, Founder of the Jesuits, Vol. 2” (Thomas Richardson and Sons, 1849).
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A brutally honest critique of the Novus Ordo religion
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