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White Phoenix

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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

A plea deal means this n will face no murder or homicide charges for tricking this woman into getting into a helicopter with him and subsequently crashing it and killing her. No justice for Whites or their families, as per usual. Her name was Julianne Wagner Gerritson.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
You definitely shouldn’t call for the genocide of an entire people. Very bad, no good. No way. BUT If you are looking to find the group of people most deserving of it, perhaps start by looking at the ones who most often call for or perpetrate the genocide of others…
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
What have open source videos revealed about the Gaza hospital explosion?

As Israel bombards Gaza, media organisations are investigating what happened at the al-Ahli Arab Hospital.

Ben Shapiro has a name and address.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Fox news is claiming decapitated jewish babies by Hamas. Meanwhile video on X proves Palestinian babies killed by zionist airstrikes. They literally cry out as they strike and they project all the awful things they do onto others.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
It is righteous to pray for righteous peace instead of war. It is also righteous to pray for victory in war for the righteous side. It is righteous to pray for as little bloodshed as possible the the sake of both sides, that the good warriors may see victory and the wicked side may be bought to repentance. God bless the Palestinian people.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Free Palestine, God save them. Death to Israel.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Is it Hard for a White Person to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven? - The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology

Dr. Dwight J. Friesen, Associate Professor of Practical Theology, reflects on the incompatibility of segregation and racism with the Gospel and calls The Seattle School to ask: How might we discover God’s shalom in relation with our neighbors?

This is what happens when you stop to help someone you just hit who was walking in the road, and that person just happens to be black.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...