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From my humble experience: The biggest enemy of yours that destroys all areas of your life is COMPARISON! Stop comparing yourself to others! You will keep fucking your life if you don't stop comparing yourself to others!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Nowadays, a growing number of people with health problems are trying alternative medicines and treatments instead of visiting their usual doctor. Do you think this is a positive or a negative development? It is becoming increasingly common for people to cope with their health problems on their own rather than making an appointment with medical professionals. This, for one, is not a positive development. Some people think that this is a positive, suggesting a few so-called valid reasons for their argument. One is that certain health problems, such as flu or headache, can be tackled using over-the-counter medications instead of going to see a doctor. This prevents people from the hassle of visiting hospital, saving time and money. A further reason is that when people become ill, they will start researching it online, which helps them acquire little medical knowledge, and so become medically wise. Last but not least, using natural herbs or medications of other forms helps people cure their illness, but also prevents certain chemicals, found in prescribed medicines, penetrating their body, which heals but also comes with certain side effects. However, we should not forget that some illnesses are indeed complicated and require the assistance of a medical professional. Surely, trying to overcome these illnesses with little or no medical knowledge can only exacerbate their condition. Having acquired related knowledge and developed skills, doctors can help us a great deal in these situations. What is more, while researching the illness a person has been suffering from, they are likely to come up with a wrong diagnosis, as many illnesses have alike symptoms. This is impossible for a self-appointed doctor to understand. Again, this leaves them with a need for a doctor who walks them through an in-depth medical check-up and help arrive at an accurate conclusion. By ignoring such a help and opting for an over-the-counter herb or medication does take a huge toll on ignorant people’s health. In conclusion, health is vital. So, minor or major, health problems should be treated with the help of medical professionals and people should not be hesitant when it comes to making an appointment with them, as doing so will only worsen their problem. Written by Baha for @papaieltsmaterials
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Getting an overall 8.5 is not a pie in the sky anymore, but 8.0 for writing, you kidding me? We spent a little time together working on his writing and speaking and the rest is history! @papaieltsmaterials
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2022-09-10NewScientist_UserUpload.Net-29.pdf4.28 KB
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Tom-Holland-Gets-Vulnerable-About-Mental-Health-Overcoming-S.m4a102.64 MB
Boshqa bir viloyatdan bir o'quv markazi Farg'onaga kelganda raqobat kuchayarkanda uraaa deb xursand bo'lgan edim afsuski chuchvarani hom sanabman. Natija qilish uyoqda tursin that fucking learning centre head hunterlik qilayotgan ekan. Juda ko'p o'quv markazlardan manga shikoyatlar kelib tushdi (xatto manda ishlayotgan teacherlarga ham yashirincha taklif berishipti ifloslar)! Bu ish albatta harom! Boriga baraka qilingan ishni ustiga yana baraka qilish yoki birovning nikohidagi ayoliga men eringdan yaxshiroqman deb yo'ldan urushdek gap! O'sha ablah o'quv markazi va pul hirsida dunyoga aldanib ilmdi biznes qilib o'tib ketayotgan ustozlar hech qachon ko'karmaydi va ko'karmagan ham! Ollohdan barchamizga bu besh kunlik dunyodan eson-omon halol yo'l bilan umir kechirib go'zal hotimaga erishishni so'rab qolaman! May Allah forgive those misguided, including myself!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Some people think that money should be expended to construct large and impressive buildings in cities while others think it should instead be spent on improving school and hospital premises. In my opinion, both views are relevant. Certainly, people visiting or living in the city often enjoy gazing at tall and impressive buildings that offer aesthetic appeal. This is one of the most obvious reasons why they are drawn to the idea of migrating to cities. The existence of high-rise buildings also plays a key role in stimulating economic growth because they help a great deal in attracting tourists. For instance, the Eiffel Tower alone helps France to serve an influx of tourists each year, who will stay and spend money in the host country. Another reason why it is a good idea to erect skyscrapers and other such buildings is that they help to serve businesses that operate in the city, again benefitting the government by creating more jobs and paying taxes. However, people do not visit or plan to dwell in cities only due to the benefits mentioned above. They also come or live in cities to ensure that they are provided with good education, so in order to meet their need, city authorities should allocate a certain amount of their budget to the construction of new school buildings. Apart from education, cities are also believed to provide their residents with good healthcare. However, hospitals in many cities are in poor conditions, so it is a good idea to upgrade and modernize these premises or build from scratch if necessary rather than focusing on high-rise buildings alone. To conclude, I am not against the idea of spending the city budget on erecting tall and impressive buildings. However, I also support that an equal amount of money should also be used to build high-quality hospitals and schools to better the experience of the city life. Written by Baha for @papaieltsmaterials
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2022-09-10NewScientist_UserUpload.Net-16-17.pdf9.50 KB
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📼 720p, 💾 42.6MB, @Gozilla_bot
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What-Makes-People-Successful.mp442.62 MB
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A humble result! Just 0.5 away from 8.5! @papaieltsmaterials
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