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Феникс, ты как?
Hammasini ko'rsatish... Вот мы и зарядили Реддит, чувак в ответ выложил свое исследование по Г1, так что поощрим его лайком и приятным комментом)
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
GTHX a DD; note this DD is about 3 months old, no changes have...

G1 Theraputics History: G1 Theraputics is a newer drug company that develops and commercializes various therapies primarily relating to the... Теперь набиваем лайкосики прям сюда! Если ещё не проголосовали! Желательно вступить в группу StockMarket чтобы избежать банов! Уже целые сутки висим в топе статей у 1,5 млн аудитории!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
GTHX - ASCO21 as cancer biotech catalyst

Posted in r/StockMarket by u/appolomustdie • 26 points and 9 comments больше голосов вверх, больше адекватных комментариев, статья на сабреддите с 1,5 миллионами подписчиков! Никаких пампов, никаких гоу, если коммент то по делу! UPVOTE!
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
GTHX - more upvotes, more adequate comments!

Posted in r/WeAreCommunity by u/appolomustdie • 8 points and 0 comments

Вот на что способен Reddit
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Ребята, нужна поддержка стрелочками на крупных платформах! Наша статья в двух крупных группах! Нужны стрелочки вверх! ТУТ: и ТУТ: Комментарии нужны, но в серьезной форме, никаких смайликов!) Статью могут забанить! Ставим UPVOTE в первую очередь, комментарий по желанию!) Ну и вступить в эти группы, будет полезно! Иногда интересные статьи имеются!)
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
ПОГНАЛИ!!!! Вжарим стрелочкой вверх этот пост: Сегодня здесь снова будет живая беседа голосом по Перчу в 22:00, присоединяйтесь.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Братва - нарезал/дополнил/объединил несколько тезисов - скоро будем размещать серьезный пост, как и планировали, чтобы действительно привлечь инвесторов с деньгами в нашу Жемчужину - буду рад правкам, замечаниям, дополнениям (до завтрашнего вечера надо слепить текст, затем уже продвигать апвоутами). Получилось кратко, но, Cornwall и Rusinvest еще добавят абзац по страховкам, что очень важно. (комменты лучше под нижним сообщением оставлять, спасибо) Dogtor $GTHX ... G1 therapeutics ... PERCH ...SALES OF A CANCER FRUG THAT HAS NO COMPETITORS AT THE MULTIBILLIOM-DOLLAR MARKET HAVE JUST STARTED!! NO ANALOG, ROBUST PIPELINE!! COUNTDOWN TO ROCKET SHIP INITIATED! G1 Therapeutics' first in class drug Cosela against most common side effect of chemotherapy - myelosuppression was recently approved by FDA and, no doubt, has a blockbuster potential. Management has positioned the company to succeed in their commercialization efforts - researches, clinical trials and approval process passed smoothly. On march 2021 COSELA was Added to Both the NCCN Treatment Guidelines for Small Cell Lung Cancer and the NCCN Supportive Care Guidelines for Hematopoietic Growth Factors it will definitely boost it's sales. Massive sell-off after FDA approval has created a buying opportunity in the stock. Investing in a start-up biotech company is an absolute roller coaster -clinical trials can both bring highs and lows but not in G1 Therapeutics case, beacuse it's key drug COSELA™ (trilaciclib) has been approved by FDA at 02.12.2021. Simple profit taking has snowballed into a huge sell-off, with the stock dropping more than 40%.So, COSELA is the only FDA-approved therapy that helps proactively deliver multilineage myeloprotection to patients with extensive-stage small cell lung cancer being treated with chemotherapy. Myeloprotective efficacy of COSELA resulted in reductions in the incidence and duration of severe neutropenia, and impacted anemia and the need for rescue interventions such as growth factors and red blood cell transfusions. Myelosuppression is the most serious and life-threatening side effect of chemotherapy, or damage to the bone marrow, resulting in reduced white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. Chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression may lead to increased risks of infection, severe anemia, and/or bleeding. These complications impact patients’ quality of life and may also result in chemotherapy dose reductions and delays. To date, approaches have included the use of growth factor agents to accelerate blood cell recovery after the bone marrow injury has occurred, along with antibiotics and transfusions as needed. By contrast, trilaciclib provides the first proactive approach to myelosuppression through a unique mechanism of action that helps protect the bone marrow from damage by chemotherapy. In the U.S., approximately 30,000 small cell lung cancer patients are treated annually.Cosela’s price has been set at $1,417 per vial. G1 estimates that treatment will average roughly $34,000 per patient. Running the numbers by management’s estimates of treatable patients gets us to peak sales estimates of around $1 billion per year. In June 2020, G1 announced a three-year co-promotion agreement with Boehringer Ingelheim (biggest private owned pharmaceutical company) for COSELA in small cell lung cancer in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. G1 will lead marketing, market access and medical engagement initiatives for COSELA. The Boehringer Ingelheim oncology commercial team, well-established in lung cancer, will lead sales force engagement initiatives. First sales data will be released on 5 may. G1 consensus price target is about 50$ per share (as of April 30, 2021, the price is 21,07$), at 04.09.21 Needham & Company LLC sticked to their buy rating with p.t. of 68$, which is three-times higher, than the current price.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
However, the stock is currently undervalued against peak sales for only one of its usages, and I feel that commercial success in the next few quarters will bring a revaluation in the stock price. Management has itself positioned right and has the right group of leaders to really make a name for Cosela, as well as make G1 a market darling over the next few years.The Company expects its current financial position to be sufficient to fund its operations and capital expenditures into 2023. The company is also not a one trick pony, as Cosela is undergoing multiple other clinical trials in different cancers with larger addressable markets. G1 also has another compound in clinical trials called Rintodestrant, an oral SERD that it expects phase 2 data on in the second quarter of 2021.
Hammasini ko'rsatish...