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The Bug Bounty Hunter

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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

(The) Postman Carries Lots of Secrets ◆ Truffle Security Co.
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(The) Postman Carries Lots of Secrets ◆ Truffle Security Co.

Postman, the popular API testing platform, hosts the largest collection of public APIs. Unfortunately, it’s become one of the largest public sources of leaked secrets. We estimate over 4,000 live credentials are currently leaking publicly on Postman for a variety of popular SaaS and cloud providers.

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Release v3.2.5 · projectdiscovery/nuclei

What's Changed 🎉 New Features Added query variable to read param values by @dogancanbakir in #4894 Added SRV query in dns protocol by @Mzack9999 in #5034 Added response read timeout flag for n...

How a Race Condition Vulnerability Could Cast Multiple Votes
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How a Race Condition Vulnerability Could Cast Multiple Votes

Hacker and Senior Solutions Architect Dane Sherrets tells the story of how a race condition vulnerability could cast multiple votes.

Dependency Confusion Vulnerability Found in an Archived Apache Project
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Dependency Confusion Vulnerability Found in an Archived Apache Project 

Legit Security | Dependency Confusion Vulnerability Found in an Archived Apache Project. Get details on the Legit research team's discovery of a dependency confusion vulnerability in an archived Apache project.

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Coverage Guided Fuzzing - Extending Instrumentation to Hunt Down Bugs Faster! - Include Security Research Blog
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Coverage Guided Fuzzing - Extending Instrumentation to Hunt Down Bugs Faster! - Include Security Research Blog

In our latest blog post, we introduce coverage-guided fuzzing with a brief description of fundamentals and a demonstration of how modifying program instrumentation can be used to more easily track down the source of vulnerabilities and identify interesting fuzzing paths.

4👍 1
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How to achieve a working remote code execution exploit in an embedded phone without any previous access.

Hack Me I’m Famous #2 – Live Hacking Event with Louis Vuitton
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Hack Me I’m Famous #2 – Live Hacking Event with Louis Vuitton

On April 4-5, YesWeHack had the absolute pleasure of hosting the second edition of Hack Me I’m Famous with no other than the prestigious luxury brand Louis Vuitton. Held at Louis Vuitton's Parisian headquarters, the live hacking event brought together forty of Europe's most skilled hackers for an exclusive two-day session dedicated to uncovering vulnerabilities in the luxury group's information systems. The final leaderboard is available here:

#BugBounty #LiveBugBounty #LiveHackingEvent #LHE #HMIF2 #EthicalHacking #Cybersecurity

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AWS Cloud Security Config Review using Nuclei Templates

We're excited to tell you about Nuclei Templates release v9.8.5! This new version includes newly added AWS cloud review templates. In this blog post, we'll discuss automating cloud misconfiguration review, creating custom AWS checks, and sharing results on the PDCP Cloud for review. The AWS Cloud Security Configuration

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Hammasini ko'rsatish...
How i Hacked Globe/Gcash services and manage to get access on multiple databases including ssh…

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