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Confession Room šŸ•Æ

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Ma'lumot yuklanmoqda...

Right now, I'm no longer a kid ,I need to plan my future well . It's almost four years I completed senior high school, I actually have nothing great to boost about. I recently got an online job ( typist ) and I'm yet to paid. What I don't understand is ,he gets pissed off when I get mad because he held my waist or I refused to let him sleep on my lap. He's always touching me, I don't like it too , and when I tell him he'll get mad. I'm I ungrateful? Final part. @Confession_Room via @ConfessionRoomBot
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Hello Jodel, please keep me anonymous. So I live with my stepdad, little sis and mom . They both do take care of me ,but my mom does that the more . My dad left when I was barely three years. So it's been only my mom until my mom met my stepdad when I was 7. Everything was going on well. I moved to stay with my grandma when I was 9 to help her with daily chores and other stuffs, so I spent most of my adolescent period at my grandma's place and spent some time with my mom when I had the chance to . My stepdad was sort of distant, like nothing mattered to him . Soo I moved to stay with them during my bece week because we closed late and my school was very far from my grandma's place . So after completing jhs I didn't go back to my grandma's place, I stayed with my parents. Soo the bece results came out, I passed and had admission to school. After I came home from the first vacation,my stepdad started behaving strange. He told me one-day that when my mom's goes to the market he'll come and sleep by my side, and anything he tells me should be a secret. I was 13 then . I don't know all of a sudden fear gripped me. I told my mom about it ,so she went to the market with me then,my dad didn't want to allow that though. So we all sleep together in the same room. My stepdad started touching my butt and breast . He threatened me not to tell anyone. He said if I do it'll bring about divorce and disgrace, but I'll be the major cause of it. I told my mom about it ,she approached him and it turned into a different issue. Actually when he started with this behavior of his, I got depressed and traumatized. I always wanted to be alone. I never expected this from him because I took him as my dad since my real dad didn't want me . I didn't want to come home for vacation, because I didn't like the way I feel when I'm around him . So out of sadness and depression I wrote his name and wrote stepdad under . He saw it one-day and got really pissed off. His strange behavior got worse. He said since I know that I'm not his father,I shouldn't complain to anything he does or tells me because I'm not his blood. I completed senior high and came home. I rested for some weeks and decided to start working since I had lots of job proposals. My stepdad told me to help him out with his business. I had no option to accept because he said when this business grows I'll benefit from it. He also said if I decide not to work with him, I should go look for a roof under my head and fend for myself, because he'll not suffer to come and look after me. I've been working with him for the past three years, I'm not being paid. Once in a while, he'll give me 20 Cedis or 50 cedis . He said he'll pay me when the business grows large. But the business boomed at some point. He used the money for what was important to him. I like saving a lot so my savings and some money from my mom keeps me going. He'll complain on every little thing I do , saying I don't respect him . He'll be going through my phone and be reading my chats with others. I placed a password on my phone he got mad saying I should take the password off . I refused to but he said a whole lot saying I'm disrespectful. I'm even afraid to receive calls from my friends mostly if it's a male because he'll say all sorts of unnecessary stuffs . I mostly don't even receive unknown numbers and most at times too ,my phone is not silent because I don't want any call to cause trouble for me. He says I don't respect him and I don't care about him . He said if he had known like he'll use the money spent on me to buy a big goat and enjoy. I got fed up with his harassment so I gathered courage and secretly took his uncle's number and told everything to him , he promised to show up but didn't. I didn't give up , I took his other uncle's number from his phone and reported the issue. He came and matters got worse . @Confession_Room via @ConfessionRoomBot
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Please hide my identity. Iā€™m a young uni. guy with a beautiful girlfriend.The girl exceeds me a little bit in age difference(like 4 years interval).we met up when she was showing her last respect to her mum and also schooling.Ff so my problem with her is I donā€™t know how she choose her friends (like tho. she told me her friend are all men with few women).We first fought over her male bestie because she was too attached to him(like they can sleep together,cuddle,eat,play with her tits)and she feels it to be normal because thatā€™s what theyā€™ll be doinā€™ for long time.I initially told her her Bestie likes her and yes she confirmed it to be true but they ainā€™t dating because it can ruined their friendship.She completed school last two years(thus Uni.) and when she came home I thought Iā€™m out her bestie problem but No,another friend of her showed us.She first went out with this guy friend which she told me about and I said okay(tho. I wasnā€™t okay).Then later told me sheā€™s going to visit him at her house because sheā€™s selling clothes and the guy had bought some so she wanna go make delivery the goods to the guy and also know where he based.Seriously I got mad but act cool we argued for some decades of days and we settled it down.So just this week she texted me sheā€™s going to town to order for her stuffs and took long there before she text back like she had gotten home.Firstly it looks weird to me.So on a call with her I ask her about her day and said it to be cool which I asked her if she went back home straight after ordering her stuffs and it took her some minutes before she saying I should promise her not to get mad.And later told me she went to visit that same guy friend of hers.Seriously I got mad on her but still acts cool and she knew what that cools mean.She tried to explain but I told her not to because it will worsen things up and yet she did weh she saying sheā€™s sorry and knows how it feels and will learn how to say no to friend proposals and blah,blah,blah. I thing I like about her is she still keeps her virginity(like sheā€™s still a virgin) Ma question is,so is that how virgins behave.? like sometimes what she does seems childish to me and I donā€™t know if Iā€™m also acting weird because was once a very bad guy and Iā€™ve stopped but itā€™s dragging me back to those days which I donā€™t like which Iā€™m loosing an interest small small.And I donā€™t know what to do! @Confession_Room via @ComfessionRoomBot
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Hello, please keep me anonymous. So I have an issue, my stepdad started making advances towards me when I was 16 , so I wasn't close with him because I always felt strange around him . I never discussed with him about events from school and stuffs. I became traumatized and depressed, always wanting to be alone. He kept on telling me to give him a chance to have his way with me . Anytime he says that ,he gets bored and annoyed because I always say no to him. So I approached him and asked why he did that. He got bored saying I have no respect but why do I have to ask such a question ? Anytime he does something I'm not comfortable with and I tell him,he gets bored. He touched my thigh the other day,I frowned because I didn't like it . I told him he should be careful with the way he behaves around me because I'm not a kid anymore,he got bored ?. So I want to ask,is it right for a dad or stepdad to touch his 21 year old daughter thigh ,waist or even always wanting to sleep on her thighs ? @Confession_Room via @ConfessionRoomBot
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Good evening to you all Guys I want to know if there are guys like me who won't forget the struggle their mom is going through for them to be a better person. This is the situation, I won a bet of 7k then I sent 4k give me mommy then my girlfriend got angry, complaining that I don't love her and a whole lot..... I'm a level 300 student in UG. She is a lady I met in a class group and did her interim assessment for her and she passed, she later confessed that she likes me and wanted us to date but I told my situation which is I'm a guy from a very poor home, I struggle really hard to pay half of my fees even to eat once a day on campus sef is hard for me but she insisted. fast forward we started dating a month ago and I won this 7k with just five cedis today, I cashed out in her presence and did a transfer of 4.5k to my mom nor she vex. At the age of 20 I used to sleep in the same room with my mom and 4 siblings but I recently moved in with my Uncle, sometimes I wake up midnight to see my mom crying and when I ask, her reply is "I'm thinking of how you and your siblings will go to school and what you will eat" The money I sent to my mom I know she'll never spend it. she will use it and pay my fees next year. We are not married yet you want me to start ignoring a person who keeps crying and thinking of how to make me a better person eiiii, I wanted to get her some gifts on her birthday (a week time) with the little remaining but she also want me to take the money from my mom again so I called off the relationship. Guys did I over react or not? Because I don't know why she is angry even when I told her my situation already. She wants me to give her my future (school fees) so she can leave me later naaah 3nfa. @Confession_Room via @ConfessionRoomBot
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
I'm in level 100 in tech and I was in a room with one of my boys who has this nice gf so fast forward I got introduced to the girl and we became a bit close to the girl and one of the Saturdays in school I decided to visit the girl and I found out that she was eating out one her roomies (door not  really locked).As I enter wey dem see me wey dema heart cut ,that time too then my dick make hard waaa secof the locking be wild pass,so like everybody just conf wey we just dey there but the roommate insited that she continues what she was doing because she was on the verge of humming,so me too I look sharp grab my roomie ein girl ein ass give am massive doggy as she dey lick the girl nu kwerhh then the girl ein pussy be tight wet and warm. So eventually we took turns and fucked ourselves waaa,we did almost all the sex positions in the world .We eat wanna body saaa wey ago my talk.This is how i did a threesome in school. The problem bi anor how ago talk my paddy say achop ein woman ,wey ein woman too nor how he go talk am say she be bi because of that we eat ourselves low-key saaaa @Confession_Room via @ConfessionRoomBot
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Here's my confession So I'm at the stage of my life where I really don't understand what else women want I am a guy btw 24yrs currently single . Recently left a relationship with a girl who was nice, she ghost every couple months and she keeps coming back. I honestly don't see her too often cause she gets tempted when I'm around her and I don't want that sex before marriage thing Fast forward like 3 yrs and she started having financial issues like her parents unable to pay her school accommodation fees. Ever since then it's been one misunderstanding to the other and at some point it really just felt like a transfer of aggression of what she's dealing with so I just had to cut her off. Personally speaking I don't even blame her cause she's going through a lot but I hate suffering for an offense I didn't commit I guess I just want a girl who's actually ready to be in a relationship. I don't even want sex fr. I just want a girl that can give me peace of mind What Do you guys think Do girls like that still exist @Confession_Room via @ConfessionRoomBot
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Hello. Please keep me anonymous. So I kinda need some suggestions. My gf and I have been together for about 7 months. I met her somewhere June last year. I started complaining playfully that I haven't been receiving gifts from her since we started dating. We laughed it off and I was even joking all the time about that. Few days ago, she asked me if I had eaten when we were having a call. I told her no and added that even she had nothing to offer me so why would she care about that. Immediately I said that, I realized her mood had changed. She told me she was busy so she would hit me up later, only for her to call me in the evening to ask me what I wanted from her. I told her to explain that cos I didn't understand her question. All she had to say was "I've realized I can't help you so you should find someone better who can give you what you want". Meanwhile I have been sending this lady almost every time she tells me she needs money. I apologized but she kept on repeating herself. Please I need your suggestions. I feel she's been too childish about the whole situation. Guys, do you think I should break up with her? Your opinions will much appreciated. @Confession_Room via @ConfessionRoomBot
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Here's my confession So I'm at the stage of my life where I really don't understand what else women want I am a guy btw 24yrs currently single . Recently left a relationship with a girl who was nice, she ghost every couple months and she keeps coming back. I honestly don't see her too often cause she gets tempted when I'm around her and I don't want that sex before marriage thing Fast forward like 3 yrs and she started having financial issues like her parents unable to pay her school accommodation fees. Ever since then it's been one misunderstanding to the other and at some point it really just felt like a transfer of aggression of what she's dealing with so I just had to cut her off. Personally speaking I don't even blame her cause she's going through a lot but I hate suffering for an offense I didn't commit I guess I just want a girl who's actually ready to be in a relationship. I don't even want sex fr. I just want a girl that can give me peace of mind What Do you guys think Do girls like that still exist @Confession_Room via @ConfessionRoomBot
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
Please keep me anonymousšŸ™šŸ½ My whole life no girl has ever fallen in love with me before iā€™m just a lonely boy and itā€™s very bad. I want to ask if ā€œfor girlsā€ is actually real and if so i want to get some so please if someone can show me the way iā€™ll be really happy.Thanks a lot iā€™ll be in the comment section @Confession_Room via @ConfessionRoomBot
Hammasini ko'rsatish...
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