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Roots of Khayr

توجه النفس نحو العمل مع رغبة وتصميم على القيام به

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Essentials 101 🔸 ‏قال أبو علي القالي: لا غنى كالعقل، ولا فقر كالجهل، ولا ظهير كالمشاورة، ولا ميراث كالأدب "There is no wealth like a healthy mind, no poverty like ignorance, no assistance like sound counsel, and no inheritance like refined manners." • Abū 'Alī al-Qālī (d.368H) 📖  كتاب الأمالي لابن محمد مفيد
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The devils are NOT locked up during the blessed days of Dhu'l-Hijjah as they are in the month of Ramadān. Perhaps this induces our inattention to fully utilise these valuable days, and to engage in deeds we're more used to in Ramadān. #DhulHijjah
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الوِرد القرآني يجب أن يكون لك بمثابة الطعام والشراب Your daily portion of the Qur'ān must be as (essential as) food and drink to you.
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The Tremendous Ten 🔆

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم . From the many narrations highlighting the virtue of first ten days of Dhu’l Hijjah is the following. ..’Abd Allah ibn ‘Abbas رضي الله عنه narrated that th…

Honing in on Honesty ✴️ من جُمِعَ فيه الصِّدق والعدل و الإحسان لم يكن ممّن يُخزيه الله "He who combines sidq [truthfulness], 'adl [fairness] and Ihsān [excellence and grace in his dealings with others], will not be among those whom Allāh would disgrace." • الأصفهانية لابن تيمية (٥٤٨/١)
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Fair and Just 💐 Commenting on the verse: ﴿ أَلا تَطْغَوْا فِي الْمِيزَانِ ﴾ "That you do not defraud the scales.." {55:8} Qatādah ibn Di'āmah (d.118H) said: اعدل يا ابن آدم كما تحب أن يعدل عليك، وأوف كما تحبّ أن يُوَفى لك، فإن بالعدل صلاح الناس "O Son of Adam, treat others fairly as you would like them to treat you, and honour your word as you would expect others to honour theirs, for the well-being of society lies in fairness and equity." • تفسير الطبري
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At Your Own Peril 🚩 ملك الملوك يقول: من أتاني يمشي أتيته هرولة، وأنت عنه معرض وعلى غيره مقبل The King of kings has said: "Whoever comes to Me walking, I jog/hasten towards him." Yet you turn away from Him and expose yourself to others. • Ibn Rajab (d.795H) 📖 مجموع الرسائل (٤٢٧/٤)
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‏يقال: إن همتك لا تسع كل شيء؛ ففرغها للمهم، ومالك ما يغني كل أحد؛ فخص به ذوي الحاجة، ومروءتك لا تطيق كل أحد؛ فأعن أهل الفضل It is said: "Your ambition can't encompass everything, so focus on what is important. You don't have enough wealth to enrich everyone, so give it to those need. Your polished character can't be tolerated by everyone, so (use it to) assist the people of virtue." • سفط الملح وزوح الترح لابن الدجاجي
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Mirror of One Another  🪞 من دلائل رقة قلب المؤمن، أن يتوجع لعثرة أخيه المؤمن إذا عثر، حتى كأنه هو الذي عثر بها ولا يشمت "From the signs of affection of a believer's heart is that he is pained when a fellow believer stumbles and falls [in his faith or worldly affairs]; so much so that it is as if he was the one who stumbled. And he doesn't gloat or express delight over it." • مدارج السالكين لابن القيم (1/436) #المؤمن_مرآة_أخيه
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