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Abdurahmon’s Journey

Channel is run by Abdurakhmon Nasriddinov, teacher at Yunusabad branch of @everestofficial Personal Result: 8.5 (x4) (Writing 8.5|Speaking 9.0) PM: @realabdurakhmon

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As well as making money, businesses also have a responsibility towards society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? In the past, the only purpose of businesses was to make money by putting profit above all else. However, some people are driving a change and incorporating social responsibilities into the core definition of businesses as they believe it should be their priority, too. I also subscribe to the view that every business establishment should adopt social responsibility as an integral part of its principles since it benefits both communities and companies. Understandably, incorporating social responsibility helps people in financial and environmental domains. From an economic perspective, people can benefit through grants, scholarships, and pro bono work local companies offer. Large corporations can also help internationally by operating with Fair Trade Certification, which ensures that producers are treated fairly. A good example is Starbucks, who buy coffee and tea only from Fair Trade Certified companies. As for the environmental side, the social responsibility of manufacturing companies can mean lessening carbon footprint. This reduction is indispensable as, in the past, uncontrolled activity caused a great deal of pollution in the form of smog and even acidic rain. Other companies can organize paid volunteering for environmental campaigns among their employees. As a result, businesses will contribute to both the financial well-being of people and the improvement of ecology. More importantly, business entities benefit from better brand image and more productive personnel. A growing number of customers and investors, especially young adults, are concerned with environmental issues and prefer to invest in and buy products from businesses that care about these issues. For example, many people around the world purchase furniture from IKEA stores because they foster forest preservation programs in many countries. In addition, accepting social responsibilities also boosts job satisfaction among staff members. People working in such companies become proud that their companies are contributing so much to conservation efforts that this might even serve as a status symbol in their circle of friends and family. An increasing number of potential workers are also becoming eco-conscious. Therefore, the absence of such programs can cost companies many prospective candidates. To conclude, the inclusion of social responsibility is a win-win situation for locals and enterprises alike since people receive financial help and live in a cleaner environment, while companies lure in more customers, investors, and employees. #Abdurahmontypes #Task2 #band8+ Leave your opinions in the comment section!
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11👍 3💯 2 1🔥 1🆒 1
So, as I promised! It was around a month after I got my 8.5 in writing and I was thinking I was ready for a 9.0 (with no preparation, lol). That dragging Sunday was teaching day and guess what! I was extremely tired that day and I couldn't properly focus on my exam. However, when it came to writing I kinda awakened. I tried to give my all to Task 2, forgetting Task 2 weighing twice as much as Task 1. But, this was not the worst of it, the worst was the result - I got 7.5, can you imagine that, it was shocking to me. Back then I felt so demotivated, I was freaking out. The scores were L - 8.5; R - 8.0; W - 6.5; S - 7.5. Can you imagine getting a 6.5 straight after an 8.5. To say it was disappointing is to say nothing. What's worse is speaking, I mean yeah it was 7.5, but the topic was the same as my previous exam, and the questions were almost the same. I totally felt I performed better this time, but results surprised me. After long thoughts, doubts, and much advice, I finally manned up to apply for an EoR. It was around after 3 weeks the exam took place. Surprisingly, the results came out the next day, and guess what! My writing increased by an entire band, going from 6.5 to 7.5 and my speaking improved by 0.5, too, turning into an 8.0. The next day after that, I received my breakdown - My Task 1 was straight 8.0, but my Task 2 was 7.5, thus lower score. Only then, could I understand that my focus on Task 1 hindered my preparation for Task 2. Changing up gears I took exams in November and December, but I was not preparing well. Hopefully, this time, my preparations will pay off. Until then, let me keep up the hard work and share my sample essays with you guys, hope you get something useful from them too. BTW, regarding speaking, it could have gone up to 8.5 if just one more criteria was a nine. I hoped I didn't bore you with that story, hope you will find it useful!
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26👍 16 5❤‍🔥 4🔥 3🆒 1
Btw, as you can see i got an 8.0 between my 8.5s and I will write another reflection on it too, there are some surprising facts for you to know too!
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👍 15 4
I think I have reflected on my Speaking after that 7.5, but I did not do so on my writing and then got a much lower score. But now, having realized my weakness, I am working hard on it and hopefully I will get my desired score!
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14👍 3❤‍🔥 2🔥 2
Фото недоступнеДивитись в Telegram
A good example of how people usually get drunk of their success.
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12❤‍🔥 4🤔 2👍 1💯 1🆒 1
Фото недоступнеДивитись в Telegram
The provided process illustrates the method for recycling wasted glass bottles. The process starts after the used glass bottles are taken to the specially designated collection point, from where the trucks transport them to the cleaning facility. Once those wasted bottles arrive there, they undergo thorough cleaning under high-pressure water, and are then classified according to their colour into clear, green and brown ones. All those glasses, in the subsequent phase, are separately transported to the glass factory. There, they are crushed into smaller glass pieces and burned in the furnace at high temperature between 600 and 800 degrees Celsius until they lose their solidness and liquefy. This recycled glass in its liquid form is mixed with new liquid glass. Following this, the new mixture of liquid glass is shaped into special forms by using different designs of molds. After glasses have been prepared, they are sold to drink manufacturers whose produce is bottled and taken to the retail outlets ready to be sold. Overall, the process of recycling the glass consists of 12 steps, and its main stages include collection, recycling and reusage. #Abdurahmontypes #classwork #task1
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Too much money is wasted on repairing old buildings that should be used to knock them down and build new ones. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Around the world, we have millions of old buildings in the poor state. Some people believe that new premises should replace them and consider the money spent on restoring them as wasted. In my opinion, the old buildings need preserving. Understandably, constructions from the past centuries have their historical and cultural significance. They inform us of our past and keep us connected to the past by serving as living proof of the remarkable events of history. Keeping them allows us to preserve cultural heritage and a sense of belonging to our community because common history unites us. All too often, with a loss of connection with the past, we also lose sense of our traditions and ourselves. Demolishing the old buildings for innovative models would mean a cultural loss and a loss of city atmosphere and vibe. For example, replacing buildings in historical megapolises, such as Istanbul, London, and Paris, will have a devastating impact on their native people's sense of identity and the cultural significance of the municipalities. More importantly, replacing the existing premises with new ones will be more costly from both economic and environmental perspectives. From the financial domain, revamping the appearance, facilities, and utilities in some places of the old buildings is considerably cheaper and less time-consuming than building a new structure. The renovations can save funds and time since they can be carried out in a matter of months or even weeks with the right construction company. More importantly, from an ecological realm, this option is much more sustainable, too. Constructing new structures has a remarkable carbon footprint and produces substantially more CO2 into the atmosphere. On top of that, high amounts of construction waste and depletion of natural resources for new premises are even more convincing deterrents to their erection. To conclude, I believe that financing the urban layout should remain as it is because replacing instead of renovating takes its toll on the legacy, the economy, and the environment of native residents. #Abdurahmontypes #Task2 #band8+ Leave your opinions in the comment section!
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👍 8 4❤‍🔥 1👏 1
In today’s digital age, anyone with a smartphone can capture and share photographs. This accessibility to photography diminishes the value of professional photographers. To what extent do you agree or disagree? The advent of cameras back in the 19th century instantly made the portrait-painting obsolete. Some people believe that history is repeating itself as the popularisation of smartphones is making professional photographers redundant. I also think that unprecedented levels of innovation have a profound effect on the role of professional photography. First of all, the equipment available to common folk has greatly blurred the difference between amateurs and professionals in photography. Before, the bulky professional cameras were distinct from the phones available on phones due to their better features including lenses, focus, and stabilisation. Today, large phone manufacturers are integrating these into their models and improving them yearly. In addition to the better quality, smartphone cameras provide better value for money. While professionals have to spend four or five-figure sums on their professional cameras, average iPhone users can acquire highly similar qualities for a much lower price. For example, professional cameras start at $5000 on the official websites of camera manufacturers such as Nikon and Canon, not to mention additional equipment such as tripods cost extra. In these regards, the higher prices and inconvenience of professional photographers' equipment are making smartphones a better option. More importantly, the software of smartphones is adding to their popularity over professional photography. For one thing, most of the smartphones have built-in features ranging from autofocus to better night resolution. Professional photographers have to spend months to learn these and years of experience to perfect them, while amateurs are handling this in a matter of minutes with mobile applications. For example, an average person can make use of apps such as 'Capcut' to edit pictures and improve the features such as contrast, and focus of already taken photos quickly with little skill learnt from online courses. Even more revolutionary is soon-to-be-implemented AI technology which is compensating for a lack of creativity of amateurs. The newly developed chat-GPT into IOS and Android software programs promises to help with editing by proposing several options for freshly taken photos without using additional apps or learning how to apply changes to photos. To conclude, I believe that the death of professional photography is closing in due to the advancements in equipment and technology for taking photos. #Abdurahmontypes #Task2 #band8+ Leave your opinions in the comment section!
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👍 8👏 3 2🤩 2
People are annoyed or entertained by advertising but they are not affected by advertisements when making shopping decisions. To what extent you agree or disagree? In today's age, companies are competing over attracting more and more of their potential customers, which has turned marketing into one of the most essential departments of any business entity. However, there is a belief that advertisements have become either an annoying nuisance or a recreational tool rather than an effective means to increase sales. I admit that advertisements might have become either irritating or recreational yet I subscribe to the view that adverts still affect customers' choices for two reasons. First of all, the main reason why people fall into advertisements' manipulation is they are amenable. Throughout evolutionary history, people have developed various instincts such as the need to be loved and accepted. As a result, thoroughly planned and well-thought-out design, wording, and formats efficiently execute the role of adverts in manipulatively persuading people into buying different products/services. A perfect example can be how advertisers use catchy and provocative phrasing such as 'Do you have one' or 'We are happy to have this' while filming in specially decorated studios, which, in turn, include their manipulative elements. As a result, people might find it funny how the actors in ads are acting without even realizing that they are themselves being victims of marketing manipulation. More alarmingly, however, advertisements are developing further and companies are investing heavily in technology to manipulate people. One recent development at hand is neuromarketing. This sphere studies the brain activity of shoppers and provides data to come up with methods on how to effectively sell products to customers even against their conscious choice or will. Similarly, our smartphones are used for a similar purpose as social media algorithms collect personal data. Advertisers then use this to study users' behavior and create effective ads to sell the products and services of their businesses. Consequently, although people might be irritated by the ads on social platforms such as, Facebook and Instagram, those are productively helping companies reach their target market and prosper through increased sales. To conclude, I believe that despite their seemingly annoying or recreational nature, advertisements still manage to affect customer choices with psychological manipulations further enhanced by advanced technology as well as the general amenability of people. #Abdurahmontypes #Task2 #band8+
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14👍 4❤‍🔥 2 1👌 1🌚 1😴 1
Some people believe that wild animals should not be kept in zoos or other man-made environments as there is no longer a need for them in the 21st century. Do you agree or disagree? In recent decades, the attitude of the human species towards other species has drastically changed, and now they have various facilities to treat animals properly and help them. However, there is a widely held belief that we no longer need any such facilities, neither zoos nor any other artificially created environments. Although I admit that zoos are mostly negative and redundant, I believe that maintaining other facilities is of great importance nowadays. On the one hand, I admit that zoos do more harm than good to the animals and thus should stop functioning. These facilities tend to mistreat animals by confining them in small artificial areas that negatively affect their mental and physical health. For example, a lion that could roam freely in the wilderness has to purposelessly wander in a small enclosed area built from plastic and metal. On top of that, animals have to bear mistreatment. Understandably, most zoos cannot keep up with all the regulations due to a lack of budget, meaning animals do not usually receive proper treatment from workers, let alone visitors. Therefore, I see no reason to allow zoo facilities to carry on their activity any longer. However, I believe that other man-made facilities have to be kept in place to help preserve wildlife. Human activity, demonstrated in demolishing habitats and destroying ecosystems, bears responsibility for decreasing biodiversity. Funding the maintenance of wildlife reserves, breeding, and conservation centers is of huge importance to compensate the caused harm to the environment. A large number of animals, deprived of their habitat after deforestation, could go extinct unless human-controlled animal facilities were not there to help. Moreover, large urbanized areas also compensate to the city-dwelling animals in various ways ranging from green rooftops to beekeeping facilities. These are indispensably contributing facilities aimed at preserving the biodiversity in the animal world and, therefore, need to be maintained and publicly favoured. To conclude, I believe that zoos are not there to help the animals and need not be given public support, whereas other man-made facilities do bring about positive changes and are worth maintaining. #Abdurahmontypes #animals #task2
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👍 22🆒 3 2❤‍🔥 1🔥 1😍 1
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