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Traditional Catholicism, Fascism and National Socialism Former Substack Publication

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Ferenc Szalasi on the Essence of National Socialism: Our ideological system would not be complete and comprehensive if we did not define the relationship of our Hungarian National Socialist community and community of destiny to the life of another National Socialist community and community of destiny. It is also necessary to establish this relationship because it is the part of our ideological structure which in practice determines the definite, major directions of our foreign policy. To understand it, it is necessary to first get to know the essence of national socialism. Many people believe that National Socialism was born in Germany in 1919 and that Hitler was its inventor or discoverer. Some, on the other hand, argue that it was born here in a cradle with our national awakening following the counter-revolution. But in fact, the essence of National Socialism germinated from the feeling that first inspired the first man to cry out, "My dear Homeland!"
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Ferenc Szalasi on the Essence of National Socialism: Our ideological system would not be complete and comprehensive if we did not define the relationship of our Hungarian National Socialist community and community of destiny to the life of another National Socialist community and community of destiny. It is also necessary to establish this relationship because it is the part of our ideological structure which in practice determines the definite, major directions of our foreign policy. To understand it, it is necessary to first get to know the essence of national socialism. Many people believe that National Socialism was born in Germany in 1919 and that Hitler was its inventor or discoverer. Some, on the other hand, argue that it was born here in a cradle with our national awakening following the counter-revolution. But in fact, the essence of National Socialism germinated from the feeling that first inspired the first man to cry out, "My dear Homeland!"
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Repost from NSDAP Loved Christ
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The Führer enforced mandatory confession during the interwar period ------ Wehrmacht Gen. Reinecke: “...The way it is with the troops—if the commander wants the people to go to Church, then they go to Church, whether they feel that way or not, and if he says: I don’t want them to go to church, they don’t go. That’s how it is, for all practical purposes.THE FUHRER: “According to my experience it isn’t always like that, though. He (the commander) says, “You don’t need to go to Church.” But he has them line up, and whoever doesn’t go to church has to peel potatoes or clean latrines, while those who go to church are free afterward. Bormann: “I’ve already spoken with Goebbels about this field of active propaganda. He will support it extensively. THE FUHRER: “It just has to work. That’s quite clear!” Source: “Hitler and his generals: military conferences1942-1945, p. 394-395
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The Kabbalah and the Protestant Reformation

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Franz Von Papen recalls that Hitler's policies were what was advocated for by Popes Leo XIII and Pius XI in their Encyclicals with regards to labor and class cooperation. These are taken from Von Papen's Memoirs.
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Repost from NSDAP Loved Christ
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SS Religious Census A 1938 demographic census on Himmler's SS collected data on religious affiliation among all divisions, revealing at least 78% of the body belonged to the Protestant or Catholic churches. “...Yet, even within the SS, only a minority subscribed to this new belief system (gottgläubig): by 1938, only 21.9 per cent of SS members described themselves as gottgläubig, whereas 54 per cent remained Protestant and just under 24 per cent Catholic. Whether Heydrich followed the neo-pagan rituals out of conviction or merely to please Himmler is unknown, although Lina Heydrich maintained after the war that in private she and her husband often made fun of Himmler's obsession with neo-paganism...” — “Hitlers Hangman”, the Life of Reinhard Heydrich by Robert Gerwath, p. 108
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Channel where I will be posting more often, mostly photographs and perhaps book excerpts and other things.
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Mendel's Corner

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Repost from Third Position Hub
The Ethics of the Schutzstaffel "He [Evola] also was of the opinion that the ethics of the SS were borrowed from the Jesuits." The Jesuits were the ethical standard and the largest bloc against jewish and Masonic influence in Europe. Gut instinct says that every time there was a prosecution or banning of the Jesuits there were Jews and Freemasons behind the curtain.
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To the Honorable Mr. Adolf Hitler, Führer and Chancellor of the German Reich! Here, at the beginning of our pontificate, we wish to assure you that we remain dedicated to the spiritual welfare of the German people entrusted to your leadership [...] During the many years we spent in Germany, we did everything in our power to establish harmonious relations between Church and State. Now that the responsibilities of our pastoral role have increased our opportunities, we pray all the more ardently to achieve this goal. May the prosperity of the German people and their progress in all areas be realized, with God's help. - Pope Pius XII, March 6, 1939. Quoted in: John Cornwell, Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII, ch.12, pp.208, 2002.
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