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The Divine 52 Intervention

Christ Intervention 52<>25 = 77 Christ 77 Own - 52, Now - 52, Won - 52 Self Realisation/Holistic Health

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These people can create exceptional results from scratch because of their strength of their minds. Level 8: Super genius levels of concentration. This person will be known throughout the world for their success and true brilliance.  They will go down in history books as one of the greats. Level 9: Hyper genius concentration. (Donald/Barron Trump) This type of concentration would cause manifestations to revolutionise the world. Such a person is extremely rare and would cause huge changes in society. Large political, economic or religious movements are caused by this. Level 10: Perfect concentration. This state has yet to be reached by anyone.  You should aim for level 5 or 6. Most people will find themselves at level 1 or 2, which is why they are not manifesting as much as they would like. Remember that the power of concentration is KING. You should learn to build your concentration every single day and aim for level 5 or 6 as this is an extremely abundant and prosperous life. *** Concentration is the central aspect of "intent." *** It is possible to manifest with weak concentration if you have a very positive, well programmed map of reality (subconscious mind) *** The point of concentration is to connect strongly to the subconscious mind and form new positive programs. Please read the Power of Concentration by Theron Dumont. *** Do not underestimate the simplicity of these exercises.  If you want to significantly speed up your manifestations then these exercises should be practiced daily. Exercises to practice: *** Focus on a doorknob for 10 minutes at the same time each night.  (Do this for at least 1 month) You will see how difficult this is at first and then after a few weeks your concentration will significantly improve. *** Select a thought (one of your desires) and see how long you can hold your mind on it.  (A good example is focusing on great health as this will go a long way to improving your health) *** Select some picture; put it on a table and then look at it for 2 minutes.   Concentrate your attention on this picture, observe every detail; then shut your eyes and see how much you can recall about it. Think of what the picture represents; whether it is a good subject; whether it looks natural.   Think of objects in the foreground, middleground, background; of details of colour and form. Now open your eyes and hold yourself rigidly to the correction of each and every mistake.   Close eyes again and notice how much more accurate your picture is.  Keep practicing until your mental image is crystal clear. *** Grab a pack of playing cards.  Select some time to do the exercise.  Each day take the pack in one hand and then start laying them down on top of each other just as slowly as you can, with an even motion. Try to get them as even as possible. Each card laid down should completely cover the under one. This task will seem tedious and tiresome. It requires the closest concentration to make each card completely cover the preceding one.  It requires patience to lay them down slowly and closest attention of your will. You will find after doing this exercise for a while you are acquiring a calmness you never had before. You are gradually acquiring new powers.  You recognise how compulsive you have been, and how you can control your temperament. *** Grab a newspaper article or book and read a paragraph and put it down.   Then write down everything that you remember from the paragraph. ***  Concentration on Sleep. What is known as the water method is very effective in inducing sleep. Put a glass of clear water on the table in your sleeping room. Sit in a chair beside the table and gaze into the glass of water and think how calm it is. Then picture yourself, getting into just as calm a state. In a short time you will find the nerves becoming quiet and you will be able to go to sleep. Sometimes it is good to picture yourself becoming drowsy to induce sleep. 🧘‍♂️ 🧘‍♂️🧘‍♂️
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Concentration Concentration/Meditation What does Yogananda say about concentration/meditation? Meditation utilises concentration in its highest form. Concentration consists in freeing the attention from distractions and in focusing it on any thought in which one may be interested. Meditation is that special form of concentration in which the attention has been liberated from restlessness and is focused on God. Meditation, therefore, is concentration used to know God. In response to the love of great devotees, God has manifested Himself in various cosmic forms. He also manifests Himself in truth, in divine qualities, in the creative power and beauty in nature, in the lives of great saints and avatars (divine incarnations), and in the soul of every man. Thus meditation on any of these concepts brings a deep realisation of the omnipresent Absolute, of Him who is ever-existing, ever-conscious, ever-new Bliss. And because meditation gives direct perception of God, it raises the practice of religion above the differences of dogma. THE ART OF CONCENTRATION (INTENT/WILL) *** A strong mind creates manifestation.  A weak mind does not. You build the strength of your mind through CONCENTRATING.  *** Your ability to concentrate is your ability to manifest. A concentrated thought with intensity and emotion will speed up your manifestations at a significantly rapid rate.   *** Concentration is a state of complete one-pointedness and stillness of consciousness.  The nature of creation is motion; the nature of Spirit is motionless.  *** Concentration is therefore essential to divine communion. *** Without concentration you shall never find God/Divine/Oneness *** The best time to concentrate is after listening to something inspiring, as you are then mentally and spiritually elevated in the desired realm. FORMS OF WILL In the conduct of life every form in which the normal Will manifests itself is demanded for success.  These forms are: 1. The Persistent Will; 2. The Static Will; 3. The Impelling Will; 4. The Dynamic Will; 5. The Restraining Will; 6. The Explosive Will; 7. The Decisive Will. Refer to exercises in the attached PDF - Power of Will for the different senses of the body and different forms of will. Concentration Levels Level 1: This person has lots of different thoughts in their mind. They will not be able to have a completely calm mind with no thoughts for just 15-30 seconds. 99% of all people in the world will find themselves in this category. The manifestations will be extremely weak or zero. Level 2: This person can focus for several hours on a task but they will have some distracting thoughts in their mind every minute when doing that task.  They can force themselves to have a completely calm, clear mind for several minutes at most. It is a constant battle to stay focused. Level 3: This person can concentrate well, but the mind goes out of control sometimes, where thoughts happen uncontrollably.   They can have periods of several hours where the mind is all over the place with different thoughts. The rest of the time they can concentrate well. Level 4: Very good ability to concentrate. A very clear, calm and meditative mind. This person has a calm mind every single day, for most of the day.  They will have some distracting thoughts but very few. Level 5: Excellent concentration ability. Can keep to a task with total focus, living in the moment and only having relevant thoughts, all day, every day. This person will be extremely successful in their life and have lucky things happen to them all the time. Level 6: Amazing concentration ability. Extremely focused, clear and always living in the moment, all day, every day. This person will be manifesting like crazy. Everything they touch will turn to gold. Extreme luck and extreme success are standard things at this level. Level 7: Extremely gifted and 1 in a million type of concentration. The type of concentration that serial and mega entrepreneurs have. 
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How Does It Get Any Better than This? That's a great question to ask no matter what situation presents in your life, whether it is a good situation or a bad one. When you ask this question, when something bad happens, it gets better - because you asked. "Ask and you shall receive" is one of the laws of the universe. It's one of the ways things work around here. But you have to ask in order to receive. How many of you have spent your lives not asking, thinking that somehow that was a weakness, or a wrongness, or it meant that you were a failure if you had to ask. The universe is begging you to ask. When you ask, "How does it get any better than this?" the universe can't wait to show you! Apply is to specific areas of your life: How does my financial position get any better than this? How does my health get any better than this? How does my posture get any better than this? How does my breathing get any better than this? How does my energy levels get any better than this? How does my memory and cognitive functioning get any better than this? How does my being of service to the world get any better than this? How do my relationships get any better than this? How does my circle of influence get any better than this? 🔥🔥🔥
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11🔥 9
"You've got to investigate your mind and watch it all the time. See what it's doing to you. Watch how it controls you. It makes you emotional. It makes you believe something is wrong. It makes you angry. All these things come from the mind. The idea is to be aware of this. The awareness alone leads you to the light, just being aware of that alone. You don't have to know any book knowledge. Just be aware of what your mind really is. That's how you conquer your mind. By being aware of it, and no longer responding to it, no longer to react to the mind. Something that usually makes you angry, before you'd respond, and you'd want to win the argument, but now your reaction is no reaction. You simply smile and you watch. When your mind sees there's no response it will become weaker and weaker, until it disappears. It's just like arguing with a person. What happens if you stop arguing? The person goes away. They don't know what to think. They just won't have anything to do with you. They just leave. So when you stop responding to your thoughts your mind will go away, and become weaker, and weaker, and weaker, until there is no mind." ~ Sri Robert Adams
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"I AM" "The sole reality that exists and is known in this state of egolessness, nirvana or salvation is our fundamental and essential consciousness 'I am' Since it does not identify itself with any delimiting adjunct (body, mind etc.), our essential and pure consciousness 'I am' is a single, undivided and unlimited whole, separate from which nothing can exist. All the diversity and multiplicity that appears to exist so long as we identify ourself with a physical body, is known only by our mind, which is merely a distorted and limited form of our original consciousness 'I am'. If this consciousness 'I am' did not exist, nothing else could appear to exist. Therefore, our fundamental consciousness 'I am' is the source and origin of all knowledge - the one basis of all that appears to exist. Our essential consciousness 'I am' is thus the ultimate reality, the original source from which everything arises, and the final destination towards which all religions and spiritual traditions seek to lead us. Most religions call this fundamental reality 'God' or the 'Supreme Being'; or else they refer to it in a more abstract manner as the true state of being. But by whatever name they may call it - and whether they describe it as a being or a state of being - the truth is that the supreme and absolute reality is not anything other than our own being, the consciousness which we experience as "I AM." ~ Sri Michael James A man can be of gigantic intellect, yet spiritually he may be a baby. You can verify it this moment. All of you have been taught to believe in an Omnipresent God. Try to think of it. How few of you can have any idea of what omnipresence means! If you struggle hard, you will get something like the idea of the ocean, or of the sky, or of a desert, or of a vast stretch of dark space. All these are only material images, and so long as you cannot conceive of the abstract as abstract, of the ideal (infinite) as the ideal, you will have to resort to these forms, these material images. It does not make much difference whether these images are inside or outside the mind. We are all born idolaters, and idolatry is good, because it is in the nature of man. Who can get beyond it? Only the perfect man, the Self-realized man. The rest are all idolaters. So long as we see this universe before us, with its forms and shapes, we are all idolaters. This is a gigantic symbol we are worshipping. He who says he is the body is a born idolater. We are spirit (consciousness), spirit that has no form or shape, spirit that is infinite, and not matter. Therefore, anyone who cannot grasp the infinite, who cannot think of himself as he is, except in and through matter, as the body, is an idolater. And yet how people fight among themselves, calling one another idolaters! In other words, each says, his idol is right, and the others' are wrong. A name is said to be very sacred. In the Bible we read that the holy name of God was considered sacred beyond compare, holy beyond everything. It was the holiest of all names, and it was thought that this very Word was God. This is quite true. What is this universe but name and form? Can you think without words? Word and thought are inseparable. Try if any one of you can separate them. Whenever you think, you are doing so through word forms. The one brings the other; thought brings the word, and the word brings the thought. Thus the whole universe is, as it were, the external symbol of God, and behind that stands His grand name. Each particular body is a form, and behind that particular body is its name. As soon as you think of your friend so-and-so, there comes the idea of his body, and as soon as you think of your friend's body, you get the idea of his name. This is in the constitution of man. That is to say, psychologically, in the mind-stuff of man, there cannot come the idea of name without the idea of form and there cannot come the idea of form without the idea of name. They are inseparable; they are the external and the internal sides of the same wave.
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As such, holy names have been exalted and worshipped all over the world - consciously or unconsciously, man found the glory of names. ~ Swami Vivekananda
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It is easy to be idle or filled with hopelessness and thus desist from striving for financial success in life. It is easy to earn money dishonestly when such opportunity presents itself. But it is wrong thus to excuse oneself from making an effort to sustain himself honorably.... It is an exceptional man who earns money abundantly, unselfishly, honestly, quickly, just for God and his work and for making others happy. Such activity develops many sterling qualities of character that aid one on the spiritual path as well as the material path. Making money honestly and industriously to serve God's work is the next greatest art after the art of realizing God. Responsibility, knowledge of organization, order, leadership, and practical usefulness are developed in creating business success and are necessary for the all-round growth of man. ~ Paramahansa Yogananda, Where There is Light
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"Between the eyebrows is the door to heaven." This center in the brain is the seat of will. When you concentrate deeply there and calmly will, whatever you are willing shall come about. So never use your will for evil purposes. To will harm to someone intentionally is a grave misuse of your God-given power. If you find your will going in the wrong direction, stop! Not only is it a waste of your divine energy, it will be the cause of your losing that power; you will not be able to employ it even for good purposes. ~ Paramahansa Yogananda, Man's Eternal Quest
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God has not given us senses to cause our destruction through their abuse, but so that we can perceive God. God's presence can be experienced through all the doors of the senses. 11. Absence of Egotism Egotism is I-ness and self-doership. Everyone thinks, "I am the doer, I do everything. Without me, nothing can be done?" But truly speaking, who is the doer? Can a dead person do anything? Everything, in everyone, is done by the breath, the living power of the formless God. Those who love God will see their egos disappear. Ego is bondage, and "no ego" is liberation. 12. Perception of the evils of birth, death, old age, disease, and pain Birth is painful. Death is unpleasant. Disease brings much suffering. In old age, the body and senses become weak, and memory and intelligence decrease. So life becomes miserable. By thinking constantly about these endless problems, you grow more attached to God. 13. Detachment You should be detached from the world and attached to God in every breath, thought, and deed. 14. Compassionately detached from affection and the clinging to family, home, and the like Live in the world like a lotus flower in water: born in water, floating in water, yet untouched by it. You may have a family, children, and a house, but you should feel that these are the living power of God. The best example is the life of Shri Shri Lahiri Baba. (Lahiri Mahasaya) 15. A Balanced Mind in All Circumstances Feeling that "I am the actor, and God is the director" fosters equal-mindedness. When you develop thorough control over your breath, you attain equanimity. Regular practice of meditation bestows balance of mind. 16. Unflinching devotion to the Lord with single-minded meditation (yoga) Devotion is constant attachment to God, the supreme Lord, who is breathing from the top. 17. Living in Seclusion Seclusion is the price of greatness. Seclusion is not a place pervaded by extreme external silence, but a state of remaining free from all thoughts, tensions, and distractions. External seclusion is partially helpful, but what is really beneficial is to spend time secluded in meditation and soul culture. 18. Avoiding the company of people The company of worldly people brings distraction in meditation. At the beginning of spiritual life, it is best to live in seclusion, in silence, watching every breath in God consciousness. 19. Remaining constantly in soul consciousness and cosmic consciousness God is all-pervading. He permeates everything. To perceive His living presence in every external object and in every internal thought - to be constantly in the fontanel - is the highway to Self-realization. 20. Search for truth, liberation, and emancipation Truth is the universal, all-pervading form of the Almighty Father. "He is in me and I am in Him. He and I are one and always have been one" - this must be perceived, conceived, and realized. This should be the core of your life. These twenty qualities pertain to the soul-conscious, cosmic-conscious state; all contrary qualities are ignorance. You should always watch and scrutinize your thoughts, moods, and dispositions in order to progress along the path of realization. The sincere and regular practice of Kriya Yoga, combined with implicit faith, love, and loyalty for the master will make these twenty divine qualities blossom. By cultivating the body land and regulating the restless breath with the scientific technique of Kriya Yoga, you can achieve this stage. Let a garland of these twenty flowers be around the neck of every seeker at all times.
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20 Spiritual Qualities to Attain Self Realisation These twenty spiritual qualities mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita are enumerated by the Lord to be cultivated, harvested, and preserved by human beings: 1. Absence of Pride Pride arises because of wealth, physical beauty, food, and material status. Pride is a great obstacle in spiritual life. It brings body consciousness and delusion. Breath is the principal aspect of human life. Everyone should be conscious of the breath, inhaled and exhaled from the top by sa. (Soul) This constant perception of the soul creates a state without pride. If you always feel, "I have come into the world empty-handed and I will have to leave it empty-handed - what can I carry when I must leave this world?" pride will disappear from the mind. 2. Freedom from Hypocrisy and Arrogance Hypocrisy is to pretend to be more than what you are. In spiritual life, there should be no touch of hypocrisy. The rose shares its fragrance. This is its inherent nature; it is not the ego of the rose. Every spiritual seeker must carefully scrutinize his own nature and should not allow a hint of hypocrisy or arrogance, which pollutes his life. (See the Bible, Matthew 7:5 and 7:15-20) 3. Non-maliciousness; Non-violence; Non-injury Waves of thoughts arise from the ocean of consciousness, but you must avoid all negative, harmful, malicious, violent, and arrogant thoughts. Instead you should think, "I am born to love, to radiate and distribute love; I am an insignificant person. My life in this body is very short. I will spend every moment in serving and loving." This attitude is extremely helpful in spiritual life. Let not a thought, word, or deed create pain in another. 4. Forbearance toward all people (Patience) People who show forbearance, especially those endowed with the power to punish others, are the greatest in the eye of God. The life of Jesus is the best example. Even as he was being crucified he was praying,"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do" (See the Bible, Luke 23:34) 5. Simplicity Spiritual life is a life of simplicity and purity. As you progress along the spiritual path, all complexities disappear. Human complexities are the source of all unhappiness. A simple person is a happy person. 6. Service to the Guru Preceptor (acharya-upasana) Two beautiful Sanskrit words combine to describe this spiritual quality. First, acharya means the master, preceptor, or the realized one, and second, upasand means to serve, to follow, to sit near, to be in constant company with. A spiritual seeker should serve his guru preceptor, which reduces his ego, and at the same time must follow his master faithfully and sincerely. 7. Purity There are two types of purity - internal and external. Most people are concerned with external purity - cleaning the body, the clothes, the house, and so forth. This is good, but real purity is internal purity (See the Katha Upanishad 1:3:7). One who constantly fixes his attention on the fontanel, on His presence, is pure. One who remains conscious of the soul obtains purity. To make the mind clean is true purity. 8. Steadiness Pleasure and pain, loss and gain, heat and cold, summer and winter, everything comes in turns. You must not be perturbed by these events. You must constantly follow the master and steadily proceed on the path of God-realization. 9. Control of Body and Mind The body is the car, and the soul is the driver. The body and mind instruments must be thoroughly controlled, but people become so engrossed in the physical body that they become its slave. You must be the master of your body. You must be free from body consciousness, through meditation and a yogic lifestyle. 10. Detachment from the object of senses Every human being has ten senses and ten objects of the senses. Because people are extremely attached to the senses, they think there is pleasure in sense objects. But enjoyment breeds disease. Satisfaction brings dissatisfaction.
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