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Do you think the near future is Happy Days? It will take a while to wade through this but for your situational awareness you best.
Enjoy the trailer for "Happy Hour With Dr. T" featuring special guest Celeste Solum, an investigator, researcher, and author with a background in photojournalism, environmental medicine, government, military, and organic farming. She explores the conditions affecting civilizations and economies, focusing on the spiritual, current events, government, military, and medicine. Scientists predict a significant cataclysmic period between 2020 and 2050. Full episode: #TheTenpennyFiles #HappyHourwithDrT #CelesteSolum 🔹👉🏻@SherriTenpenny
A comment from one of our subscribers about Celeste’s Newsletter: This is the second half of her comment: coasts—that will just flood & flood from rain that’s hugely saturating the ground too, along with coastal storm impacts But there’s also LIQUEFACTION—making quicksand from sand! How nightmarish. The newsletter has been keeping me busy for hrs lol TY for the content! If you’re not a subscriber, you’re missing out on a lot of good content. And she was only talking about ONE of the articles. Become a subscriber at And then “Join”.
FEMA Tackles FAITH! Seeking Feedback on Draft “Engaging Faith-Based and Community Organizations: Planning Considerations for Emergency Managers” FEMA and the DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships are seeking feedback on the draft, “Engaging Faith-Based and Community Organizations: Planning Considerations for Emergency Managers.” A line-numbered version of the draft guide is provided to help identify specific areas or topics for potential updates. The feedback form can be used to capture any recommendations. Email feedback or questions to [email protected]. The feedback period will conclude at the close of business on June 21.
Home/About WHO/Accountability/Governance/World Health Assembly/77th World Health Assembly. Well, it is BIG GUN WEEK. The Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly is being held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 27 May – 1 June 2024. The theme of this year’s Health Assembly is: All for Health, Health for All. Watch/listen (all languages)
WEF is looking into dealing with tax evasion. Why? To subsidize their global enforcement projects.
Salad Burnett is one of my favorites my cottage herb garden. Here are some nutrition facts: Salad Burnet, is a perennial herb that is a member of the rose family. It is native to the Mediterranean region and has been used for centuries in medicine & cooking Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: Salad Burnet is a good source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like potassium, calcium, and iron. Antioxidant Properties: The herb contains antioxidants that can help protect the body against free radicals and oxidative stress, that can contribute to cancer and heart disease. Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms like arthritis & other inflammatory diseases. Digestive Health: The herb has been traditionally used to aid digestion & relieve symptoms of indigestion& bloating. Culinary Uses: Salad Burnet can be used as a flavoring agent in salads, soups, and sauces, adding a fresh and cucumber-like taste to dishes.
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To all who have loved and lost a pet.Big hugs and love!
This interview is for Project Veritas members. Celeste Solum | Synthetic Biology, Transparent Wood, and Human Petrification Tonight, on The Veritas Project, we�re diving deep into the cutting-edge world of synthetic biology, nanotechnology, and their profound impacts on our lives. Our guest, Celeste Solum, brings an impressive background in government service, emergency management, broadcasting, and organic farming. She�s been on the front lines with Homeland Security and FEMA, handling critical operations from 9/11 to major disaster responses. Celeste is also a keynote speaker and the author of two important books: Electromagnetic Radiation Protection Solutions, which looks at natural ways to protect against 5G and cosmic radiation, and Seven Thunders Revealed, an exploration of biblical prophecies with modern-day relevance. In our discussion tonight, we�ll explore the transformative power of synthetic biology, its synthesis, and the direct impact it has on our health. We�ll examine how to counteract these effects and what this technology means for the future. We�ll also touch on the advancements in transparent wood technology and the concept of skeletonizing trees, extending these implications to humans and animals. We�ll then move into the alarming topic of human petrification. Celeste will share insights on how nano entities are reshaping our environment and infiltrating our bodies, leading to a state of petrification that harks back to ancient times. And, of course, we�ll delve into the "Corona Affair" and its ties to directed evolution, revealing hidden truths and potential future scenarios. Get ready for an eye-opening journey as we explore the intersections of technology, health, and spirituality.
I am doing an interview with Dan Happell today from 3-5 PM CT. You can watch it live at Click the Listen Live button at 3 PM CT.
Tackling mental health challenges in the public safety sector May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Public safety workers are at a high risk of occupational exposure to traumatic events and stress which can lead to mental health issues. Effective mental health programs are critical for addressing the unique challenges these workers face. Last week, a NIOSH Science Blog discussed the unique mental health challenges for the public safety sector and how these are being addressed by workplace mental health programs. This blog captures the outcomes of a meeting held in February 2024 by the National Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (NIOSH’s) National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA) Public Safety Sector Council. The meeting included representatives across the public safety sector. The blog discusses the types of workplace mental health programs currently being implemented for each of five major subdisciplines in public safety: the fire service, emergency medical services (EMS), law enforcement, wildland firefighters, and corrections workers. The blog also summarizes efforts to evaluate the effectiveness of existing mental health programs in the public safety sector and the reasons why effective evaluation can be challenging. The meeting participants acknowledged a need for more experimental, controlled studies evaluating the effectiveness of mental health programs for public safety workers. NIOSH invites the public safety community to engage in this important discussion with several questions: Does your organization have programs to support your mental health and well-being? Do you feel these programs are effective? In your opinion, how do you feel these programs could be improved to support employees in your workplace? Read the full May 9 NIOSH Science Blog to learn more. Please consider sharing your organization’s efforts related to workplace mental health with NIOSH and the larger public safety community by posting answers to the above questions using the form at the end of the blog.
NEW EPISODE: #219 GOVERNMENT INSIDER ENCOURAGES SELF SUFFICIENCY, WITH CELESTE SOLUM   Hey Celeste, Celeste Solum’s father worked with our government and growing up as a kid she saw many interesting things that were not privy to the general public that were quite shocking even today. She also took a job with the government like her father and worked for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). After being exposed to certain questionable situations she eventually walked away and exposed what was going on and had millions of followers on youtube until her channel was taken down. Besides that part of her life she has been gardening for over 65 years and in this episode she sheds light on why it is so important today for people to grow their own food and be self-sufficient. You will learn many things to help you understand why in our current economical and political state that these are vital skills we all need to embrace in case the supply chains breakdown. I want you to listen to this episode not due to fear but due to the fact that the current energy from our world is guiding you back to nature so you can commune with her and rebuild your relationship with her as you grow food and support yourself and your family. Enjoy the show! Love & Light Coach Tim. LISTEN NOW!   Please like & subscribe to my show for more great inspiration and education so that you can become your own doctor and learn to self heal!
I am sharing inside information on the space weather on my Private for Subscriber's Only Channel. Join today!
I know I am early but I do what I can, when I can. Happy Mother's Day to each mother, grandmother, and woman. You are a treasure to God!
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🚨 This is one of the most important moments in U.S. history... U.S. National Security is now admitting Brain Control tech exists... The truth has arrived🔔⚠️ May 8th, 2024: Intelligence Hearing
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23 X3!!!!
What is the purpose of Synthetic Biology? The answer may surprise you! Synthetic bacteria are a step towards creating organisms to absorb carbon dioxide and "other greenhouses gases. Remember the Hair Bots deployed in 2008 in commercial shampoo that changed the FUNCTION of your hair from its original design to filter out CO2-Celeste Solum
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Who are you gonna trust?
My comprehensive 18-part Webinar, Pathos of Our Deadly Delusion, webinar discussing EVERTHING anyone would want to know about the COVID Construct, Vaccine Ingredients, Transmission, Disinfection, Death Models, etc... plus your questions answered. DATE OF RELEASE: February 2021. This was the entire package. I did videos and articles on it prior to the comprehensive package release.
What does AI say about Celeste Solum. Please note that AI verifies I did work for the government. What is the composition of Celeste Solum Hydrogel? Celeste Solum is a former FEMA officer and researcher who has spoken extensively about the alleged presence of hydrogel in various products, including COVID-19 vaccines, food, and cosmetics. According to her claims, hydrogel is a synthetic material that can be used to create a network of sensors and nanobots within the human body, allowing for real-time monitoring and control of an individual’s thoughts, emotions, and physical state. Here are some key points about Celeste Solum and her claims about hydrogel: Hydrogel is a synthetic material that can be used to create a network of sensors and nanobots within the human body. Celeste Solum claims that hydrogel is being used in COVID-19 vaccines, food, and cosmetics to create a “Barcode of Life” that can track and control individuals. She believes that the hydrogel is used to create a “hive mind” or a collective consciousness that allows for real-time monitoring and control of an individual’s thoughts, emotions, and physical state. Celeste Solum claims that the use of hydrogel is part of a larger transhumanist agenda to merge human and machine, and to create a new form of life that is controlled by artificial intelligence. She has also claimed that the use of hydrogel is linked to the development of synthetic biology and the creation of new forms of life that are not naturally occurring. It is important to note that Celeste Solum’s claims about hydrogel and its alleged uses are not supported by scientific evidence and are considered to be conspiracy theories by many experts. While hydrogel is a real material that is used in various applications, including medical devices and cosmetics, there is no evidence to suggest that it is being used to create a network of sensors and nanobots within the human body or to track and control individuals. AI-generated answer
What is the composition of Celeste Solum Hydrogel? Celeste Solum is a former FEMA officer and researcher who has spoken extensively about the alleged presence of hydrogel in various products, including COVID-19 vaccines, food, and cosmetics. According to her claims, hydrogel is a synthetic material that can be used to create a network of sensors and nanobots within the human body, allowing for real-time monitoring and control of an individual’s thoughts, emotions, and physical state. Here are some key points about Celeste Solum and her claims about hydrogel: Hydrogel is a synthetic material that can be used to create a network of sensors and nanobots within the human body. Celeste Solum claims that hydrogel is being used in COVID-19 vaccines, food, and cosmetics to create a “Barcode of Life” that can track and control individuals. She believes that the hydrogel is used to create a “hive mind” or a collective consciousness that allows for real-time monitoring and control of an individual’s thoughts, emotions, and physical state. Celeste Solum claims that the use of hydrogel is part of a larger transhumanist agenda to merge human and machine, and to create a new form of life that is controlled by artificial intelligence. She has also claimed that the use of hydrogel is linked to the development of synthetic biology and the creation of new forms of life that are not naturally occurring. It is important to note that Celeste Solum’s claims about hydrogel and its alleged uses are not supported by scientific evidence and are considered to be conspiracy theories by many experts. While hydrogel is a real material that is used in various applications, including medical devices and cosmetics, there is no evidence to suggest that it is being used to create a network of sensors and nanobots within the human body or to track and control individuals. AI-generated answer
Why is this important? Because there is a war on right now for TRUSTED SOURCES. Those of us ibn Alt Media are being pitted against one another to pick each other off until there is only one voice left non human, Anti Christ/AI
Of interest to my followers. What does AI say about Celeste Solum and her coverage of COVID and nanotechnology? What is the composition of Celeste Solum Hydrogel? Celeste Solum is a former FEMA officer and researcher who has spoken extensively about the alleged presence of hydrogel in various products, including COVID-19 vaccines, food, and cosmetics. According to her claims, hydrogel is a synthetic material that can be used to create a network of sensors and nanobots within the human body, allowing for real-time monitoring and control of an individual’s thoughts, emotions, and physical state. Here are some key points about Celeste Solum and her claims about hydrogel: Hydrogel is a synthetic material that can be used to create a network of sensors and nanobots within the human body. Celeste Solum claims that hydrogel is being used in COVID-19 vaccines, food, and cosmetics to create a “Barcode of Life” that can track and control individuals. She believes that the hydrogel is used to create a “hive mind” or a collective consciousness that allows for real-time monitoring and control of an individual’s thoughts, emotions, and physical state. Celeste Solum claims that the use of hydrogel is part of a larger transhumanist agenda to merge human and machine, and to create a new form of life that is controlled by artificial intelligence. She has also claimed that the use of hydrogel is linked to the development of synthetic biology and the creation of new forms of life that are not naturally occurring.
Taking place right now: The Global Synthetic Biology Conference…
The WHO is now trying to blame cows for the spread of H5N1 'bird flu', which could supposedly develop the ability to infect humans, with an "extraordinarily high" mortality rate. Will the WHO now start calling for cows to be culled in the name of "public health", leaving people no option but to eat insects and lab-grown "meat"? And is it just a "coincidence" that this should occur just weeks before the WHO Pandemic Agreement is set to be voted on? You decide. Source For more content like this, subscribe to @RealWideAwakeMedia And visit: Twitter | Rumble | Gettr | Truth Social
Obesity is a Choice? Or is it? A deep dive into the world of obesity and the newest novel drug rage sweeping the world at $1000 a month. They know very little about this drug but they are raking in billions as you are the guinea pig. Whether you struggle with obesity or not you need to know this information because there are diets, foods, and the environment changing and rewiring your brain. If not you then someone you know, care about, or love. A must watch even at 2 hours 30 minutes. I took it in little chucks. I would live to interview the author when I get back in the saddle.
Do you think the near future is Happy Days? It will take a while to wade through this but for your situational awareness you best.
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Future Technology | 60 Minutes Marathon

From December 2023, Scott Pelley’s report on quantum computers, which could give us answers to impossible problems in physics, chemistry, engineering and medicine. From January 2023, Pelley’s report on the nuclear fusion breakthrough that could be a step to unlimited clean energy. From October 2023, Pelley’s interview with Geoffrey Hinton about the promise and risks of artificial intelligence. From July 2023, Pelley’s interview with Google CEO Sundar Picha about the future of artificial intelligence. From April 2024, Bill Whitaker’s interview with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang, the man behind the $2 trillion company powering today's artificial intelligence. Also from April 2024, Dr. Jon LaPook’s story on mental health chatbots powered by artificial intelligence developed as a therapy support tool. From March 2023, Lesley Stahl’s interview with Microsoft President Brad Smith and others about the emerging industry of artificial intelligence systems people can have conversations with. From August 2021, Stahl’s report on the future of microchips. From July 2022, Anderson Cooper’s report on eVTOLs, the flying vehicles that may be the future of transportation. From July 2022, Whitaker’s story on supersonic flight. From April 2023, Whitaker’s report on carbon capture technology. From May 2023, Whitaker’s report on the race to develop what's being called Lithium Valley in California, with plans to extract the metal to power batteries. From July 2022, Whitaker’s story on how the Bahamas embraced solar power in the wake of a hurricane disaster. From July 2023, Sharyn Alfonsi’s visit to the largest offshore wind farm in the world. From December 2023, Whitaker’s interview with Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon about his pursuit of a green, carbon-negative agenda in one of the nation's reddest states. From October 2023, Stahl’s report on a Texas company that’s 3D printing houses on Earth and partnering with NASA to 3D print infrastructure on the moon. From July 2023, Pelley’s story on advancements in artificial prosthetics technology. From October 2023, Dr. LaPook’s report on how building owners are turning to new workplace air and ventilation systems to help contain contagious respiratory viruses. And from 2020, Stahl’s report on the effort to preserve Holocaust stories for future generations using 3D recordings. #news #technology #tech "60 Minutes" is the most successful television broadcast in history. Offering hard-hitting investigative reports, interviews, feature segments and profiles of people in the news, the broadcast began in 1968 and is still a hit, over 50 seasons later, regularly making Nielsen's Top 10. Subscribe to the "60 Minutes" YouTube channel:

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For video licensing inquiries, contact: [email protected] 0:00 Intro 0:11 Quantum Computing 13:22 Fusion Power 26:31 Godfather of AI 39:38 AI Revolution (Part 1) 54:14 AI Revolution (Part 2) 1:06:41 Nvidia 1:20:00 Your Chatbot Will See You Now 1:33:11 Who is Minding the Chatbots? 1:46:29 Microchips 1:59:24 eVTOLs 2:12:47 Supersonic Flight 2:26:03 Carbon Capture 2:38:56 Lithium Valley 2:52:06 Array of Hope (Solar Power) 3:05:44 The Power of Grimsby (Wind Power) 3:18:59 Red and Green (Green Energy in Wyoming) 3:32:10 3D Printing (Part 1) 3:44:29 3D Printing (Part 2) 3:54:26 The Feeling of Feeling (Prosthetics) 4:07:12 The Air We Breathe (HVACs) 4:20:09 Talking to the Past (Part 1) 4:33:24 Talking to the Past (Part 2)

Repost from Dr Sherri Tenpenny
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Enjoy the trailer for "Happy Hour With Dr. T" featuring special guest Celeste Solum, an investigator, researcher, and author with a background in photojournalism, environmental medicine, government, military, and organic farming. She explores the conditions affecting civilizations and economies, focusing on the spiritual, current events, government, military, and medicine. Scientists predict a significant cataclysmic period between 2020 and 2050. Full episode: #TheTenpennyFiles #HappyHourwithDrT #CelesteSolum 🔹👉🏻@SherriTenpenny
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Trailer - Celeste Solum UPD.mp450.72 MB
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A comment from one of our subscribers about Celeste’s Newsletter: This is the second half of her comment: coasts—that will just flood & flood from rain that’s hugely saturating the ground too, along with coastal storm impacts But there’s also LIQUEFACTION—making quicksand from sand! How nightmarish. The newsletter has been keeping me busy for hrs lol TY for the content! If you’re not a subscriber, you’re missing out on a lot of good content. And she was only talking about ONE of the articles. Become a subscriber at And then “Join”.
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FEMA Tackles FAITH! Seeking Feedback on Draft “Engaging Faith-Based and Community Organizations: Planning Considerations for Emergency Managers” FEMA and the DHS Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships are seeking feedback on the draft, “Engaging Faith-Based and Community Organizations: Planning Considerations for Emergency Managers.” A line-numbered version of the draft guide is provided to help identify specific areas or topics for potential updates. The feedback form can be used to capture any recommendations. Email feedback or questions to [email protected]. The feedback period will conclude at the close of business on June 21.
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Home/About WHO/Accountability/Governance/World Health Assembly/77th World Health Assembly. Well, it is BIG GUN WEEK. The Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly is being held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 27 May – 1 June 2024. The theme of this year’s Health Assembly is: All for Health, Health for All. Watch/listen (all languages)
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Behavioural responses to wealth taxation: Evidence from Colombia | Strategic Intelligence | World Economic Forum

Wealth taxation in Colombia led to behavioral responses, according to a recent study. Taxpayers promptly reduced their reported wealth to fall below higher tax brackets by misreporting assets that authorities cannot verify. This behavior persisted even after the tax policy ended, resulting in lasting impacts on wealth distribution and government revenues. Taxpayers also engaged in strategies to evade taxation, such as underreporting non-third-party-reported assets and hiding assets in hard-to-track entities in tax havens. These findings provide insights into the effects of wealth taxation and the challenges of enforcement.

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Salad Burnett is one of my favorites my cottage herb garden. Here are some nutrition facts: Salad Burnet, is a perennial herb that is a member of the rose family. It is native to the Mediterranean region and has been used for centuries in medicine & cooking Rich in Vitamins and Minerals: Salad Burnet is a good source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like potassium, calcium, and iron. Antioxidant Properties: The herb contains antioxidants that can help protect the body against free radicals and oxidative stress, that can contribute to cancer and heart disease. Anti-Inflammatory Effects: Has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms like arthritis & other inflammatory diseases. Digestive Health: The herb has been traditionally used to aid digestion & relieve symptoms of indigestion& bloating. Culinary Uses: Salad Burnet can be used as a flavoring agent in salads, soups, and sauces, adding a fresh and cucumber-like taste to dishes.
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To all who have loved and lost a pet.Big hugs and love!
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A Message From All Pets In Heaven - Rainbow Bridge

Please enjoy this beautiful and comforting "Message From All Pets In Heaven And Rainbow Bridge" brought to you by Little Jo, my beloved big special Border Collie dog, who was my soulmate in this world for 15.5 years, who's recent passing away absolutely broke my heart. This message is what I believe that all pets would like to say to their pet humans after they leave this world. Credits: Piano music written, performed, recorded and produced by Steve Jacobson (from his "Expressions" CD recorded in 2004) Piano music mixed by Eric Greedy Piano music mastered by Jeff King Video by Steve Jacobson

This interview is for Project Veritas members. Celeste Solum | Synthetic Biology, Transparent Wood, and Human Petrification Tonight, on The Veritas Project, we�re diving deep into the cutting-edge world of synthetic biology, nanotechnology, and their profound impacts on our lives. Our guest, Celeste Solum, brings an impressive background in government service, emergency management, broadcasting, and organic farming. She�s been on the front lines with Homeland Security and FEMA, handling critical operations from 9/11 to major disaster responses. Celeste is also a keynote speaker and the author of two important books: Electromagnetic Radiation Protection Solutions, which looks at natural ways to protect against 5G and cosmic radiation, and Seven Thunders Revealed, an exploration of biblical prophecies with modern-day relevance. In our discussion tonight, we�ll explore the transformative power of synthetic biology, its synthesis, and the direct impact it has on our health. We�ll examine how to counteract these effects and what this technology means for the future. We�ll also touch on the advancements in transparent wood technology and the concept of skeletonizing trees, extending these implications to humans and animals. We�ll then move into the alarming topic of human petrification. Celeste will share insights on how nano entities are reshaping our environment and infiltrating our bodies, leading to a state of petrification that harks back to ancient times. And, of course, we�ll delve into the "Corona Affair" and its ties to directed evolution, revealing hidden truths and potential future scenarios. Get ready for an eye-opening journey as we explore the intersections of technology, health, and spirituality.
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