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Research Methods in AL

Administrator: Dr. Hessamedin Ghanbar @Hessam198 برای مشاوره و انجام پروژه ها پیغام دهید

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Why maxqda is the best qualitative software program? ... for several reasons: User-Friendly Interface: MaxQDA has an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced researchers. Comprehensive Toolset: It offers a wide range of tools for coding, analyzing, and visualizing qualitative data, including text, multimedia, and social media data. Versatility: MaxQDA supports various research methods and can handle diverse types of data, from interviews and focus groups to literature reviews and online content. Data Integration: The software allows for seamless integration of quantitative and qualitative data, enabling mixed-methods research. Powerful Visualization Options: MaxQDA provides advanced visualization tools like word clouds, concept maps, and code matrices, helping researchers identify patterns and trends in their data. Team Collaboration: It supports collaborative work, allowing multiple researchers to work on the same project simultaneously, with features to track changes and merge work easily. Regular Updates and Support: MaxQDA is regularly updated with new features and improvements, and it offers strong customer support, including training materials and user forums. Language Support: It supports multiple languages, making it suitable for international research projects. Persian is fully supported. Powerful AI assist....😊 this is a landmark...unique
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5👍 3
The trend in temperature over the years. (R script) # Install packages install.packages("ggplot2") install.packages("Kendall") # Load necessary libraries library(ggplot2) library(Kendall) # Sample data representing annual temperature measurements over 8 years temperature <- c(15, 16, 17, 19, 18, 20, 21, 22) years <- 1:8 # Calculate Kendall's tau and its associated p-value tau_result <- cor.test(temperature, years, method = "kendall") # Print Kendall's tau and its associated p-value print(tau_result) # Calculate the trend line trend_line <- predict(loess(temperature ~ years)) # Create a trend line plot ggplot() + geom_point(aes(x = years, y = temperature), color = "blue") + geom_line(aes(x = years, y = trend_line), color = "red") + labs(x = "Year", y = "Temperature", title = "Trend Line Plot") + theme_minimal()
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2👏 1
MANN-KENDALL TREND TEST ****************************** Mann-Kendall trend test is a nonparametric test used to identify a trend in a series, even if there is a seasonal component in the series. Key aspects of the Mann-Kendall trend test Monotonic Trend: Assesses if data shows a consistent increase or decrease over time, without specifying the trend’s form. Non-parametric Nature: Makes minimal assumptions about data distribution, suitable for non-normal data. Null Hypothesis: Assumes no monotonic trend. Rejecting it indicates a significant trend presence. Ranking: Involves ranking data points and comparing consecutive pairs to discern trend direction. Test Statistic: Generates a statistic (usually “𝓢” or “tau”) signifying trend direction (positive for increase, negative for decrease). P-Value: Assesses trend significance, with smaller values suggesting a significant trend. How to implement? R program and its “zyp” package
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Trend Analysis in SPSS using repeated measures designs.
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When to use ethnography?
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All key sources for Grounded Theory approach in qualitative research
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Qualitative research methods and their respective purpose and data analysis goal...some of them like phenomenology can be both a method and approach. This can help us to choose the one which is the best fit for our studies
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