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Karlsson Tonight

The unfiltered takes of the Editor of White-Papers

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The evidence continues to mount that microplastics inside humans are causing serious hormonal, endocrine etc problems. They are also radically affecting male fertility. We should be banning plastic containers and the use of plastic when it comes to interacting with our food supply. And generally reducing plastic use across the board. There are a lot of viable, cheap, and non-toxic alternatives to plastic now. Anyway, that is my "concern of the day"
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Low sperm count could be due to microplastics, new study finds

The tiny plastic particles were found in all 23 human testes in a new study, and all 47 testes from pet dogs.

🔥 5👍 4
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We live in such a weird fallen society. I just saw a commercial encouraging normal people to carry Narcan with them at all times incase they encounter an "opiod emergency" in the course of their daily life. It was a non-profit commercial too, not a public safety announcement by a state agency. Whites have, and continue to, represent the overwhelming share of opiod and general overdose deaths. Rather than the state doing anything to help Whites with this issue it is just going to let us wallow in despair and hope that some bystander has Narcan on them when you're cousin or someone's grandpa ODs in the grocery store. Just what the hell.
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😢 1
Some insane Arab (I repeat myself) goes on a stabbing spree in a German city square. The German police deal with non-White crime day in and day out, including mass stabbing and mass casualty events like this with some horrifying regularity. These same police will STILL go and arrest the young men singing "Ausländer Raus" I really, really, really, detest the police in every Western country.
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Justice Report

A Muslim knife-attacker in the German city of Mannheim was shot by police after stabbing outspoken counter-jihad activist Michael Stürzenberger at an outdoor event. The terror attack comes amid increased calls in Germany for "Ausländer Raus, or, "Foreigners Out!" 📰 Read Here For more #European news, subscribe to @justicereport Website | Odysee | Substack | X/Twitter | Gab

🤬 11👍 1😢 1
IMO there are a combination of things we need to lean into here: They are targeting Trump because they view him as an avatar of the White man Why do they view him this way? Because Whites respond to his messaging on immigration. He has spent the last year going around promising the "largest deportation in American history", consistently. (set aside the fact he won't actually do this) This is making the power structure nervous. A majority of Whites support such a mass deportation, including 57% of White men. Rather than leaning into defending Trump we need to lean into the fact that the elite class want to take policy options away from Whites and are doing it very, very, publicly rather than just ignoring us like they usually do. As our demographic angst grows they are pulling the rug out from under us.
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👍 19🔥 2👏 1
Someone break out the Alex Jones "1776 will commence again" clip.
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👏 4
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Trump is found guilty on all 34 counts of falsifying business records. He is now a felon at the mercy of an immigrant judge from Colombia. American democracy has been on life support for about 12 years now and it finally took it's last, miserable, God forsaken breath. I have not been a fan of Trump for years, but a show trial just put away the top opposition leader in what is supposed to be the world's "strongest democracy". Whatever happens next will surely be interesting.
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👍 18👏 5
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So I just finished reading "The Unprotected Class" by Jeremy Carl. The book is 15 chapters in total, 12 hours in audiobook form. It is an excellent breakdown of the social, political, media, and private sector attack on Whites. The history of these attacks, and the people engaging in these attacks. For 13 of the 15 chapters I enjoyed virtually every word of this book, and I highly recommend people read it to arm themselves with good arguments and examples. HOWEVER. The book takes a wild turn in the last two chapters. In the second to last chapter the author, after identifying himself as a WASP for most of the book, outs himself as an "ethnic Jew and practicing Christian" And, comically, in the final chapter he proposes "solutions" to solve the anti-White political and demographic issues. 3 of his 5 issues involve erasing Whites. He advocates that: Whites interbreed with Hispanics to form a "New American people with a common connection to the founding White stock" He suggests Whites and Asians interbreed to the same affect. And finally Carl suggests that Whites abandon the one drop rule so that people who are even slightly genetically European can identify and "be accepted as" White. The guy write an entire, really good, book supposedly to help Whites, and his star-spangled solution at the end is to suggest Whites simply mix ourselves out of existence. I actually laughed.
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🤔 11👍 5👏 3😢 1
It is further worth adding that female politicians always have this complaint. That people won't treat them like men. Or that when they act like men people react negatively to it. Of course they do. People (especially other women) don't like women who act like men. And men refuse to treat women as if they are men, because they manifestly aren't. There are female politicians who lean into feminine virtue, like Marine Le Pen, and connect really well to voters. She doesn't act like a man, or a girlboss, or anything else. She acts like a woman, with decent values, and people react well.
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🔥 8
Going to beat the dead horse of Hillary Clinton again, because I just hate her so much and she won't go the hell away. She said in a recent interview: “They left me because they just couldn’t take a risk on me, because as a woman, I’m supposed to be perfect. They were willing to take a risk on Trump — who had a long list of, let’s call them flaws, to illustrate his imperfection — because he was a man, and they could envision a man as president and commander in chief.” It's amazing to her she still doesn't grasp (doesn't want to grasp) the reason people didn't vote for her. It wasn't her sex, it was her awful awful superiority complex and her representation of the elite. People knew her as the free trade, send all the jobs overseas, normal people be damned, lets have more immigration candidate. Hillary is an awful human being and whites saw that and have seen it for decades.
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Hillary Clinton Has Some Tough Words for Democrats, and for Women

In an interview for a forthcoming book, Mrs. Clinton also suggested that if Donald Trump won in November “we may never have another actual election.”

👏 11👍 2
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🤔 7