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🎙 Briefing by MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (July 12, 2024) 🔹 Outcomes of NATO summit in Washington, D.C. 🔹 US President’s remarks at the NATO summit 🔹 Ukrainian crisis 🔹 Kiev regime's war crimes 🔹 Situation in Moldova 🔹 Korean Peninsula 🔹 Japan’s new anti-Russia steps 🔹 The establishment of the Alliance of Sahel States 🔹 The activity of the Emergency Youth Aid public organisation 📰 Read 📺 Watch *** #Ukraine #NATO Ultimately, Kiev was promised an irreversible path to the alliance. I’m not sure what they have in mind when they say irreversible path. The only image this term conjures up is a road that leads to a precipice. Now, in order to make sense of what they are talking about, they have come up with another term for the irreversible path to the alliance and call it a bridge to the alliance. Truth be told, its length has yet to be determined. However, I will reveal a military secret for the Kiev regime to be aware of what it is about: it is indeed a bridge to NATO, but it’s a drawbridge any way you look at it. #US It is nobody’s business other than the US Department of State. But the other countries’ foreign ministries should be concerned with what President Biden said at the NATO summit. He did not speak about America’s domestic issues or the summit’s agenda but about global issues that concern absolutely all nations. The reaction of the international community, which became public knowledge several hours after Biden’s press statements, is indicative. It was that reaction that made top news as the outcome of the NATO summit. The US State Department and Administration probably thought that it would be seen as proof of Biden’s competence and competitiveness as a presidential candidate. But it turned out differently. They have only made matters worse, especially after President Biden called Putin the president of Ukraine and said that “Vice-President Trump” was qualified to be president. #Armenia Russia has never made its friends or partners choose between being “with us” and “against us.” This is contrary to our philosophy. Unlike this, the Western countries show unrestrained impudence and complete disregard for the interests and concerns of their strategic dialogue partners, present or future. The Americans are motivated by self-interest, which is evident from their hitherto unseen active enthusiasm about looking after Armenia. The country has gone through difficult periods many times before. Why wasn’t the US showing generosity, helping, or offering Armenia opportunities?
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@RusEmbMalta Press release 🇷🇺 🇭🇺 Vladimir Putin held talks in the Kremlin with Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban, who was in Russia on a working visit. Following the talks the leaders made press statements.   Key points: 🔷      Russia and Hungary continue cooperating in a number of areas, primarily the energy sector, and healthy pragmatism and mutual benefit are their key principles. 🔷      There was a direct and honest discussion on pressing international issues, including the Ukraine conflict and possible resolutions to it: The way we see things ­– considering what the Prime Minister said today – is that Kiev is still not ready to abandon the idea of waging war until final victory. 🔷     If Russia's peace proposal is implemented, it would be possible to stop hostilities and begin negotiations. There should be not just a truce, or a ceasefire, or a pause, but a complete and final end to the conflict, which is what Russia stands for.   Read in full here. #RussiaHungary
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Бобби Кеннеди, сын Роберта Ф.Кеннеди-младшего о неспособности американских спецслужб защитить кандидата в президенты : «Незащищенная крыша в 150 ярдах от нас. Многочисленные свидетели, они кричали на секретную службу и снимали в течение 3-4 минут, пока видели, как парень с винтовкой подполз к месту и прицелился. Возьми свою Секретную службу и засунь его себе в задницу! Молюсь за Трампа и его семью». Дорогой Бобби и все те, кто голосуют в США за поставки Зеленскому оружия: 1. Может, лучше на эти деньги профинансировать американскую полицию и другие службы, которые должны обеспечивать правопорядок внутри США? 2. Вчера один из главарей киевского режима Буданов открыто признался, что украинская разведка готовила покушения на Президента России. Так это покушение готовилось опять же на американские деньги, без которых никакой зловредной деятельности ГУР, СБУ и в целом Банковой и не было бы. 3. Массированным финансированием и бесконтрольной поставкой вооружений Вашингтон на Украине создал террористическую структура - киевский режим. Это машина убийств, подрывов, уничтожений, терактов как в отношении политических фигур, так и в отношении гражданского населения. Один только сайт «Миротворец», опекаемый американцами, чего стоит - буквально таблица ликвидации журналистов и общественных деятелей. Соединённые Штаты Америки должны инвентаризировать свою политику по разжиганию ненависти к политическим оппонентам, странам и народом, спонсированию терроризма. Колокол звонит уже по Вашингтону!
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Bobby Kennedy Jr, son of Robert Francis Kennedy Jr, regarding the failure of the US special services to protect a presidential candidate: “Unsecured rooftop 150 yards away. Multiple witnesses saying they were screaming at secret service and cops for 3-4 minutes as they watched the guy with the rifle crawl to the spot and line up his shot. Take your secret service and shove it up your ass. Prayers to Trump and his family.” Russian MFA Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova: Dear Bobby and the not-so-dear "congresspersons", who support and vote for weapons supplies to Zelensky in the United States: 1. Maybe it would be better to use this money to finance the US police and other services which are supposed to administer law in the United States? 2. Yesterday Budanov, one of the heads of Kiev regime, publicly admitted that the Ukrainian intelligence service made attempts to assassinate the Russian President, Vladimir Putin. So, this assassination attempt was made once again with the use of American money, without which the Main Directorate of Intelligence, the Security Service of Ukraine and the Presidential Office, in general, would not have been able to carry out their malicious activities. 3. Through its massive funding and uncontrolled arms supplies, Washington has created a terrorist structure in Ukraine — the Kiev regime. A machine that carries out assassinations, bombings, and acts of terror against both political figures and civilians. The website Myrotvorets, protected by the Americans, deserves special mention: it is basically a hit list of journalists and public activists. The United States of America must carefully re-evaluate its policy to incite hatred toward political opponents, countries and people, as well as sponsor terrorism. The bell has already tolled for Washington!
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🌟 #ВЭтотДень в 1943 году в ходе Курской битвы состоялось Прохоровское танковое сражение – крупнейшее в истории человечества. В наиболее ожесточённые моменты боя одновременно задействовалось до 1,2 тыс. танков и самоходных артиллерийских установок. К июлю 1943 года гитлеровцы ещё контролировали значительную территорию СССР, но потенциал военной машины Третьего рейха уже иссякал. Пытаясь вновь перехватить инициативу, командование вермахта разработало план летнего наступления под кодовым названием «Цитадель». Фашисты намеревались уничтожить сразу фронта – Воронежский и Центральный, а также перемолоть танковые резервы Красной армии под Прохоровкой в Белгородской области. 🔻 К исходу 9 июля германские войска смогли вклиниться в оборону войск Воронежского фронта, но их дальнейшее продвижение было остановлено. Тогда германское командование попыталось прорвать оборону советских войск ударами на Прохоровку, чтобы выйти к Курску с юго-востока. Для срыва наступления командование Воронежского фронта предприняло 12 июля контрудар, вошедший в историю как Прохоровское танковое сражение. 12 июля в районе Прохоровки столкнулись силы немецкого 2-го танкового корпуса СС и двух советских гвардейских армий – 5-й Алексея Жадова и 5-й танковой, которой командовал Павел Ротмистров. Сражение шло с переменным успехом, обе стороны были вынуждены задействовать резервы. ✍️ Из воспоминаний советского танкового аса Василия Брюхова: «Нередко от сильных взрывов разваливался весь танк, в момент превращаясь в груду металла. <...> Противники оказались достойными друг друга. Дрались отчаянно, жёстко, с неистовой отрешённостью». На всех участках сражения воины Красной армии проявили беспримерное мужество и высокое боевое мастерство. Благодаря их решительным действиям противник исчерпал наступательные возможности и 16 июля начал отвод своих войск на исходные позиции, занимаемые им к началу Курской битвы. Стратегическая инициатива окончательно перешла к Красной армии. #Победа79 #МыПомним
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🌟 #OnThisDay in 1943, the Battle of Prokhorovka took place, the largest tank engagement in human history fought as part of the wider Battle of Kursk. In the fiercest moments of the fighting, up to 1,200 tanks and self-propelled artillery units were engaged simultaneously. By July 1943, a significant part of Soviet territory was still under Nazi control, but the potential of the Third Reich war machine was already running out. Trying to regain the initiative, the Wehrmacht command developed a summer offensive plan, codenamed Operation Citadel. The Nazis intended to destroy the Voronezh and Central fronts and crush the Red Army tank reserves near Prokhorovka, a village in the Belgorod Region. 🔻 By the night of July 9, German troops succeeded in cutting into the Voronezh Front defences, but their further advance was curbed. The German command then decided to try and break the Soviet defence line by striking at Prokhorovka, to reach Kursk from the south-east. To disrupt the offensive, the Voronezh Front command launched a counterattack on July 12, which went down in history as the Battle of Prokhorovka. On July 12, Germany’s 2nd SS Panzer Corps faced off against two Soviet forces, Alexey Zhadov’s 5th Guards Army and the 5th Guards Tank Army commanded by Pavel Rotmistrov in the vicinity of Prokhorovka. The battle was fought with varying success; both sides were forced to draw on reserves. ✍️ Soviet ace tanker Vasily Bryukhov recalled in his memoirs: “Strong explosions often made a tank just collapse, turn into a pile of metal in a matter of seconds. <...> The opponents were perfect matches for each other. They fought desperately, ferociously, with fierce abandon.” In every instance of the battle, the Red Army soldiers demonstrated unparalleled courage and extraordinary fighting skill. Thanks to their decisive actions, the enemy exhausted offensive opportunities and on July 16, began to withdraw its troops to the initial positions held at the beginning of the Battle of Kursk. The Red Army seized the strategic initiative and held it for the rest of the war. #Victory79 #WeRemember
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✈️ В МВД России напомнили, что в течение 6 месяцев после изменения персональных данных загранпаспорт становится недействительным. ☝🏻Если планируется выезд за рубеж, необходимо заблаговременно обратиться в МВД России для оформления паспорта на новые установочные данные. 📍В каких ещё случаях загранпаспорт может быть признан недействительным? 📍Как въехать в Россию, если загранпаспорт недействителен и на руках нет действительного внутреннего паспорта? #паспорта
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Через 6 мес. после изменения персональных данных загранпаспорт становится недействительным

В МВД напомнили, что выезд из РФ и въезд в страну граждане осуществляют по действительным заграничным паспортам

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🎙 Comment by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova in connection with the Kiev regime’s attempts to blame Russia for deliberately attacking Ukraine’s civilian facilities 💬 On July 8, the Russian Armed Forces launched a combined strike involving long-range high-precision weapons systems against Ukrainian military facilities in retaliation for repeated attempts by the Armed Forces of Ukraine to damage our country’s economic enterprises. The facilities include the Artyom and Antonov plants and the Luch Design Bureau in Kiev; the Dnepr and Yuzhmash plants in Dnepropetrovsk, the Heavy-Duty Machine-Building Plant in Kramatorsk; warehouses with Western weaponry and military equipment at the ArcelorMittal Iron and Steel Works in Krivoy Rog, as well as other facilities. All targets were destroyed. As has often been the case with the Ukrainian air defence system, its missiles veered off course and hit residential buildings and social facilities. The same happened this time. Many eyewitnesses and other sources have already confirmed that a Western-made NASAMS surface-to-air missile hit a building of the Okhmatdet Hospital for Children in Kiev. ☝️ Officials on Bankovaya Street immediately started blaming Russia for deliberately killing children. However, no one said that the Artyom Plant is located next to the affected clinic, and that Defence Ministry buildings and military warehouses are also located next door. Certainly, no one said that the Kiev regime is deliberately deploying air defence systems in residential areas, using civilians as a “human shield.” The Kiev junta has been using purely civilian enterprises for military purposes for a long time, either using them to assemble and repair military equipment or to store Western-made weapons and military equipment. Additionally, the Armed Forces of Ukraine use civilians and civilian facilities to shield their positions. Quite often, carriages with military equipment and service personnel are hitched on to passenger trains. Postal delivery vehicles also transport weapons. ❗️ All this rudely violates international humanitarian law that expressly forbids the use of civilian facilities for military purposes. Attempts by the Zelensky regime to use the tragedy with the children’s hospital in Kiev for propaganda purposes confirm its inhuman Nazi essence once again. The Kiev regime is ready to commit any crimes for the sake of retaining power. It cares nothing about the destinies and lives of fellow citizens, including children.
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🇷🇺🇮🇳 President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, on an official visit to Russia, held talks in the Grand Kremlin Palace. 💬 Vladimir Putin: Mr Prime Minister, this is your first official visit after your reappointment following parliamentary elections. I would like to congratulate you on this once again. Our countries have long-time friendship and good relations that have evolved over the decades. This year, we are marking the 77th Anniversary of diplomatic relations. Today, our relations have the status of a specially privileged strategic partnership. We are in permanent contact, and we prioritise the development of trade and economic ties. Certainly, their development meets the interests of the people of India and the peoples of the Russian Federation. 📈 Last year, our trade soared by 60 percent and even more, by 66 percent; it increased by an additional 20 percent in the first quarter of 2024. 🌐 We cooperate closely on the international arena, including at international organisations, primarily the #UN and such associations as the #SCO and #BRICS. Yesterday, we had an opportunity to discuss virtually all practical issues in an informal setting. I am grateful to you for devoting attention to the most acute issues and for trying to find some options for resolving the Ukraine crisis, primarily by peaceful methods. Mr Prime Minister, we will be delighted to see you in Kazan this autumn at the upcoming BRICS Summit. At the end of my opening remarks, I would like to wish you new successes in facilitating the development of the Indian state. You and I know each other for a long time, and I know that your entire life is devoted to implementing the idea of strengthening the Indian state and improving the life of the people of India. Read in full #RussiaIndia
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🇷🇺🇮🇳 At the Novo-Ogaryovo residence of the President of Russia near Moscow, Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is on a two-day official visit to Russia, hold an informal meeting. The talks will cover prospects for further development of the traditionally friendly Russian-Indian relations, as well as current international and regional issues. #DruzhbaDosti 🤝 #RussiaIndia
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