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You are invited to a Private Study Session this FRIDAY night at 8PM EST over zoom. Topic: Q&A In order to join this session, please make a donation at (Monthly subscription donators will automatically receive the access details). Zoom details will be sent FRIDAY EVENING, about 1-2 HOURS before the session begins, to the email you used for your donation. In order to access our previous private sessions and private courses, please see CLARIFICATIONS ON THE PRIVATE STUDY SESSIONS here. HOW TO GET INVITED TO THE PRIVATE STUDY COURSES Thank you and see you FRIDAY night!
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🗣LEGALIBUS 🏦 PRIVATE BANKING STUDY GROUP💰 ANNOUNCEMENT❗️ Our next Private Banking Study Group session will be this Thursday at 9pm EST. 👉WE HAVE A VERY EXCITING SESSION TODAY. We are going to cover HOW TO ACQUIRE PROPERTY WITH A NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENT AND MORE...‼️ The conference details will be published in the course within 2-3 hours of the session start time. Stay tuned by email. Blessings.
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🎓Some FREE courses on🎓 Click on a course and then click on “Join Course” 🔸Hidden Secrets of Money 🔸How to Mail Your Stuff for FREE 🔸How To Pay Bills with Coupon 🔸The 1099-A Process (C.H.) 🔸Conditional Acceptance 🔸Habeas Corpus 🔸Marriage License vs Christian Matrimony 🔸Law Bits and Pieces 🎓Other courses on🎓 🔸Repossession Guide 🔸Tax Freedom (how to recoup everything) 🔸How to Clean Up your Credit Profile 👈🆕‼️💳 🎓Private Study Sessions Courses (Invite-Only)🎓 🔸How to Enforce the Coupon Method with Consumer Laws 🔸How to Discharge your Auto Loan using Consumer Laws 🔸Auto Loan Discharge Success Q&A 🔸Debt Validation 🔸Mortgage Discharge Success Q&A 🔸Billing Error Resolution 🔸Previous Private Study Sessions Recordings 🔸How to CLean Up Your Credit Profile 👈🆕‼️💳 👉 HOW TO GET INVITED TO THE PRIVATE STUDY COURSES 🎓PRVIATE BANKING🎓❗️ 🔸Private Banking Introduction 🔸Private Banking Study Group (Invite-Only) ‼️ 🎓COMING SOON🎓❗️ 🔸Court Procedures (Coming Soon...) 🔸Child Support (Coming Soon...)
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🗣LEGALIBUS ANNOUNCEMENT❗️ The 🧹How to Clean Up Your Credit Profile 💳 course is now live as a stand alone course on Given that we have put much efforts and energy into this course, and we plan to add additional support materials to the course, we release it with a one-time donation. However, it just released it at a discount for one day only, this Friday! So if you want to get it at a discount, make sure to get it before the day ends. The course also remains available in our Private Study Courses for those who are in it. Click here to get the course
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🎓Some FREE courses on🎓 Click on a course and then click on “Join Course” 🔸Hidden Secrets of Money 🔸How to Mail Your Stuff for FREE 🔸How To Pay Bills with Coupon 🔸The 1099-A Process (C.H.) 🔸Conditional Acceptance 🔸Habeas Corpus 🔸Marriage License vs Christian Matrimony 🔸Law Bits and Pieces 🎓Other courses on🎓 🔸Repossession Guide 🔸Tax Freedom (how to recoup everything) 🆕‼️👈💰 🎓Private Study Sessions Courses (Invite-Only)🎓 🔸How to Enforce the Coupon Method with Consumer Laws 🔸How to Discharge your Auto Loan using Consumer Laws 🔸Auto Loan Discharge Success Q&A 🔸Debt Validation 🔸Mortgage Discharge Success Q&A 🔸Billing Error Resolution 🔸Previous Private Study Sessions Recordings 🔸How to Fix Your Credit 👈🆕‼️💳 👉 HOW TO GET INVITED TO THE PRIVATE STUDY COURSES 🎓PRVIATE BANKING🎓❗️ 🔸Private Banking Introduction 👈🆕‼️🏦 🔸Private Banking Study Group (Invite-Only) 👈🆕‼️🏦 🎓COMING SOON🎓❗️ 🔸Court Procedures (Coming Soon...) 🔸Child Support (Coming Soon...)
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This Friday June 14, 2024 we are going to release the How to Clean Up Your Credit course as a stand alone course on Given that we have put much efforts and energy into this course, and we plan to add additional support materials to the course, we will release it with a one-time donation. However, it will be released at a discount for one day only, this Friday! So if you want to get it at a discount, make sure to put a reminder in your calendar to get it this Friday. The course will remain available in our Private Study Courses for those who are in it.
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A new chapter on "How to accelerate the rebuilding of your credit profile" has been added to the How to Clean Up your Credit Profile course.
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2 Tm 4:1-8 Beloved: I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingly power: proclaim the word; be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient; convince, reprimand, encourage through all patience and teaching. For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths. But you, be self-possessed in all circumstances; put up with hardship; perform the work of an evangelist; fulfill your ministry. For I am already being poured out like a libation, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith. From now on the crown of righteousness awaits me, which the Lord, the just judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me, but to all who have longed for his appearance.
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Our Private Study Session begins in 30 min! Please be on time. Thank you.
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Should the How to "Clean Up Your Credit" course be a stand alone course available on our website (as opposed to invite-only as part of our private study courses)?Anonymous voting
  • Yes, make it available separately with a donation
  • No, keep it as part of the Private Study Courses
  • Yes, make it available but as a free course
0 votes
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