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Senator Gerard Rennick

Queensland LNP Senator who sees Australia as 1 country 🇦🇺. Authorised G.Rennick, Tenancy C4, Level 1, 90 Kittyhawk Drive Chermside QLD 4032

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It’s not just a Government Bank we need in this country. We need a Government Insurance Office as well. Insurance companies, like big banks are well and truly ripping people off. I thought the privatisation of State Government Insurance offices was going to lead to greater competition. My latest insurance bill is up by 36%. How exactly is this reasonable? This is just gouging 101 and is more evidence that privatisation only leads to greater concentration of market power, not better services. One of the reasons for the large increase is that a large part of the cost of insurance, up to 40-50%, is the cost of reinsurance. All reinsurance providers are foreign owned and exploit Australia because of its relatively low population spread across a large land mass. If the Government offered its own Insurance, it could just reinsure itself. The Federal Government has already put aside $10 billion for a Reinsurance Pool and $4 billion for a National Emergency fund. Why not use this to underwrite a Government Insurance Office? I’d be keen to hear if other people have faced similar increases on their insurance? (Please go to Facebook to comment here: )
It’s not just a Government Bank we need in this country. We need a Government Insurance Office as well. Insurance companies, like big banks are well and truly ripping people off. I thought the privatisation of State Government Insurance offices was going to lead to greater competition. My latest insurance bill is up by 36%. How exactly is this reasonable? This is just gouging 101 and is more evidence that privatisation only leads to greater concentration of market power, not better services. One of the reasons for the large increase is that a large part of the cost of insurance, up to 40-50%, is the cost of reinsurance. All reinsurance providers are foreign owned and exploit Australia because of its relatively low population spread across a large land mass. If the Government offered its own Insurance, it could just reinsure itself. The Federal Government has already put aside $10 billion for a Reinsurance Pool and $4 billion for a National Emergency fund. Why not use this to underwrite a Government Insurance Office? I’d be keen to hear if other people have faced similar increases on their insurance? (Please go to Facebook to comment here:
It’s not just a Government Bank we need in this country. We need a Government Insurance Office as well. Insurance companies, like big banks are well and truly ripping people off. I thought the privatisation of State Government Insurance offices was going to lead to greater competition. My latest insurance bill is up by 36%. How exactly is this reasonable? This is just gouging 101 and is more evidence that privatisation only leads to greater concentration of market power, not better services. One of the reasons for the large increase is that a large part of the cost of insurance, up to 40-50%, is the cost of reinsurance. All reinsurance providers are foreign owned and exploit Australia because of its relatively low population spread across a large land mass. If the Government offered its own Insurance, it could just reinsure itself. The Federal Government has already put aside $10 billion for a Reinsurance Pool and $4 billion for a National Emergency fund. Why not use this to underwrite a Government Insurance Office? I’d be keen to hear if other people have faced similar increases on their insurance? (Please go to Facebook to comment here:
Media files
“The Albanese government will struggle to meet its “aggressive” emissions reduction targets, while industry faces hurdles to delivering the energy transition because of delays in building transmission lines, flatlining uptake of electric vehicles, rising costs and a shift in community attitudes, senior business leaders warn.” and “Energy and Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen has walked away from Labor’s target to have 89 per cent of new car sales electric by 2030, casting doubt on the government’s green agenda.” Sooner or later reality hits everyone in the face. The idea that we are moving to an economy powered by renewables is just a fantasy.
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“The main stream media (MSM) in Europe and the US is deathly silent as a court determines the PCR test legally useless to test for Covid. The Landmark legal ruling finds that Covid tests are not fit for purpose. So what does the MSM do? They ignore it. Four German holidaymakers who were illegally quarantined in Portugal after one was judged to be positive for Covid-19 have won their case, in a verdict that condemns the widely-used PCR test as being up to 97-percent unreliable. Earlier this month, Portuguese judges upheld a decision from a lower court that found the forced quarantine of four holidaymakers to be unlawful. The case centered on the reliability (or lack thereof) of Covid-19 PCR tests. The conclusion of their 34-page ruling included the following: “In view of current scientific evidence, this test shows itself to be unable to determine beyond reasonable doubt that such positivity corresponds, in fact, to the infection of a person by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.” In the eyes of this court, then, a positive test does not correspond to a Covid case. The two most important reasons for this, said the judges, are that, “the test’s reliability depends on the number of cycles used’’ and that “the test’s reliability depends on the viral load present.’’ In other words, there are simply too many unknowns surrounding PCR testing. Earlier this year, data from three US states – New York, Nevada and Massachusetts – showed that when the amount of the virus found in a person was taken into account, up to 90 percent of people who tested positive could actually have been negative, as they may have been carrying only tiny amounts of the virus. The Portuguese judges cited a study conducted by “some of the leading European and world specialists,” which was published by Oxford Academic at the end of September. It showed that if someone tested positive for Covid at a cycle threshold of 35 or higher, the chances of that person actually being infected is less than three percent, and that “the probability of… receiving a false positive is 97% or higher.”” The cycle threshold used in Australia was 40. Obviously useless in terms of accuracy but very useful for locking people down. However that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve asked the TGA on numerous occasions for the primers (the genetic sequence) used in the PCR tests and they claim it’s commercial in confidence. It beggars belief that people could have been quarantined on such a flimsy diagnostic tool, yet when it comes to enforcing government overreach, evidence is the last thing that matters. And let’s not forget the censorship about PCR tests throughout Covid. Anyone that dared question their accuracy was immediately banned from Facebook. I know because one of my posts questioning their accuracy was pulled down and I was banned from posting.
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Media files
“Albanese's $10bn affordable housing fund for low-income families paid more than $24m to external consultants and $6m in annual executive salaries last year, despite not having yet delivered a single completed house under the scheme. With Labor under pressure to deliver on its election pledge to build 40,000 social and affordable houses within five years, documents reveal that Housing Australia paid out more than $16m for legal, IT and “advisory" contracts last year. This was on top of more than $7m in the six months prior spent by Housing Australia which also pays its CEO a salary almost equal that of the Prime Minister at $560,000 a year. The documents reveal that 19 staff are employed by the agency on salaries of more than $300,000 a year including five whose remuneration is above $400,000 a year. The top paid executive, CEO Nathan Dal Bon is paid a total package of $557,000 a year. Mr Albanese's total package is $587,000a year.” Government in a nutshell. Too many chiefs, not enough Indians.
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Pride month: Things I’m proud of Australia Australians The ADF Farmers Small Businesses Front line service workers People who try hard. Even if they don’t succeed People who fight hard for decency, fairness, integrity People who work hard at low level jobs, as a tool to get ahead My family
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“Yoga instructors, martial artists and dog handlers have beaten some construction trades to a spot on the nation’s draft priority skills list for migrants, despite the dire need for workers to tackle the nation’s housing crisis.” This ☝️is why we have a productivity crisis. Walking the dog, martial arts and doing yoga are not jobs. They are recreational activities that should not be on any “working” visa list. Quote from: #auspol
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“Covid vaccines may have contributed to a rise in excess deaths observed across the western world since the pandemic, including in Australia, scientists have suggested. That claim has previously been rejected by the Australian government, including the Department of Health and Aged Care and the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), as well as independent bodies like the Actuaries Institute, which maintain there is “no credible evidence” supporting such a link. “Numerous studies reported that Covid-19 vaccination may induce myocarditis, pericarditis and auto-immune diseases,” they said. “Post-mortem examinations have also ascribed myocarditis, encephalitis, immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia, intracranial haemorrhage and diffuse thrombosis to Covid-19 vaccinations. The Food and Drug Administration noted in July 2021 that the following potentially serious adverse events of Pfizer vaccines deserve further monitoring and investigation: pulmonary embolism, acute myocardial infarction, immune thrombocytopenia and disseminated intravascular coagulation.” “Despite these concerns, clinical trial data required to further investigate these associations are not shared with the public,” they said. “Autopsies to confirm actual death causes are seldom done.”” It’s slowly coming out. Too late for many but it got a run in the Daily Telegraph in the UK. Hopefully more media agencies will start to report. Quote from: #auspol
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“The Albanese government has scrambled to shut the door to foreigners who are not from a tight group of allied countries joining the Defence Force, after initially leaving it ambiguous whether Chinese permanent residents would be able to enlist. Defence officials will face a grilling over the government’s announcement when they front Senate estimates on Wednesday.” The outsourcing of our military is the culmination of the 40 year decline in our sovereignty. In the same way we have imported migrants to do the jobs we don’t want to do we are now importing soldiers. It’s ironic that Labor should be implementing this as they started the rot with the empowering foreign treaties via the Franklin Dam case, (Hawke) outsourcing monetary policy (Keating) and Manufacturing (Button). We’ve outsourced both our skills via rampant immigration and our infrastructure via privatisation. Australia has to stop relying on both foreign labour and capital and start standing on its own two feet. Machiavelli warned against national leaders outsourcing sovereign skills (The Prince) centuries ago as it spells certain decline for any country. "Mercenaries and auxiliaries are useless and dangerous; and if one holds his state based on these arms, he will stand neither firm nor safe; for they are disunited, ambitious, and without discipline, unfaithful, valiant before friends, cowardly before enemies;" - Machiavelli Top quote from: #auspol
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This is unbelievable. The Victorian Government is looking at privatising the Births, Deaths and Marriages registry. 👇 “The Age is reporting that earlier this year, Victoria’s Treasury quietly asked investment banks to analyse all government agencies to determine how much money could be made from privatising public assets. Premier Jacinta Allan won’t speculate on how much short-term cash her government could generate by letting private corporations administer part of the state’s births, deaths, and marriages registry, which could help pay off Victoria’s mounting debt.” So now our records are up for sale. This opens up all sorts of manipulation over our personal lives. Furthermore, do State Governments not realise that their economic woes began with privatising public assets? Selling assets is a short term sugar hit that invariably gets wasted. The loss of income has to be made up by future generations paying more taxes. It’s our children who lose out by privatising assets. Seriously, nothing is going to be left in the cupboard for them but debt and foreign ownership of their country. Quote from: #auspol
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Well said. There is no substitute for on-the-job training. #auspol
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• Lied about transmission. • Lied about masks • Lied about the vaccines • Lied about the origins of Covid And our government listened to this idiot! And to think we just signed up to a Health treaty. Where’s the “no one’s above the law” crowd now? More at: #auspol
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Bang on. 👌 #auspol
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“Services Australia is spending $620,000 over two years for a speechwriter for Labor frontbencher Bill Shorten, despite the agency employing more than 180 people in its communications unit. Sydney-based speechwriter Julianne Stewart has been paid $447,516 so far as part of her two-year communications contract with Services Australia, under temporary arrangements reported on the government’s AusTender website. The contract was extended in September for a second year.” This is just outrageous and to think it’s Services Australia who is funding this!!! Only today I queried Services Australia as to why they are refusing to payout compensation claims for vaccine injuries. To think Labor can waste money on a speechwriter but not help people who have suffered from government neglect is completely wrong. Quote from: #auspol
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“When former darts world champion Tony David was tearing up his opponents on the global stage he went by the nickname "the deadly boomerang". But it was blood plasma infected with hepatitis C that David was given as a child in Queensland which almost proved to be the deadliest boomerang of all. Decades on from those early transfusions, in 2009, David was near death with stage 4 liver disease. "I had collapsed. Doctors basically told me I had about six months to live," David, who is a haemophiliac, said. His salvation came in the form of a liver transplant, the first of three David has needed to stay alive as a result of his hepatitis infection. David is one of thousands of Australians who contracted hepatitis C through donor blood in the 1970s to the early 1990s. Others were infected with the HIV virus. He, like many others, was told he was not eligible to receive any compensation for the infection, or the resulting health problems which almost killed him. Now, David is speaking publicly about his plight for the first time in order to call for action into Australia's little-known infected blood scandal. Australian victims are demanding a royal commission to investigate the scandal, an apology from the federal government and compensation. Queensland LNP Senator Gerard Rennick has been supporting Australian infected blood victims and said he was shocked by the "callous disregard" shown to them. In a letter to Health Minister Mark Butler, Rennick called on the government to acknowledge the plight of Australian victims. "Considering that the UK inquiry has resulted in an unequivocal apology to victims by the UK Prime Minister, along with comprehensive compensation, I ask that the Australian Government delivers both an apology and compensation to victims of infected blood here in Australia," Rennick wrote. Butler declined to provide a comment to” How gutless is Mark Butler? He can jet set off around the world signing Australia up to a pandemic treaty, but won’t look after Australians injured by government incompetence. What a coward. Quote from: #auspol
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“Last week, Russian media took note of the latest provocative statements by Estonia’s Prime Minister Kaja Kallas. She has led Russia's tiny Baltic neighbor into a firm hawkish anti-Moscow position. The country was part of the wave of eastern European nations to join NATO in the mid-2000s during the Bush era. She's calling for the breakup of the Russian Federation. Kallas proposed during a debate in the country's capital of Tallinn last week that Russia could become much "smaller" as a desired outcome of the Ukraine war. She said that currently the Russian Federation can actually be seen as making up "many different nations" and that they could be naturally broken into separate states.” And “Over the weekend NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg backed growing calls within the alliance to allow Ukraine to strike inside Russian territory using Western-supplied weapons.” Who put these lunatics in charge of destroying the planet? Fancy Estonia calling for the breakup of Russia. Imagine if Cuba called for the breakup of the USA or Sth Korea called for the breakup of China. The last thing the world needs right now is for WWIII to break out. It’s no coincidence that one of the reasons why the Deep state doesn’t want Trump to win the upcoming US election is that he will seek to end the war rather than escalate it. It’s also one of the reasons American patriots back him as they are sick of their taxes funding foreign wars. Let’s hope sanity prevails sooner than later and we see start to see some sound diplomacy rather than belligerent rhetoric. Quote from: #auspol
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“Two native title claims have been determined for more than 7800q km in Central Queensland more than 10 years after the applications were first filed. The Barada Kabalbara Yetimalara People now have Native Title over 7512q km of land stretching from Sarina down to Rockhampton that encompasses five regional council jurisdictions after the Federal Court of Australia handed down its decision this month. They also now hold Native Title over 294sq km of land and waters north of Rockhampton, with the applications first filed in July of 2013. The determination allows the Barada Kabalbara Yetimarala People "the right to possess, occupy, use and enjoy the lands and waters of the application area(s) as against the whole world, pursuant to the traditional laws and customs of the claim group." The National Native Title Tribunal states the native title claims gives the Barada Kabalbara People the right to move about on or travel over the areas; to camp and erect temporary shelters; and to hunt, fish and gather on the lands or have access to, take and use natural resources from the lands for personal, domestic and non-commercial communalpurposes. The Barada Kabalabara Yetimarala People can also hold meetings, conduct ceremonies, maintain places of importance and areas of significance, teach, live, and be buried on or bury native title holders on the grounds within the native title boundaries.” Which part of “the will of the people” do bureaucrats and left wing politicians not understand? Last year Australians voted unanimously against a Voice to Parliament. They do not want segregation in this country. Furthermore the original Native Title decision stressed that aboriginals had to prove continuous association with the land. Yet governments via an underhanded bureaucracy are completely ignoring this precedent. This land belongs to all of us. Public land is just that, public. It should not be given away based on race. Finally, how much money is being wasted on Native Title legalities. At a time there is a shortage of frontline workers, the Queensland government should not be wasting money on this division. Quote from: #auspol
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“According to new data from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), the number of firms entering external administration has more than doubled in the two years since the Albanese government came to power. The construction sector continues to lead Australia’s insolvencies with 2,439 building companies entering administration so far this financial year. Australian home builders are also contending with the hyperinflation of construction and labour costs since the beginning of the pandemic. These have driven up the cost of building new homes and driven many builders on fixed-price contracts into administration or liquidation.” This is what happens when Governments lose control of immigration rates forcing interest rates up. If interest rates continue to rise there will be a lot more pain on the way. Quote from: #auspol
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Governments must protect our borders. Andrew Giles was wrong about boat turn backs. His views on border protection are complete anathema to the Australian people. Anyone who has watched the immigration disaster unfold in Europe can attest to that. The fact that Albanese supports Andrew Giles as Immigration minister shows he is out of touch. #auspol
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The first felony conviction of a former US President wasn’t for Iraq, illegal CIA coups, nefarious Gain-of -Function research, or spying on Americans…It was for being the victim of extortion from a porn star. Tells you everything you need to know. #auspol
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Brainwashing is much easier than you think. It’s amazing how many people will blindly accept what they are told, especially if it comes from a person in a position of power. The three major schools of epistemology are rationalism, empiricism and scepticism. Rationalism is the practice or principle of basing opinions and actions on reason and knowledge rather than on an emotional response. Empiricism is where experiments and validated measurement tools, guides the scientific method. Hypothesis has to be backed up by real world observations that are replicated. Scepticism is a questioning attitude or doubt toward knowledge claims that are seen as mere belief or dogma. As a Senator, I’ve always tried to use these schools of thought against the myriad of propaganda that is used to manipulate people by rent-seekers out to line their pockets. Never stop thinking for yourself. Don’t assume that someone with a title is smarter than you. #auspol
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“Queensland government to introduce ban on carbon capture and storage in Great Artesian Basin. The move comes after the state's Department of Environment, Science and Innovation recently blocked a plan to pump more than 300,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide into the GAB. The new laws will make clear that greenhouse gas storage or the injection of a greenhouse gas stream into underground formations within the GAB will be prohibited.” This is great news. Tanya Plibersek needs to follow suit and introduce Federal Laws to ban carbon capture and storage in the GAB as well. We have things in nature that have been absorbing CO2 in the atmosphere for millions of years. They’re called trees. Carbon capture and storage isn’t needed. Let’s not destroy the environment to protect the environment. Quote from: #auspol
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Correct. None of these muppets took the time to understand just how different mRNA vaccines are to protein vaccines. They just blindly followed the narrative, smug in their own ignorance. #auspol
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Lithium batteries are more dangerous than nuclear energy. “Data collated by Australian emergency responder advisory firm EV Firesafe indicates that 36 people were killed worldwide by lithium-ion battery fires in just the first half of 2023. The key point then remains that more people were killed in six months by the likes of bike-boosting batteries than have been killed throughout the entire 68-year history of industrial nuclear energy.” The same can be said for car travel and various other day to day activities that incur risk every day. Quote from: #auspol
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The Victorian Premier has created a position to deal with men’s behaviour. Where this will go remains to be seen, but like all government departments if you give them an inch they will take a mile. Tarring all men with the same brush is sexist and divisive. Judge the individual not the identity. #auspol
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Follow up to yesterday's post. Last month I wrote to the Health Minister asking if the proposed International Health Regulations would be binding. The reply is intellectually dishonest. Technically they aren’t binding, unless they are passed by our parliament. Of course what is now apparent is that the Albanese government intends to pass them into law to make them binding, if they are approved by the WHO. The Health Minister is supporting the regulations at the WHO in Switzerland. If he was genuine about protecting Australia’s sovereignty he would oppose them. The key point to make here is that if you want to fix the problem of ceding sovereignty, you need to get better politicians here in Australia who will say no to foreign overlords, not waste your time trying to influence bureaucrats in another country. #auspol
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You can’t trust a word they say can you. I’ve asked Mark Butler a number of times if the IHR would be binding and Butler had said no it won’t. Yet here he is saying that he supports a BINDING agreement. Having said that it appears the treaty is not going ahead for the time being at least. “The World Health Organization was hoping that there would be a vote on the global pandemic treaty at the World Health Assembly at the end of this month, but now that is not going to happen. Negotiations that were supposed to result in a final draft of the treaty have completely broken down, and that is great news because the treaty would have transferred a tremendous amount of authority to the World Health Organization." Thanks to MilkbarTV for the clip. Quote from: #auspol
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"Australia’s biggest retail superannuation funds are paying out billions more dollars in cash than they are bringing in as the wave of baby boomers reaching retirement age starts to hit the $3.6 trillion sector. Mercer, Colonial First State, AMP, BT and Insignia had combined net outflows of $10.6 billion in 2022-23, a report by KPMG found. At the same time, money flowing into industry super giants such as AustralianSuper, the Australian Retirement Trust and Hostplus has soared because of superannuation guarantee money, strong investment returns and customer retention.” This was always going to happen albeit I’m surprised it’s happening already. Superannuation was always a Ponzi scheme. Sooner or later withdrawals were going to exceed contributions. Why? Simple mathematics. When people retire or die they will eventually withdraw their super as a lump sum. If one person withdraws 40 years worth of contributions and earnings in one hit, in theory (oversimplified based on everyone earning the same income but you get the picture) you will need around 40 people contributing one years worth of super so that the incoming cashflow matches the outgoing cashflow. Given demographics, obviously this isn’t possible so the super fund will have to start liquidating assets which will push asset prices down. Superannuation won’t fully mature until around 2040-2050 but after that it’s a fair bet that withdrawals will exceed contributions across the industry. When that happens asset values and superannuation funds will face a severe liquidity crisis. Quote from: #auspol
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“A Sudanese migrant with a criminal record who “self-identifies” as an Aboriginal man was granted the right to stay in Australia. The man, known only as RCWV, was born in Khartoum and spent his first 20 years in Africa before relocating to Australia on a protection visa. RCWV’s visa was revoked after he amassed a series of convictions, including knife crime, car theft and serious driving offences that left one victim with life-threatening injuries. Facing deportation after his protection visa was cancelled, RCWV appealed to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT). The tribunal’s decision was influenced by Direction 99, an edict from Immigration Minister Andrew Giles issued in January 2023, which asks the tribunal to consider whether a non-citizen offender spent their formative years in Australia. In his submission to the AAT, RCWV claimed he had become an integral part of his local community during his 15 years in Australia. He detailed his acceptance into the Indigenous community, including participation in a traditional smoking ceremony. He also mentioned learning Aboriginal cultural practices, painting Aboriginal art, and playing the didgeridoo. Despite his criminal history, the AAT ruled in favour of allowing RCWV to remain in Australia.” This is what happens when woke policies replace commonsense when it comes to upholding law and order. It doesn’t help when Universities are teaching this type of rubbish as a means of career progression. The lack of holding people to account for their own actions because of their identity has to stop. Quote from: #auspol
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“A senior ABC journalist has come under fire after describing Australia as a “racist country” during a rant about Peter Dutton’s vow to slash migration.” Name calling is the modus operandi of the left. If you question climate change you are climate denier, question government overreach during COVID and you’re an anti-vaxxer and now if you question the high immigration rate you’re a racist. Immigration isn’t about race, it’s about having a decent standard of living, particularly housing. Trust the ABC to undermine any rational argument on immigration. Quote from: #auspol
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Good article in todays Australian about the flawed assumptions used by the CSIRO in estimating the costs of Nuclear. Many of these deliberate lies have been used against coal over the years to justify the use of renewables. Flawed assumptions include: • A lifespan of just 30 years for Nuclear power stations when they can last longer than 60 years. The same life span is assumed for wind turbines that need replacing constantly. • A capacity factor for windfarms of around 50% when in reality is closer to 25%. On the other hand the capacity factor for Nuclear is as low as 53% even though it is much closer to 90%. Note the 53% is justified on basis that Nuclear has to defer to renewables being used during the day rather than just assuming they don’t need to be used at all. • Assuming that most new-build technologies can provide reliable power by relying on existing capacity. Existing capacity can provide generation at times when the new plant is not available or when demand is rising but the new-build technology is already at full production. This includes new-build variable renewables when they are in the minority. However, as their share increases, forcing the retirement of existing flexible capacity, the system will find it increasingly difficult to provide reliable supply without additional investment. To address this issue, GenCost calculates the additional cost of making variable renewables reliable at shares of 60%, 70%, 80% and 90%. We call these additional costs the integration costs of variable renewables and they consist mainly of additional storage and transmission. Extra transmission and battery costs are needed well before renewables make up 60% of the grid. This assumption is ridiculous. • Assuming the costs of wind, solar and storage are going to drop by half over the next decades. This again is completely absurd as costs will inevitably increase as the demand for minerals and labour used to make these products increase. Not that any of this matters. Winter hasn’t even officially started and it’s already below zero in the mornings. Hardly global warming. More at: #auspol
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“"The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement in Wuhan are untruthful." Fauci lied. People died. Yet strangely enough Western Intelligence agencies don’t want to know anything about it. Why is that? Are they guilty of being co-conspirators! Follow the link below for further details but it sure looks like it. #auspol
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The brainwashing has to stop before it destroys our country. #auspol
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Like HCL and Ivey, certain antibiotics were not allowed to be used for the treatment of Covid. Below is an article by Robert Clancy that discusses the corruption of Australia’s health system by regulators and big pharmaceuticals. #auspol
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“Possible side effects. The most frequently reported side effects include injection-site reactions, such a sore arm. Other reported side effects include: • headache • muscle pain • fever and chills • fatigue. These side effects typically last no more than a couple of days, and you will recover without any problems. Visit healthdirect for more information about side effects.” Link: As at May 2024 the Federal Government is still recommending COVID-19 vaccines/boosters and pretending that side effects are mild with no warning about the more severe side effects. What about: Cardiac arrests, myocarditis, stroke, Guillain Barre Syndrome, massive blood clots, heart attacks etc etc. The propaganda and coercion never ends does it. #auspol
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The most important skillset when it comes to managing a business is capital management. This includes government. In terms of capital management, it’s not just retail banking that needs to be overhauled in this country. Wholesale funding and banking regulation needs to be overhauled as well. There are three levers to manage monetary policy. Qualitative, Quantitative and Regulatory (through Macro and Micro prudential measures.) In the same way Australia needs a Federation Convention to overhaul and streamline Government powers the same needs to happen for monetary policy settings and the regulatory bodies. The cost of capital mismanagement is killing our country. Learn more at: #auspol
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It’s not just a Government Bank we need in this country. We need a Government Insurance Office as well. Insurance companies, like big banks are well and truly ripping people off. I thought the privatisation of State Government Insurance offices was going to lead to greater competition. My latest insurance bill is up by 36%. How exactly is this reasonable? This is just gouging 101 and is more evidence that privatisation only leads to greater concentration of market power, not better services. One of the reasons for the large increase is that a large part of the cost of insurance, up to 40-50%, is the cost of reinsurance. All reinsurance providers are foreign owned and exploit Australia because of its relatively low population spread across a large land mass. If the Government offered its own Insurance, it could just reinsure itself. The Federal Government has already put aside $10 billion for a Reinsurance Pool and $4 billion for a National Emergency fund. Why not use this to underwrite a Government Insurance Office? I’d be keen to hear if other people have faced similar increases on their insurance? (Please go to Facebook to comment here: )
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Senator Gerard Rennick

It’s not just a Government Bank we need in this country. We need a Government Insurance Office as well. Insurance companies, like big banks are well and truly ripping people off. I thought the...

💯 24👍 1
It’s not just a Government Bank we need in this country. We need a Government Insurance Office as well. Insurance companies, like big banks are well and truly ripping people off. I thought the privatisation of State Government Insurance offices was going to lead to greater competition. My latest insurance bill is up by 36%. How exactly is this reasonable? This is just gouging 101 and is more evidence that privatisation only leads to greater concentration of market power, not better services. One of the reasons for the large increase is that a large part of the cost of insurance, up to 40-50%, is the cost of reinsurance. All reinsurance providers are foreign owned and exploit Australia because of its relatively low population spread across a large land mass. If the Government offered its own Insurance, it could just reinsure itself. The Federal Government has already put aside $10 billion for a Reinsurance Pool and $4 billion for a National Emergency fund. Why not use this to underwrite a Government Insurance Office? I’d be keen to hear if other people have faced similar increases on their insurance? (Please go to Facebook to comment here:
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Senator Gerard Rennick

It’s not just a Government Bank we need in this country. We need a Government Insurance Office as well. Insurance companies, like big banks are well and truly ripping people off. I thought the...

💯 33👍 11🤓 3
It’s not just a Government Bank we need in this country. We need a Government Insurance Office as well. Insurance companies, like big banks are well and truly ripping people off. I thought the privatisation of State Government Insurance offices was going to lead to greater competition. My latest insurance bill is up by 36%. How exactly is this reasonable? This is just gouging 101 and is more evidence that privatisation only leads to greater concentration of market power, not better services. One of the reasons for the large increase is that a large part of the cost of insurance, up to 40-50%, is the cost of reinsurance. All reinsurance providers are foreign owned and exploit Australia because of its relatively low population spread across a large land mass. If the Government offered its own Insurance, it could just reinsure itself. The Federal Government has already put aside $10 billion for a Reinsurance Pool and $4 billion for a National Emergency fund. Why not use this to underwrite a Government Insurance Office? I’d be keen to hear if other people have faced similar increases on their insurance? (Please go to Facebook to comment here:
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Senator Gerard Rennick

It’s not just a Government Bank we need in this country. We need a Government Insurance Office as well. Insurance companies, like big banks are well and truly ripping people off. I thought the...

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The Albanese government will struggle to meet its “aggressive” emissions reduction targets, while industry faces hurdles to delivering the energy transition because of delays in building transmission lines, flatlining uptake of electric vehicles, rising costs and a shift in community attitudes, senior business leaders warn.” and “Energy and Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen has walked away from Labor’s target to have 89 per cent of new car sales electric by 2030, casting doubt on the government’s green agenda.” Sooner or later reality hits everyone in the face. The idea that we are moving to an economy powered by renewables is just a fantasy.
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💯 57🤡 12👍 9👏 3😁 1😭 1
The main stream media (MSM) in Europe and the US is deathly silent as a court determines the PCR test legally useless to test for Covid. The Landmark legal ruling finds that Covid tests are not fit for purpose. So what does the MSM do? They ignore it. Four German holidaymakers who were illegally quarantined in Portugal after one was judged to be positive for Covid-19 have won their case, in a verdict that condemns the widely-used PCR test as being up to 97-percent unreliable. Earlier this month, Portuguese judges upheld a decision from a lower court that found the forced quarantine of four holidaymakers to be unlawful. The case centered on the reliability (or lack thereof) of Covid-19 PCR tests. The conclusion of their 34-page ruling included the following: “In view of current scientific evidence, this test shows itself to be unable to determine beyond reasonable doubt that such positivity corresponds, in fact, to the infection of a person by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.” In the eyes of this court, then, a positive test does not correspond to a Covid case. The two most important reasons for this, said the judges, are that, “the test’s reliability depends on the number of cycles used’’ and that “the test’s reliability depends on the viral load present.’’ In other words, there are simply too many unknowns surrounding PCR testing. Earlier this year, data from three US states – New York, Nevada and Massachusetts – showed that when the amount of the virus found in a person was taken into account, up to 90 percent of people who tested positive could actually have been negative, as they may have been carrying only tiny amounts of the virus. The Portuguese judges cited a study conducted by “some of the leading European and world specialists,” which was published by Oxford Academic at the end of September. It showed that if someone tested positive for Covid at a cycle threshold of 35 or higher, the chances of that person actually being infected is less than three percent, and that “the probability of… receiving a false positive is 97% or higher.”” The cycle threshold used in Australia was 40. Obviously useless in terms of accuracy but very useful for locking people down. However that’s just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve asked the TGA on numerous occasions for the primers (the genetic sequence) used in the PCR tests and they claim it’s commercial in confidence. It beggars belief that people could have been quarantined on such a flimsy diagnostic tool, yet when it comes to enforcing government overreach, evidence is the last thing that matters. And let’s not forget the censorship about PCR tests throughout Covid. Anyone that dared question their accuracy was immediately banned from Facebook. I know because one of my posts questioning their accuracy was pulled down and I was banned from posting.
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MSM Silent As Court Holds PCR Covid Tests 97% Inaccurate - Unfit for Purpose

The main stream media (MSM) in Europe and the US is deathly silent as a court determines the PCR test legally useless to test for Covid.   The...

👏 50💯 34👍 7🤬 6🔥 2 1😁 1🤯 1🤡 1
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Albanese's $10bn affordable housing fund for low-income families paid more than $24m to external consultants and $6m in annual executive salaries last year, despite not having yet delivered a single completed house under the scheme. With Labor under pressure to deliver on its election pledge to build 40,000 social and affordable houses within five years, documents reveal that Housing Australia paid out more than $16m for legal, IT and “advisory" contracts last year. This was on top of more than $7m in the six months prior spent by Housing Australia which also pays its CEO a salary almost equal that of the Prime Minister at $560,000 a year. The documents reveal that 19 staff are employed by the agency on salaries of more than $300,000 a year including five whose remuneration is above $400,000 a year. The top paid executive, CEO Nathan Dal Bon is paid a total package of $557,000 a year. Mr Albanese's total package is $587,000a year.” Government in a nutshell. Too many chiefs, not enough Indians.
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💯 108🤯 16👍 10🤡 6😈 3🙏 2🔥 1🤬 1
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Pride month: Things I’m proud of Australia Australians The ADF Farmers Small Businesses Front line service workers People who try hard. Even if they don’t succeed People who fight hard for decency, fairness, integrity People who work hard at low level jobs, as a tool to get ahead My family
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“Yoga instructors, martial artists and dog handlers have beaten some construction trades to a spot on the nation’s draft priority skills list for migrants, despite the dire need for workers to tackle the nation’s housing crisis.” This ☝️is why we have a productivity crisis. Walking the dog, martial arts and doing yoga are not jobs. They are recreational activities that should not be on any “working” visa list. Quote from: #auspol
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💯 113🤬 28🤡 22👍 8🤯 5🔥 2😁 1🤨 1