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Third and fourth stage

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صباح الخير طبعا قبل اشوية شفت و قراءت كل الرسائل ، شسالفة جدول ونزل على شنو تطالبون ميت الكم واحد ههههه بعدين خوش جدول ومرتب ولا تغيرونة ، لا تفتحون علينة باب احنة بغنى عنة اتركوا الأمور تمشي على حالها ❤️all
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3😁 1🤔 1
السؤال الأول ننطي عنوان البحث ب الكامل السؤال الثاني كيف اختاريت البحث الجواب الدكتور اختارة مو انا  الثالث الهدف  من خلال البحث نحجي abstract الرابع المحتويات يعني العنواين الي مكتوبة بالغامق الخامس كم فصل و شنو محتوياته السادس نفسة جواب الثالث هم ال abstract السابع  جوابة conclusion ركزوا على Abstract  والمصادر تعداد وسبب اختيارك لعنوان بحثك ممكن يسأل عن خطأ في البحث تجاوبه Typing error خطأ مطبعي واذا سألك عن نوع التوثيق أوStyle  ولماذا تجاوبه نوع اما ABA او MLA اعطاء فكرة عامة عن بحثك. - ما هي الفكرة الرئيسية عن بحثك ونتائجه؟ - الحديث عن التوثيق -اسم 4 كتب استخدمتها -لماذا أخذت هذا الموضوع كموضوع بحثي #اسئلة_البحث_بشكل_عام
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13👍 4😁 2🌚 1
There isn't a single definitive answer to what the most important questions are in Act 1 of Waiting for Godot, as the beauty of the play lies in its open-endedness. However, some recurring themes and mysteries spark significant discussions. Here are a few key questions and potential answers to get you thinking: 1. Who is Godot? * Answer: This is the central mystery of the play. There's no clear answer. Godot could represent anything – meaning in life, a higher power, a specific person, or even just an excuse to keep going. 2. Why do Vladimir and Estragon wait? * Answer: Again, there's no single answer. They might be waiting out of habit, fear of loneliness, or a faint hope that Godot will bring purpose. Their waiting could represent the human condition – searching for meaning in an absurd world. 3. What is the significance of Vladimir and Estragon's forgetfulness? * Answer: Their unreliable memory highlights the passage of time and the difficulty of finding meaning in fleeting moments. It adds to the play's absurdist nature. 4. What is the purpose of Pozzo and Lucky? * Answer: Pozzo and Lucky serve as a foil to Vladimir and Estragon. Their master-slave dynamic reflects the cruelty and power struggles within society. Lucky's decline could represent the loss of humanity under oppression. 5. What is the role of humor in the play? * Answer: The humor, often dark and repetitive, emphasizes the absurdity of the situation. It helps the audience connect with the characters' frustrations and the meaninglessness of their wait. Remember, these are just some interpretations. The beauty of Waiting for Godot lies in its open-endedness, allowing each audience member to find their own meaning and ask their own questions.
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👏 3🫡 1
دفتر الدرجات 👆
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👍 2
👍 5👏 2
👍 4
👍 3
كيف كتابة الخطة في التطبيق 👆
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