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Wandering SpΛrtan

Νομοθεσία Λυκούργου ανά των αιώνων στην αρετή αξεπέραστη.

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"Long periods of peace foster certain optical illusions, among them the conviction that inviolability of home is grounded in the constitution which guarantees it. In reality, it is grounded in the family father, who, sons at his side, appears at the door axe in hand." — Jünger
"The real test comes when all strength is fled and the men must produce victory on will alone.” ― Steven Pressfield, Gates of Fire
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"Every crossing of two breeds which are not, of equal standing results in a product which holds an intermediate place between the levels of the two parents. This means that the offspring will indeed be superior to that parent which belongs to a biologically lower order of beings, but not so high as the superior parent. For this reason, it must eventually succumb in any struggle against the higher species. Such mating contradicts the will of Nature towards the selective improvement of life in general. The favourable preliminary to this improvement is not to mate individuals of higher and lower orders of being, but rather to allow the complete triumph of the higher order. The stronger must dominate and not mate with the weaker, which would signify the sacrifice of its own higher nature. Only the born weakling can look upon this principle as cruel, and if he does so, it is merely because he is of a feebler nature and narrower mind, for if such a law did not direct the process of evolution then the higher development of organic life would not be conceivable at all." ― A.H, M.K, Nation and Race
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“If you are doing your proper duty let it not matter to you whether you are cold or warm, whether you are sleepy or well-slept, whether men speak badly or well of you, even whether you are on the point of death or doing something else: because even this, the act in which we die, is one of the acts of life, and so here too it suffices to 'make the best move you can'.” — Marcus Aurelius
The philosopher said, "Man's character is his fate". Consider the significant impact words exercise on one's mindset and how they shape one's perception of the world. Language is a fabrication of the mind, and although we use words to define objects and abstract concepts, what is a word but an approximation, a derivation of the very thing in question? Due to its inherent imperfection caused by its very nature, language sets boundaries on the speaker's mind when he thinks of the different manifestations of reality that occupy his thoughts when he thinks or talks about them. Given their structure and sound/vibratory attributes, some languages like Sanskrit and Ancient Greek are mind-unshackling, while others are downright manufactured to limit their speakers' consciousness. Aside from the sounds/vibrations one produces when speaking a certain language, each word one chooses to employ will therefore draw certain limits and consequently predispose one to either success/failure, vitality/weakness, proactiveness/passiveness/ health/illness, etc. Even though one's native language with its figures of speech is not something one gives much thought to, it would seem prudent to do away with euphemisms and mindless everyday little sentences that condition one to be weaker and passive, instead of powerful and master of one's fate. Do away with the language of victims and slaves and train yourself to speak the language of kings and conquerors.
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Waging war on weakness becomes the primary principle of those who seek to honor Life. Doing anything less would mean wasting oneself by turning down the gift of Life Embracing struggle and pushing through pain purifies the soul, that is, the process of overcoming, which propels it (the soul) to higher realms. And what else is the purpose of living if not the mastery and conquering of life's challenges? Leasure? How insulting and abominable to think that! He has done well, he who has stood against all odds, put himself to the harshest of tests and can say to his soul in his last breath, "I have lived!"
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Bhagavan Sri Krishna said: Arjuna, how have such impurities come upon you at this critical moment? This is not befitting an Aryan, nor does it lead to higher planets. It is the cause of infamy. Bhagavad Gita 2.2
The nice and the kind A lot of talk about the importance of being nice nowadays. It is a blurry line which separates the concepts of niceness and kindness, but if one were to observe a little closer, a realization would befall the observer. One would come to see the blurry line for what it is: a ditch that separates two lands each composed of opposite attributes and elements. Nice is an act performed to maintain good relations and the desired reputation. It is the prescribed behavioral blueprint society and ‘good manners’ have dictated to us. Nice is the fake smile one puts on, the persona in the Jungian sense, the social mask we wear. Nice is the automatic strategy of people-pleasing, hardwired early on into our psyche, through which we conduct ourselves. Nice is hypocritical, as it is the act we carry out in the presence of an unjust employer whom we internally curse and hold a grudge against yet portray the nice persona we’ve been taught we should. Nice is (despite the strategic advantage it can provide) inauthentic, submissive, passive-aggressive, fake, weak, cowardly, dismissive, and often repressed moral conflict. Kindness is genuine. Kindness is a virtue. The kind are lovers of life. The kind are strong, and strong are the kind, and many are those who use these two terms interchangeably, but fool yourself no longer. Don't be nice. Be kind.
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I like to think that DBZ creator A. Toriyama's subsconscious was at play when he came up with the concept of the Super Saiyan. Either that or it’s an interesting coincidence. You decide. Great might and power are represented by blond hair, golden aura and blue eyes. In DBZ, those are the characteristics that represent the superior state one attains (ascends to) by awakening and activating the dormant ancestral potential of one's race/blood (here, the Saiyan race). That race's archenemy (Frieza) is a planetary virus, a tyrant who enslaves inhabitants of various planets. His biggest fear is members of the Saiyan race (whom he regards as inferior) attaining their true superior state which is the only thing threatening his position of absolute overlord. To prevent this, he is actively seeking to eradicate all members of that race and/or enslave them, torture them, erase their memory and past, humiliate them, convince them that this superior higher state is but a legend, a mere fantasy, an empty prophecy.
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Frieza: Intergalactic genderless alien, neurotic tyrant, obsessed with power and acquiring immortality (fears death), recruits various other races for his own purposes, genocides main perceived ethnic threat (the Saiyans) for fear they could challenge him. Saiyans: Genetic warrior caste, distinctly male or female, Feudal society with a Royal Family, willing to die in battle, hate being controlled, never recruits or uses other races –just kills them, ultimate form is blonde with green or blue eyes. This beloved old cartoon was probably the most profound story of good vs evil.
I just received a phone call from a Mr Riches from Ballarat police station, he wants to charge me for "grossly offensive behaviour" for organising a lawful political demonstration in Ballarat on December 3rd last year. I keep warning Whites all over the world that we need to rise up now and overthrow our governments before it's too late. The Nation is sleep walking into a tyranny and most are too cowardly or treasonous to fight back. We have to stop this now, not later when you have made enough money and had your 2.5 kids and golden retriever.
Hey folks. If you've checked the Patriotic Alternative website today you will have learned that my husband, political prisoner Sam Melia, has been banned by the state and HMP Hull from having any contact with his children while he is in prison. Not only this, but he is not allowed any photographs of our children, and I'm not even allowed to mention them to him when I speak with him. After serving three months of his sentence already and having full contact (including visits) with our two-year-old and one-month-old daughters, they have now decided that Sam is a Person Posing Risk to Children (PPRC) because of Sam's "racist posters, insignia and literature" and "racist and offensive attitudes". We have been dealing with this for the past week or so behind the scenes and Sam gave them until today to fix it, informing them that if it wasn't resolved we would go public with the news. Well, it is not resolved, so we will keep to our word and let the world know how the British state treats good men like Sam. Tonight at 7pm on Patriotic Alternative's monthly update for May, I will tell you everything.
The immortality of the soul is a principle the wise are well aware of. As such, they (the wise) do not lament for the departure of loved ones, or more broadly, for the dead. What is rather cause for grieving, is the tragedy that some never get around to living. Some who are dead are immortal while most who are living are dead. The immortality of the soul is a universal factor, but the immortality of the spirit is the impact, the legacy that lives on which one who has said yes! to life leaves behind, and which inspires others to do the same, to leave their own mark, to move and to inspire others to great things.
The immortality of the soul is a principle the wise are well aware of. As such, the wise do not lament for the departure of loved ones, or more broadly, for the dead. What is rather cause for grieving, is the tragedy that some never get around to living. Some who are dead are immortal while most who are living are dead. The immortality of the soul is a universal factor, but the immortality of the spirit is the impact, the legacy that lives on which one who has said yes! to life leaves behind, and which inspires others to do the same, to leave their own mark, to move and to inspire others to great things.
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May it be obstacles, enemies, challenges, the destiny and call of man is to overcome. And what greater thing than to overcome oneself?
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Work hard in silence and bear the toils of struggle with dignity, honor, unflinching and uncomplaining. Turn yourself into a conqueror of death by welcoming and making use of anything life throws at you as a means to strength, for all these challenges are meant to empower your soul, just as the blazing furnace shapes metal to give it purpose. Keep at it, not wasting a day that doesn't bring you closer to your goal, the supreme ideals, yet do not forget either to pause to appreciate the blooming flowers and the valuable things in life. March on then, resume the path of the warrior. You shall one day emerge from the shadows to greet the dawn, battle-scarred, iron-minded, in your gaze an insatiable hunger to conquer obstacles and devour new horizons. You will then know in your soul that the eternal sun shines not upon the same man. The Earth shall rejoice and proclaim, "behold, there goes at last a Man who can bear his own weight". And what a sight to behold such a man shall it be, indeed.
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Work hard in silence and bear the toils of struggle with dignity, honor, unflinching and uncomplaining. Turn yourself into a conqueror of death by welcoming and making use of anything life throws at you as a means to strength, for all these challenges are meant to empower your soul, just like the blazing furnace shapes metal to give it purpose. Keep at it, not wasting a day that doesn't bring you closer to your goal, the supreme ideals, yet do not forget either to pause to appreciate the blooming flowers and the valuable things in life. March on then, resume the path of the warrior. You shall one day emerge from the shadows to greet the dawn, battle-scarred, iron-minded, in your gaze an insatiable hunger to conquer obstacles and devour new horizons. You will then know in your soul that the eternal sun shines not upon the same man. The Earth shall rejoice and proclaim, "behold, there goes at last a Man who can bear his own weight". And what a sight to behold such a man shall it be, indeed.
You can make the conscious decision not to feel offended, ever. Do not allow yourself to fall into that strategical trap. Stand proud with mocking demeanor, composed and unstirred. Laugh at those who think they can harm you in any way.
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A man should be an impenetrable fortress against which the tide comes crashing, his emerald halls only accessible to his loved and trusted ones who come to find monetarily refuge from the unceasing unrest of life, where they can find shelter and replenish themselves by drinking from the transcendental springs of the ancestral undying gardens.
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I find it amusing when I hear non-Whites brag about having children at a faster rate than us. First, we are the only ones who are the targets of a multi-trillion multi-layered subversive industry that has as purpose White Europeans having as few children as possible, while simultaneously enabling inferior races to access our soil and produce as many children as possible. Second, our era and the structure of the society we find ourselves in make the (right) upbringing of many children a practically impossible task unless a couple lives on a farm or generally speaking, a rural area where a more traditional setting can thrive within a household, and where a mother can go out alone with her children without fearing for their safety. Also, contrary to other races, White Europeans instinctively value quality over quantity. Whites will generally not have more kids than they think they can handle and be good for. Quality of life is, after all, a White people's invention. We have standards. Inferior races will multiply like rats and all live in the same room, thinking they are outsmarting us and having the advantage, too dumb to understand that quantity and quality are mutually exclusive. An army of rats can nothing against a handful of lions. A second battle of Thermopylae will take place, and this time glory will be within the reach of White Europeans, not only the Hellenes of the past. All we need is to go for it and grab it. The goddess of victory will only crown the boldest.
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I find it amusing when I hear non-Whites brag about having children at a faster rate than us. First, we are the only ones who are the targets of a multi-trillion multi-layered subversive industry that has as purpose White Europeans having as few children as possible, while simultaneously enabling inferior races to access our soil and produce as many children as possible. Second, our era and the structure of the society we find ourselves in make the (right) upbringing of many children a practically impossible task unless a couple lives on a farm or generally speaking, a rural area where a more traditional setting can thrive within a household, and where a mother can go out alone with her children without fearing for their safety. Also, contrary to other races, White Europeans instinctively value quality over quantity. Whites will generally not have more kids than they think they can handle and be good for. Quality of life is, after all, a White people's invention. We have standards. Inferior races will multiply like rats and all live in the same room, thinking they are outsmarting us and having the advantage, too dumb to understand that quantity and quality are mutually exclusive. An army of rats can nothing against a handful of lions. A second battle of Thermopylae will take place, and this time glory will be within the reach of White Europeans, not only the Hellenes of the past. All we need is to go for it and grab it. The goddess of victory will only crown the boldest.I find it amusing when I hear non-Whites brag about having children at a faster rate than us. First, we are the only ones who are the targets of a multi-trillion multi-layered subversive industry that has as purpose White Europeans having as few children as possible, while simultaneously enabling inferior races to access our soil and produce as many children as possible. Second, our era and the structure of the society we find ourselves in make the (right) upbringing of many children a practically impossible task unless a couple lives on a farm or generally speaking, a rural area where a more traditional setting can thrive within a household, and where a mother can go out alone with her children without fearing for their safety. Also, contrary to other races, White Europeans instinctively value quality over quantity. Whites will generally not have more kids than they think they can handle and be good for. Quality of life is, after all, a White people's invention. We have standards. Inferior races will multiply like rats and all live in the same room, thinking they are outsmarting us and having the advantage, too dumb to understand that quantity and quality are mutually exclusive. An army of rats can nothing against a handful of lions. A second battle of Thermopylae will take place, and this time glory will be within the reach of White Europeans, not only the Hellenes of the past. All we need is to go for it and grab it. The goddess of victory will only crown the boldest.
Hot, frequent and unnecessarily long showers dull the body and mind and weaken the immune system.
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Some funny facts about the Norwegian "documentary" that our fangirl Martha did a while back. • They wanted to interview us. We said what we say to all journalist. If you can bench 100kg we will consider it. • 8 Months it took for the state television in Norway to find a cameraman that was able to do it. So we asked them to film their Press-ID (Thanks for that ;)) • At the time it was quite alot of pedophilia scandals in and around NRK. We asked Martha if she could take a stand against her "childloving" collegues. She did not do that and the interview was cancelled. Ergo. It's more convenient for journalists to sweep their social cluster filled with babyshouldered, boygirls and fatties to find ONE guy that can bench than to speak out against pedophilia. We wonder why it could be so... XIV 🏴‍☠️
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After the long night shall come the dawn and with it the man of tomorrow who shall reign upon this earth not as its enemy, but as its lover and master. He is the child of the sun, lord of the beasts, custodian of the ancient bloodline, advocate of might and implementer of natural law.
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Regarding the topics of godliness and moral conduct, there is nothing revolutionary or novel the person of Christ has brought to the masses that has not already been explored by Greek philosophers or mystics of the ancient world. Christianity appropriated many already-established truths, philosophies, myths, and traditions, and expressed them through an often subversive filter by producing a collage, a mishmash of inconsistencies and contradictions that confuse the judicious and appease the biases of those less perceptive. When Christians quote Christ proclaiming "The Kingdom of God is found within", they seem unaware that such has already been established thousands of years before in Vedic philosophy: The Lord as Paramatma resides within the hearts of all living beings as the Eternal Witness and is accessible by the individual soul through meditation and a purified mind. "Revealed" Truth or Word implies introducing a truth that has never been heard before, which is simply false. What would be the purpose of repeating an already existing (arguably perfect) message if not to twist that message? Christianity didn't illuminate the world with the truth, it plunged it into the darkness only to rekindle a light that reveals dancing shadows on the wall.
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Those who follow this channel long enough know that I am opposed to the doctrine of Christianity. However, I do not side with the all-out lashing out against it just for the sake of it. I have often witnessed Pagans condemn the following Bible passage under the accusations of "bringing division" and "subversiveness": “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household." I disagree with the condemnation of this passage for the following reasons: Those who put the truth above everything will sooner or later be met with strife, regardless of the nature of their affiliation with those of opposing views. Consider what we went through during the Corona times, the pressure and even alienation from our closest relatives to get the jab. Those with enough integrity and loyalty to the truth had to stand alone against their loved ones despite in some cases being vividly rebuked. They chose what they held as the truth in the face of condemnation and alienation. And that's what God wants from us.
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Those who follow this channel long enough know that I am opposed to the doctrine of Christianity. However, I do not side with the all-out lashing out against it just for the sake of it. I have often witnessed Pagans condemn the following Bible passage under the accusations of "bringing division" and "subversiveness": “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household." I disagree with the condemnation of this passage for the following reasons: Those who put the truth above everything will sooner or later be met with strife, regardless of the nature of their affiliation with those of opposing views. Consider what we went through during the Corona times, the pressure and even alienation from our closest relatives to get the jab. Those with enough integrity and loyalty to the truth had to stand alone against their loved ones despite in some cases being vividly rebuked. They chose what they held as the truth in the face of condemnation and alienation.
«Αλέξανδρος Φιλίππου και οι Έλληνες πλην Λακεδαιμονίων από των βαρβάρων των την Ασίαν κατοικούντων» Alexander the son of Philip, and the Greeks, except the Lacedaemonians, won these from the barbarians who inhabit Asia. The above epigram along with 300 shields and armors were sent to Athens to be hung at the Parthenon to show all Greeks what they can achieve when they are united instead of killing each other, shaming the probably indifferent Spartans for their characteristic stubbornness and refusal to share glory with others. Alexander was back then, in his own way telling everyone no more brother wars.
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When her son was lamenting his wounded leg that was causing him great pain, his mother said to him "Spartan, think about virtue (arete) with every step". – Plutarch, Sayings of Spartan Women
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The gym is barely even about muscles. The gym is about developing your character as much as it is about developing your body. A man who commits himself to the iron undergoes immense spiritual self-overcoming.
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"Beauty is the mark God sets upon virtue" ― Emerson
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Little consideration should be given to the opinion of a man or woman whose physique is not on point. One must establish oneself within natural order for one's words to have potential value. What weight can words hold if the man who speaks them is a stranger to the lifelong initiation of pain and struggle­? What thing of value to share, what wisdom can such a fool proclaim to possess, he who has never stepped into the brutal reality of life?
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"Long periods of peace foster certain optical illusions, among them the conviction that inviolability of home is grounded in the constitution which guarantees it. In reality, it is grounded in the family father, who, sons at his side, appears at the door axe in hand." — Jünger
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"The real test comes when all strength is fled and the men must produce victory on will alone.” ― Steven Pressfield, Gates of Fire
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"Every crossing of two breeds which are not, of equal standing results in a product which holds an intermediate place between the levels of the two parents. This means that the offspring will indeed be superior to that parent which belongs to a biologically lower order of beings, but not so high as the superior parent. For this reason, it must eventually succumb in any struggle against the higher species. Such mating contradicts the will of Nature towards the selective improvement of life in general. The favourable preliminary to this improvement is not to mate individuals of higher and lower orders of being, but rather to allow the complete triumph of the higher order. The stronger must dominate and not mate with the weaker, which would signify the sacrifice of its own higher nature. Only the born weakling can look upon this principle as cruel, and if he does so, it is merely because he is of a feebler nature and narrower mind, for if such a law did not direct the process of evolution then the higher development of organic life would not be conceivable at all." ― A.H, M.K, Nation and Race
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“If you are doing your proper duty let it not matter to you whether you are cold or warm, whether you are sleepy or well-slept, whether men speak badly or well of you, even whether you are on the point of death or doing something else: because even this, the act in which we die, is one of the acts of life, and so here too it suffices to 'make the best move you can'.” — Marcus Aurelius
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The philosopher said, "Man's character is his fate". Consider the significant impact words exercise on one's mindset and how they shape one's perception of the world. Language is a fabrication of the mind, and although we use words to define objects and abstract concepts, what is a word but an approximation, a derivation of the very thing in question? Due to its inherent imperfection caused by its very nature, language sets boundaries on the speaker's mind when he thinks of the different manifestations of reality that occupy his thoughts when he thinks or talks about them. Given their structure and sound/vibratory attributes, some languages like Sanskrit and Ancient Greek are mind-unshackling, while others are downright manufactured to limit their speakers' consciousness. Aside from the sounds/vibrations one produces when speaking a certain language, each word one chooses to employ will therefore draw certain limits and consequently predispose one to either success/failure, vitality/weakness, proactiveness/passiveness/ health/illness, etc. Even though one's native language with its figures of speech is not something one gives much thought to, it would seem prudent to do away with euphemisms and mindless everyday little sentences that condition one to be weaker and passive, instead of powerful and master of one's fate. Do away with the language of victims and slaves and train yourself to speak the language of kings and conquerors.
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Waging war on weakness becomes the primary principle of those who seek to honor Life. Doing anything less would mean wasting oneself by turning down the gift of Life Embracing struggle and pushing through pain purifies the soul, that is, the process of overcoming, which propels it (the soul) to higher realms. And what else is the purpose of living if not the mastery and conquering of life's challenges? Leasure? How insulting and abominable to think that! He has done well, he who has stood against all odds, put himself to the harshest of tests and can say to his soul in his last breath, "I have lived!"
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Repost from Modern Kshatriya
Bhagavan Sri Krishna said: Arjuna, how have such impurities come upon you at this critical moment? This is not befitting an Aryan, nor does it lead to higher planets. It is the cause of infamy. Bhagavad Gita 2.2
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The nice and the kind A lot of talk about the importance of being nice nowadays. It is a blurry line which separates the concepts of niceness and kindness, but if one were to observe a little closer, a realization would befall the observer. One would come to see the blurry line for what it is: a ditch that separates two lands each composed of opposite attributes and elements. Nice is an act performed to maintain good relations and the desired reputation. It is the prescribed behavioral blueprint society and ‘good manners’ have dictated to us. Nice is the fake smile one puts on, the persona in the Jungian sense, the social mask we wear. Nice is the automatic strategy of people-pleasing, hardwired early on into our psyche, through which we conduct ourselves. Nice is hypocritical, as it is the act we carry out in the presence of an unjust employer whom we internally curse and hold a grudge against yet portray the nice persona we’ve been taught we should. Nice is (despite the strategic advantage it can provide) inauthentic, submissive, passive-aggressive, fake, weak, cowardly, dismissive, and often repressed moral conflict. Kindness is genuine. Kindness is a virtue. The kind are lovers of life. The kind are strong, and strong are the kind, and many are those who use these two terms interchangeably, but fool yourself no longer. Don't be nice. Be kind.
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Repost from Wandering SpΛrtan
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I like to think that DBZ creator A. Toriyama's subsconscious was at play when he came up with the concept of the Super Saiyan. Either that or it’s an interesting coincidence. You decide. Great might and power are represented by blond hair, golden aura and blue eyes. In DBZ, those are the characteristics that represent the superior state one attains (ascends to) by awakening and activating the dormant ancestral potential of one's race/blood (here, the Saiyan race). That race's archenemy (Frieza) is a planetary virus, a tyrant who enslaves inhabitants of various planets. His biggest fear is members of the Saiyan race (whom he regards as inferior) attaining their true superior state which is the only thing threatening his position of absolute overlord. To prevent this, he is actively seeking to eradicate all members of that race and/or enslave them, torture them, erase their memory and past, humiliate them, convince them that this superior higher state is but a legend, a mere fantasy, an empty prophecy.
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dragon-ball-z-ssj-goku.gif.mp40.37 KB
Repost from Blair Cottrell
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Frieza: Intergalactic genderless alien, neurotic tyrant, obsessed with power and acquiring immortality (fears death), recruits various other races for his own purposes, genocides main perceived ethnic threat (the Saiyans) for fear they could challenge him. Saiyans: Genetic warrior caste, distinctly male or female, Feudal society with a Royal Family, willing to die in battle, hate being controlled, never recruits or uses other races –just kills them, ultimate form is blonde with green or blue eyes. This beloved old cartoon was probably the most profound story of good vs evil.
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