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𝔀𝓸𝓻𝓴 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓲𝓢𝓗𝓨💸

💯 REGISTERED SSM By Admin iSHY🌟 Hi im here to help you guys jana income gila-gila just from home 😋🫶🏻 💌 Affiliate Marketing & Copypasting 💌 Potential Sales of RM1000 - RM5,000 in a week ! 💌Comission paid immediately by next day basis !

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RM 21,250 IN 1 WEEKS ✨ See ? as you guys can see this is the real platform yang betul2 bole buat duit kaw2 punya macam ni. you keluar modal sekali, buat la duit banyak mana u nak buat tanpa kenakan apa2 bayaran dah selepas tu. mana nak jumpa platform yang boleh bagi duit macam ni hari2? affiliate tiktok tu pon kerja you promote je pon boleh dapat beribu sebulan kalau rajin. RAJIN DENGAN MALAS JE nak dapat macam ni. rata2 orang persoal "ada ke jalan mudah nak dapat duit sekarang? tipu je" it's not about jalan mudah. its about your effort. NAK DUIT NAK BERJAYA kena letak EFFORT. promote hari2 fikir idea nak post tu dah effort kat situ so xde istilah guna jalan mudah nak buat duit. mana ada free2 suka2 orang nak bagi duit kat you 😄 fikir la baik2 dah ada peluang macam ni pon disia2 kan rugi laa geng 🙈 yang dah ready let's achieve income with me to achieve your target ! 🏆❤️🫶🏻
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🔮: open to anyone who wants to find a side income at home! modal mengikut pakej yang disediakan. bermula dari pakej: • pakej RM30 (gaji RM10) • pakej 1+2 RM90 (gaji RM50) • pakej 5 RM 250 (gaji RM120) • pakej 6 RM420 (gaji RM250) syarat" untuk join affiliate: ~ ada online banking & tng ✅ ~ boleh consistent sentiasa ✅ ~ no fussy, bukan sejenis yang mudah giveup ✅ KERJA AWAK SEBAGAI: 👉🏻 promoter iklan 📍 pakej 6 sahaja diberi ROBOT, APPS, gaji RM 250 yaa!
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Business Account

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18 September 2023 ✅ like i said, the average daily salary is rm250 terlalu cukup for student rm250 sehari. apatah lagi suri rumah sehari rm250? beli barang dapur tahan seminggu klu yg pandai berjimat 😃 selagi tak cuba, awak tak nampak kelebihan affiliate ni. mana yang kecundang awal maksudnya awak terlalu cepat giveup di tengah jalan! ambik yang serious dan sentiasa boleh commit/consist je 🤝✨
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17September 2023 || RM1,000 🤲🏻🔆✨ TAKDE RESULT ? srs part : if org tanya no result why? because of the apps or maybe .. it was because you never tried at all ? if awk tnya aya, yes 💯 aya put effort dalam affiliate ni so aya boleh dapat RM1K in one day only alhamdulillah ❣️ act aya provide everything including step selepas you join my team, tkde tergapai ii sorang ii and also tips! always bagi dekat my team. plus including guidance & ebook so korang boleh ready je buat income, my team won’t be lost ‼️
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‼️ GAJI RM2500 IN JUST 2WEEKS ⁉️ once i put my mindset on the path i will always get back what i wanted, aya always KEEP USAHA even serabut nak handle manusia yg suka main ii but yesss, hard word paid off 🤍 i got back my RM2.5K REWARD in just 2weeks ❕ MY 3 KEY PRINCIPLES : 🫵🏻 kalau penat, rehat JANGAN STOP. ambik la berapa masa untuk rehat . 🫵🏻 orang cakap scam? mulut orang tk beri kita rezeki. usaha & tawakal je ❣️ 🫵🏻 have a set goal for the week! target dan usaha mesti kena seiring i will do my BEST to archieve it. 🤍
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slot updated promo kaw" pakej budget rm 30 + free helper pakej 1+2 rm 90 + free helper pakej 6 rm 370 + robot + free helper ✅ yang mana nak grab pakej 6 tapi tak cukup modal boleh grab pakej 1+2 sebab komisen pun agak tinggi ✅ pakej 6 saja yang ada apps and robot ( minimum rm 250 gaji sehari )
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Business Account

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received RM500 in a day! ni komisen aya today 13/9/23 daripada company 😍😍 ! alhamdulillah, job ni mudah je sebab nye kan ; ✅ tak perlu topup modal every month pun ✅ unlimited income ✅ high salary (min income rm250/sales) ✅ zero risk (tak perlu pos/ pegang barang) -from pakej 6 jtapps RM420! modal SEKALI SAHAJA BAYAR ye- 🔆
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12 September 2023 || RM250 perday 🔆 semua job perlu menggunakan phone & kerja dari rumah je 🏡 !! how to success in business ? 🤔 - follow guidance leader you - be positive & always consistent ! - don’t be afraid to take a risk / fail 🔥 - set your mindset ( niat awak sebab nak settlekan masalah kewangan / nak tolong diri awak sendiri ) minimum gaji pun cecah 3 angka tiap hari 🔥 *income pakej 6
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Thank God! lepas join affiliate ni boleh dikatakan everyday komisen masuk 💵easy work ✅ • ikut time sndiri, tkde specific time ✅ • unlimited income! the best part is rm250perday ✅ to the ones yg nak join team aya 👇🏻 makesure you’re serious & treat this like a REAL BUSINESS . bukan harini join esk dpt 10K babe ❌ modal ready & not LAZY ⚠️ *income pakej 6
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🧃: RM3250 within one month -feedback team aya feedback aya sendiri tak sampai sebulan gaji dari pakej 5 cecah RM3.2K , hampir giveup tapi tak giveup lagi 😂 sebab i know affiliate ni dah ubah kehidupan aya. business ni korang cuma betul-betul & follow tips / guidance dari aya je, consistent, korang boleh dapat banyak income 💐 tell me, affiliate lain boleh kasi high salary dalam masa sehari? seminggu tak? tahap kesusahan dia sama je “usaha” . if korang capek just stop then continue semula no need bayar banyak kali ❌
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