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In 24 hours the content of this channel will be deleted. James A has retired from digital public life. If you wish to save anything from the channel in any format, you have roughly 24 hours. A final message from James: On March 17th, 2022, at 2 in the fucking morning, I created my channel, James A’s Rants and Presentations. I was not only incredibly upset with the events in Ukraine, as I’ve mentioned previously the first few nights after the full scale Russian invasion I could not sleep, and when I did get an hour or two I dreamed about the war, then woke up and frantically scrambled for my devices to check for updates. But more than that I was seeing large portions of the community I gladly gave 12 or so years of my life to supporting White Genocide and the most anti-Nationalist regime in the Western world. Thus began my effort posts. 16 months and 3150 followers later my life has been complicated by recent events. I always planned to delete my channel when, Gods willing, Ukraine won the war, or a settlement of some sort was reached. At times my channel felt like a chore I had to do. But now I feel I can delete my channel with less guilt for one simple reason: the Ziggers have been quite beaten down, and I am just one flawed and mortal man. A humble Telegram channel will not decide the war. The people do not need to hear my opinions to form their own. I am not clairvoyant or a deity whose words must be read, obeyed, and shared for justice to reign. I don’t have an obligation to a social media account. However, I do have obligations to real people in the real world. Unfortunately support for Ukraine is not unanimous in the Nationalist community, especially in America and the UK, but without a doubt the pro-White pro-Ukraine community is much larger and louder in July 2023 than March 2022, and the reverse is true for the Ziggers. If I played a small part in that small victory, I’m glad. Hearing from those of you out there who said my posts helped you at least a little bit towards feeling less affection for the Russian Federation, and more for Ukrainian Nationalists, if not total reverse from Zigger to pro-Ukraine, always brightened my ever worsening mood. Beyond the propaganda impact, my channel did a couple of fundraisers for comrades in Ukraine. One originating on my channel, and another on Active Club Estonia. Cumulatively we raised around 4k Euros and repaired operations vehicles and bought important supplies and equipment for the front. Thank you to everyone who donated. Combined with my personal purchases of Ukrainian and Russian Nationalist merchandise to fund their struggle against RF, and other donations I made to fundraisers for Ukraine, I helped raise and personally donated over 5k Euros to the struggle of Ukraine against the Kremlin. I wish I could have done more. One day perhaps, if the war sadly carries on. There’s worse fates than a noble death for an honourable cause, knowing your blood continues on in your children, family, and race, followed by eternal rest. Beyond Ukraine and Russia I’ve posted about the importance of beauty in both people and civilization, Estonian history, Roman history, the concept of civilization, and other topics that interest me. Unfortunately I couldn’t cover them all. Feel free to browse and save and share. Not only do you not need to attribute me, I’d prefer if you didn’t. Let the worldview burn brightly but let “James A” die peacefully. If you wish, let this be the last post of mine you share. I never did this for social clout. Let me fade from digital public life to at least some degree. I’ve had it with owning a Telegram channel and being talked about online by strangers, both friends and foes alike. Foes likely won’t heed these words any more than they have my previous words, but I hope friends will. If I am to leave you with one message I want to resonate with you, it is this. If you want to see the reason for our people’s potential doom, and our potential salvation, look in the mirror and there you will find both. Ukraine will win. Hail Victory.
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James A raided by feds 🐷🚨 If you have any chats with James, delete them. If you are in any groups with him, remove him. Do not contact him. Do not ask questions as they will not be answered. Touch some grass perhaps.
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As I think over my debates with ziggers I come to an interesting conclusion, which proves the moral righteousness of our position. And that is that we, the pro-White, pro-Ukraine community, care more about ethnic Russians (who aren't trying to kill Nationalists and other Whites), than they do. I mention how Putin has crushed White Nationalism in Russia, how over 8000 Russian Nationalists are serving prison time for violating article 282 "inciting racial hatred", and the zigger replies "So what, they are [insert liberal argument about how White advocates are unintelligent, unsophisticated, brutish fools who deserve whatever they get]. It will be easier to be a Nationalist in MY country (somehow) when Putin wins and denazifies Ukraine." I mention how Putin has imported millions of churkas into Russia who are selling drugs, raping Slavic girls, and Islamizing Russia, and the zigger replies "It will be easier to be a Nationalist in MY country when Putin balances the monopolar-hegemonic-neo-liberal-Westphalian-Atlanticist American world order." I mention how Putin is rapidly supporting the Islamification of Russia and Europe, and the zigger replies "So what, Russia is a multicultural country, it will be easier to be a Nationalist in MY country (somehow) when Putin wins and denazifies Ukraine." I mention how Putin and his cronies are oligarchs who take billions from the Russian state and spend it on mansions and yachts while the tens of millions of Slavic Russian people outside of St. Petersburg and Moscow live in the most squalid conditions of any Whites in the world in significant numbers, and the zigger replies "So what, Putin needs to focus state revenue on his army so he can defeat Ukraine and make it easier to be a Nationalist in MY country (somehow). To ziggers, the ethnic Ukrainian and Russian people are just pawns on a chessboard that they THINK they have some stake in. They don't care about White Children intentionally murdered by Russian missiles, they don't care about White Genocide if they think it benefits them, they don't care about churkas raping Russian children so long as those churkas are mobilized to kill Nationalists in Ukraine. Fundamentally they do not care about White people. Be it a Ukrainian child murdered by a Russian missile or a Russian child raped by an Uzbek. They don't understand Blood and Soil, they don't understand what it's supposed to mean to care for our RACE as a whole, and it's individual members, and to support what is best for it regardless of what liberals on twitter say. When you examine zigger rhetoric you find nothing but Talmudic hatred and vitriol for any Whites who stand against Putin and the Kremlin. We have all seen them excuse anything and everything Putin does, from sentencing White teenagers who burn Qurans to anal rape by Muslims to organizing anti-fascist conferences. I proudly stand by the firm opinion that every Russian soldier invading Ukraine must leave or die. If you want to invade White Ukraine and turn it into multiracial & multicultural Russia, and kill Nationalists and non-Nationalist men, women, and children along the way, then you deserve death. But I want the Whites in St. Petersburg to be free of Putin as much as I do the Whites in Kyiv, which is why I support the Russian Volunteer Corps and recently made a 170 Euro purchase with Heretic Camp to support them. I don't abandon members of our race because they are held hostage by an enemy regime. Ziggers however view Ukrainians and Russians not as members of our race, but pawns on a chessboard they think is theirs, and as pixels on a screen. They don't even see them as human beings let alone as members of our race they should love and want the best for. Ziggers are fake White Nationalists. Glory to the Eastern Slavic tribes resisting Putin, whether they are ethnic and/or linguistic Ukrainians and/or Russians.
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Repost from Counter-Currents
James A offers some background to the strange Wagner mutiny in Russia from over the weekend that may shed light on what was really going on.
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Thoughts on the Wagner Mutiny | Counter-Currents

1,679 words First and foremost, I'd like to laugh at the Russia apologists who think they won something. Admittedly, a very bad situation for the Russian Federation was prevented from getting catastrophically worse. But overall, this has harmed Russia greatly and did not harm Ukraine at all. Now let’s go over some decades-old background to

Most Westerners would hand wave this away, because in the Western world our politicians are open whores and their reputations mean nothing. However, this is a Western perspective, not a Russian one or an authoritarian one. All authoritarian regimes, but especially the Russian Federation, are built on the premise of strength. Putin releases propaganda videos of himself training judo, shooting guns, riding horseback bare chested, and visiting and ordering around the military for a reason. In authoritarian regimes, the people's perception of your power, of your infallibility, is at least as important as your actual power and infallibility. Let's use Ceaușescu as an example. Near the end of his dictatorship he lost actual, real, tangible power. However, it wasn't until he appeared on his balcony and raised his hand and told/asked the crowd to be silent, and the crowd refusing, that the people collectively realized he had lost his power, including himself. You can actually see the moment on his face when he realized he has lost control. Ceaușescu then fled as Bucharest openly revolted, which was crushed, but the revolution spread across Romania rapidly. Four days later he and his wife were executed, which was shown later the same day on Romanian television. What's important to note is that the revolution did not begin until everybody collectively realized that the dictator no longer had power or a people's mandate. It wasn't until he wasn't able to silence the crowd in Bucharest that all of Romania's discontent and scattered protests turned into a nation-wide revolution. To sum up, a perception of weakness of the state and dictator is death to authoritarian regimes. This is precisely what happened in Russia on June 23-24. A private citizen was able to embarrass and ratio the state military and security apparatus, the President was forced to make a national broadcast which he is no doubt kicking himself over and which is keeping him up at night, where he had to compare the situation Russia is in to 1917 (when the government was violently overthrown and the ruling class exterminated or exiled in a years long civil war) and admit that the situation in Rostov is "difficult" and that "the civil and military administration is effectively blocked from doing their job". From years of "Russia is mighty" propaganda , and then almost 1.5 years of "Russia is winning the full scale invasion of Ukraine, Ukraine does not stand a chance", to the President of Russia issuing a speech discussing the potentiality of defeat, capitulation, embarrassment, loss of territory, civil war, and other disastrous prospects and words being associated with Russia, coming from none other than the President's mouth. And in the end, it's the dictator of your alleged client state that is seen as saving the day, where the Russian President, Russian military, and Russian security services failed. Utterly embarrassing and delegitimizing. As part of the unknown deal, Prigo is allegedly on his way to exile in Belarus. If he is not eventually executed/assassinated, then that basically verifies that he does indeed have blackmail on Putin which he promised will be released upon his death. Now of all times, the President of Russia being exposed for selling Russian assets to Western oligarchs after the collapse of the 1990's would be almost as embarrassing and delegitimizing as the Wagner mutiny. Even if he is executed or assassinated it's possible he still had this blackmail and used it for years, but Putin was able to find a way to prevent it from being released while also killing Prigo. In summation, on June 23-24, the Russian Federation lost several aircraft, a dozen or near enough experienced pilots, unknown other casualties, but most importantly their authoritarian regime suffered an immense blow to its most important requirement, the perception of its own power. On November 29, 2022, I wrote a 3 post series discussing the potential collapse of the Russian Federation, which you can read beginning here or as a Counter-Currents article here.
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Відео недоступнеДивитись в Telegram
Here is Putin's speech as delivered to the Russian people on the Wagner mutiny. Look at his face especially compared to other speeches where is face is usually neutral. He is angry, but more importantly than that listen to what he is saying. He compares the situation to 1917 and directly says that this could lead to the defeat of Russia. Some ziggers (not all) are claiming this whole thing was a psyop because insert hairbrained conspiracy theory about CIA money or honey pot to catch traitors. Utterly fucking ridiculous. As a state, ESPECIALLY an authoritarian state, the perception of your power means EVERYTHING, as I will explain in detail below.
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IN_FULL:_Putin's_emergency_address_to_nation_on_Wagner_chief_Yevgeny.mp410.95 MB
My thoughts on the actual Wagner mutiny itself is that it was a disaster for Russia, who was able to momentarily prevent it from becoming a catastrophic collapse of the Russian Federation, but nevertheless has significant consequences. To very briefly summarize the events: Following over a year of high tensions between Prigo and the Russian MoD, Prigo claimed the Russian MoD bombed a Wagner base, resulting in dozens of casualties (but only showing a few small fires and maybe one body), and said Wagner will make the next move. Wagner captured the city of Rostov, home to 1.1 million people and the HQ of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, surrounding the HQ with tanks and soldiers, and then said they will march on Moscow and hang the Minister of Defence Shoigu and Chief of the General Staff Gerasimov, as well as saying that "Russia will have a new President soon". Russian border troops and various military formations did not oppose the Wagner march, and stepped aside to let them pass or actively joined. Several Russian military blogger Telegram channels, with followers ranging from a few hundred thousand to over 1 million, voiced their support for Prigo and Wagner. Putin released an extremely passionate (angry) video calling (without naming Prigo himself although he did name Wagner Group) the insurrectionists traitors to Russia who will be dealt with in the most severe way, ordering Russian military and security forces to not "make a fatal and tragic mistake" by joining the mutiny, and compared the situation to 1917 saying that this could have catastrophic consequences for Russia including capitulation and humiliation. "Stab in the back", "treason", and "betrayal of the country" were several phrases Putin used often. From Wagner's march from Eastern Ukraine to Rostov, and then towards Moscow, they shot down 7 Russian military aircraft (according to several Russian military Telegram channels), including 2 very expensive electronic warfare helicopters, and killed 12 Russian pilots. Even more valuable than the EW helicopters are the lives of trained and experiences pilots. It takes an incredibly long amount of time and lots of resources to train even 1 military pilot to become adequate at their job. In one day Russia lost 12 of them, making it the deadliest day for the Russian Air Force throughout the entire war. Rest assured that the costs to the Russian state don't end there, as I guarantee the families of each pilot got a large cheque from the state to not make a public deal about their family members being murdered by Russian soldiers gone rogue who are seemingly being let off without punishment. The Russian military and security services internally did absolutely nothing to stop Wagner, except partially aerially bombing one section of one Wagner convoy before either being shot down or forced to evade Wagner's air defence. Specifics of casualties for the entire situation are still very unknown. For 8 hours, Wagner marched unopposed for hundreds of kilometers towards Moscow. Finally, with the military and security services preparing defences in Moscow, and Wagner either 80km or 220km from the city depending on who you ask, Lukashenko the President of Belarus, Russia's alleged satellite state, negotiates a deal whose specifics are unknown to end the mutiny. An unbelievably embarrassing and destabilizing episode for the Russian Federation.
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