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h ♡︎ m e

❝ ♡︎ ❞ some people don’t realize what they have until it’s gone , but that does not always mean they are supposed to get it back . AA [ 18102021 ]

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percayalah , perempuan bersamamu sekarang ini takkan bosan denganmu . malah dia lebih takut dan sayang akan kamu :) — therumahsinggah
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i'm sorry because i can't be a perfect partner like other girls out there . but trust me i try to be the best than your past even i always hurt you with my nonsense attitude . — therumahsinggah
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aku harus bersikap seolah olah itu tidak menyakitiku . — therumahsinggah
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follow either girl or boy tak salah , just tahu batas masing masing sampai mana je . just need to trust each other . — therumahsinggah
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dia macam ni , he knows it bothers u and u feel uncomfortable . kalau dia tak boleh respect boundaries tu , leave je . makin lama terima , makin tak respect . — therumahsinggah
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disebalik diamku , ada perempuan yang aku ingin tampar sampai mampus . — therumahsinggah
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ketika kamu lelah , dunia memiliki seribu cara untuk membuatmu menangis . tapi jangan lupa , Allah memiliki sejuta cara untuk membuat dirimu tersenyum kembali . — therumahsinggah
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my heart feels heavy but thats okay . — therumahsinggah
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i'm officially in my quiet era . whatever happens , happens . i don’t have much to say about anything anymore . it is what it is and life goes on . — therumahsinggah
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it's not easy to stay motivated 24/7 . sometimes you will feel bad , worst and useless . but always remember you deserve to be happy too . — therumahsinggah
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