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Manchester Truthers channel

Updates, ideas for outreach, news & leisure. Only our posts, a clean feed. No 15 minute cities, UN/WHO/WEF; digital I.D., CBDCs, medical trials / mandates. Use cash. Save our children. Private chat group: chat & outreach DM @Manchester_Help to join.

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"Life is not measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that leave us breathless." ~Maya Angelou~ Goodnight beautiful souls God bless 🙏❣️
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Ordsall, near Salford Quays (15 minute cities) - May 2024 A brief look at another area of Greater Manchester which is morphing into the 15 minute / smart city / active neighbourhood / green travel (etc., etc.) infrastructure. We filmed this earlier this month after filming Stretford the same day (which is mentioned in this video), see: We were limited for filming time unfortunately for this area so we may head back soon to film it properly at a more leisurely pace. 😁
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Ordsall - Salford Quays May 25 1 Of 2(1).mp4122.16 MB
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"I Don't Know What Possessed Me To Do That". Now. I am sure you have previously heard many another human being say - "I Don't Know What Possessed Me To Do That". And, just accepted what they said as 'Perfectly Normal'. You maybe even have 'Had A Good Laugh At Them'. 'At Their Misfortune' as it were. And yet. 'The Statement That They Made Is In Fact True'. 'As Almost All Of Us Human Beings Are Constantly Having Our Minds More Or Less 'Possessed' (Taken Out Of Our Intelligent Control). By The Body Of Residual Emotion That We Have Unknowingly Allowed To Set Up Shop Down There In Our Misery Guts'. 'In The 'PIT' Of Our Stomach'. And yes. 'When Our Inner Demons Have Managed To Successfully Rise Up And Take Over Control Of Our Mind. Well. The Range Of Things That They Use Our Bodies To Do Is Almost Unlimited In Scope'. 'As Our Utter Mess Of A World, As It Is Now Represented By The Body Of Mankind. Can Quite Clearly Attest To'. The Sad Truth Is. 'We Humans Beings Are Constantly Being Toyed With' ('Being Taken For A Ride'). 'And Almost No One Is Able To See The Whole Crazy Situation For What It Really Is'. Best wishes 🙏 Andrew.
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Now Is Consciousness

This is a channel where I post statements that are born out of almost 30 years involved in the search for 'Self Knowledge'. Statements that can be used to free others of their own 'Emotional Burden'. Of their own 'Inner Pain'. Love to you all 🙏 Andrew.

,"Life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it."
Don't Panic: Turning Stress into Strength with Proven Methods Life is full of surprises. From tight deadlines to unexpected changes, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. But there's a simple way to handle it all: don't panic. This mindset can help you grow stronger and more confident. Here are some proven methods you can use to stay calm and turn stress into strength. Look at the Big Picture When you're stressed, try to step back and see the big picture. Ask yourself: - Is this really as bad as it seems? - Will it matter in a week, a month, or a year? - What can I do about it right now? Often, things aren't as bad as they seem at first. Changing how you look at a problem can make it easier to handle. Find Your Calm with Breathing Exercises Breathing exercises can help you stay calm. Try these: ✅ 4-7-8 Breathing 1. Inhale: Breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds. 2. Hold: Hold your breath for 7 seconds. 3. Exhale: Breathe out through your mouth for 8 seconds. 4. Repeat: Do this 4-5 times to feel more relaxed. ✅ Box Breathing 1. Inhale: Breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds. 2. Hold: Hold your breath for 4 seconds. 3. Exhale: Breathe out through your mouth for 4 seconds. 4. Hold: Hold your breath for 4 seconds. 5. Repeat: Continue this cycle for a few minutes. ✅ Be Prepared Being prepared can make you feel more in control. Here are some tips: ✅ Financial Preparedness - Save: Try to save a little money each month for emergencies. - Budget: Create a budget to manage your expenses. ✅ Work Organization - To-Do List: Keep a list of tasks and prioritize them. - Break Tasks Down: Divide big tasks into smaller, manageable steps. ✅ Building a Support Network - Reach Out: Keep in touch with friends and family. - Share: Talk about your feelings and problems with someone you trust. ✅ Practice Mindfulness Mindfulness and meditation can help you stay calm and focused. These practices teach you to stay in the present moment, making it easier to handle stress. ✅ Mindfulness Meditation 1. Find a Quiet Space: Sit comfortably in a quiet place. 2. Focus on Your Breath: Pay attention to your breathing. 3. Be Present: If your mind wanders, gently bring your focus back to your breath. 4. Practice Daily: Even 5-10 minutes a day can make a difference. ✅ Progressive Muscle Relaxation 1. Tense: Starting with your toes, tense each muscle group for 5 seconds. 2. Relax: Release the tension and feel the muscles relax. 3. Move Up: Continue this process through each muscle group up to your head. Learn from Each Experience Every stressful situation is a chance to learn. After it's over, think about: - What made you panic? - How did you react? - What helped you calm down? - What can you do differently next time? Learning from these moments helps you become stronger and more resilient. Get Help When Needed If you often feel overwhelmed, talking to a professional can help. Therapists and counselors can teach you how to manage anxiety and stay calm. Life’s challenges can make you stronger. By remembering not to panic and using these proven methods, you can turn stress into strength. Stay calm, focus on what you can control, and use each experience to grow.
You have the power to handle anything life throws your way.
Maximizing Daily Life: Top Five Advantages to Boost Your Everyday 1. Improved Stress Management 2. Enhanced Emotional Resilience 3. Increased Productivity and Focus 4. Stronger Support Networks 5. Overall Well-being and Happiness Follow @personalitydevelopment
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"I Don't Know What Possessed Me To Do That". Now. I am sure you have previously heard many another human being say - "I Don't Know What Possessed Me To Do That". And, just accepted what they said as 'Perfectly Normal'. You maybe even have 'Had A Good Laugh At Them'. 'At Their Misfortune' as it were. And yet. 'The Statement That They Made Is In Fact True'. 'As Almost All Of Us Human Beings Are Constantly Having Our Minds More Or Less 'Possessed' (Taken Out Of Our Intelligent Control). By The Body Of Residual Emotion That We Have Unknowingly Allowed To Set Up Shop Down There In Our Misery Guts'. 'In The 'PIT' Of Our Stomach'. And yes. 'When Our Inner Demons Have Managed To Successfully Rise Up And Take Over Control Of Our Mind. Well. The Range Of Things That They Use Our Bodies To Do Is Almost Unlimited In Scope'. 'As Our Utter Mess Of A World, As It Is Now Represented By The Body Of Mankind. Can Quite Clearly Attest To'. The Sad Truth Is. 'We Humans Beings Are Constantly Being Toyed With' ('Being Taken For A Ride'). 'And Almost No One Is Able To See The Whole Crazy Situation For What It Really Is'. Best wishes 🙏 Andrew.
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Now Is Consciousness

This is a channel where I post statements that are born out of almost 30 years involved in the search for 'Self Knowledge'. Statements that can be used to free others of their own 'Emotional Burden'. Of their own 'Inner Pain'. Love to you all 🙏 Andrew.

Power Up Your Brain: Easy Exercises for Mental Fitness Without Tech
scientifically proven techniques
While digital tools can be beneficial, there's a wealth of scientifically proven techniques that can sharpen your mind and boost cognitive function without the need for any gadgets. Let's explore some of these exercises and how they can enhance your mental agility. 1. Reading: Dive into a good book or engage with complex articles to stimulate your brain. Reading activates various regions of the brain associated with comprehension, critical thinking, and memory retention. Make it a habit to read regularly to keep your mind sharp. 2. Crossword Puzzles and Sudoku: These classic puzzles offer a fun way to challenge your brain. Solving crossword puzzles or Sudoku requires problem-solving skills, memory recall, and logical reasoning. Regularly engaging in these activities can improve cognitive function and memory. 3. Physical Exercise: Believe it or not, physical exercise is also beneficial for your brain. Regular exercise increases blood flow to the brain, promoting the growth of new brain cells and improving cognitive function. Aim for a combination of aerobic exercise, strength training, and flexibility exercises to keep both your body and mind in top shape. 4. Mindfulness Meditation: Mindfulness meditation has been shown to have numerous benefits for the brain. It helps reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance cognitive flexibility. By practicing mindfulness regularly, you can train your brain to be more present and attentive, leading to better overall mental health. 5. Learning a New Skill: Whether it's playing a musical instrument, learning a new language, or mastering a craft, engaging in activities that require you to learn new skills can significantly benefit your brain. Learning stimulates the growth of new neural connections and promotes neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to adapt and change. 6. Socializing: Engaging in meaningful social interactions is essential for brain health. Regular socializing stimulates the brain, improves mood, and reduces the risk of cognitive decline. Make time for social activities with friends and family to keep your brain active and engaged. 7. Quality Sleep: Ensure you get quality sleep during the night, as it plays a crucial role in consolidating memories, processing information, and rejuvenating the brain. Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to support optimal brain function.
For the best quality sleep, aim to go to bed around 9:00 PM and wake up at 5:00 AM. This schedule matches your body's natural rhythm, helping you feel refreshed and alert in the morning. It's important to get enough rest to keep your brain healthy and functioning well.
8. Power Naps: Incorporate short power naps into your afternoon routine. A 10-minute nap can help improve alertness, boost mood, and enhance cognitive performance without interfering with nighttime sleep patterns.
The best time for a power nap is between 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM. Keep it to 10-20 minutes to feel refreshed and more alert.
list of references for the scientifically proven brain exercises mentioned: 1. Reading: Stanovich & West (2000), Gabrieli (2009) 2. Crossword Puzzles and Sudoku: Hertzog et al. (2008), Colcombe et al. (2005) 3. Physical Exercise: Hillman et al. (2008), Colcombe & Kramer (2003) 4. Mindfulness Meditation: Tang et al. (2007), Chiesa & Serretti (2010) 5. Learning a New Skill: Draganski et al. (2004), Kelly et al. (2006) 6. Socializing: Fratiglioni et al. (2004), Cohen & Wills (1985) 7. Quality Sleep and Power Naps: Walker (2008), Brooks & Lack (2006) – Sadeh, A., Gruber, R., & Raviv, A. (2003). Follow @personalitydevelopment
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Checkout this Meetup with Lancashire's 30s and 40s Young peoples walking group:
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Fletcher Moss, Didsbury, Wellbeing Walk & Forage, Sun, Jun 2, 2024, 10:15 AM | Meetup

**Wellbeing Walk with likeminded folk, we will forage with courage, among weed & seed!** With new curiosity of plant growth within the month of June, we return to Fletcher