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How to overcome the fear of dialogue? One must remember that external communication and internal dialogue with oneself are two different processes. They cannot be solved simultaneously, only sequentially. When you communicate, you need to concentrate on your interlocutor, not on your thoughts and feelings in the back of your mind. Do this. The path to success is the only activity in which YOU DO NOT OWE ANYTHING! Live according to your own moral laws first and foremost, not according to the evaluations and demands of those around you. The paradox is that those people who can appreciate you are unlikely to appreciate you. And if someone "askew" or discuss you behind your back, it is clearly not the person whose opinion is worth listening to.
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Forms of Lying There are two forms of lying: - Silence - when a person conceals true information and does not report it. - Distortion - when a person not only hides true information, but also reports false information. A person gives 85% of information nonverbally and only 15% with words. Already from this we can conclude that to determine the falsity or truthfulness of the information we receive from a person, the main part of the attention should be paid to non-verbalism.
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Відео недоступнеДивитись в Telegram
Don't be afraid to support an unpopular point of view One of the traits of conformists and sycophants is to agree with authority or the opinion of the crowd. One of the traits of a charismatic person is to agree with his or her beliefs, regardless of the opinion of authority or the crowd. Whenever you internally support an unpopular opinion, don't be afraid to say so. Show that you are an independent, internally strong person with your own beliefs. Yes, someone will dislike you for it. But even the envious and adversaries will see you as a person with strong convictions. And this involuntarily arouses respect.
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Never compare yourself to others Your friend bought himself a new car, and you're still driving this old car that's several years old. So? Don't compare your accomplishments to others. Everyone has different goals and priorities. Accept the fact that there are and will be people richer or wiser than you. Acceptance gives you the opportunity to explore different options that are right for you and focus on yourself and your own development. The only person you should compare yourself to is yourself. If you are becoming a better version of yourself every day, you are going in the right direction. The desire to be better than yourself will stimulate your self-motivation to action.
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For any of you into podcasts! Something worth a listen. Courtesy of our very own Kern Frost CHD and Ben Hawkes CHD EP34 - The Wake Up - Into The Abyss We Go -
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The Wake Up - Episode 34 - Into The Abyss We Go

Show Notes: Do The Right Thing The March of AI The Lord God Algo Bad Internet Extract The Talent Banker Wanker Into The Abyss We Go Satan The Joker Churchill On The Payroll Pro-Human A Lot of Mules Who Do You Help? Soylent Green

Type 1: Nightmares - Now we all know this term and every one of us at a certain point in life has experienced one. Even if you don’t remember it. Nightmares are based on and formulated from the deep-rooted fears that you harbour within the Shell identity. It’s the minds way of showing you those fears through conceptualising them, it’s essentially screaming in your ear to face those very same fears. Now to link this to the waking state, you will often notice that upon overcoming a lifelong fear/triumph, any dreams you have around that fear cease to exist or begin to fade away. It’s like Demon Hunting, they each hold a curse to you and for every demon you fend off and banish another curse is lifted. However, Demons feed and live on fear, rid yourself of the fear by facing it, the demons thrive no longer. It’s the same here, if you consider yourself a person with lots of fears your probably someone who experienced nightmares and discomforting dreams more frequently. So, in short, whilst in the waking state, striving to overcome and transcend such fears contribute to your experience massively in the Dreamscape. Like mentioned before, the Dreamscape is the Canvas, through ridding yourself of such fears the colours that may show on that canvas begin to brighten, become more vibrant and richer. Note about Fear: The only true primal fears we have is the Fear of loud noises and the Fear of falling, one of which is worked through very early on. Any other fear we experience is very much conditioned and part of the Shell Identity. Takeaways/Applications: ⁃ Begin diving into what you fear most and facing them, it brings a type of freedom I won’t try to describe with words, try for yourself. ⁃ Start Exploring why you fear such things, most are highly irrational and conditioned into us. ⁃ Add Humour to what you fear, it disarms and offers a new view on it.
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Topic this Week: Dreams Welcome all New subscribers, be sure to check out the pinned links at the top to know more about the wonderful community and training behind the content you see here. To those of you curious about your potential. I am simply a message away.
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- Meaning - Purpose - Destiny
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