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NEWSWEEK: "Fauci Under Fire After New COVID Emails Released" "Dr. Anthony Fauci, former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, faces renewed scrutiny by Republicans after the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic combed through emails from Dr. David Morens, Fauci's former senior adviser. The committee cited emails such as one from Morens on April 21, 2021, to the president of EcoHealth Alliance, Dr. Peter Daszak, which stated, "PS, I forgot to say there is no worry about FOIAs. I can either send stuff to Tony on his private gmail, or hand it to him at work or at his house. He is too smart to let colleagues send him stuff that could cause trouble." Exactly a month later, Morens sent an email, on which Daszak was copied, saying, "I suggested [he] try to interview Tony directly and connected him to our 'secret' back channel. He emailed Tony a few hours ago." Other emails by Morens repeatedly encouraged people to "email me on gmail only, with the caveat that no other govt. employee is copied at a govt address, as all govt emails are potentially FOIA'able." Another email showed Morens asking Daszak for a "kick- back, for his help with an EcoHealth Alliance grant, and Daszak confirming, "of course there's a kick-back." Several emails show Morens making inappropriate and disrespectful comments. In a press release, the committee said that the use of Fauci's private email address and the "secret" back channel "raises serious questions as to whether Dr. Fauci took part in a conspiracy against the highest levels of NIH to hide official records related to the origins of COVID-19." The emails also included that Morens was instructed on "how to make emails disappear after I am foia'd," adding, "plus I deleted most of those earlier emails after sending them to gmail." There is "overwhelming evidence" that Morens "engaged in serious misconduct and potentially illegal actions," the subcommittee alleged in a press release Wednesday." ROBINMG 🚀
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Fauci under fire after new COVID emails released

Dr. Anthony Fauci faces backlash after a House subcommittee released a 35-page memo showing thousands of emails from his senior adviser, David Morens.

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Anti-malaria drug chloroquine is highly effective in treating avian influenza A H5N1 virus infection in an animal model

Cell Research - Anti-malaria drug chloroquine is highly effective in treating avian influenza A H5N1 virus infection in an animal model

💪GROßER SIEG! 💉 VGH-BESCHLUSS IN BAYERN: BEI FEHLENDER MASERNIMPFUNG IST KEIN ZWANGSGELD BEI SCHULKINDERN MÖGLICH!!! ❗️=> dieser Beschluss kann auch für andere Bundesländer wegweisend sein! DIE unsägliche IMPF-NACHWEIS-PFLICHT für Schulkinder, gegen die sich wunderbare Eltern wehren ist damit hoffentlich endgültig von Gestern! 👉  eine Erläuterung von Rechtsanwältin Ellen Rohring 👉Link zu Musterschreiben und Beschluss -------------- ABONNIEREN SIE BITTE UNSERE TELEGRAM KANÄLE: HTTPS://T.ME/MEINEDNEWS HTTPS://T.ME/KACHELKANAL --------------
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MEINE D-NEWS 🇩🇪 🇦🇹 🇨🇭


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Wegen Diffamierung von Heilpraktikern und Homöopathie gerät die Bundesregierung unter Druck - durch die Anfrage des Bundestagsabgeordneten und Arztes Stephan Pilsinger - - Blog über und für Heilpraktiker

Blog über Heilpraktiker und Kampagne gegen sie. Newsblog ist laute Stimme für HPs mit News, z.B. mit Aktion „Mein Heilpraktiker hilft mir“ 💉 🇮🇹 Apulien: In der Region, einer der ärmsten und korruptesten des Landes, sollen die in ihrer Sicherheit, Notwendigkeit und Wirksamkeit höchst umstrittenen HPV-Impfungen in Zukunft bei Einschreibungen in Schulen und Universitäten verlangt werden. "Eine in Italien noch nie angewandte Strategie". 22.5.24
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Papilloma virus, in Puglia il vaccino sarà chiesto a scuola e all’università. “Una strategia mai applicata prima in Italia”

L’obiettivo, spiegano dalla Regione, è di potenziare la rete informativa in modo da “ridurre i non vaccinati alla sola percentuale di …

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The CDC Doesn’t Want You to Hear This Message “Five studies now show” that “children who take no vaccines” are “healthier than the kids who take the vaccines.” This claim comes from renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough. He says unvaccinated kids have lower rates of these diseases. Sound on 🔉 Dr. Peter McCullough is our Chief Scientific Officer of The Wellness Company. Discover how we can enhance your family’s health and help prepare you for whatever comes next. Follow us @TheWellnessCompany
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Diese alte Volksmedizin tötet Antibiotika-resistente Staph-Infektionen (MRSA) - Bereits durch eine Einzeldosis! - ☼ ✿ ☺ Bewusst-Vegan-Froh ☺ ✿ ☼
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Diese alte Volksmedizin tötet Antibiotika-resistente Staph-Infektionen (MRSA) – Bereits durch eine Einzeldosis!

Blätter der Edelkastanie (= Esskastanie) werden seit langem in der traditionellen Volksmedizin zur Behandlung von Hautinfektionen verwendet. Vor kurzem hat eine aufregende Studie von Cassandra...

Repost from Autark Leben
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CBDCs durch die Hintertür | Ernst Wolff Aktuell Indien zeigt, wie man uns das neue Geld aufzwingen will #ErnstWolff
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